Ryan was playing with his friends at the park, when Dr. Stinky Breath came up with an evil, stinky plan to ruin all the fun. How will they save the day this time?
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Hello Franks, it's Mr Jim and welcome back to Kids. Your story Sadday story comes to us from Ryan. Hey Ryan, he sent me an awesome idea for a story, and you can too. Just head over the kids short Stories dot Com. Send me your idea and maybe we'll turn it into an awesome adventure. Are you guys ready for a story about doctor Stinky Breath trying to take over all the playgrounds on planet Earth? Me too? Let's go. Hey Boss, can we come in? Yes, Purple Nines, you can come on in on this. It's about to tell me something bad. I don't want any bad news. Oh, it's not bad news. We actually a good idea this time. Oh you have an idea? O? What is it? Dummy? Well, we were thinking about what is one thing that can'ts all around the world? I think, what do they not like the most? Oh? Bill, we all know that people don't like stinky things like me? Yes, bots, Yeah, I don't like stinky things, and so we built this. Look at it. Oh is that smell? It smells just like a big tooth. Oh it's beautiful. Yes, it's very stinky. We call it the Stinky stink Bomb, the Stinky stink bomb. Oh, what are we gonna do with it? Now? You know how kids like to play at the playground, Well, we're gonna put things all over the playgrounds and it won't ruin all their fun. That is a good gladden. Now get to park. Oh no, the Purple Ninjas have developed some kind of stinky stink bomb that smells like toots. Oh that it's gonna be terrible. Well, Ryan was playing with his friends Vom and Jin at the park, having a really fun time playing tag and lava Monster and all kinds of really fun park games, when all of a sudden, Oh do you guys smell that? Said Jin. Oh it's terrible. It smells like a dude, run, said Ryan. Ryan and his friends all ran away from the park and there it was. They could see something in the middle of the park, a little ball that was like this greenish yellow smoke was pouring out of it. That smells old, completely horribly terrible. Just think of the worst smelling smell in the whole wide world, and then times it by ten million, and that is almost half about bad. That smelled. Oh what do we do? It's gonna ruin all our games? Said Ryan. That's terrible, said bomb. Why don't we come back tomorrow, maybe it'll be gone by Then they went home and went to sleep, and came back the next morning, and it was even worse. Look at that, said Ryan. Like that yellowish green smoke is just like sticking to everything all over the playground and it it all smells like toots. Oh, that stinky stink bomb that the Purple Ninjas planted at all the playgrounds was now ruining all of everyone's fun. Oh, oh, hey, guys, I gotta go. I'll see you later. By Ryan had his spy Deeper go off and he had to run back home to check the message. He clicked the button and it said, Ryan, we need your help. We have just discovered that the Purple Ninjas and Doctor Stinky Breath have made a very stinky mess at the playgrounds and we need you to find a solution of how to get rid of that terrible smell. Is that the end of the message, said Ryan. Oh, they didn't give him me very much information. Yes, Ryan, we can hear you, but yeah, that's that's all we know at HQ. We uh, we need you to collect some information and we're gonna need you just figure this one out. Good luck? Oh okay, said Ryan. Ryan had to solve this one all on his own. It appears that HQ did not have any helpful information about the Purple Ninjas and what they've just done. Ryan ran up to his room and grabbed all his spy gear and all of his equipment that he could use to gather evidence. He ran back to the playground with his nose, clothes shut with his two fingers. So he pinched his nose like this, and oh no, he sounds like a purple ninja, now was? He closed his nose and ran to the park. He had to take a sample of that stinky, stinky smell. He opened a jar and captured some of that yellowish green smoke in the jar and sealed it up. He had to take it back to his secret lab in his room to do some experiments on it to see what was going on. He had a secret lab in his closet. That would be really cool if I had a lab in my closet like Ryan. Well, he brought it back to do some research and experiments and quickly discovered that there was a remedy. Do you know what a remedy means? Yeah, remedy means, uh, there's like an antidote, something that's gonna get rid of this stinky, stinky smell. And do you know what it was? He tried all kinds of different things, but the only thing that helped was a bottle of mustard. What. Yes, I know it sounds ridiculous, but it was actually a bottle of mustard. Ryan tried all kinds of different things, but nothing would get rid of the smell. But as soon as he put mustard on, that stinky, stinky smoke immediately went away. This is awesome. I gotta go test it out at the playground. Ryan grabbed two bottles of mustard, which was in this fridge, and now they don't have any mustard left, so I hope this works. But he ran to the playground armed with two bottles of mustard in each hand. All right, this smells durable. But if kids ever want to play at the playground again, this has gotta work. Ready, aim blasting mustard. Go. He squeezed both bottles of mustard, and that yellow mustard started flying out of the bottle and covering the playground in a ginormous yellow mess. But it worked. The smell went away. This is awesome. As Ryan was getting rid of all of this stinky smell, he now realized that now there was a big yellow mess and he needed to clean it up. Vom and Gin were watching nearby, thinking that Ryan had lost his mind spraying mustard all over the place, But as soon as they saw that greenish yellow smoke disappear, they knew that he had solved the problem. Hey, Ryan, can we help you clean up? They said, Oh, absolutely, We're gonna need like a hose or something to clean this up. Ryan, Vomb and Jin all sprayed down the park and wiped it down with some sponges and towels to clean up this mess. But it's a good thing that they found the antidote and the way to get rid of this terrible smell. Ryan called it into h Q and the whole spy world was informed about the mustard. Now every playground was stinky free. No more to it. It It smells purple Ninjas, Why didn't you consider the mustard? Why did they just be able to get the rind of the stink for the mustard? H Well, we we did not see that one coming. Bush or very sorry, you better be sorry. I am sorry of getting all your mistakes. Next time better fuck or else. Purple Ninjas. You've I don't know, something bad, something bad, but we will find some way to get rid of all of the fun in the world. Far Great job, Ryan, you stop doctors thinking breath. That made him super frustrated because he keeps trying to ruin our fun. But it just can't happen because a spies are way too smart for doctors the Purple Ninja's great job, Ryan, I'm so glad that you saw this one. You saved the day the end. Great job. You listened all the way to the Indian. You know what time it is. It's time for kid shout out, So I want to say hey to Leona from Los Angeles, California, Daniel from Nova Scotia, Canada, Parker from Washington, d CEE Eleana Asher and Aviva from Maryland, Remy from St. Petersburg, Florida, Precia from India, and Katie from Lexington, Kentucky. I'm so glad that you were all on the Kids Short Stories family and on our spy team. We could not stop doctor Stinky Breath without you, my friends. Well, you have a super duper day and I will see you on her Next Adventure by