The Day Of The Ice Laser Attack | Chapter 2

Published Jul 3, 2022, 1:00 PM

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Hi! I'm Jim Jacob, a South Carolina based creator. I started as a podcaster by accident. Our first real episodes on the internet were me trying to find a solution to help tell my sons stories as I was traveling for work. I recorded some stories and hoped that by uploading them to a podcast app, my wife and kids could have easy access to listen. What started as a fix for our family’s bedtime routine interruption has grown into a worldwide audience with hundreds of thousands of listeners. My wife Jocelyn and I have 3 kids and love inspiring others towards greater imagination and curiosity.

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Hello Friends, it's Mr Jim and welcome back to kids short stories. You have got to check out all the activities and challenges that we make just for you around all of our kids animal stories podcast episode. So down in the show notes below there's a link for activities for kids, and that is where we turn all of our animal stories episodes into an amazing activity and challenge. And don't forget to check out what it means to be a critter protector. Well, friends, are you ready for Allison at Everest Adventure? He too, let's go. There was atlas standing on top of a mountain, right next to his brother, who was frozen solid inside of a Nice Cube, and nevers did not know what to do. Oh No, I hope Bernie is able to get here in time. Everest had called into h que earlier and was waiting to see if Bernie, the fire breathing dragon, who was on the spy team, was able to get there in time. Surely he would be able to melt this ice right. Ever, reached down and grabbed his walkie. There was a message. He pressed the button and it said Bernie is en route. He will arrive in three minutes. Open up a flare so that he knows where to land. Over ever, raced over to his spy pack. Inside of that backpack there were all kinds of important things that every spy needs, and one of them was an emergency flare. As he pulled it out and opened it up, it sprayed out a very bright light. He tossed it in an open field nearby to give Bernie the clearance and the space to land, and off in the distance, Everest could see him. Bernie, you're over yere. He started jumping up and down and waving his arms and Bernie carefully landed in the snow right next to the flare. FERVEREST, it's great to see you. Wow. Do you guys remember the story of Bernie the Fire Breathing Dragon? Yes, he has an amazing story. He's actually on our spy team and only gets called in for very super secret special missions that require his fire breathing power. But you see, a long time ago he actually didn't know how to breathe fire as a dragon and it was kind of a long, complicated story, but somehow he ended up in space and accidentally bunked right into the sun and swallowed a pizza of the sun and that is why his voice sounds like that. I think your voice gets a little scratchy and deep when you swallow a piece of the Sun. It makes your throat sound differently. All right, I hear somebody got frozen in a big block of ice, asked Bernie. Yes, my brother Atlas got completely frozen into block of vices over here. Come on her. Everest started running for that block of ice and Bernie was close behind, and there was wow, that is one big block of ice. Where did that thing come from? Those things just don't appear in the mountain, out of nowhere. Well, we're pretty sure that the purple Ninja's made some kind of blue ice laser. I don't know why in the world they would shoot it at us. But wait a second, wait, get down, get down. Everest was looking up in the sky and up in the clouds above he could see the Purple Blimp. Holy smokes, I gotta call this into HQ, but can you start melting my brother first? Right away, Bernie started breathing out a controlled, very hot flame around the ice. He had to be careful to not burn atlas, but also to get him out of that block of ice as soon as possible. HQ. This is Everest. I see the Purple Blimp. I think it's heading in the direction of h q over. Thank you for the update, Everest. As soon as you and atlas are ready to go, I need you to follow that Purple Blimp and stop them before it arrives at h q over. By the time Everest turned around, there was his brother, Atlas. Are you okay? Yeah, I'm I'm OK okay, but that was so cold her. Do we have any blankets in her backs? Atlas was shivering so much. He was very, very cold. Yeah, we have blankets over here. Oh, and I'll start a fire. Just hang on one second. Berney started gathering some wood and Everest put a big warm blanket around atlas. Okay, Oh, that's a lot warmer, said atlas. Oh he smokes, Dude. What in the world happened in there, asked Everest. Well, it was very cold and I don't even know how that happened. Do you know why it turned into a giant ice black, screamed atlas. Actually we do. We know that it was the Purple Ninjas and I just saw the purple limp and we gotta follow it. I think they're on a mission to freeze H Q and You were some kind of test to see if they're laser worked? Laser? Asked Atlas. Yeah, pretty much. At this point, all I know is that there's some kind of blue ice laser that the Purple Ninjas are using and I think they're going to use it on h q and the two of us and Bernie. We've got to stop them before it's too late. Instantly, Atlas stood up, tossed his blanket aside and said, all right, well then, what are we waiting for? It's like almost nighttime. We'll be able to follow them without them even knowing in the dark. Let's go. Even though that might sound surprising, how quickly Alice was able to warm up and get ready for the next mission. Everest was not surprised. He knew that his brother was super duper brave and always was up for the next adventure. As our two spies and their fire breathing dragon packed up all their things and prepared to launch off to follow the blimp doctor stinky breath and the Purple Ninjas were navigating towards h Q. Alright, Purple Ninjas, I need update. Fare in the world is h q and how much longer until we get there. While boss, remember the last time that we froze HQ, it was just over there, but they moved their headquarters to a different location. But the Purple Ninjas started quickly clicking away on a keyboard in front of a big screen. Yes, it looks like we have the new location of H Q right over here. It should take us about ten minutes to get there from here. All right, purple niches, that is good news. You See, I'm tired of the spy team always winning. Is About Times that we win the battle. Prepares a blue lay certain and get a magna hoop as well. Let's make this ice laser as big as we possibly can. Oh No, this is not good. If they have this blue ice laser and use it with the Magna Hoop, do you remember what the Magna Hoop is? Yeah, it makes things even bigger than they really are. So that could mean they could actually freeze all of H Q. What in the world is going to happen and our Everest an atlas, gonna be able to save the day before it's too late? I'm not sure, but we'll have to wait and see what happens on the next episode of kids short stories. Great job. You listened all the way to the end and you know what time it is. It's time for kid showed. Oh. So I want to say hey to summit from California, scarlet from Ontario, Azalea from Scottsale, Arizona, Ethan Elliott Ezron came from New Jersey, Jakin from Riod, Asian era, Max and billy from California, Simon from Vancouver and Myra from California. I'm so glad that you're all on the kids short stories family and on our spy team. We could not stop doctor stinky breath and his crew without you, my friends. Will you have a super duper day. I will see you next time. Bye.

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