Hunter and Reed have lost the seed! Professor Sticky Fingers must be the thief! Will they save it in time?
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Hey, friends, it's Mr Jim and welcome back to kids short stories. Last time we saw that Professor Sticky Fingers has started stealing all of our spy gear. And it's up to Hunter and Read to grow the magical seed of a bubble berry bush. Are they going to be able to choose to be patient and follow the directions so that it grows in time? I don't know. Well, we gotta find out. Let's go under. I don't know how much longer I can take this. This is one of the hardest challenges of my entire life, said Read. Hunter glanced down, said Read. We've been watering this plant for like only four hours so far. Why are you being so dramatic, because this is the hardest challenge I've ever had in my entire life. Not very good at being patient? Read, I guess it was not very good at being patient. Do you think you know how to be patient? I bet you do. You see, being patient means that you value something that's on the other side of being patient. So imagine if I said, Hey, I'm gonna ask you to sit in this chair for five minutes. Do you think that five minutes is gonna seem like a long time, or how about ten minutes? How about if you had to sit in a chair for ten minutes. That would seem pretty hard, right, it would be hard to be patient. Well, what if on the other side of that ten minutes you got a cookie? Oh, I bet you'd be up for that challenge. We'll see. You can choose to be patient, and sometimes it's something that you have to choose to do and not. It's all, there's not always a cookie at the other side. Well, as spies, Hunter and Read they had been to a lot of trainings about how to choose to be patient, but I guess it's harder to act it out in real life. And Read was really struggling. I don't think I can do this. Beep beep, beep. All right, it's time to water, said Hunter. You see, they had an alarm going off every ten minutes. They had to water the seeds so that it would grow, and then that bush would produce the bubble berries that we need to stop, provisor, sticky fingers. The weird thing is that they just have to water every ten minutes, because I guess this is a very thirsty seed. Hunter reached for the watering can and watered the seed again. All right, now reset the timer and then uh, we'll do it again, said Hunter. Read was really running out of patients. I don't know, I really need a break. Um, Hunter, do you think you could take over for a little while and then maybe we could take turns. Oh yeah, that's actually a great idea, said Hunter. Oh God, I'm gonna go lay down or something. Reid was acting like this was like one of the hardest things in his entire life to do. But I get it. Being patient and doing the same thing over and over and over watering that plant seed over and over every ten minutes, that could seem like a pretty challenging thing to do. Well. Read ran inside to go play with his legos for a little bit. Sometimes it is nice to take a break from something every once in a while. It gives you some fresh eyes and a fresh amount of patients. Hunter was very focused on the job. He every ten minutes, when that alarm went off, he would water that seed. Still nothing was growing. Starting to get a little worried that it wasn't actually working. Could this seed actually be broken? Like? What if we're actually supposed to go out and stop doctor sticky fingers? Why are we wasting our time with the seed. Hunter's mind began to fill with a whole bunch of thoughts that maybe he should go off and do his own thing and stop the professor because he is a pretty good spy. Hunter thought to himself, Hey, Read, Reid couldn't hear him because he was inside, So Hunter left the seed to go find Read. This was not a very good choice. Oh boy, it's finally left that seed. Maybe I can go steal it. Oh no, that's the professor. Is he nearby? Read? There you are. Hunter had finally found Read building his legos. Hey what's up? Well? I was thinking, um, do you think we should really follow the directions forever? Because maybe we should just go out and try and stop the Professor. I don't know about that, said Read. I know I was acting really dramatic and that this was ridiculous, but it is what HQ told us to do, and they're always right, so maybe we should just stick it out and if we take turns it will be a lot easier, said Read. I guess you're right, said Hunter. Read glanced out the window to check and see if the seed had started to grow, and it was gone. Hunter, did you move that thing. Where's the seed? Where did it go? Hunter couldn't believe it. He had only gone inside for a little bit. They both raced outside as fast as they could, and sure enough, the seed and it's a little container that it was in. It was missing. What's all this sticky stuff all over the ground. You don't think the professor got here? Oh no, Hunter and Reid started to look all over the place and wait, look over there there was a trail going into the forest with a whole whole bunch of I don't know, sticky, gooey stuff. I bet that's him. Let's follow it. Hunter and Read didn't have any of their spy gear because remember it was all stolen by Professor Sticky Fingers. They had to do this all on their own without any spy gear. Oh no, Read, this is all my fault. I never should have left it alone in the first place. And we're gonna run on a time. The timer is gonna go off and four minutes. We only have four minutes left to water that thing, and then it's all for nothing, said Hunter. Oh it's gonna be okay, dude, said Read. We're gonna get it. Don't worry, let's go. Hunter and Read. We're running faster and faster into the forest, trying to catch up to the professor. It's a good thing. The professor is very sticky. Because he's not fast. He has to every step he takes, he gets sticky everywhere. Oh boy, there's no way that I can let them get this thing back. I gotta get this back to doctor stinky breath, and he's to be a sound happy. Yes, there he is, shouted Hunter. They had finally caught up to him in the forest. Professor, you better put that down or else we're gonna send HQ on you. Like you could ever do that. There's no way. As Professor Sticky Fingers leaned up against a tree to turn around and laugh at Hunter and Read, my hands they're stuck. Oh no. Hunter and Read were able to grab the pot out of Professor Sticky fingers hands as he was stuck to the tree. Hurry, let's get out of here. We're running out of time. Hunter checked the timer and there was only twenty seconds left before the plant needed its next watering. They ran back to the house as fast as they could. Read grab the water quick. They grabbed the water and water the seed just in time. As the timer went off. Shure, that was close, alright, Read, we really got to stick this out. Yeah, now I see how important it is if the Professor wants to steal this. This has got to be the real deal, is that Hunter. The rest of the day, Hunter and Read stuck to it every ten minutes. Even though it seems silly, they still watered the seed every single time. The next morning, sure enough, a bush had quickly grown out of the dirt in the pot. Hunter and Read were able to send the bush and its berries into h Q for sampling. And it worked. They were able to create a very secret formulation of bubble berries. You see, with our bubble shooters, we can now shoot these bubble berries, these bubbles at Professor Sticky Fingers, and that will stop him for good, well unless he can get sticky again, which I'm sure he can, but it will at least stop him that day from stealing anything. Wow, great job, Hunter and Read. It's because of you choosing to be patient that you grew that seed and we now have magical bubble berries. Who that was an amazing adventure, just the beginning of stopping Professor Sticky Fingers the end. Great job you listened all the way to the end, and you know what time it is, It's time for kid shout out. I want to say hey to Noah from Texas, Liam from New York, Frankie and Bianca from New Jersey, Claire and Connor from Calgary, Alberta, Winston and Charlie's from Stockholm, Sweden, Asherin Emmett from Austin, Texas, and Hannah from Canada. I'm so glad that you're all in the Kids Stories, family and honors by team. We could not stop Dr Sinky Breatha his whole team without you, my friends. Well you have a super duper day and I will see you on our next adventure. Bye. M