Ever Jump On A Jello Trampoline Before?

Published Aug 14, 2022, 11:00 AM

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Kids Animal Stories
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About Mr. Jim:

Hi! I'm Jim Jacob, a South Carolina based creator. I started as a podcaster by accident. Our first real episodes on the internet were me trying to find a solution to help tell my sons stories as I was traveling for work. I recorded some stories and hoped that by uploading them to a podcast app, my wife and kids could have easy access to listen. What started as a fix for our family’s bedtime routine interruption has grown into a worldwide audience with hundreds of thousands of listeners. My wife Jocelyn and I have 3 kids and love inspiring others towards greater imagination and curiosity.

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Hello friends, it's Mr Jim and welcome back to Kids Short Stories and Happy Saturdays. So make sure that after this episode there's a new Kids Animal Stories adventure that I want you to hear. Today's story comes to us from Immer. Hey, Emer, she sent me an awesome idea for a story, and you can too. Just head over to our Kids Short Stories dot com website and send us your idea and maybe we'll turn it into an awesome adventure. Are you guys are ready for today's story? Me too? Let's go. As Imer woke up, she blinked her eyes and wait a second, it's today the day. Today's the day. She raced downstairs and wait a second, what is Imur talking about? Oh? Yes, today, Emmer is getting a trampoline. She had been looking forward to today for a very long time. You see, her mom had gotten a trampoline, but it took a long time to get there, and finally today was going to be the day. She couldn't wait. Is it here yet? Mom? She said, Uh, not yet? Dear, Well, let's eat some breakfast first and then I'm maybe it will be here soon. Imer gobbled down her breakfast and then raced to look out the window. Have you ever waited for a package to arrive and it just feels like it takes forever? Yeah, me too, well, Emer waited and waited and waited, staring out the window as her forehead was stuck to the glass. That's how hard she was looking out the window. She able was able to pull off her forehead off of the window and it left a little mark on the window. She had been leaning instant for two hours, waiting for the delivery truck to arrive. Oh no, can you check the tracking number to see if it's still on the way, said her. Mom. Pulled up her phone and clicked on the tracking number. The tracking number is a pretty cool thing when you're waiting for a package. Sometimes you get a number or a special message that you can click on and it tells you where the package is and when they think it might get there. All right, em, it says, it says it's out for delivery and it should be here any minute. Why don't you keep looking and maybe you can play a little bit. Em was too focused to play. She just couldn't wait. There's a truck. Look down the street. That is a delivery truck. I hope it stops at our house. As the delivery truck was driving up the street towards their house, she was hoping and hoping and hope that it would stop. And yes, it stopped right in front of their driveway. They're opening up the back door. Emer shouted, Oh boy, I hope it's the trampoline. And the door opened in a huge package was pulled out. It needed two people to bring it all the way to the door. Wow, that's gotta be it, right, I think so. Dearmer and her mom were eagerly waiting at the door, and sure enough, that was the trampoline. Yes, her mom had ordered the special setup package, so not only was it being delivered, but they would also put it together for them. Oh wow, that looks really complicated, said as they opened up the trampoline box. It was full of all kinds of pieces. Have you ever seen a big trampoline before? Yeah, they're humongous. Well, they don't arrive as a big trampoline. They come in all kinds of little pieces that you then have to put together and it takes a long time, but with the professionals it goes a lot faster. As Eamer waited and waited, she felt like it was taking forever learning to be patient. It's a really important thing, do you know why. Yeah, because there's all kinds of things in life that we have to just be patient for. And is it better to complain while you're waiting or to be patient and be excited for the good part. Yeah, it's not good to complain. It's great to be excited for the good part. And so as imur just she couldn't wait. She ran upstairs and put on her jumping shorts and her jumping shirt and some really fancy jumping socks. You ever seen jumping socks before? Yeah, they're pretty cool. They got sticky pieces on the bottom so that you don't slip, and yeah, they're pretty cool. As she came back downstairs, there it was. The trampoline had been put together. Yes, mom, can I go jump on it? Absolutely? I want to watch, said her mom as they both ran outside. She couldn't believe it. It was totally massive, this trampoline that showed up in that box, which it was a big box, but it looked so small now compared to the trampoline all set up. She climbed up the ladder and went inside and zipped clothes The screen that went around it. Do you know those screens that go around the trampoline. Yeah, those are really important that keep us safe, and so we always got to make sure that there's zipped clothes when we go inside. As Eamer started to bounce, well was that? She noticed something came flying out of the center. It looks like some kind of slime monster. Look at it, mom, what is that? They both said, with each bounce. Out of the middle of the trampoline came flying out all kinds of different colors of some kind of slime creature. Wait a second, as it landed on the trampoline, it was not alive. It was not a monster. What is that? There was a green one and a blue one. It looked like maybe the size that you'd scoop out with a spoon. What is that, mom? It smells like jello jello, said her mom. It can't be, but it actually was. Imur and her mom had discovered some kind of magical trampoline that every time that you jump on it would launch out different colors of jello into the air for you to catch in your mouth. What on earth is Oh my goodness, I need one of those in my backyard. That's so cool, Emur, Wow, I can't wait. Wait, what's gonna happen next? As Emur jumped again, another red piece of jello flew into the air and she caught it in her mouth. We need to invite the whole world over here, or well at least all my friends. They gotta see this for themselves. Em was smart. She knew that she couldn't eat all this jello by herself. She had to share with her friends, and so that the rest of that day, she and her friends spent jumping on this magic trampoline that would launch jello into the air, and then then they caught it in their mouth. Holy smokes, that's so cool. If you had a magic trampoline, what would you want it to launch out of the middle with every jump? M maybe skittles, oh those are good, or um ice cream? H scoop of ice cream? That would get kind of messy. But jello jello is pretty cool. But I wonder what you would want in your trampoline. I've never heard of this before, but we definitely need to to figure out where Emur and her mom got this magical trampoline because I definitely need a jello launching trampoline in my backyard. Well, friends, if you have an idea for a story, I would love to hear it. Like I said earlier, we turn awesome ideas into really silly adventures. Mur This was her idea for a story she sent me about She wanted a magic jell load trampoline and every bounce on the trampoline it would launch jello in the air. And so I turned it into a story just from a little idea from Imur. And you can send me your ideas to just go over to the website kit stories dot com and I would love to see your idea for an amazing adventure. Well, friends, if you're in the car, or if you're getting ready for bed, or if it's in the middle of the day, I hope you have a super duper day and hang around in a minute because I'm gonna do some kids shoutouts. Well, that is the end of this adventure. We'll see you next time. Great job. You listen to all the way to the end, and you know what time it is, it's time for kid shout Oh. So I want to say hey to Evelyn from Montana, Calin and Core from tech Sis Lucas and Licia and Andy all from Bradford, Ontario, Sawyer from Chicago, Prnad from the USA, Trinity from Washington, and Nicholas from Singapore. I'm so glad that you're all on the Kids Short Stories family and on our spy team. We could not stop dr Stinky Breath without you, my friends. Well, don't forget right now, there's a new Kids Animal Stories story. Head on over to our other podcast, Kids Animal Stories to listen to that adventure right now. Friends, Well, I hope you have a super duper day. I'll see you next time. By

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