Live from Milwaukee for the NCAA Tournament.
Welcome everyone to another edition of the KSR Pre Show. Today. Well it's Christmas morning, folks. It's Thursday, March twentieth. I am Billy Rutledge along with Shannon the Dude. You can give us a call on the Clark's Pumping Shot phone line. That's eight five nine two a h two two eight seven. Text us at five oh two two six five six six five six, And is always the case. Our pre show is brought to you by ital X Fine Italian Dining right here in Lexington on Main Street, where many men's college basketball teams have made their way into town to get ready for what is arguably the best sports day of the year. It is the start of the NCAA Tournament, and Shannon the Dude is en route to Milwaukee and is joining me remote. Good morning, Shannon, what's up? Hey? Good morning.
First of all, let me clear my throat here and get ready for the show. I'm trying to be quiet because everybody in my airbnb is asleep right now, so I think I'm the only person that's awake, trying not to wake the dead here. But you know, you say, first of all, I'm in route, No, I'm in Milwaukee, right now, I'm here, We're here, ready to go. So we are here in Milwaukee. And then the second thing you say, arguably, I don't think there's any argument today and tomorrow are the best two days in sports. You can have the World Series, the NBA Finals, the Stanley Cup, you can have it all. Give me the first two days, the Thursday and Friday of March Madness. There's nothing like it.
Yeah, I don't know what it is. I just got very fond memories of opening the laptop and class and watching the games while educators are trying to teach me something. You know, today and really throughout March Madness, there'll be a loss of twenty billion dollars in productivity for the US economy. Shame nobody, that's what it's got. The same idea, right, yeah.
I mean people are either calling in sick or they're at work, but they're not really paying attention. I mean you look at especially like in Louisville with loisvill playing the first game today at twelve o'clock, nobody's going to be paying attention at work. So I think that you just have to accept that if you're a business, that you know even though your your employees may be there their third check out at this point.
Well, think about the opportunity before we get into some of the details of your road trip so far, Shannon, think about the opportunity not only for the cities that are hosting these regionals and these games, but also the teams. I mean, the economic impact of a run that Saint Peter's made will forever be felt by anybody that ever goes to that school. Right. I saw some statistics about the sixteen seed Alabama State and how much money they've already made not only their team, but their conference by their win and also just the national publicity. So it's an opportunity to forever put your name in the history books, but also completely change your program and the city that you live in. So you know, but I do think there is a special connection with this state in the tournament, is there not? I mean, with no professional sports teams in Kentucky, it feels like we get up for this like it is the Super Bowl.
Oh yeah, there's no doubt about it. I Mean, Kentucky is through and through a college state, and college basket means so much to to you know, the fan base here. I mean, and I think that you know, not having a pro team here has a lot to do with that. But you know, college basketball, if you grow up in Kentucky, it's just in your blood. You know, from the time you grow up all the way through you know, your adult life. You just you grow up in this culture where college basketball is everything in Kentucky. And that's why I think it's so exciting for us. And you know, it's even last night we're sitting up here watching Texas Xavier. That was a great game, by the way, But these first four playing games have been well, two of them, at least half of them have been exciting. The other ones were kind of blowouts. But I think that even just the Tuesday and Wednesday at the tournament have been a lot of fun in recent years.
Yeah, eighteen, nineteen twenty year olds playing a game of basketball should not impact our happiness as much as it does. But children and pets have been named after Kentucky Wildcat players all throughout the state, and the same with Louisville. I'm sure it just means more and that may be the SEC Moniker, but it also represents what this state feels for college basketball. Shannon, We'll get into some of the nitty gritty go through some of the games that will be played today. But I want to ask, man, what I was shocked to hear You guys all got your own room at the Airbn. Man, I mean, talk about KSR stepping up in the world.
The last couple of years have been very short runs. So we thought, you know what, nothing's guaranteed or never guaranteed tomorrow, so let's go ahead and splurge on an Airbnb. And this is I think the nicest one that we've ever stayed. We stayed in a nice one in Ville, Colorado when we did our trip to Seattle for the Gonzaga game. But I think this one is even nicer than that. I mean Matt's say governors had stayed at that spot. Yes, I mean, first of all, when we get here last night, I mean, I say, this is a nice house, and it is, but it's probably over one hundred years old, Billy. And when you come in here last night and it's dark, there's all these nooks and crannies and there's like little hidden spaces. And then like first we come in here and it as you know, six bedrooms and we're going we can only find two. So it was like a scavenger hunt going throughout this house. Like you could literally get lost in this house because you go up and there's widing staircases, and then you go to one side over here and there's like a little nuke in a cranny and there's a little door that goes to another floor like that we didn't even know existed. There's one section where you can go out and it's almost like you're outside, like a sun room, and there's two beds out there. So and then there's like little spots where you can go where it looks like, you know, in the middle of the night, something might crawl out of there and you know, and get you. It's a little creepy.
It sounds like you're gonna pull a book off the bookshelf and you're gonna have a whole room that.
Yeah, it's gonna be revealed like a Scooby Doo mansion. This is kind of like But let me tell you though, before before we go any further, about just just coming up here yesterday, Billy, because you know, we made the trip. The guys left from Lexington. They scooped me up in Louisville and we were going through kind of you know, in the middle of nowhere, Indiana, and all of a sudden our phones go off. There was a tornado warning, and it just so happened to be like I mean, I would say, maybe ten miles behind us at the most, and Gary, Indiana's where it hit. But we we were trying to outrun a tornado yesterday, so we stopped off of this little overpass and it was the only place we could stop. You say, well, I don't think a glass overpass would be the best building to stop in during a tornado warning, but it was either that or you stay on the road. And traffic was all the way backed up because nobody was, you know, able to go because of the storms and the rain coming down so hard. So we just kind of stopped off there, and Ryan, and the chaos of all of it, trying to get out of his car with the pouring down rain, runs out and didn't realize it at the time, but his wallet had fallen into the parking lots and he goes inside, you know, he's running, and he realizes about twenty minutes later, oh yeah, I think I might have drop my wallet in the parking lot. And I'm going, dude, you might want to go check on that, Like, if your wallet's just laying there in the parking lot, you know, maybe go check on that. And sure enough, he goes out there and there's his wallet soaking wet in the rain. But he got it back though. That's that's the most important thing. Otherwise my man probably well he no, probably he wouldn't be getting into the game because he wouldn't be able to get his credential with that on ID. So it's been it's been quite a trip so far.
My man did the phone wallet keys tap, and I realized the wallet wasn't there. I'm glad nobody picked it up in the tornado outside.
The thing is he goes, I might have dropped it in the parking lot. Like in my mind, if there's any thought that I dropped it into the parking lot, I'm going back immediately. You know, I'm not going to chance it, you know, and have somebody possibly pick it up and take my wallet. But he was like, yeah, it might be out there in the parking lot.
Is your wallet gonna have cash in it? Share?
No, no, no, you know I used to carry cash. I do not carry cash now. So basically, you know, if I lose my wallet or I get robbed. The jokes on you because I'm just gonna call and cancel that card. And what you did was worthless because I've got no cash to get a new ID. I just don't carry You got to get carry IDA anyway, Shannon.
So I mean you might that's true, But do you carry cash? Like I just I don't like, what what's the.
Point in carrying cash anymore?
Well, there are some good hole in the wall restaurants, especially in this state, that only accept cash.
So sure, but I mean very few, very cool bridge.
You've got to throw some coins in, Shannon. But you know you're not breaking bills when you're going there the bridge.
There are some restaurants and I came across this the other night where they offer you like an incentive to pay in cash. So like your bill would be forty five dollars with the card, forty three dollars with cash. So I mean, I guess if you're really worried about saving a couple of bucks, maybe you carry cash, but to me, it's.
Just not worth it. Or maybe you carry two dollar bills and that's how you tip Shannon with a two dollar bill, Like you've got a top hat and a monocle on and you want to make somebody's day. I did want to say the glass overpass looked like the worst spot you could in the middle of a tornado warning. But if it's dry, I mean, and there's a there's a pizza place right next to.
It too, right to Borrows. When's the last time you thought about Ciborros. That's one of those pizza chains that was in every mall in the nineties, in two thousands, I guess, But it's been probably twenty years since I've thought about a Cborro's pizza. But this place had it, I was.
Gonna say, And not since I believe I lived in Florida that I maybe have seen at Sabarros like that.
So I used to go to the mall. While you go to the mall, you get you a big slice of Tobarros pizza, you go check out Spencer Gifts, maybe a little Hot Topics Gifts. You know, as a teenager, you thought, man, this is really something.
To get deeper and deeper in that store.
In You're like, yeah, you going into the back section of Spencer Gifts. You're like, I don't think I should only I'm supposed to be here.
So what's the what's the plan today? You guys are gonna find a spot with some big screens. You're gonna hang out at the Airbnb.
I think we're hanging out the Airbnb today. Practice is going on later for Kentucky, so I think a couple of us may go to that. I will probably hang back here and just take in all the madness, which starts today at noon. So looking forward to that. It's my favorite. Like I said earlier, it's my favorite two days of the year.
Yes, yes, And I want to thank you, Shannon. I you know, I don't know if I should say this on the air, but you invited me to your private March Madness bracket tournament that the others supposed to say that are invited to. So I just just wanted to take a second and thank you as we have.
I didn't think you're gonna bring this up on the air. I didn't think you're gonna you know, I didn't want to. So now I feel like now now I've got to, like, I gotta talk quiet too, because I don't want to. But no, I've got to invite them now.
No, No, you don't, No, you don't. Nobody's gonna tell Matt or Drew. Please.
They're tweeting them right now as you say that. I guarantee you they're saying you're saying you are invited.
In a special bracket. So I do feel loved, Shannon, thank you.
It's like a speakeasy bracket. You got to stand on one foot and knock three times and say that its.
Me in the bracket challenge. I'm done, Like I'm not feeling done, Like I say, I can't say that I'm a sports guy and do this for a living and then you know, get beat by everybody in the bracketyeah.
I mean it's it's a very small group. It's like obviously me and you, Sarah's in it. Then we got like Brian, my drummer from Alice Bluegowns in it. My dad is in it. There's a couple of other people. But yeah, I'll send the invite to him. I'll let them.
No, there's one that I wanted to be by myself though.
Shannon, Oh, you want to have the exclusivity.
Yeah, yeah, okay, well.
We'll see, we'll see.
I'll get that.
Here's the thing I invite, you know, these guys, I'm sure to be in the bracket and they'll do open now.
No, they just want the invite.
They just want the invite. They don't want to be in the bracket challenge. They just they just want the invite.
Exactly. Well, you have until noon today to fill out your brackets. The first game at twelve fifteen, Shannon, you mentioned it very first game of the tournament. We see Louisville playing for the first time in the NCAA tournament since twenty nineteen. They will take on Creighton Louisville as a two and a half point favorite. And who, I mean, what do you think the what it's gonna look like at Ropperena today? Is it hard take? I could not believe Craig Greenberg came on they to say Cats fans should cheer for the Louisville Cardinals. Was that not insane? Yet?
I love Craig, but I think that he was trying to fight a losing battle there because Kentucky fans are not going to cheer for Louisville. And but you asked, like, what do I think it's going to look like? I think you're gonna see a lot of red. I mean, I would be really disappointed in Loisville fans if they didn't try to take over Rapperina. You know, I mean, you're just right up the road. You're it's basically a home game for you. You haven't had anything to be excited about if you're a Loivell fan in years, and here you are playing for the chance to take on the number one seed. So I would really hope that Loisvill fans would show up and support their team.
Louisville Auburn, Tennessee. All these fan bases being in Lexington is a little strange, but should be a good kickoff to the tournament. You good thing you have a second TV up as well, because the next game, starting at twelve forty, will be Perdue versus high Point on True TV. Perdue is a seven and a half point favorite. This is one of my upset Shannons, I started early. Maybe my bracket will be busted and done as I have high Point. I believe in the sweet sixteen. Do you think there's any chance that they can pull off the upset?
Oh, there's always a chance. I mean that's what you always you know, you never say never when it comes to these upsets. We've seen even you know, a couple of sixteens knock off on one and Purdue was one of those teams that lost to a sixteen seed just two years ago. So I mean, could High Point go on to run? It seems like the trendy pick for a four to thirteen matchup, But could it happened? Sure it could. That's why the NCAA tournament's so great. Any any of these any of these teams can win. I mean, that's that's the great thing about it.
A double digit seed has advanced to the Sweet sixteen in each of the past sixteen tournaments, so it's not just all chock kind of throw in some of those double digit seats. Thirty seven of the last thirty nine tournaments there's been a double digit seed in the sweet sixteen.
So there will be some upsets. Can I give you? Can I ask you a trivia question? I asked the guys this last night. You know, we're doing the first four the last couple of days. Do you know Bill the only teams two teams to ever go from the first four to the final four.
Oh, that's a great question.
Final four is the farthest to first four team has ever gone. But two teams have done it. Do you know the teams?
I don't know? Tell me who?
Okay, Well, back in twenty eleven, you right, remember VCU went on a magical run to the final four. And then just a few years ago, just a few years ago, UCLA was a playing team in twenty twenty one and made it to the final four. That's right?
Is that the Johnny Juzang team in twenty twenty one? It may have been.
So is there any are there any of these first four teams that you could see going on a run?
Well, we saw Xavier beat Texas eighty six to eighty last night, and at times they look good. The former Western Kentucky hilltopper McKnight Sean Miller didn't wasn't sweating through his shirt last night, So maybe that's a good omen for Xavier. They could definitely beat Illinois, and then you'd have to beat Kentucky to keep that run going if Kentucky does beat Troy to match your stat, twelve out of the last thirteen tournaments, there's been one first four team make the second round, So I mean it is okay, it's pretty common. Four teams do make some noise.
Maybe maybe there's something to be said for having that first game under your belt, getting the jitters out, and then you're taking on a team who's playing their first game, so maybe there's something to be said for that.
Mount Saint Mary's also beat American last night eighty three to seventy two. The other two games we'll talk about in this first segment in the tournament will be Wisconsin the three seed, taking on Montana, the fourteen seed, at one thirty, and then at two o'clock it's Houston versus SIU Edwardsville the Cougars, where Houston is a twenty eight and a half point favorite. Shannon. That seems like a lot for any game in March Madness does well.
There is one that I think Auburn is like a thirty some point, yeah, thirty two, and I'm looking right now at thirty two and a half point favorite, So I don't know. It's tempting to go, Okay, let's put thirty two and a half and go Alabama State. But I think that the power team, power program, UH power conference teams they played this year, they got beat by like forty points, So I'm sure that's why this spread is so high.
Some high spreads and some exciting basketball coming your way. We want to hear from you eight five nine two eight h two two eight seven Texas at five O two two sixty five six six fives. Excuse me, Shannon. You know sometimes you've got a burp and sometimes you just got to do it on the air, just so excited it makes sense. I also want to see some people's TV setups if you want to tweet us at Billy R Sports at Shannon the Dude. I always like this, Shannon, whether you've got a couple TVs, maybe you've got the iPad out, This is where you break out all the technology you've got, because I mean you've got i mean five six games going on it. Sometimes today I.
Think, here, we've got the setup where we're logged into matchs YouTube TV account, and I think on YouTube TV you can do the picture and picture and picture and pictures, so you can do like four in one. So we may have to see if you yeah, I see if we can figure that out for later so we can get all the games on now.
When Matt leaves the room, I want you to multiview three games on there and then the YouTube TV Zen channel as one of the fourth TVs.
Okay, now you don't have to fill me in. I know the I know what you're talking about. But I've seen Matt tweet about like a dead otter. Uh YouTube TV like screensaver. I guess it's like where you would go normally to a local commercial. Correct that on YouTube TV, there's nothing to put on there locally, so they just put on here's thirty seconds of zen and it's like a humming It's like a hummingbird. You know about brought a gadola ride yea Italy and you can sear the water cra what's the one with the dead otter?
It's an otter and it has a baby otter laying on top. But the the otters are so still they look like they're dead. So they're just so they're not floating in the water. Okay, And you're just supposed to listen to the natural ambiance of dead otters in the water. Okay.
I was trying to figure out, like, you know, it feels very contradictory to say, a moment of zen and here's a dead animal.
Well there's one. There's a koala bear and he's just you know, doing his his business. Shannon like, it's I mean, he's getting a little personal. They have to cut off the koala before you know it gets x ray man, it's just getting good. Yeah, this Koala is doing his thing. So, uh, YouTube TV Zen channel is uh what I will not be watching today. We'll be watching the NCAA Tournament. But we'll take a break during this Thursday edition of the KSR Pre Show. We'll be right back. Welcome back. It is the KSR Pre Show. Just a couple of minutes here and we need to hit another break. But Shannon, the dude is in Milwaukee getting ready for the Cats versus Troy tomorrow, watching all the games. You were checking out your beard during the break on our team's call. It looks good, dude, nothing to worry.
No, I wasn't looking at my beard. I was looking at my neck. You know, like when you get old, like you start to get like your neck just kind of looks stretched out and like the skin's kind of saggy. And No, but the first time, I know, you don't have to deal whether you're still young. But I just noticed for the first time on this Microsoft teams call that we're on that I'm starting to get that I'm want to start wearing a scarf old to cover it up.
You got, dude.
I think that's why. Like, you know, you see a lot of old men rock stars like Steven Tyler, they wear the scarf around their neck. They're trying to cover up that sagging skin down there, and I think I'm starting to get it. So it's depressing. I am the old man, you know.
I got up.
I made coffee for everybody, and Matt's now awake. So again, anybody up walking, at least Matt. I don't know about the other guys, but you know, I'm so loud, I'm probably waking everybody up who was asleep.
Well, I know Mario is a late riser. Hopefully he can make it in time for the start of the show. He just Waltzton whenever he wanted to yesterday, but he does a great job. A couple other games as we go through the order of what we will watch today, Shannon already mentioned Auburn taking on Alabama State. That's at two point fifty pm on CBS. After that, at three point fifteen, it's five seeded the Clemson Tigers versus twelve seeded McNeice, who head coach Will Wade has already accepted another job. It was announced yesterday he will be the next head coach at NC State. Shannon. Yeah, odd when you've already accepted another job that you're still coaching, isn't it?
I'm with you, man, Like, I wouldn't you think that you would wait till you're out of the tournament or like wait a couple of days, like you know more than likely they're going to lose today, right, So why wouldn't you wait like until you're out of the tournament to announce that?
Can we wait maybe an extra twenty four hours before this decisions announced? I mean, I understand why NC State wants to make the decision, but I feel like he's doing a little bit of a disservice for his players in the locker room who are trying to finish the season they're still playing in. I don't know.
I feel like McNeese was another trendy pick for an upset, but after this news, I wouldn't put any more.
You don't like it, You think the players aren't as inspired now as they're playing for a coach that won't be there any.
I just think it's weird, like imagine you're going into the NCAA tournament first round and then you just find out your coach is leaving you that weird. I don't think that would be good for team morale, do you. I mean, I would think it'll be a little awkward. No, But anyway, I can I jump in here and do my draftings read while we're talking about this. It's the most wonderful time of the year. Hey, if you're a new customer, sign up with promo code KSR. Bet five dollars, get two hundred and bonus bets. You can do same game parlays, live betting player props. This is the best Today and tomorrow the best two days. And I guess you could throw in Saturday and Sunday as well, but this weekend in general, the best day is to bet on DraftKings. You can do all your parlays. We get a KSR parlay. I think that if it's not up yet, it will be later and you can bet with this on DraftKings. The crown as yours. If you have a gambling problem, call one eight hunter Gambler eighteen plus Kentucky only. Eligibility restrictions apply new customers only. Bonus bets expire one hundred and sixty eight hours after issuance for additional terms and responsible gaming resources SEEDKNG, dot co, slash audio.
Oh, I'll definitely dabble today. I liked Drew's bet that he put in the other day about it if there would be a buzzer beater in March Madness, and despite just being a point seconds away from that already cashing, I'd like to partake in a little of that fun.
The only thing is where we are in Wisconsin, where you cannot again on the DraftKings, so we had to play bets before we cross the state line.
In the in the thunderstorm, tornado warnings going about you're putting in all your last March's bets. That's right, okay? Eight five nine two too, eight seven. We'll take some calls in the next segment. We'll keep breaking down some of the marquee matchups of the day. We've got to congratulate Kenny Brooks. We'll talk more about him on the other side, but some national honors for our guy on what has been a great season for the the women's basketball team. It's Shannon the dude in Milwaukee. I'm Billy Rutlu's right here in Lexington. We'll take a break and be right back here on the show. Before the show, it's the KSR pre Show. All right, welcome back. It is the KSR pre Show. Billy and the Dude starting to get some pictures of people set up today, Shannon, them at work with their laptops out ready to play the games. It is a wonderful time of the year and we are excited to share it with you. Also, people chiming in about will Wade at McNee, saying do you look at his history do you expect anything different from the guys.
No, No, don't don't expect anything different. I mean it doesn't surprise me. I just think it's a little little odd it would be announced on the day that they're about to play their first NCAA tournament game. The other thing about McNee and I saw you tweet out the video of their their manager, who is just awesome. If you haven't seen this guy, check it. What's his name, Billy? Do you know?
I don't have his name, but he's already got multiple nil deals because people just love this guy.
He has I believe I saw that he has more nil deals than the players themselves and any other player on the team, which is pretty incredible.
More than the players on the team itself.
That's that's gotta be like, that's got to be the only score where that's the case right, where the manager's making more NIL money than the players.
And really, I'm not sure why he's so popular. It's just him carrying that speaker and and you know, raping a rap song where he can't say half the lyrics. Shannon, I don't know, there's just a charm to it, and it feels like that team's kind of rallied around him.
I mean yeah, if you say, like why is he making more NIL money? Just watch that video. I mean he's he's clearly entertaining. And you know, I think that there's some companies out there that wan would be a part of his videos.
Yeah, yeah, there's no doubt. Let's talk about the Cats for a second. Mark Pope is actually giving people gas money Milwaukee. I don't know if you guys made the phone call at all. I think it's Chris Beesmore had a post yesterday where he emailed the athletic department and they asked, what's your venmo? I mean as long as you don't have a ninth between a ninth or a twelfth grader in the car with you that could possibly be recruited, you can get gas money to head up to Milwaukee. And that is just insane but also a very cool story that I think that we'll remember for a while for Mark Pope's first year.
It doesn't surprise me that he followed through on that. It does surprise me that he initially said he would pay for people's gas money to get to Milwaukee. But as long as you can show proof that you've got a ticket to the game, they're been knowing people. And you know, again, we're not going to tell you how to get in touch with Mark Pope. You'll have to figure that out on your own. But the fact that he's doing it's pretty incredible.
Well, it was funny when it happened because he said it, and then he's spent the next two segments ago and that was probably not a good idea. Lee like looking at me over in the corner, and I don't know if I should have said that.
Well, like the next caller was somebody trying to get a plane ticket from Florida. He said gas money, not not not not playing fuel money.
You know, yeah, you want to fly me up. No, I'm good, but you know it's been it's been a fun first year. And they will take on Troy tomorrow. And somebody mentioned on the text line it's you know, this time last year, we had no idea what was about to happen with our coach, and you're right. I mean, think about it. The Cats are going in as a as a top three seed, and they're playing an Oakland team who you think that they can handle. You've got Kentucky kids on the roster. Rob Dillingham is somebody that you're excited about. And then you I mean, you can't foresee that what takes place over the next calendar year right now.
No, No, I didn't even go on that trip because we thought, well, you know, we'll just wait till we get to the Sweet sixteen. We'll go on that trip and then you know, like I said, you can't take any of the games for granted, because everybody's ready to play, and sometimes it just comes down to which team wants it more.
And before we take our first call, I do want to congratulate Kenny Brooks, who was named National Coach of the Year by the Sporting Games twenty two and seven this year eleven and five in the SEC. It's the first twenty win season for the program since twenty nineteen and twenty twenty. They are a four seed in the NCAA tournament and Georgia am Or was just voted a second team AP All American but National Coach of the Year by the Sporting New Shit and well deserved thereby absolutely.
You know, he came in, he only had two players from last season, had to bring in a completely new roster, takes the team from twelve to twenty to twenty two and seven, you know, coming off back to back losing seasons for the women's team as well, and you know, you come in and you do it all in a tough Southeastern Conference. You know, we talk about how tough it is on the men's side, but the women's SEC was pretty strong as well. So well deserved for Kenny Brooks and he's getting it done. Now, let's see if they can make a run in this tournament.
Yeah, uh support the Cats. They will take on thirteen seeded Liberty at noon at Memorial Coliseum tomorrow, So we'll be double dipping a little bit with the cats A five two two eight seven. Let's take our first call of the day. I believe Taylor is on the line. Good morning, Taylor, how are you.
Laura? Guys, how's a gone today?
Good Man? What do you got for us?
Weird? Hey? Uh So, I just wanted to call in. Yesterday I was listening to uh to KSR. Caller called in about what to do in Milwaukee. I was talking about succer clubs and listen, I need you all to talk to Matt today because when you hear the word supper club, it's not something fancy. You just got to think like it's a table or a bun. And they're known for pretty much every supper club in Wisconsin has its own special old fashion.
I know you're talking about language.
That's That's what they're known for, is is their alcohol. And every everyone says they have the best old fashion. They make it different than they make it in Kentucky because up there they make it with with brandy, So that's grandy old fashion. But I'm pretty sure there's a stat that like eighty the poor male goes to Wisconsin because of their own fashion. So okay, it's just a bar. Get you some cheese, purge on old fashion.
It'll be set all right. Sounds like good advice, Billy, Thank you, Taylor. You go to a supper club, but you're not going to eat, You're going to drink. Well, it's a little confusing.
The most merry right when you're drinking and you're with people, your your friends around you. In the great state of Wisconsin, Shannon.
Wherever, Yeah, yeah, I mean I think we're just gonna hang out here. But wherever we go, as long as they've got the games on, I don't care. I'm happy. Just give me, give me the games today and I'm good to go.
Do you feel like you're home at all? As somebody that was a Green Bay Packers fan for a long time, I mean you do.
I feel like I'm home in Milwaukee. No, it's cold here about the way. It's like thirty degrees. I don't know what it is back home. But last night there was some snow actually coming down. So just when I thought we had escaped winter, we come up to Milwaukee and it's like it's like it's December all over again.
I heard they might be some snow flakes here in Lexington today, so this may be the final round before we finally make a break for spring and summer. Shannon, a fifteen seed, has won in the first round in three of the last four years, Princeton, Saint Peter's and Oral Roberts, and in fact, all three of those teams made the Sweet sixteen. There are two fifteen seeds that play today. You tell me which one's more likely to win, Wafford taking on Tennessee and Lexington or Omaha taking on Saint Oh.
I like both of these matchups. First of all, Wafford. I love the old man YMCA player that does the granny shots, that shoots like thirty percent from the free throw line. That is reason enough to watch the game just to hope that he gets fouled. But if you ask me which one's more likely, Omaha to upset Saint John's or Whopper to upset Tennessee, who you know? I hate to say it, but I might have to go the Johnny's getting upset by Omaha.
Oh the trash Cans, let's do it.
Yeah, And I've got Seeing John's in my bracket going to the final four, so I hope that doesn't happen. But if you say which ones more likely, I would probably go with Omaha.
No, I say trash cans. I don't want to disparage Omaha. They are the Mavericks, but they're you know, the Outrunners being with them from OVW beating up a trash can in the locker room. It's become a national story. So I would love for that story to continue, even though the Rick Patino and who he will play in the next round between Kansas or Arkansas has been such a headline.
I think I saw a video of the Outrunners kind of seeing off the Omaha team, you know, kind of series sending them off. So they've still got ties in with that Omaha team, and uh, you know, it could happen. I don't know, but if you know, if you ask me which one is more likely, I would I would go with that game. What about you, I.
Think to go Wawford. I mean, you think that Tennessee goes you know, six to forty eight from three, you know.
Yeah, And that's the other thing we're talking about. You know, Kentucky gets to the sweet sixteen, they're gonna be playing tennis. Well, we don't know that, you know, we're just assuming that the Seeds will hold. But that never happens. Entirely in the tournament. There's always upset, so maybe that's the one.
Maybe it is, but historically fifteen seeds have made some noise, so look out for those matchups today eight five nine two eight h two two eight seven. If you'd like to join the show, I want to give a couple of shout outs real quick, Shannon. First of all, a shout out to Dick Gabriel. He was inducted or voted to be inducted into the Kentucky Journalism Hall of Fame and after covering the Cats for nearly four decades, Shannon, that's somebody that is is a hard worker in our market, has done a lot for me in my career personally, and I just wanted to give a quick shout out to Dick. He does a good job filling in for Tom on the Lead Report and on the Big Blue Insider. But this was a long time coming for a Titan in Kentucky media. And also congratulations to our guy Corey Price. Corey, if you remember, you know, was just tweeting avidly for a while and eventually got a job with UK Athletics for basketball and football games. He will be working with CBS Sports TV production crew with Specialty Stats at REPP Arena for the Like region. Yeah.
Wow, Okay, at the Call of the Big Leagues you talk about a guy that I mean, like you said, he just got on Twitter and just just sent out you know, interesting stats, gets a job with the UK with the football on the football side. Yeah, and now with CBS. That's pretty incredible. So congratulations Corey. That's awesome, man. I'm happy to he meant.
To working hard and following the your dreams and doing what you want to do, right. I mean, there's you've got to take a leaf of faith many a times, and Corey just started by just doing what he loves online and that has become a career for him. So a big congratulations to Dick and Corey living out their dreams in real time. Eight five nine two eight oh two two eight seven Texas at five oh two two six five six six five six. I Mean, we were talking about will Wade and McNeice, But how about this story locally in Kentucky and Cooper they make the Sweet sixteen despite their head coach being told that he's going to be let go at the end of the year because of team culture. Shann how bad can the team culture be if you're making the Sweet sixteen?
Right, yeah, I mean it seems like it's something's right. I mean, if you're making the Sweet sixteen, could you imagine if they went on to win the title? It would at that point it may if you're the ad. I mean, you get egg on your face, right. I mean, as I said yesterday on KSR, I think maybe the guy they should be firing is the AD, not the head coach.
So we will we will test the old adage of that winning cures all right. I mean, they go on to win the entire tournament, there's no way you can.
Fire the guy, right, So I don't know, you wouldn't think. I mean, I don't know what's going on behind the scenes there. I mean unless there's some egregious behavior. But I would say if it were that bad, they would have already they would fire him, and.
It would be like a no nonsense, like we've got to get rid of you from culture, but like, yeah, we're just gonna let you go at the end of the year. Mean, we believe you can finish out the year. It's not that egregious. But you know, we're speculating, so we don't Yeah, yeah, we don't know. But what a weird situation that is. You better believe I'm gonna be rooting for a Cooper and.
That absolutely me too, me too, just to see what would just to see what would happen, you know, if they even if they go to the champ of final four championship game, you know, either one. I mean, that's it's a hell of a run for somebody to get fired immediately after.
All right, So we need to take a break. When we come back, we'll put a bow on things. We'll hand things off to KSR and the guys in Milwaukee, and then it's we're about two hours away from the start of the best sporting event of the year, the NCAA Tournament. Will take a break and beer right back here on the KSR pre Show. All right, welcome back. It's our final segment of the KSR pre Show. Billy Rutledge and Shannon the Dude. And Shannon, if I'm looking for my next book to read, you have the perfect recommendation.
Yeah, you know, Billy addiction has hit Kentucky hard and there's an author from Kentucky from Henderson, Kentucky WK you grad Steven Hope who knows the from firsthand experience. He wrote this book called I Am Hope, and it's meant to share what it's like growing up in a household that's dealing with addiction, how it affects you for a lifetime, for your lifetime. And his goal was, you know, to share his experience and help prepare others who are in a similar situation and what to expect moving forward, how he felt in certain moments and what has enabled him to keep going. So if you're dealing, you know, with addiction or maybe growing up for kids, you know, if you grew up in a household that was in a similar situation, he just wants you to know that you're not alone. You can check out this book I Am Hope, and you can get it on Apple or Amazon. And I think that's probably a really powerful book for somebody who grew up in a household in that similar situation.
So check it out. I Am Hope and a Wku gret so I can get find that as we go go. Tops not in the tournament this year. Sadly, speaking of Hope, the astronauts were turned home this week from space and you may remember the story Barry Wilmore and Sunny Williams were expecting to go up to space for about a week. They ended up staying nine months. Wow. Landed in the Gulf of America earlier this week, Shannon, and they are safe and sound. So glad to hear that those astronauts who thought they were going for a week ended up staying nine months, ended up returning safely this week.
Did they like want to stay longer or was were they forced to stay longer?
If they were forced, it was issues with I believe the ship that they went up to they stayed at the International Space See, that's scary.
That's another reason. That's another reason I would not want to go to space. Like, what if you're stuck there? I mean, imagine you packed for a week and you're stuck for nine months. That would be terrible.
Well, you know, you're not going up in a rocket that's going towards the space station. You're just going in like a plane that's barely going into space and then it'll come back.
Well, let me tell you something, I'm not going anywhere like you're lucky to get me on adulta flight. I'm not going to get in a rocket and go to space. Or the stratosphere. I'm not gonna happen, not now here.
Probably don't go straight into like nachos and hamburgers right when you get back, right, you're probably still eating some liquid foods.
Maybe I would think so, Like, I don't know, yeah, I mean, I just you know, from what I've read about people who are in space, it does like so much to your body physically, like compresses. Like I don't know what I'm talking about, but you know, you hear about you hear about people coming from space and they're weak physically just because.
They're not you know, they're they're floating around in space.
And then you come back and all of a sudden, it's just a different change for your body, especially after nine months. I can't imagine being all that long.
The feeling of gravity on your chest probably has to be alarming, right, that's probably, I mean, that's probably the first thing that you notice. And then you're able to, you know, take a a good dump for the first time, and that's another thing you're like, thank god, I've always.
Wondered how that works. But we don't need to get into that.
Is that know what you want to talk about? No, I got a trivia question for you, if you'd rather switch gears a little bit, let's go. Yeah, there's one team that Kentucky lost to this year that didn't make the NCAA tournament. Can you tell me what team that Kentucky lost to that didn't make the NCAA tournament. I will give you a hint. It was non conference.
Hmmm. I'm trying to remember the non conference losses. Feels like it was so long ago.
A former Kentucky player was on that team and played well in that game.
Tell me, because I'm drawing a blink for some reason.
Buckeyes of Ohio State, Ohio State.
Yeah, of course, I don't know why I didn't get that.
The only team that beat Kentucky that is not in the NCAA tournament.
Field, And if you ask them, they should have been. Although they were what nineteen and fifteen or something like that.
They were kind of right on that line too. They weren't the first four out, but maybe the next.
Do you think that North Carolina somehow goes on a run now that everybody said along.
No, I can't, we cannot let Bubba win.
I don't care. Like I said yesterday, I don't care if North Carolina makes it to the final four. They still didn't belong in the tournament, and it doesn't change the fact that they didn't belong in the tournament.
But you know, I gave you that stat that the playing games, there's gonna be one team out of those playing games. Twelve of the last thirteen years we've had one playing game winner make it to the second round. So maybe that's Xavier.
Let's hope not.
Well, I mean, would you rather play Illinois or Xavier in the second Oh?
Okay, yeah, yeah, you're right. Yeah, okay, I was thinking Sweet sixteen. But yeah, I guess if I had my choice, Yeah, I guess Xavier.
I think I'd rather play Xavier too, right, because they've already played.
Two games at that right. Yeah, So we'll see. But you know, Texas was up on them with like ten minutes to go. They run ten or twelve point, weren't they. They kin kind of collapsed a little bit there at the end. So it should be uh fun regardless though, a lot of good games on the on this late today.
Those poils hermanos for the coach of the University of Texas, Gus Fringy five nine two I two two eight seven. I know Shannon doesn't get that because he doesn't watch Breaking Bad, but let me ask no, Shane, I didn't get it. Yucky versus Troy Tomorrow, We've got all these games. Probably my favorite part of the tournament this year is that Kentucky plays on Friday, so we can enjoy Thursday because there's been so much heartbreak. But as we inch closer, how do you feel about this this first round game coming up tomorrow?
Still feel good about it? And you know that's the thing. Let's just win this first game and then we'll deal with either Xavier or Illinois on Sunday. But let's just first get this game out of the way. You know, you look at the numbers for Troy. They're a bad three point shooting team. I think they rate like three hundred and thirty ninth in the country. So seeing that number, it gives me some comfort. But of course that means they're gonna come out and probably hit fourteen or fifteen three is tomorrow, and that's that's the big Yeah. Definitely, yeah, But I mean, overall, still feel very confident in the game tomorrow, what about you?
Yeah? And I think it goes back to a point that you guys made on KSR is that I think you're more susceptible to an upset if there is a good three point shooting team and they get hot, all uh Jack Golkie. When it's the opposite and they're such a bad three point shooting team, you know, much much harder to go on to pull off an upset with long twos than it is a three right, right, you know.
And on the flip side of what I just said, after saying I'm really confident you look at the numbers, was a kin palm that said, of the three seeds, Kentucky is the most likely to lose, but it still gives Kentucky an eighty percent chance.
I believe somebody's got a number slightly. That's right, that's what this happens to be, Kentucky. Tell me about DraftKings for you.
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All right, just about two hours away from the tip off of the NCAA tournament. Enjoy it, folks. It's a fun time of the year. There's no doubt KSR is next for Milwaukee. For Shannon the Dude, I am Billy Rutlis. This has been the KSR Reshope we will talk to you tomorrow.