Kids Bible StoriesKids Bible Stories

Thanksgiving episode

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Kids Bible Stories

Hear the Bible presented to children through engaging and artful storytelling using imagery, sound effects, and voices. These short episodes teach you 
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Luke 17: 11-19

10 people are sick with leprosy. All 10 ask Jesus for help and he heals all of them but how many come back to say thank you?

We may hear the story and think, "I would never do that!" But let's think about those every day, amazing things that happen in our own lives that we too can forget to say thank you to Jesus for.

In this special episode, we get to hear from real listeners, just like you, telling us what they're thankful for.


Click bonus content to enjoy extras like the thankful activity we have for this episode

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Kids Bible Stories

Hear the Bible presented to children through engaging and artful storytelling using imagery, sound e 
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