Kids Bible StoriesKids Bible Stories

#355: An Angel Visits Mary and Joseph

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Kids Bible Stories

Hear the Bible presented to children through engaging and artful storytelling using imagery, sound effects, and voices. These short episodes teach you 
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Matthew 1:18-24 and Luke 1:26-38

 In today’s episode, we explore the miraculous story of Mary and Joseph and how God chose them for an extraordinary purpose. Mary, a young woman in Nazareth, was preparing for her wedding to Joseph when her life was interrupted by an angel named Gabriel. Gabriel brought incredible news—Mary would give birth to Jesus, the Son of God.

We also learn about Joseph’s reaction when he found out and how God sent an angel to reassure him in a dream. Through their faith and obedience, Mary and Joseph show us how to trust God, even when His plans seem bigger than anything we could imagine.

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Kids Bible Stories

Hear the Bible presented to children through engaging and artful storytelling using imagery, sound e 
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