Live from Nashville for the SEC Tournament.
Other edition of the KSR Pre Show today is Friday, March fourteenth. I'm Billy Rutlidge along with Shannon the Dude. You can give us calling the Clark's Pumpin' Chop phone line. That's eight five nine two eight h two two eight seven.
Text us at five O two two sixty five sixty six five six and is always The KSR pre Show is brought to you by aal x fine Italian dining right here in Lexington, Kentucky.
And boy boy, was last night fun. It made the fun to not end for a lot of people. I never went to sleep after the game last night. And the only person that is allowed to be more tired than I am is my co host, Shannon of the Dude, who's joining me from Nashville this morning. Good morning, Shannon, what's up?
Hey, Billy? How are you?
You have not been to sleep?
I respect that. Actually I maybe got three or four hours of sleep, but you haven't been to sleep at all.
I don't know if it was a great decision. I am a little loopy this morning. We were running on peer, red Bull and adrenaline, but Shannon the couch in the office wasn't comfy enough, and the time I got home at four thirty am, it just wasn't worth it to go to bed. So we just kept on trucking and now we're here. So I'm glad to be back with you this morning, Shannon.
Yeah, let me tell you. We're at Matt's Airbnb right now, and I've got Ryan Limit on the headsets here with us too, so he can chime in and join us. But Ryan had to drive me to the airbnb this morning, Billy, because you know, yesterday the band played at Tin Roof on Broadway, and I brought in all my equipment. Well, you know, the pregame show had to happen, you know, it was going on during the band's performance, right, So Ryan picks up the equipment and takes it over to DraftKings where they did the pregame show. Well, little did he realize he not only took the com Rex equipment, he also took part of the band's equipment with him in a case that he thought belonged to iHeart. Okay, so not only did he take the band equipment with him, I don't know, Like I'll let him explain here in a minute, Like how magically he thought the equipment went from one box to two boxes like that second box that he took was never a part of the equipment at any point of this trip until last night. But Billy, not only did it have the band equipment in it, which we turned out we didn't need. It was it was some equipment that we ended up not needing last night, thank god. But it also had my room key, which is not a big deal because you can always go to the front desk and request a new room key, right, but it had my car keys in there. Oh so I was not able to uh to drive myself here today because the car keys were in the box, which then ended up here at the Airbnb, which is where we're at right now. But Ryan, explain yourself, how did you go right on hacking that thinking there was a second box that was the radio equipment when you know it was all in one box.
The shin in the dude I was Bluegawn was rocking, it was it was crazy. We're all having a great time and we behind the curtains when we hid our equipment, right So when it got time for me to go and pick it up, the guy tan Ruf Morgan, who has helped us out tremendously.
He's awesome.
Hands me that case. I didn't even I just that was it, did you not?
Like the case that I had was very, very light, like there was not much at it, Like like I said, like one little piece of equipment for the band in car keys like this. This other equipment that we use every day is really heavy. It's very headsets, it's got the Comrex system, it's got all kinds of stuff in there with the sticker on it excess too. And in the moment you didn't notice the difference between this large case and this small case.
I thought this, Shannon's got this here for a reason. It's got this, yeah for the band two case, he's got the extension court in here, or he's got the headphones in here. It's here for a reason. And Morgan hands me the other one is Okay, this is the one that's got the Comrax in it. I'm gonna take this one. There's something in here, or Shannon would not have it.
What you're leaving up part of the story that you told me this morning. You actually took the small case first, yes, and was almost out the door, which would have meant that you would have showed up at Draft Kings opened the equipment Cox. That was almost a disaster that didn't happen luckily.
I will say this though, that's there a heavy son of a gun to walk from Tin Roof to Drag Kings. That was sweating like crazy. It was so heavy. I had both cases and our little orange bag our with our Max connect in it.
Yeah, but uh we got there. We got to find you, got your keys back there. Everything's good, everything good. We're all good. Billy. Wow.
I was glad you.
I'm glad you're able to make it this morning. She had no car keys, no room key.
I mean.
Four hours yesterday, dude, he was he was me say something about Shannon. It was awesome. That concert yesterday at Tin Roof was outstanding. And I'm so proud when I see Shannon up on the stage doing anything, I'm like, I feel like a proud papa.
Yeah, that's our little Shannon. Here's the thing, though, Ryan, I didn't even see you there. If I had a I would have brought you up to do wagon Wheel with us. We ended up playing that song like last because I thought maybe there's a chance you would, you know, come in later on so we saved it for the very end, but you weren't there, so we did it anyway.
But uh invented Vince Merril show up.
He did not show up. We did not do simple Man like we did last year. But a ton of people did show up, and I want to say thanks to everybody who who showed up at some point or another. I know it was a long show. There were a few people that actually stayed for all four hours, which is pretty amazing, but it was you know, it was a rotation of people, so we probably ended up playing in front of I don't know, four or five hundred people after the four hours was over. Last night, I heard it.
Was a little stuffy in there, Shannony, you get a little fun at all, Like were you in thirty five minutes in?
And man like I was sweating through my first of all, the weather down here has been great. It has been a fantastic like seventy five degrees yesterday. I think it's supposed to be the same today down here. But I was sweating through my clothes before we even played our first song, so I knew it was going to be a long night. But you know, everything went well. I think that was our best show that we played with the four of us maybe ever. So I was I couldn't have been more happy with the way it went last night. So Billy, I wish you were here. It's a lot of fun down here. But man, the game was a lot of fun last night, wasn't it? Boy?
Was it?
And how about these crowds? I mean, Big Blue Nation has just taken over Nashville. Tyler Thompson posted a pick sure of people just trying to get into Bridgestone Arena before the game, and it was just to see and it's something that I think many in BIBAN have been yearning to see again in the SEC Tournament.
But like, where do we begin?
Guys, like, I mean, Otega Away does it again against his old team, Texas A and M Texas go into double overtime, so the game's delayed by an hour. I mean, it was just it was one of those all time nights that I think we'll remember for a long time, don't you agree to?
Yeah, you know, the first day of the SEC Tournament, I mean, the games weren't all that exciting, I didn't think, but yesterday more than made up for the lack of excitement In the first day. So, yeah, you had that great double overtime game with Texas and Texas A and M. You got to think Texas is now.
Yeah, if they're not in the tournament, they're certainly in the conversation at this point. And then that game last night, I mean, what a way to end it. And uh man, Otaga Away did it again. If you're Oklahoma, You've got Otega Away and your nightmare for years to come. I mean, that guy just he just has some sort to magic apparently at the end of the games against Oklahoma.
I mean, Ryan, what do you think, I mean, does he just want it more when he plays his old team? Twenty seven points and probably the biggest part of the story is.
That he struggled late.
I mean, he had two turnovers in the final minute before he hit that game winner, and Mark Pope highlighted that. I mean, that guy has just become with Lamont Butler being out with injury, he's become the heart and soul of this team.
Yeah. Really bad turnovers allowed Oklahoma to get back in it. Yeah, I'm telling you what for that kid to hit not one, but two last second game winners against his old team is like a Disney movie. Yeah, and I mean when he was running down the floor went range right in front of the Oklahoma bench, I got chili bumps. I mean, it was a special, special moment and for that kid to do it twice this year, but he did. I mean, he made some bad turnovers. It just shows you how valuable Lamont Butler is to the team. Because he was out there, they probably wouldn't have those late game turnovers.
Yeah, that's the thing that you know, Like, I don't know that we're gonna worry about it right now because they won the game, but that would be a pretty amazing collapse if they were to have lost that game. I mean, they were up ten points with what a minute forty to go, and I think up twelve with like two minutes to go, and I'm going, all right, well, this one's over. And I was back at the hotel at that point. I kind of nodded off for a few seconds and I woke up and Oklahoma just took the lead. I go, wait a minutes. All of a sudden, now I'm wide awake again in my hotel room in an no way coming down. And I almost put money on it because I just had a feeling and this is me like my betting life. Almost put money on it, but didn't. I tried to hit the thing on DraftKings to to bet Kentucky to win. They were like plus two forty I think at that point, and I couldn't hit it, and I realized I saw the score on DraftKings. I guess the TV was behind a little bit. So I saw the score eighty five eighty four Kentucky, and I go, oh, they just won the game. And then you know, a few seconds later, I'm watching it on TV. But yeah, Billy, I mean they nearly had an all time collapse there at the end of that game.
My jaw was on the floor when Oklahoma took that one point lead, and all of Big Blue Nation, I think, was shocked.
What is going on? Would this be an all time collapse and another first.
Game exit for Kentucky in the SEC Tournament? But no, it was otega Oway who was I mean behind the backboard, guys, I mean left handed floater running the full length of the court on the right side of that baseline. It's just it was an incredible shot. And if I could go back to the first game winner that he had versus Oklahoma before he scored the final eighteen points of the game. He really struggled in that game too. So I mean Mark Pope highlighted this. I mean he kind of epitomizes what this team means to stay present and not think about the thing that happened.
In the past.
And boy, have they exceeded expectations for me. I don't know about you guys, but you know what they've done in the regular season. This win was satisfying last night to the point where we'll get to the Lamont Butler conversation. But this was what I was looking for when Kentucky brought back one of their own.
Yeah, I mean the SEC Tournament. You know, we kind of highlighted this yesterday. Used to be the tournament that Kentucky owned. It was Kentucky and it was everybody else. And you know, you think about this is their first win in the SEC Tournament since the twenty twenty two season, and this fan base just needed to win. Now, whatever happens today, who knows, But you know, I don't expect Butler to play. And you got to think, you know, with three guys out, if they were to go on any sort of run and hopefully Butler is able to come back at some point. I don't know if you heard Mark Pope's post game comments, he didn't sound too confident about the situation. But let's just see what happens today. Let's enjoy this victory though, before we get to the Alabama game tonight. Let's let's take I guess, not even twenty four hours to soak it all in. Let's take whatever time we have left to enjoy that win last night for what it was, and it should be a fun one tonight. Another late game tonight too with Alabama. Yeah, so, Billy, I help you ready?
Late game?
You're okay? How late to the post? Let me ask you, because you had to produce the postgame show? What time did the postgame show start and what time did it end?
Well, the game did not start till ten forty six after it was scheduled to be at nine to thirty. Postgame started at two twenty five am with Matt and Hubby on the on their roof watching the blood.
Moon, which I did not see since there's no windows in that studio. Blood moon huh? Okay, blood moon yes?
And then that went all the way to three thirty before we finally signed off.
So that's got to be an all time record for latest postgame show, I would think, right, that's what Matt was saying. He was saying that it was the latest that he could remember.
And then with you know what was happening with the blood moon, and I mean just I don't know, weird stuff happened last night. Weird stuff, and I just decided not to let the night in and not go to sleep. But you know, there were some moments in this game that I think we'll look back and remember. I mean, Colin Chandler's bloody eyebrow a' llah Tyler Ulis, right, I mean that was he didn't even get a foul called on that either head to go get stitches for that, and it was almost exactly.
Like Tyler Eulis, wasn't it. It was, Yeah, somebody put up side by side of it on Twitter of Ulis and Chandler, and you know he came back out there, he's bandaged up and still playing. I mean, that guy has been one of the great surprises, I think for the second half of the season so much. You know, he's brought from the defensive side of playing and you know, like I said, he doesn't have to be a guy that goes out there and gets you a lot of points. If he can come in and contribute, maybe score you know, seven eight nine points. I think that's that's all you need out of Colin Chandler. But he has been just a big boost and a guy that's really stepped up with Mark Pope dealing with these injuries, and he could be in line for even more minutes.
And then Ryan, you know, Ansley Almanor only scored two baskets in the game, but I thought they were huge in the time that they came in. It was, I believe, early in the second half, and it allowed Kentucky to extend their lead a little bit. I mean, that was just that guy playing his role, and we're gonna need a lot more of that, don't you think he.
Was Maybe he was the Johnny Rocker role player of the game.
He did.
Yeah, he came in, did his thing. Didn't get any minutes from in crunch time. When Pope decided to roll with those guys, you know, he kind of rotated Amari and Brandon Garrison out, but he left car Chandler, Brea and Otega out there and let him roll with those guys for a big stretch of the game when they went up by twelve, and.
You can always hear the joy and somebody like Jack Gibbons doing the call, and Andrew Carr was immediately given to us in the post game to be interviewed by Jack, and just the interaction right there, it was just everybody was still in shock after not only Oklahoma coming back to take the lead a one point lead, but Kentucky getting another buzzer beatter win. And now that the name otega Oway, you know, that's something that you remember forever, right like when we talk about great SEC tournament performances. I mean, this is game one, first postseason game of Mark Pope's tenure at Kentucky, and it's one that we'll remember for a long long time. I'm hoping you got some Red Bull or five hour energy shon.
I mean, what's the caffe and we got some Hotel Lobby coffee. It's it Hotel lobby coffee with three hazel nut creamers and two swim eat and low sugars and a little straw coming out of it too. Because you know, you don't I might be the only person that drinks coffee with the straw because I don't want to have like coffee stained teeth, so I have a little straw there so I sip coffee with the straw. I don't know you're doing it. Maybe that's a little weird, but you know, at least don't have brown teeth. I think that's weird. But I do salute the hazelnut creamer.
You put me onto that.
And what a hotel room or a hotel to have that creamer for you?
Ready to go?
Yeah, exactly. I was going to tell you real quick, Billy. I haven't looked at the latest bracketology this morning, assuming that there's a new one out, but Ryan and I we're kind of looking at it yesterday. And you know, again, Joe Lenardi, you don't take it as gospel. Just because he's got it on here for his bracketology doesn't mean it's going to be what happens. But let's just say theoretically he's correct. Did you see that in the latest bracketology if Kentucky were to win their first game and Oklahoma were to win their first game, Kentucky and Oklahoma would play each other in the in the second tournament. Now it looks like it's been updated here Now it looks like they've got Kentucky as the three seed, with UCLA and Drake being the six and eleven. So that's changed. But I just now looked at that this morning. I want to avoid SEC teams for as long as possible.
I don't know about Shannon.
That's it, man, Like you know, you talk about the teams you don't want to see. I don't want to see the teams we've already played, because I mean, you tell me that you give me Ucla or Drake, I'll take that all day. You're one is actually Florida, So yeah, I mean, you're not gonna avoid the one seed if you get that far, because they're all going to be SEC teams. But other than that, I mean, right now, just looking at the latest brocketology, I would take it. The only other SEC school in their bracket right now is Vanderbilt, which is a ten seed, which I mean they're not going to make it that far anyway. So you know, right now, you tell me that you have the possibility to play Montana, Drake or UCLA, and then I guess Texas Tech is the two seed.
I'm taking it.
I'll take that all day.
I'm taking that. Oh my goodness.
You know, guys, I just can't remember a time in sports where I had such an emotion swing, you know, from that Oklahoma taking a one point lead to the time that O taga Away hit the buzzer beater. It was just I almost like I almost saw the entire summer of sports talk radio flash before my eyes.
You know what I mean, Shannon, Like, Yeah, it'd.
Have been a tough conversation and tough show this morning if they would have blown a ten or twelve point lead in the final minute and a half.
So but going back to what I was talking about a minute ago with the DraftKings beat thing, I just had a feeling that Kentucky was going to win that game, like they are not going to lose this game. I don't know why I had that filling, but again I was too late to place the bet on it.
But I was sitting by Josiah in the arena watching the game, and when Fears hit the shot to go up and the inbound of the ball and I'll take a got it as he's dribbled down. I told Josya said he can't hit two game winners against the same team did and he did, Yep, he did. I said he can't do it. He can't hit two game winners. Boom, yep.
So Billy. Overall, I think this is going to be a day that we're going to remember for years to come. Like when we look back, you know, we're doing KSR six seven eight years from now, we're gonna, you know, talk about the greatest SEC tournament moments. This is definitely gonna be one of them.
Yeah, you know how otega Oway got that shot off? I mean incredible to not only do it against the same team twice, but your old team in the transl portal era.
Uh, it is unbelievable storyline.
That sometimes you write it as a movie script in the in the theaters themselves would reject it. But eight five nine two eight zero two two eight seven, give us a call, tell us how you're feeling about the cats. Have we checked on Mario this morning?
Have done with Mario? I'm looking at Mario right now. He came. What was that dance he was doing as he was coming down? That was the gritty. That was the gritty. Okay, so he was gritty in his way down. I've seen the dance and you know, maybe I should have grittied up on stage last night with Alice blue gown, but I don't. He'll have to teach me how to gritty. It's like the old guy. These kids with their dances, they're they're gritty and well shod.
At three thirty last night and Mario went out to the bars after the postgame show ended.
Mario shutting it down in Nashville. That's right, he's been coming to the new Drew. But give us a call.
It's Shannon, Billy and Ryan here on a Friday edition of the KSR pre Show. We'll be right back, all right, welcome back this feel good Friday edition of the KSR pre Show. As the Cats beed Oklahoma in the SEC Tournament last night eighty five to eighty four, they will take on Alabama. We think around nine to thirty Eastern time. Probably be a little later than that, but not as late as it was last night.
Yeah, you don't know. I mean, we can still have the game before us are going to triple overtime to night and you won't be going to bed until six am.
No, of course, at least you get at least you get at least to get Saturday, though, you know tomorrow Saturday, if it's a late game tonight, you'll be okay. I'm sure you're gonna work in a nap at some point today, Billy, right, you know you always yeah, yeah, believe me.
Don't try to don't try to reach me after this pre show. I've got to recharge the batteries before.
We do this again.
There's an interesting day in college basketball. We mentioned some of the games in the SEC Tournament. Old miss beats John Caliperi in Arkansas at the I mean the second three point shot after two miss free throws, Shannon, I mean, a devastating way for John to go out, wasn't it.
You hate to see that, right, But no, I guess Arkansas is still in the tournament. It looks like on the on the latest Brocketology. But yeah, that was another great I feel like all the games yesterday, let's see, was there one that wasn't Missouri? Mississippi State wasn't as good as the others. But I mean, okay, well, I think I was playing during that game, so I was, you know, trying to perform and entertain the masses, but also peek over and get a score check. Every now and on the on the TV. So but yeah, I mean, it was just a great day of college basketball, especially in the SEC tournament. Outside of the SEC Tournament, we saw Louisville hit a buzzer beater against Stanford to advance in their conference tournament and Cooper Flagg got hurt with a turned ankle. I don't did you see that?
Shannon because on a wheelchair at that point and then was back on the bench a little later after that.
My question is, what is ESPN going to talk about if Cooper Flag isn't available for Duke in the NC DOUBLEA Tournament? I mean, my goodness, I mean, but yeah, yeah, I mean I hate to see that, you know, for anybody. I'm obviously not a Duke fan, but hate to see Cooper Flag go down. And I don't know have they given an update on is he going to be I wouldn't say available for today, but maybe available for the NC Double A tournament, any any updates.
I have not seen an update. It looked pretty serious though at the time that it happened. But you're right, what will ESPN talk about if he's not in the tournament?
But that could be wish is they had that ankle doctor.
That's right, the ankle doctor. Could we had at Kentucky. I guess they'll talk about Duke in North Carolina today because we know that's their favorite matchup all year long. So happened third today.
That they got it.
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We just got about a minute or so till we need to take a break, so we're gonna hold the callers until the next segment.
But we've we've got to talk about Lamont Butler as well.
Guys, I mean, has your outlook gotten any worse if Lamont Butler's not.
Gonna be able to play for this tea one hundred percent? Yeah. And look if if Butler's not and I don't know, like what's gonna happen today. I just hope that he's ready to go for the NCUBLEA tournament. Like if it meant we didn't have Butler today, but we could rust him up and he could be ready for the NC DOUBLEA tournament, I would say do that. But you know, if you listen to Mark Pope's comments like I said earlier after the game, and you'll try to red Yeah, he caught it devastating. I don't know that he uses that word if it's just something that you know, he's gonna keep them out for a game or two, right and almost you know, if you're trying to read between the lines and you know, this is nothing other than that it feels like this may be a situation of where they don't have them for the rest of the year. And again it's only speculation. That's that's a scoop, that's speculation, just just reading the tea leaves.
Well, it'd be it'd be amazing the hand that Mark Pope was dealt of. His three of his top players and ball handlers would be injured in his first year. Yeah, could be the reality. We need to take a break. We'll be right back on the KSR pre Show. Welcome back, Billy, Shannon and Ryan here on the KOSR pre Show. The guys are in Nashville. I'm here in Lexington, Kentucky, Alabama tonight. And uh, maybe we should ask Ryan Lemon what's gonna happen because he almost exactly predicted the game yesterday.
Ryan, didn't you call a one point game in the eighties? Yeah, I did sleep at a holiday and express list. Uh yeah, I just, I just I said eighty one eighty and I guess was eighty five eighty four. But I didn't think it would go down to the last position because that's just how the game went in Oklahoma and Oklahoma, you know, and I just thought it was going to be a and you know, Kentucky came out and threw a haymaker right out the start of the they you know, laid a big knockout punch on Oklahoma, and Oklahoma battle back, and then it was back and forth the whole way.
Yeah, I guess they're they're collapse at the end. Made you look like a genius because it was a one point game. You didn't call that, I mean, come up.
I like to think of myself as an uh huh yeah. But you know, victory lab I thought, you know, Kentucky would blow them out. Just because the first game was in Oklahoma. This game was essentially a home game. I mean, have you seen the pictures, Billy, of of all the Kentucky fans like going into the arena. I mean, it's insane. There's not another you can't find, like one fan base, one fan of another team, and that entire picture, it's all Kentucky fans in there.
I know you're the the radio show, but you know, after the game was over, the SEC Network brought out Otega and Pope to sit on the studio ded at the table with them and nobody.
Everybody stayed, Nobody wanted to leave. Everybody was still soaking it up, soaking it all in. We all, myself and Josiah included, we all gathered around with the masses as we watched those guys on them. We couldn't hear what they were saying. Just to be a part of it. Nobody wanted to let go.
So on a level of like zero to drunk or like really drunk, how was the fan base like you were at the game so, like, was it a drunk crowd? It was. It was a good crowd though, a great crowd.
I mean it was. They were loud, they were into it. The SEC tournament crowd is just special, just a different group of people, and it was an awesome environment last night.
Billy, we were talking about the price of a beer there at the stadium because they're actually, for the first time this year selling beer to the general public. Did you see how much a beer is there? How much of them set you back?
Tall Boy was like seventeen fifty seventeen fifty, So that might've been part of the reason that wasn't too much of a drunk crowd last night. Yeah, listen, I'll just sneak a fireball thing in I don't need a week's paycheck to go to one beer. But you know what, that's went in Rome, right, and a lot of people are using their vacation days for the SEC tournament. I'm glad you brought up that eight to zero run at the beginning because the pot from the UK crowd. I mean I thought the game was over right there.
Oh yeah, yeah, it kind of felt like it. I mean, they jumped out early and I thought, man, they're just going to bury this team. But then Oklahoma fall back, and you know, even at the end, when it's two minutes left and they're up by twelve points, you think, well, this one's over. You feel good about it. And yeah, I don't know that any Kentucky fans left, But if I were at the game and you're up twelve points and I was gonna beat the crowd, I might say, let's get out of here. They've won this game.
Well, funny you said that. You know there's that stretch where I'll take a hit a three, Kobe hit a three, and it'll take Ahad a three point play. There were people that actually were leaving after that. They got the game over. I'm gonna beat the crowd. It's one o'clock in the morning. I'm out of here.
Man, if you left, you're probably kicking yourself. You're going, Man, you missed a hell of an ending.
Yeah, let's take some call, guys. We got loaded lines.
Eight seven. I believe Robert is first up. Good morning, Robert.
Hey, guys, how's it going. I decided to go to my first SEC game last night. Turnament.
Well, you had a great experience then for your very first one. I feel like the rest of them were going to be a letdown after that being your very first game.
Oh, let me let me tell you. Let me tell you, man, that whole thing at the end that the turnovers happened so quick that when they went up with five seconds, it was like everybody got punched in the stomach. It's like nobody could breathe and there was moaning, And I don't know if anybody breathed during that time out. And when the ball came in that they came right at us on our side, Otaga did, and I don't think everybody breathed in during that five seconds. And when he turned that corner against three people, we were all like, oh, my God, and please go in. And when it went in, it was like it was like a seventy percent war because there was like, you know, five tenths of a second left and then they the ball the other end and everybody was like, you know until that ball hit the floor. And then when the ball at the floor, I thought we were going to storm the court.
Well you know, of course, Kentucky never gonna storm the court. But I mean that was just a great ending, all the greatest endings for a game in the SEC Tournament.
It was close, it was ridiculous, and we were chanting oh way, oh way twenty thirty minutes afterwards as we're leaving, like you said, everybody who didn't want to leave, And when we leave the half hour later, everybody's chanting a way away away, oh way.
Yeah, it was definitely a fun atmosphere. I mean, I wasn't there, but I could, you know, just watching it on TV and just being just a part of all of everything going on in Broadway, you know, throughout the day. It's it's it's just a level of excitement that you only get at the SEC Tournament.
Yes, it was awesome. So yeah, go go Cats. Let's let's win the whole thing.
All right, thank you, Robert.
How about that the first SEC tournament trip? I mean, like you said, Shane's a little spoiled. Maybe yeah, all down here from here after that.
But good thing you didn't go like you know, last year or maybe the year before, you'd have a different outlook on alf on the tournament actually is.
And I feel like that all underlines why last night was so special. I mean, I don't think that you can hide it that this fan base has been thirsty for a win. They had won in Nashville since twenty nineteen, right, So.
Yeah, it goes to show you at this time last year, after our first SEC tournament game, our fan base was screaming at our coach as he walked off the court. Last night, after the first SEC game, our fan base is celebrating this guy on our coach and putting him up on a pedestal. So quite a difference one year makes.
You're exactly right, Let's keep it going. Ryan is on the line. Good morning, Ryan, how are you?
How you doing?
Billy Shann and Ryan Man, I'm so excited and pumped up. What a game we have played him? Other than those two guards, I know they got one big man to come in, but those two guards were Oklahoma were tough. And one thing we've got to do, We've got to work on that press, especially what you know, two of our top players out or three of our top players out, I don't know who needs to bring that ball up if if we don't have a you know, a regular you know, can't think of his name, but yeah, a guy with a shoulder, I can't think his name. I'm alwaying forget sometime. Yeah, butler man, we've got to work on that press because that kind of reminded me of the Dream Game when that game was so good and then Louis will put the press on. Then I go all the way back to Alabama Birmingham when they play Kentucky and pressed them. We definitely got to work on that press. And I don't know who should be handling press. I know Joby Hall brought to sam Buia when they played them again, helping bring it press the Dickie Bill. But Buddy, y'all do a fabulous job. And one of these days I'm gonna make it down there, and one of these days I'm gonna come see you play Shannon for I die and one of these days I wanna go see Kentucky play, buddy.
But look, I.
Appreciate you got being nice to me, and I don't mean to remind you about it about that.
Uhh yeah you want those tickets?
Yeah, it was so it was so exciting for me, man, and you know, Shannon, I had a feeling I was gonna win that day before I come out here.
But guys, brush, y'all have a good way to go.
Cats, all right, thanks for the call you Ryan, appreciate it. I think I remember that day he won those tickets in Barsad. He reminded us of that yesterday when he called in.
Uh but yeah, I mean, there's no doubt that it's it's tough breaking a full court press when you don't have a primary ball handler. You got three guys injured on the bench that could be doing that for you. So who takes that role? Is it Colin Chandler's role to take Shannon? Because I feel like he's been the one that's been playing the best.
Yeah, I mean maybe so.
You know, Oklahoma saw that there was a weakness there. They exploited that late in the game and we're able to put some pressure on Kentucky force them to turn the ball over. So you know, you got to think that other teams, if they're in that situation, they're going to look at exactly what Oklahoma did and try to applaud that same pressure late in the game.
Well, it was a fun postgame show. It was a little wacky, it being three thirty in the morning and all we had the blood moon out.
Heather called in and so we got we.
Uh r on the show.
You let her on?
So have we have?
We bonded that bridge. So it's all good. It's all water under the bridge now good. See look at you. I'm so proud of you. It's almost like you're growing up.
Sure, well, thanks buddy, I wish I could be in Nashville. Looks like you guys are having a good time. How was the Tin Roof show yesterday? I mean that's one of the biggest crowds that we get all year.
Right, it was great. Uh The first person in line yesterday Billy four am, four o'clock in the morning, So I know you haven't been asleep. I don't think that that person probably did either. So we just had a great crowd out there. It's you know, the most fun show that we do all year. So a lot of people are there, were there hanging out the entire day.
Saw some people that were there at the show that were still there when you did your concert at fourth They were there from the morning show and then stayed there.
Now that's impressive because even I went home after the KSR show and took like a you know, thirty minute nap and then came back. But to stay there all day and then stay through the show both shows takes an effort. Yeah, so big thanks to everybody who came out yesterday. And like I said, it's it's always so much fun to do that show because of the level of excitement that everybody has.
Well, the support of Big Blue Nation is incredible and it looks like Big Blue Nation added one person to their list yesterday as John Gruden, the former football coach, got a care package from Mark Pulvi.
Did you happened to see that video Shannon? I did? That was really cool. Yeah, we got Chucky on her side. Now, John Gruden getting the the unboxing of the the UK Was it a hoodie or a shirt? I saw it, but I couldn't remember a cople other thing. He had some shorts.
I'm going to send you a picture of my John Gruden bibblehead, so you know that that we were on John Gruden Way before he was on.
I had a UK fan yesterday at Tin Roof. Show up and bring me. I haven't opened it yet, but it's nicely folded up. It's a Kentucky It's like a vintage jacket. He caught it a starter jacket, but I guess it is. It's not like a big puffy one though, but it's like a vintage UK jacket.
It looks like the one to me, like you would wearing the dugout of your baseball guy.
Yeah, one of those like in the nineties, like if if you have one of those cool vintage jackets. Yeah, but not like the big puffy ones, just kind of like, uh, starter something like that. I'm not sure, but anyway, I'll tweet it out later on when I get back to the hotel room with my with my key in that case. Yeah, find it might actually be it is it is? Yeah, so I've got it here then, Okay, I think, isn't it there's a white bag in there. I think that's my equipment. I don't think. Yeah, anyway, I'll tweet it out later on for you.
Billy, all right, please do a five nine two two two eight seven. We'll take a couple of calls. In our final segment, we'll look ahead to the weekend. You know, selection Sunday. Is this Sunday, guys, I know it's coming up quick.
It's here.
I mean, let's let's go, best time of the year. We'll take a break and be right back here on the ks Apprecia, welcome back to our final segment here on the KSR pre Show.
It's a Friday.
It's Billy and the Dude and Ryan Lemon joining us.
We got some games in the SEC Tournament today. Kentucky is a five and a half point dog against Alabama. In the late game, Florida will take on Missouri after they beat Mississippi State. It's Texas versus Tennessee in the second game of the day, and the first game of the day, starting at twelveth Central, is Auburn and Old miss Do you guys think that there are any.
Upsets in today's seth oh, I'm sure there will be. I don't know which one, which one?
Yeah? Most likely one, you think, Yeah, I.
Mean I would say Kentucky, but without Butler, I don't know that I feel that great about the game. But if we had Butler healthy, I would pick Kentucky to beat Alabama today. You see any times, right, it's very hard to beat anybody three times, no matter.
And like I said before, Kentucky played Alabama really really well, and rup they just hit a couple more two more shots than we did. That they're without Boler when they have Mark Sears, I mean, it's it is definitely gonna be tough. If I had to pick one of the four, I I don't. I'm not counting Texas over Tennessee. I'm not counting that out right now.
And Texas is on a run right now there, I mean, k not going off Texas A and M yesterday and double overtime and.
They can score in Tennessee. We all we know they have trouble scoring.
Yeah, Billy, what do you think do you think there's any upsets today? I'm sure there's gonna be one somewhere. No, I think it's gonna be a lot of chalk.
I think it's gonna be allowed down from the exciting day that we saw yesterday. But you know, with Texas beating Texas A and M. They are now the last team in in in some bracketologies, at least the one that I'm looking at right now, the last four teams in Texas is the last one four teams. The number This is gonna go down as the greatest college basketball conference of all time.
I think what that means is we need to kick South Carolina and LSU out of the sec that you're embarrassing us. All okay, we could have had a fourteen out of fourteen, you know all of our teams that if it weren't for LSU in South Carolina, get them out of here.
Wow, that would be something. But it's it is crazy. It looks like Indiana could be the first team out. Ryan and Oh that you absolutely hate that.
Yeah, I would really cry and lose a lot of sleep over that if that ends up happening. I kind of wanted to play him though, to be honest, I wanted them to get in Kentucky. You play them well.
Their coach was like, maybe I shouldn't have left so early or something like that when they started winning.
But it looks like they they may fall up short.
But we've got plenty more college basketball to get two selections Sunday on Sunday. So it's an exciting time of year. So I'm glad to be a part of it with you guys. Let's go back to the phones, though. Well, we got a little bit of time left, and I believe Derek is on the line.
Good morning, Derek, good morning. It's up there.
All right, you got two I got to two things.
Can you hear me?
Yeah, loud and clear.
Go all right. I'm so excited that we won last night. I really, I really did. Even when they went up by one point last night, I didn't think we were going to lose. I still thought we were gonna win. And I also wanted to ask Billy what happened to the postgame show? When I went to play it this morning, I got hour number two.
Yeah, Billy, come on, what's wrong with you?
Scam? Show was was loaded correctly.
I listened to some of it last night, so maybe you were just uh, maybe you need to refresh your app.
Maybe we need to try that.
All right, I'll try that.
All right, take a good one. All Derek's want to call you up and give you a hard time about not posting the podcast the.
Morning you can you can check me if you think I've done it wrong, but you need to you need to make sure I do it wrong before you you check me.
You know what I mean? Shannon, Yeah, exactly. So No, it's there, I've got it. I've got to pull it up right now.
Okay, all right, good, I do want to say, well, we've got a couple of minutes left. The Kentucky baseball team has finished their non conference schedule. They finished thirteen and two. They now start SEC play this weekend. They are at number three Georgia And Ryan, do you know the name of the Kentucky player that transferred.
To Georgia over the offseason. Yeah, it was McCarthy, that's right, Nolan McCarthy, the center fielder. We had that great moment, who I'm slotting, that's it and doing the Spider Man, right, He had the Superman slide at home plate.
You know that that picture they took with him in mid air, right, and then he picks packs up and leaves and went to Georgia.
But then they do like the Spider Man pointing thing after that? Or am I different? Okay? He was part of that.
He spent three seasons at UK before deciding to leave. Our hitting coach also went to Georgia followed him. So it's a big weekend, a big series, our conference start for the baseball team. We hope they go back to the College World Series, and I believe that starts this weekend. But guys, it's it's the best time of the year because of college basketball, and you guys are down in Nashville. What's what's the game plan? You guys gonna maybe take it easy, watch some more games. I guess Shannon, you don't have a show to perform too, so it'll be a little bit easier day for you.
Right right, Yeah, I think the plan is we're gonna obviously KSRS coming up next, and then after that go grab some lunch somewhere and then take maybe a couple hour nap just to catch up on some of the the lost rest that we had from yesterday.
Pregame shows not till seven again tonight, so we've got all afternoon to take a nap and just kind of chill and watch the games on our TV and the hotel room.
Billy, I will tell you, I don't know if you heard any of the show that Ryan or I did, but being credentialed at the SEC tournament. It isn't all that it is cracked up to be because we went in there that well. I mean, I'm not gonna go and tell you the whole story right now, but uh, basically, long story short, got in, got credentialed, We go to press road, there's no seats, so there's an overflow section, we go to sit down, and uh, basically got kicked out. Long story short. That was my first day with the media. Or is it like, yeah, there's no assigned seat. I mean maybe for the big guys, maybe for the big dogs, you.
Know, first come, first served.
I guess if you're somebody of importance. But us low level media, they to say, just go find a seat in the bullpen somewhere, you know. But they go, you can't sit here. I go, where am I supposed to sit? He goes, I don't know.
I go.
Then if you can't tell me where I'm supposed to sit, I'm not moving. And this was during the Vandy game. Billy and I go, I'm not leaving. So at one point he threatened to call the cops, and I go, well, go get them.
WHOA called his bluff? Yeah?
And he didn't, and uh, you know, there's everybody else around me though, Billy, Like, first of all, the people weren't fighting for seats there. It wasn't like you know, it was in that section. It was half full, and nobody else around me had the proper credentials either to sit there, and he wasn't kicking them out, So I just I just kind of sit there and watched the game while other people got can't have your gold jacket on? Or was that just in the picture of your just in the picture?
That is, by the way, update for you. The headshot they used was the OVW headshot they used that good good.
Well, let's not use the one with a headset on it. Actually it looks like you're working.
Let's use it. I mean, yeah, exactly, go figure. The one that actually looks like I'm a radio host got denied. The one of me and my wrestling gear gets approved. Oh, we didn't approve him because he didn't say his name was the dude. The dude putting the dude is actually what got me approved on there. Yeah, I don't know. Well, Shanon tell you about draftings before we had to get out of here, of course. Yeah, draft Kings sports book. You know, they got a DraftKings sports book down here in Nashville. We're probably gonna be spending some time later on. You can get on DraftKings promo code KSR. If you're a new customer, you bet five, you get one hundred and fifty and bonus bets with live betting, same game parlays, player props, fast and easy payouts. That's what you get with Draft Kings. The crown is yours. If you have a gamley problem, call one nine hundred Gambler eighteen plus Kentucky only OLGE, but restrictions apply. The customer's only bonus bets expire one hundred and sixty eight hours Afterishman's additional terms for responsible gaming resources see DKNNG dot co, slash audio.
Well, Kentucky's beaten up. They play a team that they've lost twice to, already a top five team in the country in Alabama.
But you know what, it's March.
We just saw a crazy day of basketball upsets, and and why not let's have some more KSR. Pregame show starts at seven pm later today. The guys will be at tinrou for that, but KSR is coming up next for Ryan. For Shannon, I'm Billy Rutlers. This has been the KSR pre show. We will talk to you on Monday.