The Dino Who Accidentally Ate A Unicorn

Published Sep 22, 2022, 11:00 AM

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About Mr. Jim:

Hi! I'm Jim Jacob, a South Carolina based creator. I started as a podcaster by accident. Our first real episodes on the internet were me trying to find a solution to help tell my sons stories as I was traveling for work. I recorded some stories and hoped that by uploading them to a podcast app, my wife and kids could have easy access to listen. What started as a fix for our family’s bedtime routine interruption has grown into a worldwide audience with hundreds of thousands of listeners. My wife Jocelyn and I have 3 kids and love inspiring others towards greater imagination and curiosity.

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Mr. Jim

Created and Written by Jim Jacob, Luke Bowman and Chelsea Bowman

Welcome back to kids short stories. If this is your first time listening, welcome to the family. This is a big deal that you have started listening to our podcast. My name is Mr Jim and I love making stories every single day for you and parents, uh, me and my wife and kids. This has changed our family's life of reducing screen time and just making imagination come alive. Well, are you guys ready for today's adventure? Me Too. Let's go. A very, very long time ago, lived a dinosaur named Eli. Eli was a very large dinosaur that always was very hungry and sometimes eight things on accident that he wasn't really supposed to eat, but it was just, you know, around his mouth when he was chomping up all of his food. Like one time he ate a tree, like the tree trunk and all. He was not supposed to eat tree trunks, but again it was too close to his mouth. Oh and like the other time he ate a ginormous rock, I gave him a very big tummy ache. Well, today, something kind of like that happened, but it was much, much worse. Oh Boy, im can't wait to eat all of my food today. Oh, if I'm awake, I am eating, and if I am not eating and awake, I am looking for something to eat, said Eli. It was true. That's pretty much how he spent his entire awake life. Like he did sleep a lot, but when he was awake he was looking for food. Enough was never enough for Eli's ginormous Tummy. Oh, look at those fields of watermelons. Those look delicious. Oh, I'm gonna eat them all, as he started running through this watermelon field, which was full of really delicious looking watermelons. Mind you, I might even want to have one or two or three of those as well. Do you like eating watermelons? Oh, watermelons, those are delicious. Oh, I just can't stop thinking about how juicy a good watermelon is. And Oh, look at Eli, he's eating a ton of watermelons. Meanwhile, on the other side of the field was another critter Um, a magical Unicorn. You See, back in dinosaur times there were not many UNICORNS. They were pretty rare, even rarer than they are today, and this Unicorn was working on a very special watermelon cotton candy experiment that she was very excited about. Our LUSSA are half. Let's Rod Amelon on that wrong and the wrong lest the lusus, I can't rout to Sarah thought a bottle. You See, every Unicorn has a different skill and a different job and thing that they're good at, and she was really good at making the world's most delicious cotton candy. Holy Smokes, I've never had watermelon cotton candy. That sounds like a good idea. I think I want to try some of that. Well, as Eli the dinosaur was chopping his way through the field, unfortunately, our Unicorn friend did not hear him coming, and unfortunately something terrible happened. Oh Oh, that was a delicious field of watermelons. Oh what does that sound and why does it feel like there's something stuck inside of my throat? Oh, said Eli, Hell Louis Rollable, get them all out of floor, shouted the Unicorn. Oh No, holy smoked, that dinosaur. He was so hungry that he ate the Unicorn. He didn't even know it. Oh, this is terrible. What am I ever gonna get my watermelon concatty if the Unicorn got in my well, good thing. The story does not end here, and I better stop crying because don't worry, this Unicorn is going to find a very interesting way that she escapes this dinosaur's throat. As soon as Eli the dinosaur realized that he had swallowed a very rare cotton candy making Unicorn, he felt very bad about it. Oh dear out, not only does this hurt my throat, but hurts my heart. I feel so terrible that I literally ate the Unicorn. Hello, Little Unicorn in there, are you okay? I'm I'm sounds a little stuck inside her throat. My Horn captain webs on this little so I doesn't for all the round her bowl. That was a close rue. But how do around that? Out of she shouted, Oh good, well, uh, I guess. Oh yes, Martin, my friend Martin the Monkey, might be able to help. Let's go. Eli The dinosaur started running through the forest to go meet up with his monkey friend Martin. Martin, I need your help, he shouted. Hello, there Eli. What seems to be the problem, Martin? Something dreadful happened. Hi accidentally eight a Unicorn. How did that happen? That was a delicious field of water, Malone's and it's them all in accidentally, somehow swallowed the Unicorn along the way. Sit here he was pointing to his throat, which had a very large thing pointing out the side of it. That is the Unicorn's horn. I say hello, Little Unicorn. Hello, laughs, I'm stuck all her. Got Some oil or something? Oh, that's a good idea. Oil will make a lot slippery or and to help us be able to pull her out of there. I got some coconut oil. Just hang on a second. Martin the monkey jumped up a whole bunch of branches and ran back to a place that I think he hides a lot of his things and found some coconut oil that would hopefully make it slippery enough to pull that Unicorn on out of there. As he came back holding a jar of coconut oil, he had a very important request for Eli the dinosaur. So you have to probus is when I go in your mouth to put this coconut oil in there, you have the probus to that eat me. Oh, oh, Martin, I would never eat you. Just believe me. I will not. I will hold my mouth opened and you do your work. Martin the monkey cautiously climbed inside and carefully dumped all the coke and oil that he had down into the throat. Ah, that's a disgusting shouted the Unicorn on the regular a lot, but grab mos, all and Perm, she shouted. Martin the monkey grabbed onto the tail and pulled with all of its might. All Right, I got you, he pulled, and out popped the Unicorn. Her thoughts will so much for Sula Roller nostyle, little the Unicorn. I'm so sorry for have eaten you. Hi, I will never do it again. I will be more careful when I am eating. I don't know, I'm started around a dinal St trible Oh roll of my Lens. She was still a little upset, but Martin the monkey made her feel a lot better when he reached back and handed her two watermelons from his own stash. Yeah, you can have some mind, because you're the one that makes all that delicious Cotton Candy Right. Yes, our thoughts w Sera months plus our Blue Rock, and that is the end of our story. But holy smokes, what a crazy adventure that Eli the Dins are accidentally Ata Yoda Card. I think he needs to take better care of looking where he's chomping before he swallows. I'm so glad that Martin the monkey was able to save the day and even make sure that they all got some delicious watermelon, cotton candy the end. Hey Friends, I need your help celebrating two birthdays. This first birthday, kid's name starts with an and ends within us. Drumroll please. Happy Birthday alias James, who is earning five years old. Alias, those amazing facts about a lot of animals, who, I hope you're a credit protector and has traveled the world. Wow, that's so awesome. I'm so glad, alize, that we get celebrate your fifth birthday on the show. I hope it's the best one ever. And next up, this birthday, kid's name starts with an a and nds with an N. get your guesses in now. Drumroll please, Happy Birthday Adrian, who's turning eight years old. She loves her cats and history. I love both of those things too, and she really knows how to make her parents laugh. That's awesome, Adrian. I'm so glad that we get to celebrate your big day on the show. I hope it's the best birthday ever. Great job. You listen to all the way to the ending. You know what Tom it is. It's time for kid shout out. I want to say hey to atlas in Domino, from New Zealand, Penelope from Calgary, devant from India, Elijah and I love from California, fraud from Malaysia, Maya from Massachusetts, Dwanti from Washington, Fergus from Morgan, Edell, Alex and Tommy from Connecticut. I'm so glad that you're all in the kids short stories, family and on this fight day week, could not stop Dr stinking breath and his crew without you're my friends. Well, you have a super duper day and I will see you on our next adventure. Bye.

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