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Ahead of California raising minimum wages for fast food workers to $20/hour, Pizza Hut will lay off 2,000 delivery drivers

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One of the new California laws that kicks in -come the new year will bring dramatic increases to the minimum wages of fast food workers. 

On April 1st, workers at fast food franchises will start to earn a 20-dollar-an-hour minimum wage, but changes are already coming to the industry - even before the higher pay scales go into effect. 

Two Pizza Hut franchisees operating several dozen stores in California have given notice to roughly 2,000 delivery drivers - that they're likely to be laid off early next year. 

Keith Miller is with American Association of Franchisees & Dealers... he tells us, fast food restaurants were already moving away from delivery services; the Subway store owner says .. trimming back on workers won't be the only impact - of the new higher minimum wage:

With fast food workers about to make $20/hour Miller tells us,  this will effectively raise California's minimum wage - across the board for everyone.

Fast food chains such as Chipotle and McDonald’s say they planned to raise menu prices as a way to off-set the costs of higher wages in California. 

(Photo by Brandon Bell/Getty Images)

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