The Kingdom Of Lost Balloons 🎈⭐️ Premium Kids Story For Sleep

Published Apr 16, 2024, 11:00 PM

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In tonight's premium bedtime story for kids, we're going to find where those balloons go after they are let go of, and get swept into the sky all thanks to two best friends, Kitty and Ross, and one very special bright red balloon called Pop. Relax, get sleepy, and let’s begin! 

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The No1 kids bedtime stories & sleep meditations podcast that helps children sleep like a dream. Hosted by the world's biggest fan of bedtime stories, Abbe Opher! All episodes are safe for babies, children and really big kids 0 to 100, so settle down tonight and get sleepy with the world's greatest bedtime stories & sleep meditations for kids.


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Narrator πŸŽ™ Abbe Opher

Author ✍️ Luke Prendergast

Hey Abby, here you can listen to this episode in full. By joining the Cocoa Club today, you'll unlock the weekly Wednesday episode, Enjoy ad free listening, and help support Kuala Moon so we can keep making the show. Sign up on Apple Podcasts, or for all other podcast players, click the supercast link in the show notes. Anyway, here's a preview of this very special episode. In the middle of the countryside, among the rolling fields of grass and wheat and barley, where sheep and cows grazed peacefully and brooks trickled through clutches of leafy woodland, stood two red brick cottages. They were the only two houses for Miles and Miles, and the nearest town to them was a long drive away. So it was pretty lucky for Kitty, who lived in one of the cottages that her best friend Ross lived in the other. Maybe they became best friends because they lived next door to each other, But if you asked her, Kitty thought there was more to it than that. As far as she was concerned, it was more like an act of fate than of mere chance that Ross's parents had decided to move into the house next door to her, because from the moment she and Ross met, they knew they were going to be the best of friends. They loved doing all the same things, climbing trees, building forts, play fighting with sticks. They liked watching the ducklings paddling down the river, and they liked putting up a tent in the garden and listening to the hoops the owls made to each other through the night. But most of all, they liked sending messages tied to the ends of balloons. Ross's dad to tank of helium in his garage, and every now and then he'd drive Kitty and Ross into town to buy a little patch of biodegradable balloons. Then they'd blow them up, draw faces on them in black marker pen and let them bob about the ceiling of the garage like a crowd of multicolored, funny looking people. After that, they'd take a couple of the balloons and tie little pieces of card onto the ends. On these cards, they'd have written notes things like hello from Kitty and Ross, or this balloon is a gift from an extra terrestrian. They'd go outside and let the balloon go and watch it fly off into the sky until it disappeared out of sight. For a long time afterwards, they'd wonder where in the world the balloon would land, and whether the person who found it would laugh over their messages. One day, when they were clambering up huge cylindrical hay bales as though they were mountains to climb, Ross told Kitty that he had some news for her. His dad had got a new job, and in just a couple of weeks time, they'd be moving house to the other side of the country. At first, Kitty was sad when she heard this news, but soon she brightened up. She was excited for Ross getting to discover a new place and start a new chapter in his life. And they'd still be best friends, wouldn't they, of course, said Ross, You'll always be my best friend, goodenough to come and visit me when I've moved, and I'll leave you the new address so we can be pen pals. The prospect of being pen pals was very exciting. Indeed, Kitty had never had someone to write letters to before. Suddenly her dreams were filled with scrolled up bits of parchment covered with curling calligraphy and blots of ink, And for the following weeks, Kitty and Ross couldn't stop talking about all the things they'd do when she came to visit Ross's new house, the adventures they'd go on, the fresh new sights they'd have to see. On the day that Ross was due to move, he came over to Kitty's house, gave her a big hug, and handed her a scrap of paper with his new address on it. Show that you can write to me, he said. Listen to the full episode By joining the Cocoa Club, unlock the entire back catalog of Cocoa Club exclusives and enjoy all episodes completely ad free.