#343: The Tower of Babel---from the archives

Published Sep 4, 2024, 10:00 AM

Genesis 11:1-8

 At a time when the whole world spoke one language, the people decided to build a towering city to reach the heavens. But their pride and desire to be like God led them astray. God intervened by confusing their language, causing them to scatter across the earth. Through this story, we learn about the dangers of pride and the importance of relying on God.

**We hear from kids all over the world, sharing the languages they speak, showing how the Bible is alive and active for people everywhere!

Thank you to all who participated! It was a joy to hear from you. 


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Hello again and welcome back to Kids Bible Stories. Today's episode was made possible thanks to the generosity from Elizabeth, who said that her family recently found this podcast and that she shared it with her sister and friends. They are really enjoying it. So thank you to her children, Ryan, Charlie Kennedy and Logan for listening and for donating, and a huge thank you to Julianne. Your donations and joining our patron page sustain this podcast for children all over the world to hear. In fact, when this episode was originally created a few years ago, listeners in China downloaded Kids' Bible Stories podcast six hundred and seventy eight times in only sixty days, and that was a few years ago. This is powerful because in the past I've received emails from listeners in China saying that this podcast is one that is allowed through for them to hear. They're accessing the Gospel in this way because of your generosity. If you've enjoyed this podcast, would you prayerfully consider supporting us three a one time donation or joining our Patreon page, which supports us but also allows you to enjoy the bonus content with your family. For each episode. Go to kbspodcast dot com to check it out. Now on to today's episode from our archives. This one is really cool because many of our very own listeners joined into help. We hope you enjoy it. Today's story is called the Tower of Babel and this comes from Genesis chapter eleven, verses one through eight. Let's begin. During the time of our Bible story, the whole wide world spoke one language. Everyone used the same words. There were no different languages like Spanish or English, Italian, Chinese, Portuguese. Today we have about six thousand, five hundred different languages. Wow, whoa, that's a lot. But back then there was just one, so everyone could talk to one another and understand each other. As people moved from the east, they found a plain, a large area that was flat and did not have many trees. This was in the land of Babylonia. They must have agreed this spot looked like a good place, because they settled there to live. They said to each other, Oh, oh, I have an idea. Let's make bricks and bake them to make them really hard. So they used bricks instead of stones and tar instead of mortar. Then they said to each other, oh, yes, and let's build for ourselves a city and a tower. And let's make the top of the tower to reach high, high into the sky. Maybe we can reach to heaven. Why maybe if we make it tall enough, we will become famous. Oh, if we do this, we will not be scattered all over the earth. You see, they thought if they could build it tall enough, they would be like God and would not need him. They could stick their noses in the air with pride at what they had built with their very own hands as they looked down on others. Well, they got to work, all working together, they began to make bricks and then stack them higher and higher and higher. I hope no one was afraid of heights. Since there was only one language, everyone understood one another. Someone could yell out, hey, I'm ready for the next brick, bring it over, or they could say, tim, those bricks are looking a little bit crooked, and they could understand one another. The Lord came down to see the city and the tower that the people had built. I can picture God whistling a happy tune as he peers around a cloud to check out what they've done. I imagine the whistling stops when he sees their pride that they felt they did not need God, and he sighs. Oh boy, here we go again. The Lord said, Now these people are united. They all speak the same language. This is only the beginning of what they will do. They will be able to do anything they want. Come, let us go down and confuse their language. We will mix it all up. Then they will not be able to understand each other. And poof, suddenly they could not understand one another. Someone would say something like, can you hund me those nails and bricks, And instead they'd wander off and bring back mail and a big bag of tricks, both of which are not helpful for building a tower. Well, since they couldn't understand what each other was saying, they could not work together to build the giant tower anymore. So the Lord scattered them from there over all of the earth, and they stopped building the city. That is where the Lord confused the language of the whole world. So the place is called Babel. Everyone say Babel, very good. Have you heard a baby babel? Does it sound like words to you? No, not at all. Goo goo and gaga doesn't make much sense. That's what it's called Babbel. It shares the same name as the tower in our story. Okay, let's continue. So the Lord caused them to spread out from there over all the whole world. Well, that is it for our story today. But before we go, let's think about what we just learned. The people building the tower were proud and thought they did not need God. Was that good? No, of course not. God loved them so much that he stopped them from doing this, even though to them it seemed like a good idea, just like you may be thinking, it's a great idea to eat Dorito's or chocolates all day long. But your parents they know better. That's actually not good for you to eat all day, so they stop you. What did God do to stop them from building the tower? That's right, He confused or mixed up their language? Answer yes or no? Today? Is there only one language? No, we have lots and lots of languages, thanks to God. What languages do you speak? Thanks for sharing. Well, we've got a special surprise. Take it away, kids.

That's a my too fund new metato shah sai kay se famahio. Hello from Jack and George from Hanslo, Alabama. We to puss you to Alicia. Hey if on als Hello. My name is Curnus and in from Australia and I am four years old. Hello Uncle and I am four. I'm from rasening By. Hello from Racy Dada, Allah Fine Nico, Olah Sol Sophia. Hello. My name is Rogen and I'm from Winnipeg, Canada. Hello. My name is Ama and I'm seven years old and I'm from Washington. Bye. Hello from Giorgiana from Canada. Hello. My name is Eva. I am six years old. I am from Australia. Bye bye. Hello from Asa in Texas. Hello, it's me Emily Russo from Planella, Illinois. Hello from Amma Klerkowski. Hello fan nowca for Dutch shut. Hello from Reese from North Carolina. Hello from Enna from California. Ga musta Agossi Zoe Darlings of Filippinas. This is Jacob from New Mexico. Hello from Finally from Concord, Massachusetts. Magandang Arapa Agassi, Shanna Gael Madibai Molasamanila Philippines, Salama Kids Bible Stories. Hi from Elizabeth in Canada. Ma Boo Hi al go pas Relee No Monina, Philippines. Hi, I'm Ivy from South Carolina. Then bang A Garlands of Filippinas.


This is Laha tex Hi from Alicia and Canada, Gamusta Agassizo Master Eliyah Allaha from Paulina from Hallaii.

That was incredible to hear. Thank you to each of you listeners for helping me. You see, there were languages you understood and some you did not. You heard from kids all over the world. I did this to show you just how alive the Bible is, how real it is, and how people all over the world love Jesus. It brought me such joy to hear from you guys. Thank you again and as always, bye for now.

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Hear the Bible presented to children through engaging and artful storytelling using imagery, sound e 
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