Zara and Micah Save the Queen's Crown| Part 2

Published Jun 9, 2024, 5:00 AM

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About Mr. Jim:

Hi! I'm Jim Jacob, a South Carolina based creator. I started as a podcaster by accident. Our first real episodes on the internet were me trying to find a solution to help tell my sons stories as I was traveling for work. I recorded some stories and hoped that by uploading them to a podcast app, my wife and kids could have easy access to listen. What started as a fix for our family’s bedtime routine interruption has grown into a worldwide audience with hundreds of thousands of listeners. My wife Jocelyn and I have 3 kids and love inspiring others towards greater imagination and curiosity.

Welcome to "Kids Short Stories," the unique podcast where your child's imagination becomes the star of the show! Dive into a world of adventure, mystery, and fun as Mr. Jim brings to life exhilarating tales inspired by story ideas submitted by kids from around the globe. Whether your child dreams up a story about space-traveling aliens, underwater adventures, or magical forests, "Kids Short Stories" transforms their creative sparks into captivating audio experiences.

Each episode of "Kids Short Stories" is a new journey, tailor-made for young listeners who love to explore, learn, and imagine. With a special emphasis on kids' stories, this podcast is not just entertainment—it's a platform where children's voices and ideas lead the narrative. Listen as kids' stories about heroes, mythical creatures, and everyday challenges come to life, fostering a love for storytelling and enhancing listening skills.

"Kids Short Stories" is more than just a podcast; it's a community where children are encouraged to be creative and where their stories are valued and celebrated. By focusing on kids' stories, we aim to inspire a generation of young thinkers, dreamers, and storytellers. Join Mr. Jim every week for a new, exciting kids' story that ignites imagination and brings joy and laughter into your child's world.

Parents and educators love "Kids Short Stories" for its commitment to delivering engaging, thoughtful, and age-appropriate content. Each kids' story is crafted with care, ensuring that it's not only entertaining but also educational. If you're looking for a podcast that enriches your child's day with fantastic kids' stories and a healthy dose of imagination, you've found the perfect listen with "Kids Short Stories."

Don't let your child's imaginative ideas stay untold! Tune in to "Kids Short Stories" and embark on a storytelling adventure where kids' stories come to life. Subscribe now and be part of a podcast that celebrates the power of children's creativity through mesmerizing kids' stories.

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Contributing Writer: Melissa Loehle

Hey, friends, welcome back to Kids Short Stories. If this is your first time, welcome to the family. My name is mister Jim and I have three kids on my own and we have come to learn that story time is the best way to promote imagination and creativity in your kids. We just love what Stories have done for our family and thank you so much for inviting us into your home. Well, friends, are you ready to find out what happens on part two of our adventure with Zara and Micah? Are they gonna save the Queen's crown? Let's find out. Let's go. As Zara and Michaeh were zooming through the air with their jet packs, they were flying right towards the crown that was being pulled up into Doctors Stinky Breath's purple blimp high up in the clouds. Down below on the ground, it was complete pandemonium as all people were screaming, not knowing what in the world was going on, and the Queen was very worried. You see, that crown that Doctor Sinkybreath and Professor Sticky Fingers have just stolen is actually a magical crown that contains magical powers. I think that is why doctor Stinky Breath wanted to steal it in the first place. Micah, I don't think we're gonna make it there in time before that crown gets sucked into the purple blimp. We gotta call it into HQ, said Zara. Micah reached for his walkie talkie and pulled it out and said, sh HQ, this is Micah and Zara. Are you there over? Sh Micah and Zara, what's going on? Sh something terrible. It looks like doctor Sinky Breath has used some kind of really sticky string to steal the crown from the Quint of England, shouted Micah into the walkie talkie. SH that is terrible. We need you to keep close tabs and where that blimp is, and then we'll formulate a plan to get that crown back to the Queen. We cannot allow doctor Stinky Breath to keep that magical crown. We will send you a plan as soon as we have one. Just stay close to that blimp and make sure that you stay unseen over end out shh. Zara and Micah continued following closely behind that purple blimp in the sky. They were flying in disguise in these clouds which help keep them unseen, which was going to be super duper important if they were gonna be able to sneak into the blimp undetected Zara, How in the world are we gonna sneak into that blimp somehow without them knowing? Asked Micah. I don't know. I hope HQ is able to send us something. Maybe Spiology Squad is able to I don't know, create something so that we can transport through walls. Both of their eyes got really big and excited. I think we should call Spiology squad see if they can do that, said Micah. I'm on it. Zara grabbed her walkie talkie and turned it over to the channel for Spiology Squad. S. Spiology Squad, are you there, shouted Zara, we have an emergency over sh Hey guys, Spiology Squad here. It's Jaden Ava and mister Jim. What's going on over sh Oh? It's so great to hear your voice. We need help. Doctor Sinkybreath has just stolen the crown from the Queen of England. We're following closely behind in the clouds, but we need to find out if there's a way that we can sneak into the blimp undetected. Do you have anything that can get us through those walls? Sh There was a long pause, and then Ava responded, sh. Yeah, Hey, this is Ava. I've actually been working on something that could like transport us through walls. It's kind of hard to explain over the walkie talkie, but I'll put it on the drone and send it your way. It'll have instructions included, send us your coordinates, and we'll get it there just in a couple of minutes. Over sh. That's awesome, yes, said Zara. We'll send you our coordinates and get it here quickly because I don't know what doctor Stinky Breath is planning with that crown over sh Holy smokes. That is so good to hear. Spiley Squad, you know, that's our science division of the Spy team, and they're always working the most amazing experiments and coming up with the best solutions to all of our biggest problems. How in the world do you think they're gonna be able to get through walls? I have no clue, but hopefully we're gonna find out soon. Meanwhile, up at the Purple Blimp lab, doctor Stinky Breath was laughing at his success. Aha. Now is that we have this crown in our position, we can use this to take over the world.

Hah yeah, boss, that's great news that we have the crown here. But when it's giant, sticky mess, how are we going to clean off all this stickiness? It's pretty disgusting.

What are you talking about? Stickier is better? I like sticky and stinky. Make it extra sticky, professor, Oh boy, coming right up.

Oh yeah, that's what I meant, extra stinky, said the Purple Ninches. But boss, what is the plan with this crown? I don't understand how this is gonna help us think over the world?

Doctor stinky breath reached for the crown and turned it around. You see this ginormous ruby jewel back here.

Oh wow, that is a ginormous ruby Yes, and.

As soon as we pump it out of the crown, we'll be able to put it inside of our mind controlling machine.

Oh yeah, that mind controlling machine is a great idea, but we've never been able to get it to work because we needed a bigger crystal. They should probably do the job.

Exactly, Purple Ninches. Now, find the way to get that ginormous red ruby out from the crown. Hey, Micah, look over there, I think that's the drone from spirology squad. Remember, Micah in Zara, we're had their jet packs on and we're following closely behind this purple blimp and his biology squad had just sent them something that would help them break in undetected. Sh Zara, Micah, this is Jaden from Spiology squad. Hey, we just sent you something. Did you receive it? Over, Yes, it just arrived.

What is it?

Sh Well, remember our Bubbleberry soap that is gonna be what you're gonna use. That's gonna get you in through the blimp. We just discovered that the blimp is made of some kind of slime and the Bubbleberry soap should be able to dissolve that slime and get you right into the blimp completely undetected. Over, sh Zara and Micah open up the package from his spiology squad, and sure enough, it was a brand new bottle of Bubbleberry soap. This was a specially formulated soap made by Aspology Squad that could get rid of the stickiest and stinkiest of messes, and that would be absolutely incredible if this could actually dissolve the wall of the blimp. Zara and Micah flew right next to the blimp. All right, what do we do? Just spray it on there, asked Micah. Yeah, I guess so here goes nothing, said Zara. She held out the bottle of soap and sprayed it onto the blimp. It instantly started bubbling. Do you think that means it's working, asked Micah. I don't know, but I guess we'll find out soon, said Zara, And just then, as the bubbles cleared, it had dissolved completely through the wall of the blimp. And I don't know how in the world they got that lucky, but on the other side of that hole was sitting the Queen's crown. Micah reached through the hole and grabbed it and they got out of there as fast as they could. They had to return it to the queen before it was too late, as the Purple Man just walked in to remove that giant ruby from the crown. They were shocked.

Ah, boss, uh, did you do something over here? Why is there a giant hole on the crown missing?

What are you talking about? Please tell me you're joking.

No Ah, the crowd just here a second ago, and now there's a giant all in the wall.

Look Purpennin jewels. How did you let it get away? Somebody gets some tape and clean up that giant hole. Ah, it must have been spiology squad again, Professor, we need a new plan. Great jobs are in Micah. You two save the day and save the Queen's crown just in the nick of time. We couldn't have done it without you and friends. That's maybe the end of the story, but I think it's just the beginning of doctor Stinkybut's plan to take over the world the end. Great job, you listened all the way to the end, and you know what time it is. It's time four kid shout outs. I want to say hey to Max from Ottawa, Vian from India, Mila from Washington, Serena from Nova Scotia, Adeline from Santa Barbara, Casper and Jacob from Massachusetts, and Kia and Hannah from New Jersey. I'm so glad that you're all in the kid short Stories family and on our spy team. We could not stop doctor Stinkybreath and his crew without you, my friends. Well, you have a super duper day and i'll see you next time. Bye.

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