Declan Discovers A Dinosaur Who Is Hunting For Pirate Treasure

Published Jul 12, 2021, 4:00 AM

Declan went to his favorite beach and makes a new friend. This friend is actually hunting for pirate treasure and needs help!

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Hey friends, it's Mr Jim and welcome back to Kids Short Stories. Today's story comes to us from Declin. Hey, dec Lin, he sent me an awesome idea for a story, and you can too. Just set up a kid short Stories dot com. Send me your idea and maybe will turn it into an awesome adventure. And don't forget to smash the follow button so that you don't miss a single one of our stories that we do everyday Monday through Saturday. Are you guys ready for today's adventure? Me too, Let's go. I think I'm getting closer to the treasure, said Shipbeard the Pirate, our waiter Southern What what was that? Is that? A monster? Wait a second, hold on, what in the world is going on? Whose ship Beard the Pirate? Wait a second, I got way ahead of myself. We gotta go back earlier to this morning and then it will make sense. One day who Declin was waking up m had a big yawn and went downstairs to eat some breakfast. Today he had some plans to go to the beach by his house. Declin lives really close to the ocean and his favorite beaches right there, and it's a really cool place. There's not a lot of people that go there, so it's nice and quiet and he can do some exploring there's it always has like the coolest shells and and see life that he loves to check out. Well, he got all this stuff Freddie and headed out the door. It was easy to walk there, it was very close and as he walked all the way to the beach, he got there and looked around and he was the only person at the beach that day. Awesome. He loved when he was the only person there because then there would be a ton of beautiful shells that had washed up from the nights tied before. So as Declin was walking up and down the shore, he saw something very strange. He saw all these giant holes in the beach, holes that are not normally there. And then those footprints. Those are huge. It looked like something ginormous had walked through the beach and the footprints were I don't know, like two ft long. They were huge. Declin was very curious and followed them all the way to the forest. There was a forest right behind the beach full of some ginormous trees, and all of a sudden he saw what made the giant creature wait is that a tree? Is that it's a dinosaur? Declin screamed, which scared the dinosaur? Why do you? Oh? Oh, you scared me there. Uh oh. The dinosaur was so scared he lost his breath and almost fell over. Declin started to laugh and said, oh goodness, courageous. I'm so sorry for scaring you. You scared me. My name is Declin. What's your name? Oh? Oh, oh, my name is Dino. Hey Dino. Well, um, what are you doing? Were you looking for something? What are all those holes doing all over the beach? Yes? I was, uh you see, I have this treasure map and I lost it on the beach and I'm so angry. I've found that treasure map way deep in the ocean and and now it's good. I don't know what to do. Could you help me? Declin always was up for, you know, an adventure like that, and so there was no way he was going to pass this up. Oh, I would love to help you. Let's go. Declin and his new friend Dino started walking around the beach looking for this missing treasure map. Dino said that it was a large It's kind of like a piece of paper, but it was really thick, like you couldn't tear it. It was really heavy and it was pretty big. Oh look at that. Declin reached down in the sand and it looked like almost all of it had been covered up, but a little corner was sticking out of the sand, and he pulled it out of the sand. And there it was my treasure map. You found it, shouted Dino. Dino was a very big dinosaur, like we said, And but I think he's like an underwater land dinosaur because he's got like flippers and a long tail. Well, you see, Declin, I I live mostly in the ocean, then I come up on land sometimes and but this map is definitely for way out in the ocean. And there's this terrible pirate named shep Beard who's been after this treasure for many years. And I found the treasure map before he did, but he's trying to get it. We gotta hurry, Oh my goodness, said Declan. Okay, well, um uh, I'll go get my scooba gear and I'll meet you back and just give me like two minutes. Okay, all right, hurry run, said Dino. Dino knew that they were running out a time because ship Beard, the pirate was getting closer to the treasure. Oh no, oh no, what if he finds at first. That's gonna be terrible. Pirates with treasure are never good. Dina was very worried about it, but in only two minutes, Declan had run back to the beach with a scooby gear on. Declin and Dino jumped into the ocean and swam all the way to the bottom. They had a lot of work to do to follow this treasure map. Dino had already done a lot of the work and had mapped out all the landmarks on the map to know exactly which ones to follow and which ones to stay away from. All right, I'm I think it's this way, said Dino. They followed where Dino had been before, but now they're at a place where he had never been. Declin looked at the map and said, all right, m hmm, I think it wants us to go into that cave and through the other side. It looks like that cave is more like a tunnel. Oh, but it's really dark. I don't like dark day blazes, said Dino. It's okay, I have a flashlight. Declin switched on his flashlight. It was very bright and he started leading Dino through this long tunnel. It was pretty dark, and being under deep in the ocean in a dark tunnel can be a little scary, even for very big dinosaurs like Dino. As Declin and Dino came out the other side, there he was ship Beard, the pirate. He had some kind of magical pirate ship that could go underwater like a submarine. I don't know how he did it, but he did. Oh no, oh, Declin, that's the pirate I'm I'm I'm afraid of and he's getting really close with the treasure. I think it's right over that hill right there. M M. Declin thought to himself, Well, why are you afraid of the pirate? He doesn't look that scary. Oh, but he's a pirate, and all pirates are scary, said Dino. Well, um, Dino, M you're a dinosaur, and I think pirates are actually afraid of underwater, like monsters and dragons and dinosaurs. And I bet you could actually scare him. What are you talking about? But wait a second, I think you're right. I forgot about that. I forgot that I'm big and scary looking, even though I'm not very scary, but I can pretend. Dino grabbed a whole bunch of seaweed to cover his head and his back and his flippers to make him look really scary. Declan hid back in the cave tunnel and cheered on Dino to be super duper scary. Alright, I'm gonna be so scary that pirate. He's gonna run away. Dino had gotten a lot of courage. He was very brave, and as he started wandering out from this dark cave, that is when ship Beard the Pirate saw him. Right, I think I'm getting close to the treasure. Wait a second, but what is that? Who's that all? Who's a monster? Ship Beard the Pirate saw Dino, and Dino looked really scary, But it was all just an act. Ship Beard the Pirate got back in his ship and zoomed off faster than we'd ever seen him move before. Whoa great job, Dino, shouted Declin. They followed the map the rest of the way, and share enough, right over the hill there was the treasure chest. Dino and Declin had done it. They discovered this treasure together and formed an amazing new friendship. Wow, what a crazy adventure and good job Declan for helping Dino be brave the end. Great job, you listened all the way to the end, and you know what time it is. It's time for good SHOUTO. So I want to say hey to Ellie from Cape Town, South Africa, Cali from Oahu, Hawaii, m J and Liam from Lakeville, Minnesota, Ellie and Lucy from ann Arbor, Michigan, and they and Anita from New Jersey. I'm so glad that you're all in a kitch, your stories, family, and on our spy team. We could not stop Doctor Stinky Breath without you. Well, my friends, I hope you have a super duper day and I will see you on our next adventure. By eight

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