Dr. Glen Schultz presents a question that every Christian educator, parent, and pastor must ask themselves: Can schooling be neutral? Can you send a student to school just to learn simple math, history, science, et cetera? The reality is, nothing is neutral. When we secularize our education, it allows the perversion of education to fill our children's minds with error and passion over truth.
For more information on Dr. Glen Schultz and Kingdom Education Ministries, please visit Kingdom Education Ministries.
To learn more about Dr. Schultz, please visit this link.
To learn more about the ground-breaking book "Kingdom Education" by Dr. Schultz or to order a copy of the book, please follow this link.
"Kingdom Currents" is a podcast sponsored by Frameworks, a Biblical worldview initiative. For more information on Frameworks, please visit: https://frameworks.ncsaz.org