Keeping Our Italian Traditions Podcast - #2

Published Nov 10, 2021, 11:15 PM

Presented by Angelo Carrozza, founder of the Facebook page ''Keeping Our Italian Traditions in OZ'' this podcast is intended to share and experience the traditions handed down by our parents, our nonni, our heritage in the hope we can hand them down to the coming generations.

Episode 2 - living Italian in Australia 60’70’s’80s we take a look at what life was like for then 20 year old Tony who left Italy as there was no work and his father didn’t want him to join the navy nor the Air Force so when he said ‘ok then I’m going to Australia’ his dad said ‘what for’

In ‘68 he made his move and has made Australia Home.

Some great stories told as we look at life back then.

Our legacy has started - a journey that ensures our stories will remain alive and well for generations to come!

Please share ideas to support on content we can discuss weekly and opinions on the podcast! Make sure you follow us on Facebook!