Matt and Billy recap the Cats' 100-72 win vs Bucknell.
Welcome everyone.
It is the Local Toy Dealers KSR Postgame Show live from Chicago, Illinois. Kentucky tonight beats but now one hundred to seventy two in a game that really shows the new Kentucky basketball didn't even necessarily play that great and still win by twenty eight. That's what you gotta love. You can give us a shout. I'll go ahead and open up the phone lines eight five to nine, two EIGHTHO twenty two eighty seven.
I am here in Chicago because tomorrow I'm doing ESPN from Soldier Field. It is.
It is rainy and cold here, Billy. You didn't tell me it was gonna be this old in Chicago. I had to watch the second half in Macy's when I went to buy a jacket.
Oh really, well, I don't even gonna need a jacket tomorrow morning, I'm sure.
And uh I did not come prepare, but I did and watch the second half in Macy's. And what I saw, if you're listening to the first half on the drive, was a Kentucky team that continues to impress in different and every time in different ways. Tonight it was rebounding fifty seven rebounds, against buck Now twenty two offensive rebounds. You know, Mark Pope said in the pregame I want if you listen to his pregame interview with Tom Leach, he said, I want to work on offensive rebounding. Well, they come out and get twenty two. Fifty seven is a lot as a team win the rebounding battle fifty seven to thirty five. Tucky makes I guess what, thirteen threes, which is more than they made last game, but shoots thirty six percent, still scores one hundred points. You know, there's a lot of ways you could focus with this team. I'm gonna start big picture, which is I just really enjoy watching this group. You know, as I said, I had to drive up here, so I will listen to the first half, and if you listen to Tom and Jack, you here, especially in Jack, the joy of just watching him play.
There's so much fun. They share the ball.
Like I said, I don't even think they played particularly great tonight, but even in a game where maybe they didn't share it as much. Early in the second half, Kirk Crisa twelve assist. Twelve assist, I mean that kid basically gave up. He's now two games in a row, giving up wide open shots, layups to.
Get pass out to open threes.
This is a team that really seems to enjoy playing together, and they are just a fun, fun team to watch. So that's the number one thing is I look forward to these games. I've talked sometimes about the last few years, you know, I mean I wanted to win, and I love Kentucky basketball. These weren't fun to watch play. This team is fun to watch play. Five guys in double figures. That's the other thing.
I mean, this is a very balanced team.
In the first two games, the leading scorers have been otego Away and Kobe Brea, which if you went into the season and you told me, okay, who are the leading scorers going to be? I think we predicted those two guys would be fourth and fifth on the team in scoring. So we still haven't had Jackson Robinson lead the team in scoring, car Or Butler. So and that all three of those guys will lead the team in scoring at least once. So the varied ways that they can, you know that they can put the ball in the basket.
Kobe Brad six for eight from three. He is shooting.
I know it's two games, but he is shooting eighty two percent from the three point line.
I mean, that's crazy, that's absolutely crazy.
But you talk about a guy, I mean we talked last year some with Antonio and read about guys over the years that you just thought, well, he shoots its end. The student's getting to that level where when he shoots, I just assume it's going in. Mary Williams fourteen rebounds has ends up with the double double thirteen and fourteen.
That's a pretty impressive game. Why did he get that technical? Billy? I couldn't on in Macy's. I couldn't tell why got a technical? Why did he get a technical?
I missed it and the announcing crew kind of missed it too. They just barely caught it afterwards.
So not sure what.
Okay, well, I don't know why I got a technical, But whatever it was, I'm fine with it because he played, he played hard and was exciting. I gotta give my guy, Ansley Almonor credit nine points again, and he's been really good this year. A little bit, I don't want to say a little bit to my surprise, probably a lot to my surprise. So and you know, Jackson Robinson, by the way, led the team in scoring at the end of the first half, finished with fourteen. I mean, he's gonna all year, like, finished with between fourteen and twenty every game, and we're gonna be we won't even mention him because that's just kind of how he plays so overall, I mean, I look, I don't know how great this the Bucknail team is. We'll wait and see, but this Kentucky team is fun and we'll get we will get a real reality check. May not be a check, maybe it'll be happiness, but a reality view of where Kentucky is on Tuesday. You know, our neighbors down the road, Louisville, they got that today. They kind of thought we're back, and then they lost by twenty two today at home to Tennessee, and we're never in the game. I don't think that's gonna happen to us. But it's going to be interesting to watch the game Tuesday because we'll get to see where we are. And I don't I really don't know where it is. I don't know, like I don't know if we win, I don't know if we lose a close game. I don't know if we lose by ten. I don't think we'll get blown out if this team's too experienced. But I really enjoy watching this group. And while you know we're gonna see over time how good they are, I do know this. They are a lot of fun to watch play. And the joy of Kentucky basketball, you know.
It's back. I couldn't tell.
I didn't see a picture of the crowd looked really good to me really on television?
Was it? Did you hear? Was it a really good crowd today? Yeah?
I saw video of it. It looked pretty good. A couple empty seats, but besides that, overall it was good.
Yeah. Our bar was great all day, so I assume that means the crowd was really good there.
Just overall the vibe. Good vibes continue. And now Tuesday, Tuesday's the big one. Tuesday is the one where you know, we find out where is this team?
Is this? Is this a team that's a bubble team? Is this a team that's.
Top twenty five, at the bottom of the top twenty five, or we maybe a top ten team.
I think we'll know on Tuesday at least where we are now. And I kind of.
Think we're more towards eight to ten than twenty three to twenty.
Five and it's you gotta give Mark Pope credit.
I do want to say one more thing about Mark Pope. Because I was driving, I ended up listening to the entire pregame show.
And Mark Pope.
Maybe I just like it because he kind of talks the way I enjoy, but man, I love.
Listening to him.
He in the pregame was talking about Bucknell, and he talked about every player in their eight man rotation, detail about their game, what they were good at, what they tried to do, the way they would attack. And he didn't just say, oh, this is a team that likes to shoot threes in the hustles. He was like number for thirty one. He actually cuts to the basket and you gotta watch his left hand. And I was sitting there thinking, dude, well, even if somebody wrote that down for him, he knows it. And that staff is prepared in a way that is insanely impressive, and you can see it with the results.
They come in with the guy who.
You know is I think scored twenty eight points in his first game in his first team preseason All Conference and he ends up with seven points and they based shut him out. This I don't know what this team's gonna do, but I'll tell you this, they're not gonna be out prepared. And for me, as somebody who likes to think of sports and everything and sort of in part intellectually, this is gonna be the smartest team we've seen in a long time. And that's pretty exciting at least to me. If I'm nine two eight oh twenty two eighty seven, love to hear from you. Like I said, Louisville lost earlier today a Tennessee. Georgia just went down at Old Miss. The only team that can win in Oxford, Oh, you got to be pretty good to win in Oxford.
I think there's only one SEC team that can do it. That's the Kentucky Wildcats.
Yeah, that's even weirder now after this result, don't you worry about it?
We win, Georgia can't do it. We do it on the road. Then you know, big game tonight Alabama LSU.
So a lot of stuff going on and we will take a break and take calls. If I've nine two eight oh twenty two eighty seven from Chicago, Illinois, it's a local.
Toy Dealers KSR postgame show looking back.
It is the local toy Dealers KSR post game show text machine seven seven two seven seven four five two five four. I'll reach you a couple of the uh couple of comments when person writes, Matt great seeing them the team be prepared every game and then coming out.
There and score more, scoring more than ten points in the first ten minutes, that's the truth.
I mean, they didn't even particud, they didn't shoot well early, and they got eight offensive rebounds. I think in like the first six minutes, it's it's nice to see that. It's nice to see again. It's just fun. I mean, look, they're gonna have to win as the year goes on, clearly, but like these games are not a chore to watch. They're exciting to watch. And I think my rule seventy one is not gonna apply to.
This team, Billy.
They score too much, right, Like, I think that rule, which is a college basketball rule, I'm not sure it applies with the Mark Pope Beer.
No, you gotta bump that up. This year.
The number's gone to bump up. I don't know what it'll be, but it's gonna have to bump up. Play too fast.
If you had read and Rob coming off the bench. Last year, it's Kerr and Kobe this year.
Yeah, but Jackson.
But we got some pretty good guys starting to I mean there might be a I mean, who you're gonna take out, you're gonna take out, but you're gonna take out alway.
I don't know who you talk I think what you're gonna see.
Sometimes they might play four perm I mean they might put Bray in and sometimes take Car out.
The only thing, the.
Only Again, I'm I'm nitpicking here because I haven't been down about anything. I thought we'd see a little bit more from Car that's really the But even that's nip picking because he had he's been double figures, so like he can't complain. But see, it's just I don't know, as a Kentucky fan, what more, uh you could hope for? But we get one of the big boys here this week eight five, nine, two, eighth, twenty two eighty seven? Who's up next?
Or first? Drake? How are you? Drake?
How are you?
I'm wonderful what's going on?
I thought I was there at the game tonight and I just thought our defense looked incredible compared to past years with Cal and I just thought that we had our hands up, we were going to the ball. Even off ball, we looked good. I just thought that our defense looked great compared to Coliers.
It's really surprising to me how good the defense is.
I kind of assumed that we were just going to give up a boatload of points, right, which is I don't know why I assumed that, because we have three guys who were first team All Defense in their conferences. So I probably shouldn't have assumed that, but I kind of did. And our defense is really good. I mean, you know, when we go through cold stretches, which we did at times. That has been probably the most surprising thing to me, is how good our defense has been.
Yeah, and I also thought, you know, cry cry little bird. Pat Kelsey lost by twenty.
Yeah, they got the crowd they wanted.
They got that. I appreciate the call. They got the crowd they wanted. They ended up with a good atmosphere. And then I was watching that game while I was eating lunch, and they were down ten to nothing with a snap of a finger, and we're never in it.
I would say this now, They're not as talented.
As we are, so you know, I don't know it's totally fair to compare them because I just don't think they're as good.
But it was interesting watching them, Billy.
They looked to me like a team that when you cut off their threes, they have nothing else they can do, like nothing, And that maybe was what I was worried about with the Pope air, and I don't think that's true. I think we do other stuff, but it is clear Tennessee was like you're not getting open looks from three and they had nothing else they could do, like nothing. I mean, their offense was bad and Tensey didn't play particularly well. Zekaiziger had what eleven turnovers today? Something crazy, and they still want by twenty. So I think a lot of my worries about Pope I actually see in that Pat Kelsey Louisville team. But to be fair, they have a lot less talent than we do. I they really don't have a ton of players. I thought their players were going to be better than they are.
Who's next, Stub, Stub? What's up? Stub?
Oh? Hey man?
So I still haven't not understood why this team was ranked so low, like when they put the roster, when the final roster was put together. And I started watching some of those guys, uh you know, on their you know clips on YouTube whatever. I was like, that's the top ten teams. Yeah, Like, I don't understand why they were rank in the twenties and why they're still ranking the twenties. They're doing everything they need to do. They're destroying all these teams. Now they they might they might come out today night and get beat by twelve or fifteen. I hope they don't. But this is a top ten team. It's a file of four team. I don't I don't understand what well.
I mean, I can tell you why I wasn't sure.
I wasn't sure because I'm not sure that I thought any of these none of these players had been like the primary scorer on a team that had had a ton of success. Now, Lamont Butler was a great player on San Diego State, but I don't think he was the primary scorer. And then Jackson Robinson was the sixth man. He kind of was sort of the score but they of course lost in the first round. So it was just like, it's hard to know. And the other thing is, I think we're conditioned to look at stars, you know what, I mean like recruiting stars in the last fifteen years, and this team's not that. But I'm with you, now that we've seen him play, why not why is this team not top ten or top twelve? I'm with you. Appreciates called. I mean I watched let you Oh, I'm sorry, go ahead finish?
No, go ahead?
Well I'm going I appreciate. Sorry, I appreciate the call. Do I have a delay, Billy? Is that what it is? No?
I think he was he had a little delay.
Okay, all right, Well if if I have a delay, let me know think Okay, yeah, I don't know.
I don't know.
What else do you want? You know, I've watched some of the best teams play. I watched Kansas in North Carolina last night. I watched Tennessee obviously. Today Baylor and Arkansas are playing here in a little bit, you know. I I'm not saying that that we're we're like, take Kansas. Are we better than Kansas?
Probably not? But I mean North Carolina nearly lost to Elon and should have won that game last night at Kansas.
So I don't know, I don't know why we don't have a shot.
I mean, these dudes, sure I don't know that we have a certified pro for sure on the team, but I think every dude on this team that's in the rotation can play.
So that's pretty good. Who's next?
Bluegrass? What's up, Matt?
Can you hear me?
Okay, yes, go ahead, all right?
What I'm talking about?
How about the humility and curiosity and humbleness that Pope keeps talking about? What are the chances that we are way ahead of the curve on the next like elite elite coach.
Well, see, here's the thing that I don't Over the years, you got to know with Cal like you could sort of decipher whether or not he thought his team was really good or.
Not, you know what I mean?
Like you could we started to learn what Cal speak was. I don't know what Pope speak is. So I don't know. Is he always this confident or not? Does he always project this optimism or not? I mean, I don't know, but I will say this, when you listen to him, he projects like he thinks.
This team is really good. And oh, I don't know.
I am all in, absolutely, I'm all in. And you know, eight years from now, will he will We have two national championships and he leaves for the UK Jazz. I don't know, but I'm telling you I'm all in.
Well, I appreciate the call. You know, do we have the next great coach? I don't know.
I will say this, I feel confident, Billy about one thing. I think we have one of the smartest coaches in college basketball. Would you agree with that?
It's hard not to have that takeaway after he I just think.
I mean, I feel like I can judge smart, and he's pretty smart, and I.
Can tell the way he well.
I mean, even if I'm not smarting, I've been around a lot of smart people right in the various things up that dude's a really smart guy. And if we're talking in the basketball coach world, like, I don't know how many basketball coaches I've heard that are more articulate and speak on a higher intellectual level than Mark Pope. I'm sure there are, but I can't think of one. So he's got the intelligence. It looks like he's pretty good at recruiting. I mean, I guess the next he seems to have strategy that's as good, So I guess the next thing is like, let's just watching coach through the year, Billy, But what what else would you want from a coach than what we've seen from Mark?
Right now?
The only thing left is winning, which is, of course probably the most important characteristic.
No, I mean from what he's done from day one, not much more. I mean he's he's games with lesser talent last year too, So.
Yeah, I mean, I really don't know what else you could want at this point. And now, you know, in the next five weeks, six weeks, they're gonna play Duke at Clinton, at Gonzaga, Louisville, and Ohio State. I don't know what his record's gonna be those five games. I think we're gonna know a lot more about what he is as a coach after that. But you know, you can only judge on what's happened, and I don't know how he could have done any better so far.
Who's next, Richard, Richard? Go ahead, Richard.
Hey Man.
Unfortunately I wasn't able to watch the game because it was on ESPM plus.
Yes, it's on the computer that acts.
I'm yeah, and uh, I was talking about Mark Pope being a smart person. Didn't he go to medical school for like two years and decide now I'm gonna be a basketball player.
Did he actually end up It was a year, but did he actually end up going.
I can't remember if he was gonna go and didn't go, or did go and didn't like it, but it was it was something he definitely got into.
I mean scholar. He was a real scholar.
Candidate, which you can't be stupid and be a Rhodes scholar candidate.
So yes, he's clearly very smart.
Yeah, he's very very Can I mention something about college football right now?
I never would have thought that I would.
Actually tune into a Vanderbilt game football game and an Indiana football game.
Yeah, and be.
I mean it's just crazy. It's crazy. I mean, I know Indiana used to play Kentucky back in the nineties, but there was like ten and oh right now, it's crazy. It's crazy.
Yeah, I mean Indiana, listen.
One thing that is clear to me is that the Nile world has made it to where the world is getting flatter. In college football, you can be good. I mean Indiana, I still know how good Indiana is, Billy. I mean, I know they're ten and so they're clearly decent. But today is the first time they've played a team with a winning record, and guess what, Michigan now doesn't even have a winning record.
We don't have any wins over a team with a winning record.
Well, I mean, is it too much to I mean, look, they won tonight, but it was a Michigan team that's been that's five and five played him. Let's I mean, look, they play Ohio State in a couple weeks. We'll know after that, right, if they're in that game, then they but you know, they'll probably play Ohio State and then they may end up. But you know what the best thing could be for them, Billy play Ohio State and lose, then they don't have to play.
In the Big Ten title games.
No, I'm serious, Yeah, I mean play Ohio stateon lose, then Ohio State and Oregon have a rematch in the Big Ten title game.
You don't have to play in it, and you go to the playoff because if you play Ohio State, well, if you play Ohio State and win, then you're probably making the playoff, whether he beat Oregan or not. So chances are very high that Indiana's going to playoff.
Yeah, there's a lot of there's a lot of things for the SEC tie breaker as well, Like it could be a mass I.
Don't know, right, So you got Texas and Texas A and M, and Texas both have one loss, and I think if Tennessee and LSU win a night, they'll all have one loss. Tennessee still has to play Georgia, Texas plays Texas.
A and M. That's like a winner gets in.
So could be six teams at ten and two in the SEC.
Wow, then how do you pick who's in?
I mean, because they probably won't because Ohio State's gonna make it, Oregon's gonna make it, Indiana's gonna make it, and probably Penn State's gonna make it. So we're only gonna get four. So they're gonna have to be four of those six. Probably who's next?
By the way, Mark Pope was about to start his fourth year in medical school at Columbia University.
And oh he did play. He did three years of medical school, yep.
And then he took a twenty four thousand dollars a year job at Georgia as a coordinator.
It's just operations coordinator.
Three years and how for some reason it never processed to me he went to Columbia.
Yeah, that's not a bad school.
That's at school.
Well, that's uh, that's up where I when I would go to New York, that was up there where I stayed.
So uh wow, all right, who's next?
Sosa, Sosa?
What's up?
All right? Look up, guys, And thank you Billy for letting me on.
I appreciate that, of course.
And then yeah, I was gonna touch on the Columbia. Yeah, he definitely wants to Columbia and he just dropped out. That's just that's maddening to me.
But he dropped out of Columbia Medical School. That's uh.
Yes, his parents probably gave him the same Yeah, his parents probably gave him the same mine did. When Billy, when I said I was quitting being a lawyer, yeah, started blog.
Yeah, so that's another nothing of that. And also, as you said, not the nitpick a little. But in my opinion, Williams needs to cut down on his turnovers. And I believe car is just he's just not very good at defense.
He's not a great defender.
He's not a great defense.
Yeah, he's not a great defender. But that's go ahead, no.
Sorry, And last thing, ESBN doesn't pay to fly to Chicago.
Well, I don't love flying. I appreciate the call. I mean I don't.
And it's it's four and a half hours from Louisville by the time Billy, you get to the airport, right, you get through all that, and then the Chicago airport is like an hour drive from downtown in traffic for forty five minutes, I feel like I can get here just as quick driving.
Well, you get your own car too, have your own car, and you know tomorrow I'm going to the game.
The only flight out was like at seven point thirty, and I thought, man, I'll kind of be pushing it and I want to enjoy my experience. So I was like, you know what, I'll just drive come back Monday, plause I like driving.
It's peaceful to me and get to be off my phone. Who's up there.
I'm glad you got a coke, though you're probably gonna need that.
How did I not think it would be cold?
I don't know November.
I mean it's it's really cold and it's rainy, and then of course the Bears game that's on the lake. Yeah, so it's gonna be even colder and my show is outside tomorrow. How did I not think it would be cold anyway, Go ahead, Dale, Dale?
How are you? Dale?
What's up, Matt?
What's going on?
I had to take my earbuds out, man.
Sorry, we'll take your time.
Yeah, well I got you now. But I'll tell you I don't think I've called a basketball postgame show before, but I'm really loving art cope and the nostalgia from the nineteen nineties. The way this team's playing in I don't think anybody can be critical right now. You know, if they if they go.
When they lose to Duke, that's fine that, you know what. They're not gonna get blown out by Duke Orley.
I don't think so. No, I don't think so. I would be very, very surprised if that happened. I I you know, look, Duke's very young. I mean, Duke's got more on paper talent than us, but they're very young. So I mean, look, I don't know what's gonna happen Tuesday night, but I would be the only result that would surprise me is either team blowing the other one out. I think the game is gonna be ten to twelve points either way, and it wouldn't shot me if we won, It wouldn't shot me.
If we lost. But yeah, I'd be surprised.
I think this team is not the kind team that's gonna get blown out by a bunch of freshmen.
I just don't think so well.
They're They're like Mark Ben, you know, I mean, these guys are grown up, and the more time that goes on during this season, they're they're going to build a bond, so to speak, throughout the year. And I'm trying to keep, you know, my expectations tempered, but I it's hard not to get excited about this team and this coach and everything they got going on.
Yeah, well, I appreciate the call, Billy. Will you pull up from from my Twitter the Kerr Crease a quote about Cooper flag?
Yes, yeah, I know, the play it.
This is great. We'll play it after the after the next call.
Yeah, I don't I'd be shocked if we got if we got blown out. I think we have a little bit of an inferiority complex going into this game, in part because the jersey says Duke, and we're like two to nine against them since nineteen ninety you know, we've only beaten them twice. We talked about that nineteen ninety eight and then the Jamal Murray team. So part of it is that, part of it is that they've got the kind of talent on paper that we have had in the year's past, and that on paper we don't have this year. So I think that gives it a little bit. And then there's also not one to get our hopes up. But these are grown men we have. These are not kids, they are men, And I don't know, I feel good about it.
Who's next?
You want to hear the quote, Yeah, so this is kerk Creasa was asked, you talk about a dude that likes to talk trash. He was asked about the fact that we're playing Duke and what he thought.
It's gonna be exciting, you know, probably more exciting for fans, you know, fans like to do to do Kentucky matchup, but you know, for us, it's another game. Obviously, the whole world is talking about Cooper Flag. So I'm excited to play against the number one draft pick.
So congrats to him.
Already excited.
You gotta love that, right, Congrats to him already.
The sarkas them just dripping off his lips right there.
Hello, we'll do one more. We'll take a break who's next?
Okay, Chad, Chad?
How are you? Chad? Eight five nine twenty two eighty seven. Yeah, I'm good.
I'm I'm out here in Chicago where you're at.
And I just got a question. Why didn't you interview for the head coaching job in Kentucky?
If you know everything? Well I did. They didn't take my application? Yeah, I would have either, So I mean, what are you just like a hater? What's your deal? Like? You don't?
I mean, I'm a hater on you?
I love you, k God, let me.
I will tell you.
I will tell you something interesting because and I'll leave you on to hear this. You know, we must be doing a good job where you hate me and you still gotta listen.
And not only do you have to listen.
No, I love Kentucky.
I appreciate you have to not only listen, but you have to call. If that's not rent free, then I don't know what it is. I do like being in your city, though. If I'm nine two eight oh twenty two eighty seven, We're gonna take a break.
This is the Local Toy Dealers KSR postgame Show Wartermack.
It is a Local Toy Dealers KSR post game show. If I'm nine two eight oh twenty two eighty seven, uh text machine seven seven two seven to seven four five two five four. One person writes, Matt, I don't understand how Billy let that caller through. You should get mad at I tell Billy though, don't screen the calls. I want people to Uh. I like to see whatever people will say, so, you know, I mean, and how's he gonna know?
He could go? Are you calling to say, Matt Jones? Uh sucks? And if he wasn't, then like he could just lie. So I don't know.
I don't know what people sometimes say we screen calls, Billy. I don't even know how you would screen calls. People would just lie to you about what they want to talk about anyway.
Yeah, you know, I make sure there's not too many frequent callers.
But for what you.
Want, you try to spread it around. Yeah.
I don't ask you that.
One person writes, Matt, are you gonna watch Baylor Arkansas? What's on right now? I just noticed and I just turned it on. Baylor's up sixteen eleven? Yeah, of course I want to see how it goes. You know, Baylor got destroyed by Gonzaga destroyed. So if they beat Arkansas, that would be interesting to tell us about kind of where Arkansas is vis a vive when we play Gonzaga here in a.
Couple of weeks.
What about the story about Auburn, by the way, getting in a fight on the plane.
Oh my god, it incredible, amazing the audio from the plane and the pilots and.
The pilots, and then like you know, they did the two people that got in a fight.
They left them. Yeah, there at Auburn.
So now I'm sitting here right, so I'm sitting here watching And again I'm not trying to be a hater, but if you're watching this game, you just saw the possession.
I just saw. Deler went to a two three zone and.
Arkansas literally just passed it around the three point line and didn't move inside one time and didn't run one movement.
I think we've seen that because it familiar. It looked very looks very familiar. They just stood outside the three. They're doing it again. They're just all right, the ball still.
Not inside the three point line, and then they just take another three and miss it again.
Unbelievable. Those last two possessions compare that to what happened today. All right, who's up next? Uh?
Ron is next?
Ron? Go ahead? Rod?
Hey Man, love your show. I can't really, you know, say much more than what everybody else has said. Man, this this, this coach of this team has just got everybody really fired up, you know. And I think we got our swagger backs. But I have one complaint.
I don't think that.
I think that we need to get our swagger back as the cheerleading National Championship, the teams that we had ever since that coach got fired.
We just haven't.
We haven't had it.
I just I'm all about bringing back the naked basket tosses and the liquor cabs.
Well, uh, you know, they haven't had as much success since the since I guess J Moe was gone.
I will tell you former cheerleaders.
I wandered into one time, Billy, a former cheerleader reunion party at the bar bar in Lexington. And you talk about a group of people not happy, well, no, just not happy about the change in coaching. Oh uh so, I mean, I I admit I don't I don't follow closely enough. I don't even know who the coach is right now. But uh, you know, hopefully they can get back to winning winning titles.
Who's up next, Martin Martin, go ahead, Martin.
Hey Man, first time all the time?
Who are.
I don't have much to say other than this is the first time I got to go see the Cats play in person, or even at all. I just haven't had a chance to. But Kerkkrisa might be my favorite player on the team. Like watching him just play is awesome, Like he he can score, but man, I mean twelve assists that that was awesome. And then also I just want to.
Don't you also just love his don't you just love his swagger too? Like he's just like his home to mean or the lookaways? And what I like about the lookways is he actually threw one that got deflected. But I like that Mark Pope lets him do it because he's gonna have one that ends up in a turnover. But I think that the positives outweigh the negatives. And I like that Mark Pope lets him be himself. I think that's really cool.
Yeah, he was awesome to watch. And then I just want to add Mark Pope is just probably nicest guy in the world. My daughter had the opportunity to get her ball signed by him tonight, and yeah, he couldn't be a nicer guy.
But that's all I got. Mat.
I appreciate it, appreciate the call when we started this postgame show, which I guess was like, well, I'm on Central time, so I guess it was six ' ten central, so seven to ten Eastern. Mark had been done with his postgame comments with Tom Leachs for twenty five minutes, and I got a text message right as we were starting from someone who was still at the game that said he was still out on the court billy signing people's signing autographs.
Seems like he was good.
That was a good twenty to twenty five minutes after he had finished his comments. You know, by the way, we had a caller Minnego say that the nineties nostalgia they like.
This will give you an example of that.
This guy wrote me, I guess he buys up online, billy.
Like old like nineties UK gear.
I didn't know there was that much of that stuff out there, but he's bought a I think he can't. He asked me if he could come to the bar and sell it today and then like, you know, give us a percentage and I said, you know, sure, I had no idea if anyone would care. He brought like one hundred and twenty pieces of memorabilia or one hundred or something. He sold like seventy five percent of it, Billy for like over like something like three thousand dollars worth.
Of nineties memorabilia he sold today just standing at our bar.
That gives you a sense, Billy, of how much people want it, you know what I mean, Like that that sort of nineties nostalgia.
About the program.
You know, there were people like buying everything he had, and it's all kind of that sort of go back to the nine.
Yeah, right from the beginning when Pope came off that bus with all his former teammates, like, it's just it's the thing right now.
So I kind of wondered if, like I was like, all right, man, if you want to do it, that's fine. No, you know, no skin off my back. And next thing, you know, dude sells a ton of It's good for him. Who's next?
I think it's Frankie.
Frankie, go ahead, Frankie, it's frank Giving. Hey, I appreciate you taking my call. Matt, Listen. I didn't understand and why that one caller was giving you a lot of a lot of a lot of bad stuff. But listen, this team is amazing, Kobe Bray and every.
One of them.
Kirk krk charisma, he is the man. My number seventy seven is one that we need to keep on that team at all times.
What do you think right well?
I think he needs to play about like he's plays because I think he's a great change of pace. I think it's easy to overlook what Lamtt Butler does when he's in because his I don't think people like it's you have to focus on what a good defender he is because he's an amazing defender. But Kerrs assists and he gets the ball going, and I think they give that's a great one too, one two punch and I do.
Love and I appreciate the call.
I don't know if he did it on purpose, but k charisma.
I like that name, Billy, that is what we should call him.
I don't know if he did that on purpose, but kerk karisma, I like that.
Who's up next? Dan? Is next? Dan? Go ahead?
Hey Matt, how are you good to talk to you? Thanks for taking my call. Longtime listener, long long time listener, first time caller. First thing wanted to know, are you guys going to be at the bar Monday for your morning show?
No, we will not, actually because I'll still be here.
So we will be Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, but we will not be there on Monday.
Okay, We've been trying to get down there to see you.
I'm sorry, I guess day. So you probably will find another Yeah, please do, We'll find.
Another time, you know. The thought of the fellow that sold all that UK memorabilia brings to mind that maybe a good idea for a fundraising activity for a worthy charity. You guys could solicit UK memorabilia and hold a big auction down there, and who knows races a lot.
I don't know. I anybody will give it away though I feel like I felt I would be glad to do that.
But I feel like everybody wants.
Everybody's gonna want it because, like you know, a lot of specially the old stuff. Like I'd forgotten how cool some of that old ninety stuff was until I saw his pictures of what he had. So those jackets, remember those slid jackets that came out with all the things that was kind of cool.
Go ahead, yep.
We've got a nineteen ninety six ball that was signed by the whole team, including Patino. We donate that and heartbeat.
For the room.
Well, maybe we'll figure out something like that going to in the future. That's a good idea.
Love the show. You guys mean a lot to folks here in the state and us. You've helped us get through some difficult times in our history, both inside sports and out. So keep up the good work and we will get down there to see you guys. You'll you'll know who we are when we come through.
Thank you very much. Appreciate it, sir, and I hope I hope you will. If I'm nine two eighth twenty two eighty seven, Billy, it's twenty one to fifteen Baylor, Arkansas, Oh for nine from three point land. I've now watched five possessions where Baylor was in two three zone and a half court said they've put it inside the three point line once of those fives, and they did score on that when they gave it to a due and he drove down and U scored.
So yea.
If I'm nine two eight oh twenty two eighty seven, let's do Who's next, Zach, Zach?
What's up? Zach?
Hey man heading back from the game on the right, back to Harlan. I took my three year old son to the game. He he fell asleep on me. But we'll we'll give it another go around our next try. He fell asleep at the game, Yeah, yeah, he of course, two and a half hour drive on the way up, he refused to take a nap, so he got his ice cream and he it hit the spot.
At least he got his ice cream, right, Yeah, as we had a good time.
Good on our way up. I got to catch up on some of the podcast episodes, and I think you need to just drop everything else that's on your plate right now and create a Matt Jones Bachelor version for all of these older women that are coming out of the woodwork to have offered a cook for you.
Now, hang up.
Remember we did that on Hey Kentucky. It was a parody. I appreciate the call, but uh, that was did you ever see when we did that? Now?
Yeah, I wanted it was it was, it was. It was ridiculous. We were trying to do a bachelor parody. But that's a lot.
That that that's a lot more undertaking than you would think. First of all, just finding the women to do it, and then like it was just organizing it. And I don't even necessarily think it was very funny, although we did have it was great that there was one woman in there that was like seventy along with all these other women, and then Ryan Lemon's wife at the time them like it was just it was absolutely ridiculous. But you know, good times back when we were trying to do a television show. If I'm nine, eight oh twenty two eighty seven, let's do one more and then we'll take a break.
Who's nat Allison?
Alison? How are you al.
I'm great, man. You kind of already touched a little bit on what I was gonna mention, just about Coach Pope staying after the game, just signed the balls, and it's just really nice to have a coach that finally gets it and gets the fan base. And I'm sure there was not one single complaint about a dimple doll. That's all I got gokat.
Yeah, no, I mean he also he gave away tickets.
If you didn't hear the post game, he asked like a, I mean you want to talk about.
Like such an intellectual thing to do.
He asked a math question and the person that got it right, he gave him UK tickets.
Yeah, he was like, yeah, I mean literally.
He asked a math question and then gave tickets out. Like I have to say, you know, I mean, I don't know if they drew up a coach just hoping i'd like him. I'm sure that's not the case, but I think that's what happened, because like he's smart, he's gotta got a sense of humor, he's crazy optimistic, he's just.
A little bit older than I am, and like he gets the fan base. So just win and this is gonna be like perfect.
We'll take a break A five, nine, two eighth, twenty two eighty seven, We'll come back.
Final seven segment. It's a Local Toy Dealers KSR post game walking back.
It is a Local Toy Dealers KSR post game show, Billy. They may end up winning the game because they got good players, but watching our saw try to navigate this zone is unbelievable. Like if it wasn't for a dude, they might not score. Like a dude's actually playing really well.
Could you imagine doing a whole another year of this.
Like it's really unbelievable. Like they it's like they just don't even know what to do.
I mean. Now they got great athletes and good players, so they might come back, I mean.
But but like they just they get every shot they get is a bad shot, and you know, and then get they get out on a fast break.
That's the way they have a chance to score.
After this is over, Billy, I'm going out to watch the night games with with Myron and my my big ESPN boss, Like he's here. So so like he used to be like like have a job that was two parts. One was like running the programming but also being a producer, you know, like you yeah, and now he's the Big Boss. But this was his last producing assignment, was doing this one. So he's here, and so like I've got to go socialize and so like you know, I'm trying to get my mind mindset to just me and Myron and the Big Boss like out on the town.
So well, if you can't think of anything to talk about, you can throw my name in there, maybe get me a job.
At What.
Would I say about you, I've.
Got another talent If you're looking to Uh oh.
You think you want to be on the air. You want me to like get him to put you on the air.
Yeah, yeah, I think this is a perfect time to bring that.
Honestly, you think tonight's to night.
Yeah, like the first time I've ever like spend a lot of time with him socially.
You think this is the this is the time to.
Talk to Well, if there's a lull in the conversation, maybe you go with that.
Just put that, gotcha? Okay?
I do, by the way, you know, say whatever else. I'm happy for a due. Dude's playing great. Good for you.
Who's next? Mark? Mark? Go ahead? Mark? Hey man, what's up?
Did you realize I didn't even realize until this week that college basketball allows no above five?
Yeah, that just changed.
I think that changed. I think that changed last year. So yeah, it's it doesn't that's a very new thing.
Are there? Go ahead?
Did you take the Did you take the Dan Ryan today?
No, there was a wreck. I had to drive through Gary, Indiana.
Like through the town, but I got here. There was a wreck on the Dan Ryan.
Well, every time I've gone on there, it's like there's people with their windows down all times. Of the year and they're changing lanes at like eighty five miles an hour.
Yeah, pretty interesting drive.
Well, I appreciate the call. I like it.
I have to tell you this, and I'm not saying this to make fun. I'm really not because I think it's really sad. But if you've been to Chicago, there's like two parallel Interstates eighty and ninety, and most people go on eight, but you can go ninety. And I missed the turn billy for ninety because and there was a wreck on eighty. So like my map was like you got to go through downtown Gary, Indiana anyway.
Well, you know that's everybody's reaction to Gary, Indiana, right.
Yeah, at one point, Gary, Indiana had like one hundred and seventy five thousand people, and now it's got like sixty thousand people. I have to tell you the street that took me from eighty to ninety in downtown Gary, Indiana. I'm not that might it might have been the saddest street I've ever been on it in my life. Like you can tell that was a city that once was like vibrant and billy. Every building is empty, every single building, there's not a person anywhere it's it was I think it's Broadway.
It was like.
It was one of the saddest things I've ever seen. Like it wasn't I did. It didn't feel dangerous.
It was just empty.
Like imagine a street that's just completely empty and every building abandoned. That's what it was like. I'm not trying to be a bummer on a positive night, but it really was.
Who's next, Kevin? Kevin? Go ahead, Kevin. We'll do four more after this and calling a night. Who's up? Go ahead, Kevin.
I am a very long time mostly podcast listener, going back to way you did your table TV shows when I first started listening, first time.
Caller, who are well, what's up? Well, so you go back to do you go back to the Johnny the Freak Show or KStV or Hey Kentucky, which.
One mean Hey Kentucky And there's like four people that watch that show, so I would have been impressed.
But go ahead.
Yes, I work at ups during the day sort and so I've always had to listen on podcasts, but I've been pretty faithful, sir. I appreciate your show. I've learned so much from uh your the way you think the way you rationalize and logically break things down. I appreciate your show. I appreciate your team. Everyone is doing excellent as far as basketball, yes sir, yes, sir, as far as UK basketball. It looks like we're done watching a chess match at the end of the game. Every game now the coach Kyler Perry is at Arkansas, so I am so in love with well.
Actually, I think we are watching that. I think we are watching a chess match.
I think we're watching now a coach think like it's not I always felt like before we were watching a chess match sometimes when we were playing checkers. I think we're watching a chess match and we're playing chess, and I actually think that's gonna be fun. We'll see that more when we get because John Shire at Duke is very smart too. It'll be interesting to watch them go at each other.
Yes sir, yes sir. Thank you all that you do. And yeah, thank you sir for your show.
Appreciate the call there you go. Yeah, I'm it's thirty three twenty two Baylor.
I see.
I don't understand not Baylor is pressing. Why would you press? They've already shown they can't do anything in the half court. Why would you press anyway? Who's up next?
Should have asked them not to play zone?
Is what they Okay, now they're back to zone. They're in one three one.
Let's see if they real quick, let's just see, Billy, if they crossed the three point line. Uh, still outside the three point line? Still outside the three point line. DJ Wagner drives in, throws it out, still outside the three point line, and they turn it off. All right, I'm not kidding you. I just did that live. That's exactly that. That's exactly what happened, right, Who's.
Next, Gershon?
Go ahead? Gershon? I'm doing good.
Has anybody told you you go mad? Hookup on your.
Is it not good? Is it not good?
No, it's not. It's cutting out about ever too sick?
Oh I'm sorry. Okay, well that might that might be part of the problem.
Real quick, you can you can still you know what's being said. But I mean there's a little breaking but over two seconds.
Thank you, Gershon, I'm on, stand up. That'll make it better. Go ahead.
Isn't this a breath of fresh air? Though?
Without question, it's just it's just a lot of fun. Now, Gershon, You've been around a long time. We gotta win or none of this will matter. But right now, I don't know that you could ask for it being any better.
I would agree, but I think it's going to get better. I really do.
The both.
I've called back and let me ran on Keli Perrie last year.
Well, well, Gersha, and I appreciate it. Thank you for your call. I mean, I agree, it's it is. It is a breath of fresh air. And don't get me wrong, like when Cal got here, that was a breath of fresh air. But you need change, and this is a really different and for me, really exciting kind of change.
Billy is am I breaking up?
You know, I don't want to say Gershon doesn't know what he's talking about, but I think we're okay right now.
All right, Well, I'm standing up. I'm on like the twentieth floor of a building, so that's probably part of it. But I'm standing up and standing right next to the window, so hopefully that'll help.
Who's that doing good?
Doing good? How are you?
I'm doing good?
How about yourself?
Doing great?
Fantastic? Hey, I was gonna call him something kind of boring. I'm just going to talk about how Patino, count Party and now Hope were the perfect coaches at the perfect time, et cetera. But I was looking forward to kind of relaxing, listening to the postgame show and then watching some football and basketball tonight.
But that one caller that called.
In really took me off.
That was a complete cheap shot.
If you don't have any more guts and yous than call somebody over with the phone and say something completely rude like that, I mean, that's pretty pathetic. I hope you know that that you the staff the show, you guys have done so much good for the entire state. You've You've really helped to unite the fan base. You keep the show moving. I don't know if he's ticked off because you had to, you know, cut him off one day. Whatever his issue is, please ignore that because I know for a fact the majority of Big Lee Nation out there sincerely appreciates not just what you do, but you know, the entire KSR crew does. I think we've got the I've had the chance to travel all over the US. I've heard a bunch of different you know, postgame shows and stuff like that for different fan bases. This is absolutely by far the best one of the United States. So thank you for all that.
You guys do.
That's very kind of you. Thank you. I appreciate the call.
Look, it's very nice of you and those of you writing the text machine saying stuff. It's also very nice. I appreciate it, you know the unfortunately, like I'm kind of used to that. It's been like that with random people for the last few years. I think a lot of it. It's usually one of two things. It's usually something having to do with the col situation or people who you know, it's the cal Stoops thing, or it's the political part. But I also know that like the positives far outweigh that so and the people that like it are infinitely nicer, and there's more of them.
So, but I do appreciate it. Who's up next, Billy? Two more?
Hunter? Go ahead? Hunter?
Hey, how you guys doing night?
What's up?
Two things? First thing, I don't know if you saw this, but BYU is actually doing an NIL experience where they rented out a cruise and they're putting a bunch of active coaches and former players. Do you think Kentucky should do something similar? And if so, what players or coaches would you want on it?
And then the next that's a very cool idea, by the way, I didn't know that. That's a really cool idea and I think would be very very successful here. I mean, you know, many years ago, when we weren't nearly as popular as we are now, we did a KSR cruise and it was successful. I am sure if UK did it with former players and coaches, I think it would absolutely do massive amounts.
That's a really creative idea by Buyu.
And then the next thing is looking forward to this duke game. I'm really excited to watch it. What's your percentage chance we're gonna win that game? I'm gonna hang up you guys, have a great night, Go cups.
That's a great question. Well, first of all, I guess you would say, what will the spread be? You know, I think it's hard to know. Do you know that Louisville was the favorite today Billy against Tennessee. Yeah, I bet Tennessee got plus one oh six money line.
I couldn't believe it.
I thought Tennessee was gonna be like a seven or eight point favorite, And then I was thinking about betting Louisville saying, Wow, they'll keep it closed.
I'm really really surprised, But so I don't know.
I would say, if I were to guess, I think Duke will be like a five six point favorite. I would put Kentucky's chance of winning at forty percent. If you had asked me at the beginning of the year, I would have said twenty.
But we're better than I thought.
And even then I feel being a little conservative because I I just think we're pretty good and they're young. Now you gotta prepare yourself for something. I'm gonna go ahead and prepare everybody because that game has always been a showcase for us in the way ESPN covers it. We always play at nine thirty. I can't even remember Billy Us ever playing the first game. Yeah, what's the deal? I think we did like once. I think maybe your MAXI went off. We played the early game, but in general now actually we played the late game that too. I think we're always the late game. But that broadcast is gonna be centered around Duke because of Cooper Flew. Understandably, Duke, ESPN is going to center their college basketball covers this year around Cooper Flag the way they did Zion the way they did twenty fifteen with US, twenty twelve with Anthony Davis. So it's gonna be interesting because everything's gonna be about that and then you're gonna have US, and it's gonna be a completely different process than it usually is. And uh, I'm excited to watch it. I'll be honest with you. Who's up next?
Rooney? Rooney? Go ahead, Rooney.
Hey man, I hate to be the last call that I This is gonna be probably uh not that great. So I started my today at U Club playing golf, and my plan was to come home watch UK game. I could not get logged into my SEC Plus account, so I listened to it on the radio and uh that on college football by Punning. But my point is, it's so weird right now to watch Cal in a red coat and all of our players in red uniforms and I and I bet against them, and I hope they lose. But it's just it's just it's just it's like it's so weird just to see it.
It is weird. You're exactly right, weird, it's completely weird.
And uh, it's it's you know, it's exactly it's weird. And like I'm watching them, and I'm watching us like they are now coming back.
They've cut it to two.
They've cut it to two by by pressing and like by athleticism with steels like it's it's like watching us.
The last few years. You're exactly right. I appreciate the call.
It is very weird watching them, But you know what's not weird is watching a Kentucky team that's fun, that's exciting, that loves the uniform, a coach that loves this place, and that I'm really hoping has an awesome season and I think.
Can have an awesome season. Thank you all very much for sticking with us Tomorrow. If you're in Chicago and you're.
Not that guy Billy that was in Chicago, come to Soldier Field. It's gonna be cold, I think, but Gate zero I'll be there with Byron and then I'm gonna do the show here in Chicago Monday, so Ryan will be in studio. Drewis in New York, so Roin will be in studio. I'll be in Chicago, and then we will be there Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.
Make plans.
Tuesday night, we're doing a welcome back UK basketball party for the Duke game at Ksbar. We got stuff to give away. DraftKings is doing something special for people who are there. So I know it's late, but I promise you it's gonna be fun because I think that Duke game is really one of those like here we go, UK basketball is back moments. Thanks to Billy for hanging with us. I will see you Monday morning. This has been the local Toy Dealers KSR postgame show. Cats win again will be well, there you go, We'll see you later