#338 : Walking in courage-The Miracle of Lazarus part 2

Published Jul 23, 2024, 10:00 AM

John 11:4-16

We continue our Lazarus series. Today, we dive into a remarkable story of courage and faith. Join us as we explore the events leading up to Jesus and His disciples' journey back to Judea to help their dear friend Lazarus.


  • The disciples grapple with their worries about the dangers awaiting them in Judea, remembering past threats.
  • Jesus teaches about walking in the light and following God's guidance, even when the path seems perilous.
  • The disciples ultimately decide to follow Jesus, showing their loyalty and trust in Him.
  • Kids will hear what courage may look like in their own life. 
  • They’ll hear what doing the right thing (obeying God) may play out like in their life and the importance of doing what is right.


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Hello again, and welcome back to kids' Bible Stories. We are continuing our series called the Miracle of Lazarus. This is part two, and today's story is called Walking in Courage. This comes from John chapter eleven, verses four through sixteen. Let's do a quick recap of where we left off. On the last episode. We were in Bethany, where we met three beloved friends of Jesus, Mary Hi, Martha Hi, and their brother Lazarus Hello, who was very, very sick. Despite their urgent message to Jesus and their hope for a quick response, his arrival wasn't right away. They waited and waited, and we were left pondering his deep and mysterious words.

This sickness not end in death.

Let's pick up our story here. Jesus was with his disciples that special day. This was normal for the Disciples because they followed him day and night in order to learn from Jesus. They were enjoying Jesus's company when an urgent message arrived from Bethany, a plea for help from Mary and Martha concerning their brother Lazarus, whom Jesus loved dearly. Jesus, come quick, the Disciples watched. What would Jesus do? Maybe they were surprised to see Jesus stayed. One day passed since the message arrived. The disciples went about their usual business, praying, gathering food, and I imagine talking, maybe saying, I wonder what's for dinner?

How can you think about food right now?

What about Rajarus?

I can't believe we all doingly think again? The sun rose and set. The second day had passed. It is then that Jesus.

Announced, let's go back to Judea.

His voice calm, The disciples stopped what they were doing and looked at one another. Their four heads wrinkled with concern. They remembered all too well the troubles they had with the rulers and people there. Wouldn't that be waiting for them?

Are you gonna tell him? No?

You go forced? I imagine the disciples deciding who would say what they were all thinking, Which is also funny, because do you think Jesus knew all their thoughts already? Yes? Yes, he always does.

But Rabbi, the last time you were there, the people tried to stone you. Are you sure it's safe to return?

His voice echoed the fear that gripped their hearts, a stark reminder of the dangers that lay in returning to a place where threats had turned into violent actions. Jesus paused, his gaze sweeping over the faces of his disciples.

Are there not twelve hours of daylight? Anyone who walks in the daytime will not stumble, for they see by this world's light. It is when a person walks at night that they stumble, for they have no light.

Jesus was thinking about the important job God gave him to do. When we don't follow God's plan, it's like walking in the dark where we can't see. But when we stay close to God and do what he says, it's like walking in the light, where everything is bright and clear. The disciples mold over Jesus's words. They considered Jesus's metaphor and knew Jesus wasn't speaking about daylight, but about the light of God's guidance, which promised safety amidst perils. As they prepared for the journey, packing the few belongings they carried, the air was filled with attention. None of the disciples smiled. They seemed lost in thought. Jesus explained further.

To them, our friend Lazarus, he's fallen asleep, but I'm going there to wake him up.

His disciples, thinking the way that we probably would have been thinking, they replied to him, Oh Lord, if he sleeps, he will get better. But you see, Jesus had been speaking of his death, but his disciples thought he meant natural sleep, like when we sleep at night or for a nap. So seeing as they didn't understand, Jesus told them plainly.

Lazarus is dead, and for your sake, I'm glad I was not there so that you may believe. But let us go to him. Oh okay, then let us go that we may die with him.

Thomas said, his voice stern. This bold declaration showed his loyalty to Jesus, ready to face whatever consequences that might come from their allegiance to him. The Bible doesn't give us details about how the rest of the disciples reacted to so much big news, but remember, they are real people, just like you and I, with real thoughts and feelings, So let's imagine what it may have been like for them. Maybe. As the disciples continued packing their belongings, Peter found himself struggling with a stubborn sample.

Even my own sandals seemed to think to risky to go back to Judea.

He exclaimed John overhearing him, chuckled softly. Perhaps they just need a little bit of faith to Peter. The disciples grinned. The Bible tells us that they did follow Jesus on this mission. Once everything was packed up, they set off, following Jesus's lead. It's possible their journey back to Judeo was quiet, each man lost in thought, contemplating an uncertain future. The path they walked was familiar, yet seemed different. Now charged with a mission that was about to change their understanding of life and death, they trusted Jesus and were committed to following him, regardless of the risk. The dust from the road kicked up under their sandals, and from the buildings in the distance, they knew they were almost there. Well, that is it for our story today. But before we go, let's think about what we just heard. After two days, does Jesus go to help Lazarus?


Yes, and traveling back to Judea would be risky. Last time they were there, people wanted to kill Jesus. But do the Disciples still follow him. Yes, Jesus comforts them with his words about walking in daylight. It reminds us that when we follow God's path, we are never truly in the dark, even when the road ahead seems uncertain. Now, can you think of a time when you had to do something even though it was scary because you knew it was the right thing to do. Have you had that happen before?

One day I went to my friend's house and my friend had a friend over and she started saying bad words. I decided not to join in talking like that.

Thanks for sharing in your life. It might look like standing up for someone others are making fun of. Maybe you're afraid they'll make fun of you next, but you know it's the right thing to do. Or maybe you tell the truth, even if if it means you may get in some trouble. You know it's better and right to be honest rather than lie. Remember, like Jesus and his disciples, showing courage doesn't mean you aren't afraid. Courage means that even when you're afraid, you do what's right because you know it's the right thing to do. You trust that God will be right there with you. So listeners, let's take this week to practice walking in the light of courage, stand up for what is right, excellent, lovely, admirable, and trust that God is with you every step of the way. Thanks for joining us in today's story. Tune in next time to hear what happens when they arrive at Me and Martha's house. And if you would like the coloring page or activity sheet that goes with this episode, or want to check out the bonus content we have available, simply go to kbspodcast dot com and click Bonus Content. The link will also be in today's show notes for you. Thanks again everyone, and as always, BUYE for now.

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