Dr. Stinky Breath VS Spy HQ: Part 2

Published Aug 11, 2021, 4:00 AM

We must protect the HQ!

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Hello friends, it's Mr Jim and welcome back to part two of our crazy adventure. Can you believe that the Herble Ninjas are blasting off to the moon. I know it's pretty crazy. Well, I cannot wait to see what happens next. Are you guys ready for this next adventure? Me too? Let's go. As Micah began searching around the museum, he was searching for any kind of clue or evidence or something, because last night something terrible happened. You see, someone had broken into the museum and stolen the Magna hoop. Yes, the magna hoop. This thing is one of the most rare inventions in the entire world. It's this really big ring that anything that you can put through it, when it comes out the other side, it becomes extra extra big, and so like if you were to drop a penny and throw it through the hoop, it would land on the other side as a ginormous penny, like the size of a car and all kinds like anything that you can put through the hoop, And so you can imagine if that got into the wrong hands, bad guys could do really bad things with it. And so we learned the last time that Purple Ninjas were the ones that's not getting the museum, but Mike doesn't know that yet. He's still looking for clues to find where the Magnat hoop went. All right, um, yeah, I don't see anything out here over you see, Micah had kind of not only was he on the Spy Kids team, but he had also kind of joined the security team of the museum because they definitely needed his help. He was looking all over the place for you know, fingerprints and footprints or any kind of prints, but nothing was really that good. Like there was some you know, some marks in the dirt, but nothing that Wait, what's what's this over here? He started to walk down one of the side hills off the museum and there was definitely some kind of you know, trail through the grass. Like it's that like a couple of people had just walked through the grass. What is that down there? Look at those things? They look like ginormous rocks painted like skittles. Mica had found something, a very important clue, you see. I think the Purple Ninjas had a bag of skittles and they tested it out on the hoop last night, and when they dropped them through the hoop, these skittles turned into ginormous boulder sized skittles. That is the first clue that Mike needed. All right, hey, security team, come in. I just found a really important clue. You need to come out the southeastern exit off of the museum. Meet me back here because you're gonna want to see this. The entire security team raced outside to meet Mico to see what he had found. Yeah, Mica, great, I yeah, this is definitely evidence of the Magnat hoop. Whoever stole the Magnat hoop must have dropped skittles through the hoop to try and turn their candy bigger, and you see, it just turned it way too big to carry, so that's why they had to leave it here. And now we have an entire pile of older skittles. That sounds like a good problem that I would want to have. Right, Do you want boulder skittles in your backyard? Me too? Oh sorry, back to the story. All right, Um, Mica, can you hang onto this walkie talking and keep us updated with whatever you find. We're gonna continue looking around, um, but we really appreciate your help. Absolutely. I'm gonna keep following this trail to see if there's any more clues back in the forest. Uh, Micah, I don't know about that. You're just a kid, and uh I'm not just a kid, Mica said. He flashed one of his spy kid badges and the security man from the museum his eyes got really big. I didn't know. All right, your secret is safe with me. You keep looking and now I'll let you if I find anything else. Let's go. Mica took off running through the forest. He had to find more clues. What on earth where would well, we know it's Purple Ninjas, but he doesn't yet. Where would these people take the magna? Hoop? Oh gosh, wait, what's that over there? Mica ran up ahead as fast as he could. Just in the clearing there was, you know, like a platform, like some kind of launchpad, and whoa. Mica couldn't believe it. It looked like something had blasted off this giant launchpad. Do you think it was a rocket? That's exactly what it looks like. This is definitely not normal. I gotta phone this into h Q. As Micah phoned it into h Q, the Purple Ninjas were way high in the guy on their way of the muntain. You see. Earlier that morning, the Purple Ninjas had broken into the museum, stolen the magna hoop and turned some skittles into giant boulder skittles, And then they brought it to their rocket ship that was hiding in the forest, and they blasted off to the moon towards Doctor Stinky Breath. Let's see what they're up to. All right, guys, we're getting closer, closer to the mountain. Just everyone stopped putting all these silly things through the magna hoop. You're gonna make the ship fall. We got all these ginormous things, like look at that's ginormous paper clip? Who put that through there? Ah? And all these ginormous pencils and pens and crayons. This is getting ridiculous. Purple Ninjas. All right, everyone buckle up. We're about to land on the moon. And just like that, the Purple Ninja's rocket carefully landed on the Moon. The moon has become Doctor Stinky breaths temporary base. He knew that he could hide here without being spotted. At Actor Stinky Breath, one of the Purple Ninjas said, we found the magna hoope. Who oh you did? Oh, that's perfect. Come on, come on over, Doctor Stinky Breath. Lad the Purple Ninjas back into one of his moon bases, his moon laboratory. You see, this is where all his evil, terrible plans we're being mapped out. All right, my friends, Oh it's really hard to bring even the moon. Jeez. Okay, we're really gotta get this plan figured out. We're getting closer, don't don't worry. The Spy Kids headquarters has seen its last days. I think we're only a few days away from being able to destroy it. Four over. We're getting closer, but we have more work to do. Let's go, boys. The story will continue tomorrow the end. Great job, you listened all the way to the end, and you know what time it is. It's time for good shout out. I'm want to say, hey, Emmy from Wyoming, Will from Devon, UK, Lauren from Hawaii, Olive and Petcher from Wisconsin, Keien from Carmel, Indiana, and Maya from Boston. I'm so glad that you are all on the Kitch Stories Family and Honor Spy Team. We could not stop Dr Stinky Breath without you, my friends. Well you have a super duper day and I will see you on our next adventure by

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