Today, on Karl and Crew, we concluded our weekly theme of Spiritual Awakening. It was Freedom Friday, so we asked, "What was it that woke you up to Jesus?" Our special guest was Dr. Thomas Kidd. He serves as Research Professor of Church History at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr. Kidd has authored several books including, "The Great Awakening: The Roots of Evangelical Christianity in Colonial America." Hear the highlights of today's program on the Karl and Crew showcast.
Coming to you from the Morning Star Mission sponsored studio. This is Carl and crew on Moody Radio.
On this Freedom Friday, we want to be so candid about the need for spiritual awakening in all of our lives. And we fall in one of two camps. Some have been radically transformed by God, and yet we can find ourselves falling asleep. We've we've examined this all week long. Just look at a look at the churches in the book of Revelation. It's a reality that you can be at one time on fire for God, and then find yourself asleep spiritually. And we don't have to look at the church in revelation. We can look at our own spiritual journey. Right?
Sure. And we talked about this yesterday. Wake up and strengthen what remains. That's clearly a call to the believer because whatever remains can be strengthened. That's definitely not true for the unbeliever who's never been transformed.
Yeah. So the other flip side of this, and it really dawned on me this morning that is it possible to be very, uh, moral to be pursuing spiritual activity and to be sleepwalking spiritually, not be alive in Christ? And the answer is absolutely. And you can go to Matthew seven and we go there a lot around here. And that's that's a great passage. Just to remind you of this. Jesus is in the sermon. He's preaching on the mountain side. And he said, many are going to say to me on that day, Lord, Lord. And he's going to say, I never knew you. And the appeal is going to be but Jesus, we preached in your name, we baptized in your name, and we did mighty works in your name. Oh, those are three. That's three great points of argument for sin in a court of law. You go, well, that person might be in. And he says, I don't know you. So that'll that'll get you. But, you know, we don't want to just lean on that text alone. One of the implied things that we often don't observe is in acts two, when Peter gets up on the day of Pentecost and he's preaching the gospel and he's he wraps up that message with, let the house of Israel therefore know for certain that God has made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified. Now it goes on to say, they. When they heard this, they were cut to the heart. And they said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, brothers, what shall we do? And Peter said to them, repent, and be baptized, every one of you in the name of the of Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. So here's what's interesting about that audience for which possibly men, women and children, 10 to 12,000 people repented and were baptized. It was a revival. The reality is, is that these were not people that were shaking a fist at God. They were looking for the Messiah. They were spiritually active. All of them. These are people who were going through tons of spiritual motions. They were keeping feasts, festivals. This is a Jewish audience, but their hearts were far from God. They had not been justified by faith. So you find this implied in this text because there's this revival of synagogue going, church going folk. We got arrested, you know, you just got to take that at face value and say, is it possible to be very conscious of the need for morality, the desire to do good things and even an awareness of God's transcendence and be sleepwalking spiritually, not be alive in Christ and not be born again in. The obvious answer is, yeah, it's possible. So what do we do with something like that, Ali?
Well, I mean, the Word of God is so is so powerful. And I love this passage of Scripture because in many ways there was deception. They had been led astray by their leaders. I mean, this audience, this Jewish audience, they had I mean, in crucifying Jesus, Jesus. Many of them believed that that was the right thing to do.
Okay. That's good. Yeah. And they had they had actually Spiritualized that.
Yes. And so when, when they're presented with this information as boldly as Peter goes after it and they are cut to the heart, that was their wake up call, their eyes were open and they had this moment of what do I do? They're confronted with the reality of their spiritual condition and they ask a very good question. What do I do now? Now that I know the truth? What do I do with it?
Yeah. You know, it's fascinating about this is that not everybody who heard this message from Peter was born again. We know that because there were plenty who heard him and walked away, fomented with anger. Sure. Just a few chapters later that we find Steven getting stoned by people that are just absolutely enraged that this guy has a vision from heaven and that he's proclaiming Jesus as the Messiah. Enraged.
And you look at verse 41, those who received his word were baptized in that day. Yes, were 3000 souls were added. Those who received meaning there were those who did not receive. It was only those who received were baptized and then that day were saved.
On this Freedom Friday, we want to be so clear. That I need to say this. The illusion of salvation is just as real today as it was 2000 years ago. Some will be confronted that Jesus is the Messiah and say, I've been religious, but I've never repented of my sins and surrendered my life to Jesus and been baptized publicly in the face of people who might think I'm crazy as a sign that I have surrendered all to Jesus. Some might. Some might be in the crowd that says, I've been active. I've wanted to be moral, and I've. I've yet to surrender to Jesus Christ. But Christ. But today can be your day. Matter of fact, I just want to ask you this right now. Is today your day? Is today the day? I hadn't planned on sharing this right now, but the Spirit of God is telling me there is someone. Is it you? Who? The Spirit of God, not our words. The Spirit of God is moving like a double edged sword through our words into your heart as we read the Word of God. And the Spirit of God is telling you right now, you have made attempts to be moral. You've believed in God. You have even tried to do good things, but you have yet to repent and follow Jesus Christ as your deliverer, the Messiah. And if that's you right now, God wants to save your soul. That simple full stop right now wants to save your soul. Imagine, as you listen to me, the temptation. It would have been for spiritual pride to keep 12,000 men, women and children from surrender to Jesus. Right, Ali? Sure. I mean, oh my goodness.
This was a really heavy duty cut to the heart kind of message.
Yeah. And yet, if the Spirit of God has cut into the heart right now and telling you you've never repented and surrendered your life to Jesus Christ, you've never believed that Jesus died for your sins and it had to happen. Today is your day. Praise God! I want you to pray with me right now. This is it. This is your freedom Friday. Jesus, I believe I believed that you were real, but I've not believed you enough to repent and surrender my entire life to you. But today, I believe you died for my sins. Tell them that Today I repent from my sins and I turn to follow Jesus Christ. I'm holding nothing back today. Today I give you everything. Today there's no show for a person. This is between you and me. God. Today I give it up. This is my dusty road experience. Where you've met me face to face. And today I surrender to you completely. Thank you for saving me this morning. And why don't you rejoice with him right now? And just tell him in your words right now, audibly, wherever you are in your living room, in your car. I don't know where you are right now. Just tell him thank you for what you are experiencing right now, the freedom that you're experiencing in Jesus Christ, because whom the son sets free is free indeed, and you're experiencing that right now. This is a holy moment when God takes even well-meaning, quite religious people. And says, give me your life, all of it. And I'll pour my life into you. Father, thanks for saving. Souls. Lives. Families. Saving legacies. Saving lives physically and spiritually. In Jesus name, Amen. The most important link we can give you right now is a link that is going to tell you about when you get this. I want you to open it and I want you to use it. Okay guys. So here we go. Ali. We got some brand new followers somewhere across the United States in the world today.
Here's what we want you to do. If that's you, just text one word. Text Nu NEW2 800 555 7898. Text nu to (800) 555-7898. What you're going to get back from us is an auto reply that has a link with some practical next steps, a little bit more information for you, and then some hyperlinks within that little blog that allow you to get a resource from us to help you look for a church. So if that's you, text Nu to 800 555 7898.
Yeah. Right on. Some of you have never texted before and that's the case often with this link. Nu because you're brand new in Christ. You've been a spectator up till now, but right now you are fully engaged. So we'll say it slowly. Just text that one word nu to 800 555, 7898. Right now, wherever you are, text nu to 800 555, 7898. We just want to say ahead of time, welcome to the family coming up in a few minutes. We've got an expert on spiritual awakenings. We've had them all week. We're not done yet. Buckle up.
He's a sports fanatic with a stat for anything you can think of. Young Thunder is in the crew. It's curl and crew on Moody Radio.
What a week Ali talking awakening this has been. Oh my goodness. When I hear from colleagues here at Moody who are driving into work and say, I've passed on some of the content to some of my friends, I know we're hitting, we're hitting paydirt. Sister, why do you think that is?
Well, I think that there's a there's an excitement around being reminded of what God can do, what he's done in the past in Awakenings and Revival and what's possible today. That kind of the everyday status quo. Life as usual. You can get lulled to sleep, but let's wake up and let's expect and believe God for more.
Yeah, believe him for more. Doctor Thomas Kidd, what do you say about that? Should we believe in God for more than what we're experiencing today in America?
Oh, absolutely. I mean, and there have definitely been times in American history and around the world when God has poured out the Holy Spirit for revival, and that even people who have been going to church for a long time have realized that they don't actually know the Lord personally.
Doctor Thomas Kidd, our guest right now, he serves as research professor of church history at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City. Now, one of your specialties of study is the First Great Awakening and how it shaped what we know as evangelicalism today. Hard to capture all of that in a short interview, but talk about the significance of the First Great Awakening and how we still feel the effects today.
Well, you know, you think of so many of the American colonies being founded for religion, but really, like 100 years after the colonies started being founded, a lot of pastors were like, people have fallen away from the Lord. People's faith has really become weak. And so the first Great Awakening in the 1740s is just a massive outpouring of the Holy Spirit for conversions and revival in the colonies, churches, especially in Massachusetts and Connecticut, with people like Jonathan Edwards and just thousands of people who had grown up in church, mostly. They they knew a lot about the Bible and so forth, but they came to realize that they weren't born again. And so they prayed to receive Christ and joined churches. And it was just an incredible time of personal transformation and church growth in American history.
Doctor Kidd, what did you learn in your study that most people that have, as I do, a cursory understanding of the awakenings, what did you learn that surprised you?
I think that I was really impressed by the difference between thinking that you need to be moral, and realizing that you need to know Jesus personally. I mean, they had a very strong tradition in colonial America of expecting people to behave in a moral way that, you know, that was fine. But so many people realized, you know, I've defined Christianity by just being moral. And when you look at it biblically, that I mean, it comes with being a Christian, of course. But the core of being a Christian is knowing the Lord Jesus Christ personally and being born again. And I think that that distinction, you know, it can seem subtle, but it's the biggest distinction spiritually.
For many years personally. Doctor, the Holy Spirit was a lost God for me, and I didn't understand. I knew he was real, but I didn't understand the power of the spirit. How central is the power of the spirit to the reviving of the church, and ultimately spilling over into the community that you saw in the First Great Awakening? What role was the Holy Spirit front and center there.
Well, there is no true revival without the power of the Holy Spirit operating in it. I mean, and so some, you know, some churches, some preachers can gin up what looks like revival in the short term by, you know, yelling loud and this sort of stuff. But that's all, you know, sound and fury signifying nothing unless the Holy Spirit is poured out on a people, on a church, because only the Holy Spirit can transform us internally. And so wherever you see reports of revival, if there's going to be long term change in fruit that comes out of the revival, it has to be created by the Holy Spirit.
You've written a book, Doctor Thomas Kidd, with us right now, who is an evangelical. The history of a movement in crisis. You know, when you talk about evangelicalism in America, a lot of people's minds are going to go to politics, to a certain voting bloc who is an evangelical? How do we answer that answer that question today.
In America, it has gotten so tied up with politics, and a lot of people think being an evangelical is like, well, I'm religious and I'm a Republican. That's kind of a weird definition historically, because you go back to the Great Awakening and so forth. I mean, there was no American political system back in those days. So, I mean, it couldn't have been about politics historically. Biblically, what being an evangelical means is that you are born again to new life in Christ, and that you have a high view of the authority of the Bible as God's Word and God's truth, and that you have a living relationship with God through the Holy Spirit, that you know him and you walk with him, that he guides you and leads you through your life. So being an evangelical is fundamentally a spiritual category, not a political one.
I was doing some study in preparation for this week, and I found something I want you to. I want you to comment on it. It seems that racism, classism, ageism, all the isms faded mightily and nothing more unified people across what used to be clear lines than this gospel revival in these awakenings. Is that what you've learned?
I mean, you don't want to, you know, oversell it. I mean, it didn't fix all the social problems. And, you know, the Great Awakening ends with slavery still in place in America. But the first major outreach, for instance, to African Americans and slaves spiritually in American history comes because of the First Great Awakening. And lots of African Americans, lots of slaves begin to convert to Christianity, whereas before that time there were almost no Africans in America who were any kind of Christians at all. So, I mean, it clearly is breaking new ground in terms of Terms of spiritual and social equality that we've never seen before.
So the big question for those of us living today is how do we position posture ourselves for another great awakening? It's what we long to see. We can't schedule it. We can't plan it. We can pray for it. But how do we position ourselves?
Praying for it is the key. I mean, we don't tell God what to do. We know that full well. But we should all, in our churches and in our nation, long for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, which is the key to true revival. And the role that we play in that is to pray for God to pour out the Holy Spirit for conversions and revival. I mean, we don't gin it up. We don't tell God what to do. We don't schedule it and say, we're going to have a revival next week, but we should earnestly desire that the Lord would again pour out the Holy Spirit for revival. And we need it so much in our A nation.
Doctor Thomas Kidd with us this morning, and we're grateful for your study and expertise. I want to give you the final word. What's your appeal to people that are listening? You're talking to an audience across the United States of America, Canada, and quite frankly, beyond. Let's just say this was your last appeal to a large group of people before the Lord would return. What would you say?
Well, I would.
Say, you know, for me personally, I grew up in church and I knew a fair amount about the Bible and morality and all those things. But I came to realize in my late teens that I did not know the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior. And so that was the turning point in my whole life is moving from, you know, appreciating religion to knowing the Lord personally. And I just appealed to people to consider whether they know him personally as well and whether they've been born again.
That's a great word. I think if you had one last thing to say on the way out. Ali, that's not bad, right?
That's the parting words to leave someone with.
Oh, we got a treat for you guys. Ali, take it away.
If you want more from our guest, Doctor Thomas Kidd, just text the word awake to 800 555 7898. Text awake to 805 55, 78, 98.
She was trying to earn her way to God, but God showed her she didn't have to. Ali is in the crew. It's Carl and crew on Moody Radio.
It's a great day, guys. Freedom Friday, and we're asking you a simple little question here today. What was that wake up call that you had to go through? What was that wake up call? You came to the point where you said, man, God's getting my attention. It could be for salvation. It could be for we use this word. It's an important word, sanctification. It means to grow up in Jesus. You became a derailed disciple. And God said back on the path, Kid Ruth in Illinois. What do you say, Ruth? What's your story?
Um, I grew up in a Christian home and I became a Christian early on, but I had wandered away. Well, not wandered, ran away pretty much from God later on in life. And one day I was standing and looking in the mirror, questioning how the existence of God. Thinking how stupid it is to think that there really was a God. And that scared me. And then not long after that moment, my sister in law called me and asked me to go to church with her. And I said, yes, actually, the Holy Spirit said yes before I could say no.
Love that. The Holy Spirit said yes before I could say no. Classic clip that line. That is what we're doing around here. Keep going.
So I went. She actually even said, I'm going to pick you up. I'll come and get you. Because she was afraid I would back out.
So she knew you would back out.
Yep. So I went back and I went to church with her, and I just said, at that moment, I walked in the church. I listened to the music thinking, okay, God, I'm in, I'm all in. Regardless of the cost. And it was at that moment that it just it all switched and flipped back over for me.
That's beautiful. Let me ask you a crazy question here, Ruth. How long have you been listening to Carl and crew? Well.
Uh, probably about maybe three years.
Okay. Well, we talk a lot about this illusion of salvation. And there's two things that possibly were going on with you. And I'm just curious what you think. As you look back, there's some that were genuinely born again, uh, when you said seventh grade and they had that seventh grade moment, that five year old moment, that 18 year old moment. But I'm just curious, as you look back, do you see that experience that you had? I think in seventh grade as.
As a.
Foretaste of what was going to be a born again experience. But you were not born again. Or do you believe you were born again? And then God just finally brought to life, and you became an actual disciple of Christ. What do you say, Ruth?
Oh, no, I believe I was born again, and I know I was, and I had walked with God for. Yeah, that I mean, I can explain and I can't explain the joy of that salvation of that first time. And I walked with God for a while, but I also had sin in my life that I didn't deal with. Yes.
That makes perfect.
Sense. Over. Yeah.
Yeah, yeah. I mean, that makes that makes perfect sense. I mean, you're right on, Ruth. I mean, what a beautiful way of stating that there's just an absolute stake in the ground. No, I was born again. Which shows again, as we find in Scripture and as we find in the book of revelation. Listen, you can you can be a flame for God and fall asleep. And that's why we find in Scripture.
Wake up.
Wake up.
Wake up.
Awesome. Let's keep it cooking here for a second. Joe and Plainfield, what's your story? What was your wake up call, bro?
Okay, so a bit dramatic. And 20 16th July, I was I had a heart attack and I was sitting in the ambulance waiting to be taken to the hospital. I noticed the clock on the wall on. I'm going to stop. And I said, oh, that's interesting. And all I could think to say was, Lord, if it's your will to see my children again, let me do that. And that was my wake up call. He put everybody in place to make me survive. I had a widow maker. The worst, the 5% chance of chance of survival, and he put everything in place for me then for me to be here.
Yeah. This has to have affected how you even walk with Jesus day to day to this day. Joe.
Yeah. Um, I had still some struggles after that, but, um, I knew that, um, I that was supposed to happen, and I'm. He put everything in place for me, and I was it helped greatly to sharpen my focus of what was really important.
Yeah. Right on. Joe. Man, I love your emotion. Real men cry, dude. Real men cry. Fake men don't cry. It was amazing. Yeah. Way to go, Joe. Appreciate your call. Ali, what's the question again, sister?
We want to hear from you this morning. What was your spiritual wake up call? Something happened that jolted you either to your need for salvation or for your need to get right with God after you'd wandered off. 805 55 7898 805 55 7898.
He was running from God. But God's love brought him home. Carl is in the crew. It's Carl and crew on Moody Radio.
Everything changed when I came running home. What does that reference to? Probably the parable of the wayward sons. One squandered his dad's inheritance, went off to a distant country. It would have been representative when Jesus was telling this story. Everybody would have thought, oh, yeah, okay. It's a kid that goes off to Antioch and he's partying down, man. Multicultural metroplex of the Middle East of that day. And he got in a mess, man. It didn't mean that he wasn't aware of, because the parable is a relationship with all of God's creation that sees They understand how rich they can be in him, but they go squander that very real inheritance. Now it's a story of lostness being lost and far from God. And there's two sons in this story. I want to tell you about them. The first one. Yeah. It's very easy to spot him. He's a victim of trying to find life in anything. He can get something to fill that void. He's a troubled kid, and he came home. You know what's interesting about this? You got a wayward kid. I want you to do this. That kid. If they've never known how much you loved them and how much you want for them, be sure they know that. Send a message to a far off land, wherever that kid ran off to. Spiritually speaking, here, of course, could be in the same town with you. Could be right down the street but far from God. Let them know how much they you love them. But then you know what? Sometimes you gotta let them fall into the pig slop, man. Because just like you, in order to be born again, they got to come to the end of themselves. And that son did. And he came staggering home. And dad must have gotten word because he's at the top of the pick and parking space right there at the end of the road. Right it is, so to speak. Yeah, but he's standing right there in the driveway and he's looking down that long road. And here he sees his son. He can't take it anymore. He's like, he's he's back. I'm not enabling. This is this is helping. So he sprints down there and he grabs his son. And those guys embraced and they hugged. And the son's crying. Dad's crying the whole deal. He says, get a robe, get a ring, get some sandals. Kill the fatted calf. He goes, this guy, man, he doesn't even have shoes. It's amazing when we're far from God and he's calling us to himself. We realize I got nothing. I had or I have everything, but I've got nothing. And there's another son. And both of them are lost sons. Both of them. The other one stayed on the. He stayed on the compound. He heard word that his wayward brother was back, and he was like, what's going on? Why is the big what's the big celebration? What's going on? He goes, oh man, your brother came home really great. That guy was always squirrely. Now they're throwing a party for him. Dad comes out of the party and says, hey, come on in to the party. He goes, hey, come on. I've been sitting here jumping through every hoop you've ever had for me, and you've never given me any kind of a celebration like this. He said, listen, this this brother of yours was. He was lost, but he's been found. My son came home. Both of these young men are pictures of lostness. One a victim of his passion, the other a victim of his pride. Both totally missing it with God. That was the audience Jesus had then. That's the audience we have now. There's two things that keep you from God. Victim of your passion and a victim of your pride. And I'm asking you to humble yourself under God's mighty hand today and come home to Jesus for the first time in your life. Oh, I get it. You've been in church. I get it, you've been jumping through all the hoops. Yep, I get it. But you don't know Jesus personally. You're not born again. That's a problem, man. That's a problem. Do you know what really? Born again people do when wayward sons come back from the far off antics of the day They celebrate because they're already in the celebration. They're there. And whether you're a victim of your passion or a victim of your pride, I'm asking you to repent. Turn around, come home or come into the party. Don't let pride or passion hold you back from life found in Jesus Christ. It ain't worth it, friend. I tried, it doesn't work. So are you a victim of your passion? You've been trying to find life in all the things that you could get. How's that working for you? Yeah, that's what I thought. It's not working. It's good when you can be honest with God and honest with yourself. Oh. That's good. Maybe you're a victim of your pride. You, you you can't even say it. But you feel it. It's like, why isn't? Why aren't things going better for me? I've been doing all this and this and this, and I've been very religious and I've been moral and I've been this and fill in the blank. Right. It's because what Jesus said is true. You must be born again. When the lost are found. It is amazing. Some of you have been so close to Jesus, but so far away. And today I'm inviting all of you to come on home. I want you to run. To win. And you can only run to win when you get off the broad path that leads to destruction. And passion and pride are the two main appetites down that broad path. It's not filling you up, is it? Leaving you empty. Today is the day of salvation for you. Yeah, it's for you. Say. All right, Carl, what do I do I got to do? Got to turn around. You got to repent. You got to surrender all your pride and all your passions and say, I'm done running from God. I'm done trying to perform for God. It's recognizing that you are missing the mark in your life, and you're just exhausted enough to say, oh, I'm done. And right now, if that's you, please don't let pride of all of what you've done in this life hold you back. Don't let the exhaustion of chasing passions think, oh, should I chase one more thing? His name is Jesus. And he's running down the path to greet you. He's stepping out in the fields where you've been laboring thinking you're doing so well. Oh, I'm so. I'm working so hard for God. I'm being so moral. And he's saying, stop this game. Give your life to me today. Turn around, repent. And this is what you need to do right now. This is it. Are you willing to acknowledge? I'm going to ask you three questions. Are you willing to acknowledge you're a sinner who needs a savior? Yes. Good, good. Are you at the end of yourself? And you can't do it. And you know it. All the passions you've been chasing, all the prideful moves that you've been making. It doesn't add up to anything. That's a scary place to be. If not for the love of Jesus. It says, come to me, come on into the party. And that's what Jesus is saying to you to you right now? Come on into the party. Come on in. So my third question is the big one. Are you ready to repent? Turn around and head home. You know what's going to happen the minute you turn around? The arms of God are right there. Boom, boom. And you're feeling them right now. Because, see, salvation is by faith. And that not of yourselves. It's not fancy words. It's not a slick prayer. It's a heart surrendered to Jesus Christ and Him alone. He's coming back again one day. And because of what God's doing in your life today, you're going to go with him. You won't be left behind. So if that's you, I want you to get your phone out right now. I'm going to tell you where to go. We want to help you in your first steps of Jesus. I want you to text right now the word new to our number right now. Get your phone out. Let's go. If this is you, you really. All that you've got to know right now is that you are repenting of your sin. You don't need to know your next steps. Jesus will help you with that. By the power of the spirit and the love of the father, he's going to help you with that and we're going to help you as well. But get that phone. You got it. Okay, here's what I want you to do. I want you to text the word new right now to our number here. New to 855 five, 78, 98. I'll say that slowly. Text new. Just one word to 855. Five, 78, 98. That's all I want you to text is just that one word, and we're going to send you a link. And this is really cool. It's got three embedded links in it. It's how to find a church with people that are just like me. Awesome. It's going to tell you how to find a Bible that you can actually understand. Awesome. And we're going to get your snail mail. We're going to send you one thing in snail mail. That's it. A resource that's going to help you as you walk in the power of God, to resist any temptation to try to do this walk of faith in your own strength, because self-help never helped anyone but God can. So I want you to text the word new right now, wherever you are. Just text the word new to 855 five. 78. 98. I'm going to shout out the last four numbers of your number. It's an awesome thing, isn't it? When they know that, we know what they now know in Christ Jesus. That's pretty cool. Shout out some from last four numbers here.
Ali. Yeah? I want to say welcome to the family. 0267439983472064.
Welcome, welcome. It's not too late. We're going to be here for you. You might say. I just got my phone. What's that number again? Text the word new to 800 555, 78, 98. Just that one word. New to 805, 55, 78, 98. And we're going to get you all hooked up with a great resource here. And you're going to be in good shape. 38, 39, 6732. Way to go. Welcome to the family. Welcome to the family. Father, I thank you that you are the one who reaches into hearts. You convict the world regarding sin, righteousness and judgment. And today, the convicting power of the love of God is calling new kids Home to you. And I give you thanks. In the name of Jesus, we celebrate these people. Amen. 93090561. Welcome to the family. You can keep them coming in. 1810. I'll keep it right here for a second. We'll keep it right here for a second. Praising God for him working in you. Just that one word. New to 855, five, 78, 98. Can't wait to get this auto response straight out to you. One. Two. One four. Welcome to the family. Grateful for what God's doing in you. 2177. Awesome. Come on home, come on home. It's time. 0206 welcome home. Welcome home right now. Ha! So awesome. Grateful for what? God's doing in you, friend. Wow, this is a cool thing, isn't it, Ali?
Yes it is. Yes it is. Today you are new in Christ.
She's a choreographer extraordinaire and everything is Greek to her. Super di is in the crew. It's Carl and crew on Moody Radio.
Super super super jive.
I mean, she is a choreographer. Super super jive.
I might add a little mustard to that one. Been going at this ten years with super di. Super jive. Yes. Choo choo choo. Super jive talkin. Oh, wow. There's a flashback. Oh my goodness, who did jive talkin, by the way? Jeez. Of course. Oh, that was that was Bee Gees. Yes. That's back when they could sing in tune. That was great. They did have beautiful harmonies. I love oh, I love them, man. The falsetto is what's amazing. Right. Big, big, big dudes. Yeah. Who's the little voice coming out like that? He's just amazing. That falsetto can really blow you away. Um. Oh. Oh. Oh, boy. That hurt, actually. That was. That was scary. Yeah. Okay. That was. Be quiet now. No, you're doing good. Super. Uh, super. Dave was reminding me of a wake up call that we gave out earlier today. And you might not have gotten it. Do you know who you are in Christ? You need to see if we don't have firmly ensconced in our mind and on our lips. The truth of who God believes us to be in Christ Jesus. You know what's going to happen. We're going to buy cars to please people that don't even like us. We're going to take jobs that are less than what God would have for us. We're going to stay at home when God has an adventure in front of us. Knowing who you are in Christ is vital. And what's rattling around in your brain today will be lived out by high noon. It's kind of scary, isn't it? What we think, what we think about ourself and who we are in Christ. If we're missing it, you know what it does? It negatively impacts not only what we think about ourselves, but what we do with ourselves or what we don't do with ourselves. Do you? Do you know how many Jordans God wants to be crossed today? Yeah. Where you put your toe in the river of faith and say who you're going to part the seas here. You're going to have to stop up this river. Do you know how many mountains he wants you to get over today? By knowing who you are in Christ and his designs on your life. Do you know how many spiritual gifts are left untapped because people don't know who they are in Christ? Some of you are sitting at home on Sundays taking in the service via video feed because you don't know who you are in Christ and that you're missed and that you're vital. Do you know how many people are spiritual spectators when God wants you fully invested in his Kingdom work? Because you don't know who you are in Christ. We got a blog that I quit counting at like 50,000 people that downloaded it. But man, I want you to get this. Ali. Tell him about.
It. It's one of our most loved, most downloaded blogs. It's one of the ones that I Personally loved to refer to and refer other people to. I just sent this by email to someone in the last this week. I just said, hey, this would be a great tool anyway, but I want you to have it too. Just text the word truth. This is just quick statements from the Word of God that tell you who you are. So text truth and we'll send it to your phone. Truth to 805 55 7898. Truth to 855 57898.
You know what the truth is? It's the ultimate wake up call. It's the ultimate wake up call. It's God tapping you on his shoulder, going like super daddy loves to say you. How do you do that? How do you do that? You do.
That. What do you do?
Yeah, you do this thing.
No, I do that. Yeah. It's you who.
Or something like.
That. It's just. Okay.
It must be more spontaneous.
Than it must be. I'm so sorry.
About that, super.
Dad. Okay. I'm thinking I say a lot of things? I'm trying to narrow down.
Super tricks here. All right, super man. Do your super diary. Yeah, but do you know, guys, how many of you need a truth encounter today? Come and get it. Come and get this blog text. Truth to 855 7898. Truth to 855 five 7898. And true to form. Boy, these things are flying out the door right now. Ali, look at that.
This is really going to encourage you. Share this one with people. People want to be reminded of who they are in Christ. And this is for the child of God when you belong to him. These things are true of you, regardless of how you performed. I use that quote today. Regardless of how you felt like you did on the job, regardless of what kind of mom you feel like you were this morning, you got mad at your kids. You know what? Repent. These things are still true of you. It doesn't change. Your identity in Christ is fixed because he doesn't change. Text the word truth to 805, 55, 7898. Truth (800) 555-7898.
You know you hit one. That's kind of funny. Have you ever said something to a kid or someone and you can't get Ahold of them to do a mea culpa and ask for forgiveness?
Like, want to get to them.
As fast as you.
Can and, like.
You can't work.
You can't.
Even vacuum.
Well, you can't do anything right. I need to get this right in.
That gap between you screwing something up and trying to get it right. You need this blog.
Very true. That's what you need. Yeah.
Truth (800) 555-7898.
Yeah. Text, text, that number. We got a lot of phone calls coming in.
What? Those are people looking.
For the blog. Uh, but we're grateful for you guys. It's Freedom Friday, man. And whom the son sets free is free indeed. You need to know it and live it. Text truth to (800) 555-7898.