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About Mr. Jim:
Hi! I'm Jim Jacob, a South Carolina based creator. I started as a podcaster by accident. Our first real episodes on the internet were me trying to find a solution to help tell my sons stories as I was traveling for work. I recorded some stories and hoped that by uploading them to a podcast app, my wife and kids could have easy access to listen. What started as a fix for our family’s bedtime routine interruption has grown into a worldwide audience with hundreds of thousands of listeners. My wife Jocelyn and I have 3 kids and love inspiring others towards greater imagination and curiosity.
Welcome to "Kids Short Stories," the unique podcast where your child's imagination becomes the star of the show! Dive into a world of adventure, mystery, and fun as Mr. Jim brings to life exhilarating tales inspired by story ideas submitted by kids from around the globe. Whether your child dreams up a story about space-traveling aliens, underwater adventures, or magical forests, "Kids Short Stories" transforms their creative sparks into captivating audio experiences.
Each episode of "Kids Short Stories" is a new journey, tailor-made for young listeners who love to explore, learn, and imagine. With a special emphasis on kids' stories, this podcast is not just entertainment—it's a platform where children's voices and ideas lead the narrative. Listen as kids' stories about heroes, mythical creatures, and everyday challenges come to life, fostering a love for storytelling and enhancing listening skills.
"Kids Short Stories" is more than just a podcast; it's a community where children are encouraged to be creative and where their stories are valued and celebrated. By focusing on kids' stories, we aim to inspire a generation of young thinkers, dreamers, and storytellers. Join Mr. Jim every week for a new, exciting kids' story that ignites imagination and brings joy and laughter into your child's world.
Parents and educators love "Kids Short Stories" for its commitment to delivering engaging, thoughtful, and age-appropriate content. Each kids' story is crafted with care, ensuring that it's not only entertaining but also educational. If you're looking for a podcast that enriches your child's day with fantastic kids' stories and a healthy dose of imagination, you've found the perfect listen with "Kids Short Stories."
Don't let your child's imaginative ideas stay untold! Tune in to "Kids Short Stories" and embark on a storytelling adventure where kids' stories come to life. Subscribe now and be part of a podcast that celebrates the power of children's creativity through mesmerizing kids' stories.
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Contributing Writer: Melissa Loehle
Hey friends, it's mister Jim and welcome back to Kids Short Stories. I love reading through these reviews that you send me on Apple Podcasts. This one is a five star. It says it's from Mira Brooklyn. I love your stories. When I can't watch my iPad, I listen to you and I'm six and a half years old. That's awesome. Yes, stories can be an awesome thing to do, to just use your imagination while you're playing or in the car, maybe getting ready for bed. Well, friends, are you ready for today's adventure? Me too. Let's go one day, far, far away. In the middle of pitch black dark space lived a group of space pirates. Yeah, space pirates. You know. These were actually good space pirates, but they had a very important job. Their job was to protect all of space from asteroids that were cruising around and making sure that they wouldn't crash into anything that would cause too much damage. Are right today? We have several asteroids that are on our schedule. We have to make sure one doesn't crash into the Moon and Mars, and oh dear, there's one headed to planet Earth. Okay, ugodbyes by, how we got to do that? If there's three asteroids and only two of us and one jetpack. The math doesn't add up on that. Wait one second, you mean there's only two of us? Now, what happened to Roger? Well, Roger he went on vacation. He I think he's in Jupiter. Well, I'm gonna need you to get to planet Earth and get yourself another jetpack. I'll use this one to get the two. Then you'll need to stop the one asteroid before it crashes into Earth. You mean Earth? Oh? Yeah, Earth? You see these pirates? Uh? I guess you know Roger he's on vacation in Jupiter, and so it's only these two that have to protect all of space and all of its asteroids. It looks like two are headed to the well, once to the Moon and once to the Mars, and on one to Earth. And they only have one jetpack. Oh dear, So Pete the pirate he started on a voyage to planet Earth. He had never actually been to Earth. He was a little nervous because he had always heard that pirates don't you know, most people don't really like pirates on planet Earth. So he was a little nervous about asking for some help. But he was gonna be in for a big surprise when a very unsuspecting helper would help him get a jetpack. Meanwhile, down on planet Earth, Simon was playing with some friends at a lake near his house. They were doing cannonballs off the pier into the water. One two, three, bah splash. That was awesome, Simon shouted his friends. They were having such a great day that day. It was pretty hot outside and so it was a perfect day to spend at the lake doing cannonballs into the water. But pretty soon there was gonna be a cannonball unlike they'd ever seen before. As Simon pulled himself up back on the dock of the lake, he looked around and wait a second, guys, what's that coming from the clouds? Is that an asteroid? Everybody take cover. Simon and all of his friends dropped to their knees and protected their heads with their arms, as all of a sudden, there was a ginormous explosion, well, a giant splash in the lake. Water when flying everywhere, completely dousing them on the dock, and they all screamed in terror. Oh what's going on? Shouted Simon. We gotta get out of here, yelled his friends as they started running down the dock towards shore. Simon turned around to see what had happened and heard someone calling for help. Help me, had somebody help me? What is all this? What? Stuff all over? Everybody? Help? I'm coming, shouted Simon as he dove into the water and swam to that person who needed help. Thank you, thank you can just help me. Okay, don't worry, you're safe. I have you now, and I'll just take you to shore. Okay, I don't feel my nose and I'm think I'm gonna take a little nap. Don't fall asleep on me, Oh dear. Simon kept swimming this person all the way to shore. Finally they washed up on the beach, and that is when Simon realized that it was a pirate. Holy smokes, how did a pirate? Just where did you come from? Simon was a little confused, and I would be too, if all of a sudden, a real pirate just showed up in the middle of a lake. I don't think that's where pirates usually like to hang out. But this pirate had somehow crashed into this water and was now snoring, and Simon didn't exactly know what to do. Uh, you should probably wake up now, Simon said as he shook the hit the shoulders. Who's doing that? Oh? Hello, there byes, Okay, please don't hurt me. The pirate, I'm my name is I mean? I just helped save you. I pulled you out of the lake. Oh wow, thank you, yes, thank you for doing that. I couldn't have done it without you. But you see, I'm I'm here because I'm here to save planet Earth from an asteroid that's crashing. You're what, said Simon with a blank look on his face. Yes, I know, I'm a space pirate and I was sent here because I need a jet pack. It's kind of complicated, but anyway, do you know how I can get a jet pack? Simon's eyes were very large as he was very surprised and didn't exactly know how to answer that. Wait, you said you're a space pirate, like you're actually from space. I know there are space pirates Like, wait a second, are you here to steal things or explain yourself? Said Simon. Oh no, no, no, no, no, We're not the stealing kind of pirates where the protecting pirates. Just call me Protector Pete. Oh that's a pretty cool name. Protector Pete. All right, uh, Protector Pete, So you need I can get you one of those. Uh all right, come with me. Simon led Protector Pete the pirate on a trail that was headed towards HQ. Simon was on the Spy Team and they were always looking for new members to the Spy team, and he didn't ever remember hearing about any pirates on the Space Team's force. So maybe maybe this would work out. So you mean to tell me that all the asteroids in space, you and the other Space pirates make sure that they don't crash into anything super damaging. Wow, yes, you've got everything absolutely perfect. That's exactly what we do. And yeah, I always sitting here because one of the other space pirates, he's a vacation, a Jupiter. Vacation on Jupiter, said Simon. You know, it's just come to the lake on vacation. I've never been to another planet. Yeah, that's a part of being in space. There's not many good vacations, but Jupiter. Jupiter's great. That's tabby Air. Okay, we're almost to HQ, said Simon. Once we get there and you explain everything, I'm sure they'll be able to get you. What you need, And that's exactly what happened. As Simon introduced the space pirate to HQ. HQ is able to get him a beautiful, brand new jet pack, which is what he needed to save the day in space and to save planet Earth from a giant crashing asteroid. But that is a story for another time, a story of many more space pirates and adventures as they save us all from crashing asteroids. The end. Great job, you listened all the way to the end, and you know what tell it is. It's time for kid shout out. So I'm gonna say it to Sydney and Noah from Raleigh, North Carolina, Kaiah from New Hampshire, Starvish from Saint Louis Dillon and Calvin from Massachusetts, Carson and Lincoln from Ohio, Cyrus and Raymond from Massachusetts, Read from San Diego, and Shiwan from China. I'm so glad that you're all in the Kid Short Stories family and on the spy team. We could not stop Doctor Stinky Breath and his crew without you, my friends. Well you have a super duper day now. I will see you on our next adventure. Bye.