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The Best Birthday Ever
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About Mr. Jim:
Hi! I'm Jim Jacob, a South Carolina based creator. I started as a podcaster by accident. Our first real episodes on the internet were me trying to find a solution to help tell my sons stories as I was traveling for work. I recorded some stories and hoped that by uploading them to a podcast app, my wife and kids could have easy access to listen. What started as a fix for our family’s bedtime routine interruption has grown into a worldwide audience with hundreds of thousands of listeners. My wife Jocelyn and I have 3 kids and love inspiring others towards greater imagination and curiosity.
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Hey friends, it's Mr Jim and welcome back to Kids Short Stories. Guess what, we have two birthdays to celebrate today, one right now and one right after the story, and I'm gonna need your help. Drumroll please, Happy birthday Owen, who's turning eight years old and is an amazing friend and a great reader with a big creative imagination that sounds like you should totally be a part of our crew. I'm so glad that you're part of our family. Well, Owen, are you ready for today's amazing adventure? Do? Let's go. It was a beautiful day on the farm. This Jackson is waking up. He had a big day ahead of him. You know, if you live on the farm, that means there's a lot of jobs and those jobs never end. Every day there's either somebody to feed, somebody to clean, something to fix, or something to get ready for. And actually usually every day has all of those things. So it's important to get up very early, even before the sun comes up. But Jackson was not alone on his farm. He did have a very special, very strong helper, and that was his dinosaur named Dino. What. Yes, Jackson has a real dinosaur that helps him out on the farm. You know, in case the tractor breaks down, you know, you've got a dinosaur who can plow the fields or pull out the really hard roots that are deep, deep down underneath those big weeds. Wow. I kind of wish I had a dinosaur around the house. It would be pretty helpful. How about you, dino, Dino, wake up, shouted Jackson. Even though a dino sounds scary, he was just yawning. You know, dinosaurs can't help it that their yawns sound very scary when actually they're very nice. All right, come on, dino, gotta go eat a big breakfast because we got a big day of work ahead of us. Come on. Jackson led his dinosaur friend down the stairs. Boom boom boom. Whoa, he's got some big feet for those little stairs. After they gobbled down very big breakfast, Jackson and his dinosaur friend put on their boots and headed out the door. Well, sorry, I guess just Jackson put on his boots, not dino. Dino has dinosaur feet. I don't think he needs any boots. Well. The first job that they needed to do the farm was feed the pigs. M m m m m m m m m m m Calm down, calm down. Now, we have all the delicious slop that you've ever wanted, said Jackson. Hey, Dino, can you bring over the slop wagon over there? Ra? That was dino language for absolutely, I'll get right to it. Dino headed over to get that big slop wagon on the other side of the farm, and Jackson started counting all the pigs eight, nine, ten, eleven. Need a second, there's a big Bessie. You see. He had twelve pigs and he only counted eleven. That means big Bessie must be missing. Bessie. Bessie, where are you? He shouted, boom, rah rah rah. Dino had brought over the pig slop and had said, what's the problem. Why are you shouting for Bessie at least, you know, in his own language, Yeah, Dino, Oh no, it looks like Bessie got out again. We're gonna have to go find her. Come on. Jackson led the way as his dinosaur companion Dino, followed closely behind. It didn't take long, though, before they found a trail through the grass that must have been left by Bessie. You see, Bessie was a very large pig, and wherever she went, she always left the trail behind, and this was definitely her trail. The rest of the morning was spent searching for this missing pig. Have you ever lost something before? Like maybe maybe not a giant pig like Bessie, but have you ever lost something before and you just look everywhere for it? And sometimes it can be really hard to find. But it's important never to give up, because sometimes it's in the place that you least suspected. Shoo, do you know, I'm I'm tired. I need to sit down. Yeah? You two? Okay? Jackson and Dino both sat down on a very large rock. They had been searching for a very long time, and finally they heard a sound. The two farmers looked right at each other and then it's gotta be Bessy. Come on. They started running as fast as they could towards the screaming sound. As they ran closer and closer to that screaming sound, all of a sudden they had to stop because it was a ginormous hole. Bessie, what in the world happened? How did you get down there? And then it became very clear that this was no ordinary hole. This was indeed a trap, a trap set by a ginormous scary squirrel monkey. Done tone tone. I know squirrel monkeys are usually completely adorable, but that's one was dinormous, and I think it wanted to take over the world, or at least Bessie and the farm. Jackson looked up and met eyes with that ginormous squirrel monkey. What uh, Dino, do you think you can scare that thing away? Ah? You should have seen it. That ginormous squirrel monkey must not have ever seen or heard something that's scary about her in its life, and it took off running, never to be seen again. Dino dropped his tail down the big hold a scoop of Bessie, that giant pig that had fallen down inside, and then Jackson and Dino walked her all the way back to the farm. Who and look at that the sun was just starting to come up. All of that work happened before sunrise. As Bessie walked back inside of the pig pen, Jackson realized that they still had a whole lot of work to do. All right, you know, who, what a morning, But it's only just begun. After we feed the pigs. We still got a lot more work to do. That's the life of being a farmer. But I'm so glad that I got you on my team the end. Just what it is. Time to celebrate a birthday and I need your help. Drumroll please, Happy birthday Fig who's turning six years old and he loves to crack up his family with jokes. That's all I'm in the biggest fan of all things monsters. What did you think of today's monster story? A little silly? Right? Well, he's been a Scooby Doo and God's Elevan since he was a little baby and is the best big brother to his three younger siblings and is always helping his parents take care of the Wow, you're an amazing big brother. And happy birthday, Fake, I hope you have the best birthday ever. And friends, if you want to celebrate your birthday on the show with me, have your parents heading over to Hey Mr Jim dot com to learn more. But you know what, Tom, it is now it's time for kid show outs. I want to say hey to Sullivan and Sterling from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Ryan from california' Tate from Idaho, Silas Jasper and Karma from British Columbia, Mia, Julia and Beat from Scottsdale, Arizona, Ramona and Morty from England and Stockton and Cora from Dallas, Texas. I'm so glad that you're all in the Kids Short Stories family and Don this by team. We could not stop doctor Sticky Breath that his crew without you, my friends, will you have a super duper day and I will see you on our next adventure. Bye.