Matt, Ryan, Drew, and Shannon talk UK Football and take your show topic suggestions.
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Welcome to our or two of Kentucky Sports Radio present it by Stockton Mortgage. Now Here's Matt Jones.
Watermac I renumber two Kentucky Sports Radio a FM nine two eight oh twenty two eighty seven. Text machine is seven seven two seven seven four five two five four we one person rights, So this is you can any topic, right, Yes, one person rights. I would like to know if the four of you donate to NIL at Kentucky. Uh, well, answer for myself first. No, But I also do a lot of free things for the Nile. So there are a lot of the promotion that I do, uh not not all of it, but a lot of the promotion I do is free when we do events, and a lot of you know, of that stuff is That's kind of what I consider my donation. Also, I think on under ESPN rules, I cannot donate, but I also think listen to some extent, you need some level of objectivity in this and if you're donating money for me at least, I'm not what about you?
I do not donate, but I do buy a lot of the Club Blue and Il beers here at Kasbarn Grille. That's my contribution. No, you're basically paying for UK sports. Yeah, I feel like, yes, what about you?
I've not joined anything or given like a big donation. But I bought a lot of the beer done, some of the bourbon raft, some one off things here and there.
Yah, I'm not even asking Shannon.
Shannon's not donating anything.
There's no charity, there is no organization upon If I were to run for office, I do not think that would donate to me.
Shannon would say, I like you.
Yeah, I would donate to you.
One person writes, Matt, you said your car had over two hundred thousand miles. I'm kind of surprised. Why don't you just go and get a new car. I kind of like mine.
That's the same part of why I don't buy a house or cars.
I'm worried to buy the wrong one, you know what I mean, and decisive if I'm a little indecisive, Like even last night, I was looking at houses and I was like, well, but that.
One I don't like the door handle. Wow, I feel like the house next door is too close.
And then you know, I just so you know those things, That's probably what indecisiveness. This car I have has two hundred and five thousand miles. It keeps going. I'd like to get a new one, but it'll take me a week. Just to clean it out.
That's a fact.
You are kind of, you know, a creature of habit. You've kept your place in Louisville forever, kept two different places here in lection since I've known you both, kept them for a long time. You've had this car forever.
Yeah, well, one day, one day, one day, at forty six, I'll commit. You know, I don't know what this waiting for the right time. I don't know what that day will be, Shannon, I thought of you. I don't want to get into the seriousness of the topic, but I have to tell you I thought of you when I saw the story that in the Hesbola their pagers blew up.
Do you know this story? Shitn ye.
I saw it on the news this morning.
They say that is Hesbela says Israel did it. I don't know any of the geopolitical stuff, but I have to tell you I thought of you because it's kind of crazy. Basically Hesbola, this this you know, Middle Eastern group ordered pagers. I didn't know people still use pagers except you know, in on the wire, but ordered twenty seven hundred pagers that went to all of their members. Somehow some entity infected the pagers. I mean, this feels like a Netflix series to me. Somehow they inflicted the pagers and they set it to where at some point, Shannon, someone would send a text or a page to all the pagers which would ignite a little explosive which would explode the pagers in their head. They said, like fifteen p they know are dad twenty seven hundred injuries? You know, without commenting on whether it's the right thing whatever, It's crazy to me, Shannon, you can you can do that that. You could like have it to where a page gets sent and they all explode.
First why it is crazy? But I want to know, like, why did you think of me in this at all?
I just felt like, like you it's wild?
Yeah, for sure, Wow, isn't it?
Yeah? I mean who knew that you could do that?
I had no idea, Like that sounds like something I would see on a B level Netflix movie.
And you get that could happen.
You can't, You couldn't set pagers to explode on a on a particular page being sent, But Drew, apparently you can.
And I that blew my mind that that could happen. There's a new update. I was just reading during the break as of ten minutes ago today. I guess they switched to walkie talkies and the walkie talkies exploded. No way goodness, so they got the way talkies too. That that right on all the big news sites.
So how you wonder a how did they put whatever it was in there?
Like presumably they order them from a company.
Yeah, you don't have to for it to be all of them. It seems you have to get in at the factory. You have to get in at the factory. It's now starting to tell as an inside job. If they got their pagers, now they've got their walkie talk.
Please don't guess. I mean, I love you, but we have no idea. But just isn't it I mean, that's.
That would just seem like some innocent on your body. That's just crazy to me.
I didn't realize that could even just so just in theory, could there be something one day someone puts on our phones?
You think so that could do the same thing.
Yes, and there's no way we would know no, right.
That's what I'm saying.
It's a scary thought. I mean, forget about this.
If the technology is capable on something as old school was a pager then on a phone. In theory they could set and of course clearly a theory it could be set to where you know, somebody in filtrates an iPhone factory in China and all of our phones explode.
Next level terrorism that hopefully we never reach.
But like, I just didn't even think that was a thing that literally Again, they don't know for sure, but there was a guy on the BBC saying he that the technology is such he believes it was sent a text or a page sent to all of them, and when your pager got that, it activated a trigger that made it explode.
I mean, that's a pretty elaborate scheme somebody set up to have that pay all those pagers set to go off when they sent that one page out.
But actually it does literally scare me.
I just threw my phone in the garbage. That's a lot for that.
Because we all.
Carry this around, we just assume the safety of it, you know, we just assume. I've talked about with TikTok, we are voluntarily me included, all giving our private information to China. I mean all of us, everyone on everyone on TikTok is doing that. Whether you realize it or not, you are giving all of your private information to a foreign country and saying here you go, have it right. And now the idea that a phone that is made in a place that we don't know really could explode in your hands. Yeah, I don't know, man. It just freaked me out a little bit. You can't sit and worry about it. You got to live your life. But that's crazy. Yeah, crazy that. Now we got walkie talkies after the pagers.
That's what's scary, man.
They radio shack. They just go get all the old technology. It's gonna be VCRs next. Unbelievable. Who's up next?
Tim? Go ahead, Tim?
Hey, how y'all doing good? Big fan of the show. Talking about them pagers a little bit worse. I have another question for you, though, But talking about them, give you a little understanding about it. Apparently, from what I heard, Israel had intercepted because Hesbela had to do away with their cell phones because they was being tracked.
Okay, got you. I don't want to I don't want to get into the specifics of the war.
Talking about Apparently apparently what had happened was is they intercepted it and they put these little explosive devices in there and that's how it got But it kind of makes you think that one day, can technology kill us all?
You know, It kind of really makes.
You think about it.
Will I don't.
It sounds like a black Mirror episode, but I think it's actually legit.
But go ahead.
So, but my question, the reason why I called was, and it's one of a political nature. But I've always enjoyed your show. I've listened to your show, and I'm independent. I've probably voted for more Democrats than I have Republicans, but I've always found it awful strange whether you're black or white, female or male, Republican or Democrat. I kinda I kind of how is it possible for a person that could ever become president that didn't go through the primary process, that didn't get any votes?
And I appreciate the call the hand heart.
Again, this is not about your political uh position as a As a legal matter, yes, as to whether or not you want to vote for him, that's your decision, and I'm not trying to to sway you one way or there. But as a legal matter, yes you can. And I explained that the other day about conventions, and that's how you end up picking candidates. Who's up next? Les, Evan, go ahead, Evan, Matt.
I got a simple question for you. I'm going to be in Louisville tomorrow evening for for work. Gonna have a few hours to kill love. Just one restaurant, maybe one place to go after thank you so much?
Really in Louisville, what kind of what kind of food do you like? Though?
You gotta give me that kind of food that Louisville, Scott and everything you could possibly want.
I'll say Indian, since it is your favorite.
Indian is easy doction. It doesn't look like much. Okay, that's a good size. It doesn't look like much, but the best Indian food in Kentucky is docs off Bardstown Road out towards Fern Creek. That's where you want to go.
Trust me.
Now, it doesn't look like much, and when you go in there, it may just be Indian people in you. But that's a good sign. That means it's good. That's right, that means And it's small. It only has like twelve tables, but I would say.
Those are usually the best places. Anyway you've taken me.
It's an old shopping an old shopping center, like next to a broken down fitness place that it literally has you know what I'm talking about ship one trent mill and one you know bench press with half the weights off of it. And then there's a grocery store, and then I mean it's it's there's a cigarette shop.
But I'm telling you it's it's it's where it is.
The only thing about the place I find odd is when you walk in, there's a there's a picture Shannon of the President of India had visited Louisville and they brought him there to eat. If I'm the President of India and I've come and visit Louisville, do not take me to an Indian restaurant.
You know what I'm here, I'd like to eat something else.
Isn't like us going over there and eating McDonald's.
Yeah, it would be like us going to It would be like us going to India and they're like, would you like some Kentucky fried chicken and bourbon?
And it's like, no, I'm in India.
I want to eat the food in India that always found it weird.
Go ahead, who's next?
Doing good?
Doing good? Eight five nine two eighty seven, Go ahead, sir.
Guys, I'm practicing a safe phone call, so I've got it as far away from my ear as possible.
I think you might have to.
Man, I'm a little bit worried that it sounds like you may have passed on the house because of the the the.
Door, the handle.
That's a little warrior.
I was listening to the pre show though, the reason that I called, and Shannon was talking about having Billy confidence, basically an international confidence, being able to perform a sport or a task that you have absolutely no evidence of that you could actually accomplish that. And I was wondering, what's something that you guys would have Billy confidence in?
Yeah, Billy confidence is with Billy. Billy believes he can do anything, which I give him a lot of credit for.
I appreciate the call. I think I have.
I would have Billy confidence about like finishing an intellectual task, but a task with my hands, I would have whatever the opposite is of Billy confidence, I can't do anything.
You go, Yeah, mine's actually topical. New season of Survivor starts to night. I would one Survivor anyway I would. I'd be the overwhelming favorite.
You would have no chance. I would be the overwhelming favorite. But you can't do all that. You can't build a raft. You don't have to build a raft in survivor. I feel like you do. I've seen a lot of sea has not seen one raft built. It's a lot of social mad, it's a lot of relationships.
Yeah, so I'm I'm clearly over confidence your survivor abilities.
Do you think you would win survive?
I would need to practice once I was picked doing things. You have to build a fire. You can't get to the end of out building a fire. I'd want to be better at that. I couldn't just go do that right now. But I think I have the tools and I would put it together and I would walk away the winner.
But you're not unnatural, Like you don't try in a group of people to be the leader.
That's not really you. That's kind of how you can win. The leaders get tossed out quickly. They become threats. Okay, you kind of want to stay in the middle until the end. All right, all right, what about you?
I guess my billy confidence is I think I could be good at any sport that's so fun. If I just dedicated myself a little bit, I could a senior put You can't be used to be a golfer.
No, you didn't. I did you shot a hundred? That's not good.
No, I've shot low eighties before, No spot I published.
Years ago.
I look at these people, see I was staying happy. Do not look at these people and tell them you shot low eighties. I've seen you swing a golf club. You do not have a swing of anyone who's ever fathomed lower.
I've hardly played twenty years ago. I played three times a day. And you think you never played with you twenty years ago. True, Okay, I'm gonna have to call it. My buddy, call him.
He's a liar to drue. Did you think he could shoot low eighties? How many times did you shoot low aidies?
Probably three?
I could believe three times. Yeah, I mean you're low eighties at beth Page Black. Ryan's low. Adies.
You probably don't shoot low eighties now, but you have a swing back. I know that, I know that you could do that. Okay, Ryan stop. This segment is sponsored by Pelicon Technologies. They are here for your IT solutions and help your new business get started and keep their business and trades secret safe. I just told you about all the danger that's.
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They'll give you a free I T assessment. Make sure all of your uh your stuff is encrypted. You can't get hacked and also safe. Go to Pelican p E l y Con for your it needs. Wait, yeah, that's that's the most you. It takes, Cracks takes, Jacobson Park, some of these places. Yeah, you stood there and hit two hundred golf balls at a par three and didn't hit the green once.
I played like once every six years. Now this one used to play all the time.
We'll be right there.
Welcome back, Technie Sports Radio. Kelly from the Ladies of KSR walked in. It's her birthday today, birthday. She brought from the Ladies of KSR gifts to Mario for his birthday. Look at all those gift cards and foods and food in there.
It's a lot of value. I can tell from here. That's a lot happy birth day.
Look at Mario, that's a lot of value for a birthday.
Keeps pulling out gift card af forgift card after gift card in that little basket.
Can I give you my billy confidence? Yeah, since I didn't get the chime in on that one, I believe, and I've never coached a game of basketball in my life that if you'd given me last year's Kentucky team, I could have beaten Oakland.
Oh yeah, that's interesting. That's an interesting one. I Hey, Shannon, I kind of.
Agree with you. Guard the accountant.
Yeah, don't let him get.
The ball, Shandon. I'm staying positive, but you're right.
About that, you and I, the four of us could have done it.
I think you could have had a staff of me, you, my mom, and Larry and could have beaten in that game as long as we put someone that could draw X up on staff. Larry's good with you, Larry's good at it, Larry's a good motiva. I want to note something of their birthday package. Mario has said little things over time, and I'm noticing they're all like he mentioned one time, he likes Longhorn. There's a long horn gift card in there. They're very thoughtful. I'm looking at each.
Game very nice.
If you, one person writes, Matt, have you all found yourself watching the w NBA more since Caitlyn Clark. No, but to be fair, I missed that. I was in Europe during the phenomenon, right, So the kind of that month where she was on in the news every game and like everyone was talking. I was not in the country, so I couldn't watch the games. I'm sure had I been, I watched most of her college games. I watched the WNBA a little before this year, and it's probably still a little but you know, if you tell me that it's Angel Reese versus Caitlin Clark in the w NBA Finals, I'm gonna watch it probably so uh but no, I have not, have you all.
I haven't watched it more, but I definitely have been exposed to it more. I mean it's all over. You know, the highlights are more prevalent, they're the headlines are include WBA a lot more.
So you all were here this summer, Shannon Drew, did you all watch it when all that was happening.
I didn't watch anymore. But Ryan's right, I mean it's good for the league. You see it, like definitely in your face, regardless if you're trying to watch it. You know, it's sometimes leading the news.
And the ratings are good.
I mean I've seen, like, they had a game on I on the other night and I don't even know what ion is, and I saw almost a million people watched it.
That's a really good number for a random network. Drew.
Yeah, I wouldn't say I'm sitting down watching games, but I know more about the WBA than I've ever known. Part of that's just because they're covering it better. But I could name twenty players where they used to be able to name four or five.
Yeah, No, I think it's it's definitely been Uh, it's definitely been good for him. Speaking of ratings, the Kentucky Georgia game was the highest rated game in college football last weekend six point six million people.
Uh, that's I mean, that's probably good for the program.
I mean I don't you know, I don't know to what extent the going forward or not, but by the end of the game, there were like nine or ten million people watching that.
D Ryan during the end.
Yeah, I wondered that, like when people saw the halftime score Kentucky's head six to three. Okay, let's tune it in.
Yeah, game of the weekend the Hire the Wisconsin Alabama, I mean higher than all.
Of them and then Kentucky goes up nine to three, and then I think you're sucked in. And I think they stayed with it through the rest of the game and saw that finish.
It also shows how important it is for the SEC to get that ABC primetime game, because it used to be they would play the big SEC game at seven at three point thirty, which if it was big, it would still get really good ratings. But now they're able to be in that prime time slot with an SEC game every weekend. You know, we've been at the last a couple of times. I don't know that we'll be in a lot, but we have been, and that's been good for us. It's always good to have eyeballs on you. I think it's part of the reason the reaction to Stoop's decision so big, just because so many national people were watching. You know, you're seeing radio people all over the country comment on Stoop's decision. I don't know if that would have happened if it were noon on the SEC network. But other than the negative feedback to Stoop's decision, I think it was great to have all those eyeballs on you, even though it was a loss.
Who's up next?
Danville Dalton, dan Vull Dalton.
How are you? I'm hanging in good. What's your question or your topic?
Well, I'm glad Billy confidence got brought up because, if I'm thinking right, and it was either last year or this year's golf scrambled, Billy was getting awful cocky that he could outplay Mad and around in golf.
He can't.
He Well, first of all, what he would say is he could hit it farther than me. That is definitively not true. Now he's not bad. He's not bad, and I'm not a great putter. So like, is there a round of golf Billy could beat me? Yeah?
I probably.
I think though his thing was he could hit it farther than me, and I think even now he has to acknowledge that that can't happen.
All right, Well, if that's the situation, I've got a stipulation for y'all to place a bet on who can drive farther.
Well, I mean I'm gonna win. So what is it?
Well, Uh, Leonard gets bagging that loser takes the chop from cash flow.
Yeah, I'm out. I appreciate the car. You're not gonna I mean one of us has done it. That's Ryan. I'm not taking a chop from cash Flow, who I need to acknowledge.
Yeah, Season two.
Of of of Tulsa King has debuted with cash Flow starring as Bigfoot.
Some of you I have not watched it yet. I'm still trying to catch up with season one. But some of you have watched it and told me he's good and it makes him look like a mountain, that he's so big.
Right next to Stallone. Yeah, he is a giant man, I think he is.
He is standing next to Sevester Saloone, who ain't exactly little, and cash Flow towers.
Stallone's all kind of short though, right he's.
Cash Flow looks like a monster next to him on the screw.
I'm like you, I'm trying to watch season one before I picked up this season two because everybody says it's a great series, so I want to see and see him.
He plays a character named Bigfoot.
I saw just a long enough club to see him on the show, and I don't know if that's editing or what, but they didn't make him look huge how he's standing next to him.
I'm so proud of that guy. Think about that.
He's older than I am and probably thought his chance wasn't coming. And because of wrestlers, he now stars in a show with Sylvestolos and they're gonna do a season three. He's gonna be in it too. So I couldn't be more proud of It's awesome. We'll take a break, be right back here at Chaos Bar, wings Day on Kentucky Sports Radio.
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Here's Matt Jones.
Welcome back Tucky Sports Radio.
Here at KOs Bar and Grill wings Day, Birthday Day, folks here, where are you?
Where are you guys from? Are you from Lexington?
That's okay, listen Lexington, that's not Lexton's a great place too.
We need people from Lexington at this at this establishment.
So I appreciate you coming by five to nine two eight h twenty twenty saying what do you think about the story the cars that got broken in to it the UK football game, like in the Purple Lot. So they came in broke windows on like eight or ten cars took a bunch of stuff and got out. One of them was Damn Moseley, the county judge executive in Harlan County. But there were people from Pennsylvania all over just like got a ton of stuff stolen.
Yeah, not just pulling on door handles like I first thought. Then you get into the story and they're going around smashing windows and taking lots of valuable things. One of the big ones someone drove in from Pennsylvania, you know, kind of making a weekend of it, got a car full of their belongings. It was up to seven thousand dollars and stuff, laptop, all kinds of things.
It's wild.
That's a lot for you know, that's kind of sad. I don't know any of the details. Have they found out who did it as of wk YT story yesterday. They're investigating. But you know, you'd be hard to find that kind of money to park. You think it's a little better patrol out there, especially breaking glass that would cause a scene. And they got to several of them.
Yeah, I guess. You know, it's it's so loud out there. If you're out there in that parking lot where they were, this happened, and maybe nobody did hear the windshield breaking. So unless there's some video camera out there by the soccer field of baseball field that picks something up. They have people who.
Patrol the lots or police are supposed to on bikes. I mean they can't cover every little corner to have so many with shattered glass, you'd.
Think they'd hear it. Yeah, yeah, well leave your stuff at home Saturday.
Yeah, do not bring your do not bring your valuables on say, at least it'll be daylight Saturday, so that's better. UK Louisville will play volleyball tonight top ten matchup. I think it's Kentucky and Louisville and Lexington, both in the top ten, both on ESPN, So the game to night on the ESPN Kentucky.
And Louisville volleyball. That's a historic thing for those programs.
I mean, Tucky's played on ESPN a couple times in the regular season, Louisville has two. They've never played each other on regular ESPN. They've never both been in the top ten for a game in Lexington. They've both been in the top ten in Louisville a couple times, but never in Lexington.
Memorial Coliseum. You know you're right.
It's close by exciting night tonight for UK volleyball.
I expect that place probably to be full, don't you.
Absolutely it should be filled. Man, you set it up. Man, this doesn't have a situation like this doesn't happen very often for the UK volleyball team. And give Craig Skinner credit. He's already played Nebraska. I think they've already played Penn State. Now they're playing Stanford coming up Afford.
They're playing his non you don't have to worry about his non conference schedule. Four out of the top ten teams in the country he's played, they've lost.
The number two, they've lost the number seven team twice, a different team each time. And then right after this one Stanford's number two.
Wow. So I mean they're playing top ten teams seemingly every.
But you'll be ready for the postseason, right right, Because the SEC volleyball is the one sport where the SEC is not like definitively the best conference.
So like they won three seven Kentucky.
Kentucky's kind of owns the SEC and volleyball, So I think he plays all these games at the beginning of the year to get him ready.
Really, it's almost like the opposite of basketball.
The way Gonzaga plays a good non conference schedule because they're regular, the SEC is not as good as the Big Ten or the ACC.
And volleyball, yeah, uh, definitely not the plan the system that Calipari did when he was here on the non conference games.
But Texas that that takes it up a notch. They're on the schedule this year. Mad Dog is mad about Kentucky. About Kentucky's game plan versus Georgia. Oh no, so I's talking about when you're the number one game, you get like you when's the last time First Tate talked about Kentucky football. Probably the answer is probably never. And what they're talking about is the fact that we put it.
You know that Steven A. Smith, I'm reading what he says. Steven A.
Smith, you have an opportunity to beat the number one team in the country, and you have one play to do it, and you don't go for it.
And I'm not saying Stephen A.
Smith is an expert, but like that's the that's the attention you're getting for not having gone for By the way, if you go to the UK, louisvill volleyball game. You want to come before or we've got remember it's wings day. It's a good way to nice yes and that because see Areena's just right there.
Who's up next? Joe, Joe, go ahead, Joe.
Yes, Matt, Thank you, Matt.
Over all the years Coach Steu's has been here, I'm I'm finally convinced he does not have a way of talking to these SEC officials. Starting for the Ohio game, I wish you would let Vincent Merrill talk to referees. It would be good practice when we go down to Mississippi and have big the Big Doll talking to the referees instead of Coach Steu's.
An interesting question about coaches. All right, so what's the best way to handle referees? I appreciate the call. Is it to yell at them?
Is it to.
I generally take the view, if I'm an official and somebody is yelling at me, and it's calling me every name in the book, I'm gonna be less likely to help them than I was before. I've never understood the yelling. How many people in your life have you ever had them yell at you and you were more likely to want to help them? But you know Stoops is a yeller. Cow was a yeller. I don't think Pope is. So it'd be interesting to see what that difference is. But what do you think You think yelling at the officials helps or no.
I've never thought it helped. But you know, I think a lot of times you want to complain, so maybe the next close call might go your way. But not screaming and yelling at him, I think, like you said, that would make me want to be kind of anti against that person.
But you know, Mike Krzyzewski, one of the best coaches of all time, he would yell at him. I mean he'd dress him down too. Bobby knob was famous for it.
So I don't know. We've seen Stoops, we know how red he can get.
This is usually very reactionary catching him on the sideline and basketball it's a little different. They're right in front of you most of the game. Cal Cal gave it to him quite a bit. I really think it hurt Cal in his time at UK.
I think that there were officials that definitely did not like didn't like it.
They could pretend they don't play favorites. There were many that didn't On Caliperry. I mean, you know, not just Higgins. What's the guy that's teed him up like thirteen times? Isn't there a guy that's teed him up like an absurd number of times?
I wanted some dude. Everybody thinks he looks like Shannon.
Yeah, yes, it's him, right, the guy looks like Shannon. Yeah, he's teed up col We have some official that's refereed like all of our sec losses, like all.
Of our all of them. I can't maybe Doug Sermons. But anyway, who's up next?
Flash Flash?
How are you? Flash? Hey? Doing good?
Real quick quick question, and I need to share an experience we had at your bar a couple of weeks ago regarding cranky Drew.
So the question is.
And I think I think you actually touched on this a few weeks ago, but in dules me. So with the the news of Bojo taking this GM position, Yeah, who are some big name UK alumni that just off the top of your head that could be possibilities just theoretically.
If you were to say to me, Okay, you need a UK basketball GM and it needs to be a former Kentucky player. Everybody just tends to pick the players they just liked, right, But what I want is a player that has the skill of that sort of thing, being in player development, being in player like interactions. And the player we have that is doing that now, it's Tayshawn Prince. I mean Tayshawn Prince is an assistant GM with the with I think with the Pistons, maybe Memphis. It's one of those two and he's done it, and the other one is Nazi Muhammad who's done the exact same thing. So I would want people with that experience. I think both those guys would be good at interacting with parents. So if you were to say to me it had to be a former Kentucky player, I'd say them.
But let me be clear, I don't think you need to be a former Kentucky player.
I mean Mark Fox is kind of doing that role for us right now. From everything I've heard, he does a good job. So I think it's a little bit. It's like a baseball GM Ryan. He used to be the case people thought, well, you gotta have a former player be a gym and then they realized these nerds were better at it than the former players, and they've stopped hiring the former players. I don't think the GM necessarily needs to be a former player or a former UK person.
Yeah you said, I was gonna say. I think that's why Pope hired Mark Fox is to be that guy kind of the general manager as well as doing some coaching. I think Tayshawn is what we had to be an awesome choice because he's what he's doing right now in the pros. He's a guy who can adapt and do that very well down at the college level.
Yeah, Tayshawn's I think the vice president of the Grizzlies basketball operations, and Nausey I think would be my first pick. Nothing against Tayshawn. You don't stay in the NBA like seventeen eighteen years without having great connections. He's I think director of personnel for the Thunder now has a business degree. I would love for Nausey to take on that role one day.
Yeah, So if you're taking a former player, those would be mine and I appreciate the call. But again, the mindset of you had to play the game to be good at the business side of the game.
Yeahs to me, nonsense.
Right, and most pro sports have completely gotten away from there. I mean, you know, Jerry West was a great player but also a great GM.
But that group is small honestly most of the time.
You know, you look at theo Epstein who won with the Red Sox and the Cubs. That dude probably never hit a baseball out of the infield, but he clearly knew how to do that job.
Yeah, Brian Cashman from here in Lexington's been GM for the Yankees for twenty five years. You know, he didn't play. I don't know if he even played at Lexton Catholic Baseball. And I look at him what he's been doing.
And when a coach becomes a GM, it's usually a terrible decision.
I mean, it worked for Brad.
Stevens with the Celtics, but Bill Belichick, the coach was often failed by Bill Belichick, the GM, who wouldn't get him the players that he needed.
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Yeah, he does.
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Raptors and uh so that's another one that that that could potentially if he wanted to do it, be good at it. We'll take a break. Ay five nine two a oh twenty two eighty seven's KSR Work Am Mack. It is Kentucky Sports Radio. Absolutely beautiful day here in Lexington, Kentucky.
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Trying to make less NFL touchdowns this year so far than the last five years.
So I don't know that right then, Well that may be true. Before we get the phones and finish this up. First, I go to Georgetown when this is over, and I teach my first uh or I teach my first Amendment class.
First Amendment class.
You may remember we talked about this case. This is what I'm talking about one of them today. You remember the case of the snapchat cheerleader case. Oh yes, where the cheerleader got mad at her coach and then she went home and sent snapchats that said, blank, my coach, she's the worst, blah blah blah blah blah, and then they kicked.
Her out of school.
Yeah, and uh, she soon said, I have a First Amendment right when I'm not in school to uh, to cuss out my teacher basically, and the school said, wait a minute, we can't have well cussing out.
Our teachers outside of school. I know we talked about Did we ever talk about what the Supreme Court ruled?
I don't think we did.
We all ruled before the Supreme Court. True, what do you remember saying? What?
What do we say?
We didn't if we didn't get the ruling on it. We talked about it, but we didn't get yes.
So the question was can the school ban students for things they say or do outside of school about people inside of school? And the Supreme Court said eight to one that you cannot unless it's threatening, Uh, it's threatening another student or you know, some sort of discriminatory thing. But if you're just angry and you go home and you send a snapchat to your friends going, you know, missus Johnson stinks, or you cannot be punished because now you can't do it in school, correct, But you could do it out of school as long as you show there's no disruption, uh to the class proceeds if we I think.
That's how we cord copied off us.
So it was eight to one Clarence Thomas was the one who said you should still be able to ban them.
So she did it right. She wanted to complain about a coach, waited until she got left the game, came home in our bedroom, then ripped off the.
Well, I mean, I don't know if it's right.
Yeah, we don't encourage I'm not encouraging people to send mass snapchats that to tell you your teacher is the worst. But I mean, but you this said, you have a First Amendment right to do it without being being punished.
When they're a pregame show where you had people, You had people snapchat me their belly button.
That should be outlawed. I think you did that. When when we I think I did do that. That was a long time ago.
What time you had people send me pictures of them using the bathroom?
That is not true. Yes you did, that is not true.
Yes you did.
First of all, that was don't just say something like that. You did, and that is not what happened. I said, sind Ryan.
The most unique picture you can and whoever sends it will win, will win tickets. And a person sent you a picture of them on the bathroom, But don't go on the public airways and say I said to tell people to send you a picture of them on the bathroom.
I think it may be in a suggestion. I was not a suggestion.
Who's up next, Let's go to William.
William, go ahead, William.
Hell yeah, I got a couple of things. Clock management to thorn in their side all the time too. Does he have anybody that's supposed to keep up with whether it's a good time to call time out or not.
I'm gonna assume he does.
Calling it seven or eight seconds after the two minute timeout just didn't make any sense.
Yeah, I'm gonna assume he does. I'm gonna assume he does. But I also would say he either doesn't listen to him or they need to be replaced because they don't make the right decisions.
Yeah, somebody doesn't anyway. And then the other thing. I don't know if this is act true or not, but back when Mommy came here, he was talking about, you know, the offensive line and his air raid offense. That he had his offensive line and practice running backwards on treadmills or not. I don't know, but I thought that was interesting.
Is that interesting?
I didn't know that I appreciate the call. Do you remember that you were covering the team during those days?
I remember he had him take boxing lessons, but I don't remember the backwards of treadmill thing.
It's different. I could believe it. They're trying a few different innovations. Well, they certainly still are not good at it, and a lot of that is quickness of feat as we've talked about, and that may not be the thing they're the best at it. Who's up next?
Will go ahead? Will?
Hey, guys, I've heard Drew say a few times that he's a big fan of Survivor. There's a lot of fantas Survivors out there, and there's been quite a few Kentuckians that were on Survivor. I wondering if you guys might be able to bring one on the air sometime and let people call in and ask questions like behind the scenes.
Yeah, that wouldn't be bad.
We had the one guy here, We had a huge party, had a huge Survivor party here once.
It got an amazing crowd.
So it was yeah, No, I mean we can if you want to do that. Maybe it might be more of an offseason show, but maybe we can try to find that. There are a bunch of them that still live here, including Nick, who was a prosecutor.
He's a prosecutor there he won his season. Yeah, yeah, so all right, I appreciate the call. There was a guy named Roger. I don't think Roger made a very far older guy.
And overall, well, you had the Kentucky Joe, the other the other Kentucky Joe who was on one of the early seasons.
Yeah, that's exactly right.
One person. One person says Matt. I just want to tell you I watched Ryan play golf during his so called heyday. I'm not going to say who this is, but I played with him. He could shoot low eighties. If I could beat Usain Bolt in a.
Race, it must be a really fast guy there.
I didn't think you. I didn't think that was the case.
So Kentucky Louisville Volleyball is at seven o'clock tonight. The Kentucky the Ohio game. Is it twelve forty five. Remember if you were gonna do trivia with me, We'll still have trivia tonight, but mine is not until next week.
Ryan Lemon, Drew Franklin, thank you all very much.
I'm off to get my car and go teach the young minds at Georgetown College.
Tell them we said hello, yes, and uh there Amendment Party first man, we do we.
Do the snapchat and then the coaches praying with their team after the game.
Can they do that?
Because the law just changed on that last year and so I have to update them.
It's changed even since I've been doing the case. Can or can't?
Well, they used to not be able to the coach used to not be able to be involved, and now they can.
But it can't be mandatory. It has to be volunteer. We'll see you all later. This has been Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Sports Radio