Kids Bible StoriesKids Bible Stories

#356: Oh Little Town of Bethlehem

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Kids Bible Stories

Hear the Bible presented to children through engaging and artful storytelling using imagery, sound effects, and voices. These short episodes teach you 
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Micah 5:2, John 3:16-18, & Luke 2:1-7

Today we learn what a prophet is when we introduce Micah. We discuss how Micah specifically told where Jesus would be born and we follow the journey God put Mary and Joseph on to get them from Nazareth to Bethlehem. God used different people, events, etc but it allllllll happened just as He said it would. This story also drives home John 3:16-18; that God sent his son Jesus, not to condemn the World, but to save us through Jesus. What a precious gift this is!

To engage more with this episode, you can grab a map and show your kids Nazareth and Bethlehem so they see where Mary and Jospeh traveled or join our Patreon page to get the activity and coloring page. You can also listen to the song "Oh, Little Town of Bethlehem."

Merry Christmas!


To enjoy the library of bonus content (coloring pages, sheets, memory verse, etc) for the episodes go here and click bonus content. By enjoying them, you allow us to keep the episodes free for families all over the world to access and enjoy. From our family to yours, THANK YOU! 

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Kids Bible Stories

Hear the Bible presented to children through engaging and artful storytelling using imagery, sound e 
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