The Worst Date Ever

Published Mar 18, 2025, 7:00 AM

When your date is chest-bumping the manager, it's time to get outta there. 

So this is where I get exasperated because it's the type of story that I get exasperated about. But it's too good a story to not tell. So I get set up with a guy, and the pitch is very successful, like a billionaire. There's like eight hundred billionaires in the country, and somehow everybody knows one. So I just do the math and mathe and matham, but THEMI and if someone has a couple hundred million dollars and it doesn't matter to me. I'm just letting you know that this person says, this person's a billionaire.

I don't care.

I didn't see his fucking W two or network statement. I am going to start doing that on my dates from now on. But that he's good looking, he's tall, he can keep up with you, he's fun. He's New York and Miami. He's on his way to Miami. Now, can you host poone leaving?

Can you stay the week?

I said, I'm going back to see my daughter. She doesn't know who I am. My daughter's in the Witness Protection program. She's been studying, and honey Badger, don't give a fuck. She told me. She told me last week this would be a good time for you to go to Miami. Everybody thought she was having a party.

She wasn't.

She's just in her room studying. She's very intense and I love that, and it's so beautiful that she's so intense about like doing well and she does the work. But she basically I felt like I was a hooker that the job was asking to leave. She was like, it'd be a great week for you go to Miami, Like you gonna give me a lot of cash. I can fucking buy myself something pretty. So she pieced me the fuck out. You didn't have to tell me twice. There were skid marks. I was, I was out there, goddamn door. We were on a carvel run on it because she was studying, and we just took a break to go to Carvell. We came home. We were on the way in the car and that's when she told me. We came home, the bikinis were bikini I was ready to go. I had to do a podcast I think the next day, and and and all of my work obligations were interfering with my fucking peeling out.

But I was out.

I was outy five hundred so coming back, honey Badger really don't give a fuck. I was shocking to me. I was like getting homesick. I missed my dogs, I missed my daughter. I was like super just like I was over. I'm I'm a bird. I like the nest. I don't like to be away too long.

I could. I get excited, I go, and then I'm like, get me home.

So now I'm distracted by guilt because I don't have the dogs in my room.

Hold on, you're you're having like a real you might You're gonna end up.

We're gonna end up having to do podcasts in bed because you're gonna be like I like the chaos, the unhinged.

Watch this.

Hold on, warning, you're gonna trigger warning, you're gonna hear jingles. But I feel guilty. I've been home all day, I was home all away all week, and I don't have the babies.


Sorry, come on, come on, jingles, come on, babies. I'm sorry. I feel guilty. I was away a week and then I didn't have the babies.

For Yeah, I'm potting right now. We're part of it.

This is we're just doing a live This is a different like unfiltered. This is like pod unplugged. But you guys, guys, you guys.

You can't talk.

You gotta be quiet. You can't jingle. We got it's called we're work. Mommy's at work and we're doing podcasts. Now, lay down. We can't do we gotta we gotta settle quiet on a set, sit down quite on the set. The heavy breathing is a lot. You can't breathe like that. We're doing a podcast. You were built for porn, Like, honestly, you should be doing phone sex. The panting is extreme, that's small. He's very neurotic. Everything scares him. He needs like medication. Biggie's like a lump. They're so excited they're staring at the pod. I literally need to take the picture. It's so cute. Okay, So I stay an extra day to meet this guy.

She says he's so great. I stay an extra day. It doesn't matter who she is.

She's not getting blamed because what's about to be described and ensue is not something she could have vetted or predicted, Okay, because I don't think she like looked up psychopaths andymous and saw his face. All right, So so I go out to dinner and I dress cute. Thank god, I didn't go crazy like I didn't like do too much glam, and I wore a dress I've worn before, and I I didn't actually feel like I looked my total best, but it was fine.

I looked pretty enough. I looked pretty and.

That that like to land of goddamn major, smart, successful whale when I'm in rare air with the people that I want to date. Because most people can't handle this fucking circus. I was I should have put more my back into it more, but whatever. So I sit down and he got a take. Here's the first thing in the plan making process. He he like it was giving like Bill who has like a name tag on at the office, Like in the plan making process, it was a lot. It was like a row of clappy emojis, Like I was like, I'm five minutes late. It was like eight claps, like did you not fuck could you miss emoji?

Class? Like what the fuck is that? Why? Eight slast I'm five minutes late? Why? Okay? Fine?

But that was on the heels of another one that we're almost glad that I didn't end up with a billionaire because I could. My friend when I told him this story, I said, listen, if this guy wasn't touted as good looking and rich and smart, let me tell you. He sent me a dancy girl and dancy guy emoji. The fuck is that? He goes, Oh my god, you must like rant about this. I'm like, okay, but like I can if I like marry the guy. But lo and behold, I'm in my bed with the dogs, not unmarried. So he sent me an emoji guy emoji girl dancing? Why first of all, dear God, dear God, tell me we're not going dancing cause I don't like big activities on first dates. I don't I'm not on the Bachelor. I don't want to go hang gliding. I don't want to go to a sports game. I don't want to do anything interest saying on the first date. I'd like you to think on the most too. I don't want to see a fucking art. I don't want to go to the opera.

I don't want to go. You have theater tickets, Good for you, Mazzle. I don't want to go.

There's one environment that I want to be in, and it usually involves alcohol. I haven't been drinking as much, but i'd like to know it's available. It involves food and drink, and my ass parked. I'd like to be able to like internally judge this person. I need a quiet space. I don't need to be at the fucking bubbleship.

What you guys are bored?

Stay up here, just just commit to the bit. Come on all right now, you guys, we're gonna scud the day together. Come up here.

We can't we can't be in and out. This is it, this is what we're doing. We're in a Hodnist till it's over.

Buckle up, fashion your seatbelts, put your emergency mask on before others.

And shut the fuck up.

Okay, So I want to park my ass and internally judge and just have the safe space to do that, like I need, you know, I just I don't want any like circus performers to distract me. I just would like to like look and hear. And I also just don't want like.

Do you like jazz?

I don't know what I feel about jazz, but I feel deeply violated by the word tonight. So don't mention any because because it's always like I'll plan a beautiful night or I'll plan a special I don't want a special night.

I don't.

I don't want McDonald's. I don't want a diner. But I don't need special. I just need a night.


We don't have to make all your dreams come true. Okay, nicely, I'm single. So the man is there before I get there. He looks nice, he looks attractive like and he's of a certain age but is in his sixties. But he looks attractive, and he's dressed cool, a little douche Miami dress, but he's allowed to have his own style that it doesn't have to like what I wear either. He's a person, he's dressed like, he looks fine. I didn't look at his shoes. I'll call him and ask him to send me your shoes, even though he's in the witness protection program. Now, so I we have a nice chat. We almost forget the menus there. He's smart, he's interesting, he's not funny, but he's cute and I like him enough. At this point, it's giving second date. He wire call me Gabby in Miami, which looks like the Ivy in LA but has I guess I wouldn't know what the food was really like. We'll get to that soon. Different food staff is fine. The irony of his story is that the service wasn't that great, but we can get into that. That happens a decent amount in Miami. So he asks me what I'm interested in. I was like, I'm allergic to fish, just regular fish. I didn't really care. I like, when the man feels empowered to order, it's giving female energy. It's giving you being control, just a little you know, fairy waif that just like was transported in here on a feather, you know, like I'm just so delicate and just can save me.

So he asks what I like?

I said that, and I'd given a glance because don't worry. Nothing's coming to that table that I don't want to come to that table. It's just the Jedi mind. It's just the mind control program. So I said, yeah, I like a salad. And then the other thing. No, And then we end up with the gem salad, zucchini cucumber strips on it, A nice, nice slice of the cucumber. They did, by the way, to split. This is key to split. And he says what about the ribbi? And I said great? He said, you like it sliced? He says, slice six times it's important, and it's sliced, it's important. So I like it s lice too, but I didn't say it six times. So charred medium rare, okay, So it's like gonna have that good crispy on the outside.

But it's medium rare.

And I call that like medium pink, like I always clarify, like the word rare is scary, but I don't want a medium. It's like medium like pink, and medium is pink, but like medium pink is like it's in between medium rare, medium and medium. So salad comes completely uneventful and boring salad. And we had our fork and our knife and our utensils, and they did not bring serving utensils for the salad. And he said, can you bring us serving pieces? And he had said before like a plate and then share plates whatever, and he asked them to bring serving pieces. I don't think they ever did. They didn't, but we ate this that we manage with our forks. Now the ribbi comes and it's a giant ribbi as it is, and it's on a board, a cutting board, and there he says there are no serving pieces, and like he's noticing that this is a theme in this restaurant, which is annoying.

It is annoying. I have a fork.

It's like we just and because then it's communal and it's I don't know, like, so we have another problem. So I serve myself some pieces from the end because they're more well done. Because what we I realize immediately is that the mill is rare. It is bloody rare. And I don't want to send it back because I don't care, and I'm gonna have two bytes of it, three bytes of it.

I'm other potatoes and I don't care.

And he asks me a question. I don't know what the question was, like, not like how was it? Because if he said how was I wouldn't say it's rare, But like he pushes on it, like is it is it good? Is it cooked right or something. I'm like, it's a little rare, but it's okay. It's like, we'll send it back, send it back, send it back. I'm like it's okay. It's like they and and then he goes and they didn't give us bring us the serving utensils. Like one thing is wrong because it's medium rare. But now we're kits and sinking and he's piling it on. They didn't bring the serving utensils, and I didn't remember that they hadn't eventually brought them for the other thing. I wasn't paying attention, but it was like a recurring theme. So he got he goes, he goes, so we'll send it back. We're gonna send it back. So he had said sorry, he had said once, we're going to send it back. So then he said something to me, but is it good.

Or it was weird?

He was asking me how it was, but he wanted to send it back, and I was like, it's actually fine. I could just eat the n piece. It's not a problem. I'm not gonna eat that much anyway. So in that when when that correspondence happens, he proceeds to give me more meat. He's like, I'll do it for you, and he seems a little nervous. This is the second time it's someone's been nervous when it's serving me, Like they like want to do that overall, but like they get nervous, they like shakey. So for some reason he gives me the middle raw pieces. I'm the one who said it was cooked weird. Now he's giving me the middle like the most middle, and then he says, we're we're sending let's send it, We're sending it back. So I take the two pieces he's just given me and put it back in the middle. Was sending it back.

It's like you don't keep food at all.

Because you're sending back because there are probably some sickos that like want to not pay for something and they send it back.

But we were.

Getting more, mate, or you want more, like now they're giving me a whole.

I don't know what he was thinking.

So I put it back and he goes, no, no, no, no, that's yours, and this is the communal plate. Like okay, dad, you just said we're sending it back, so no one's ever eating this again, first of all, and second of like he was weird about it for himself. I go, you said we're sending it back. I'm not going to keep the food like fuck off, like for fuck off weirdo. But anyway, no problem. And there was an orneriness to him that I could feel ramping up based on the utensils.

He was fixated on that. And then now this.

So now the server comes over and she has an accent. There are a lot of people from cube By that work in Miami, so she could be Cuban. I don't know if she's Cuban. In fact, I don't know. He later said that, but again that's what he would say, not knowing, he would make an assumption. So she comes over and she's like hi, like kind of like, how may I help you?

And I I.

Think he was trying to He was like, the steak is not cooked, but like we lost the plot on that because I think you just said that. He's like, and you didn't bring the utensils before? And she and in fairness, she did have a little bit of like a a face on her, like you know what I mean, like a little face, like a little indignant. He's like, right, you didn't. You didn't bring the utensils, the serving pieces. And she's like okay, because he's coming at her, and she's like, well, we don't do that, and I think she thinks that he means you have to serve for us. She's like, well, we don't do that, and he's like and I'm realizing the language, the language barrier, but it doesn't really matter based on what's it's burying the lead, based on what's happening. So he's like, right, well, we asked you before. Like so now he's kitchen sinking like he's he's now like got a case going. He's like, we'll be asked you before he didn't bring them, and now why didn't you bring them? Why didn't you bring them? And she's getting a little belligerent too and standing around for it, which anybody else might have walked away or just been like I'll bring them, but like she was wanting to fight too because he was being so rude to her, and that's where it was wrong. But it's still none of this matters. I'm just giving you the actual facts of what happened. And so because you may have an opinion, like you will have an opady. So she's like he's like, well, yeah, we'll bring it. So she's like, well, okay, well I could bring him. He goes, so do it because she's standing there, and she is standing but he's like, so do it. And it was like whoa, And it was like whoa, and it was just it was just giving, like you work for me, and like it just was like it lost. But this is where it doesn't matter what the content is the delivery they you know, And I did a TikTok about this, and I never mentioned this part because this part is important. Like she was not the best server I've ever had in my life. You know, she would have gotten like a normal tip, and I'm an amazing tipper. She was fine, and she was standing around like kind of baiting him.

But it does it matter? He's like, so do it.

So now he's like heated and his voice is raised, and you can never treat staff like this, and also what they go through and being a waitress, like the whole thing. So now the manager comes over, a tall man and he's like also a little coming at like he's like, so, what's the problem, because he's coming in to protect his staff and he sees there's a problem in the restaurant. And this guy's like, well, you never brought us utensils and she didn't bring it and I don't know why.

And we asked him.

He's like, well, we don't do that, and it was like again, the same serving thing. And she was like and I wasn't interjecting because I was. It wasn't that I was above my pay grade. I'm not even near my pay grade. I was horrified. So and we're in like a part public place. There are people everywhere. So he's like, what's going on? How can I help you? And he's like, well, shit, they didn't bring the ut to and he's yelling at the guy didn't bring the utentals and you didn't whatever. I mean, we're not fucking farmers. And I don't know if he said fucking I think he did, but it's like I'm always very literal about what I say. We're not farmers, he said, and so the guy is like, well, I don't, you know, also discussing it, and then you can sort of hear that the guy kind the manager kind of wants to like know what went on, which he should have just been like he was like he's like, I'm just trying to figure out what happened, and like I don't think that that was the time figuring out what happened.

It's like kind of what how can I help you? Like, I just want to know how I can help you.

So note to anybody in restaurants, like we don't need to go revisit history, we don't need to stay there to fight it out, Like how can I help you?

But so he's like, I'm just trying, and.

It was like a little belabored and by that token like I understand frustration, I really do. And so this guy was like, we're not far and he's standing up like their body to body, and this guy was like, I mean, this is fucking bullshit. Get up, we're leaving, like to me, like we've been married twenty years. I was like, so he's a get up, we're leaving, get let's go. Then let's go. We're leaving, and the guys like I guess, insisting that he has to pay. But I'm like, I'm blacked out, and so I just while they're talking, and after he say get up, we're leaving, they're still arguing. I stand up and I walk out. I sneak out, like I don't I'm just like this is a good distraction. And I walk out and I'm by like a little alley hiding because what I don't want is this guy finding me. I don't want to get into it. I don't want to explain himself. There's no turning back from this, is no coming back from this, like the tall like the ability to not the fact that you can't control yourself on even like forget that he was terrible to the staff, like, don't forget that that's the headline, but like put that to the side for a second. That he can't even be self aware enough to ay, he's very well aware that I'm a public person, so that is not the point. But he's making a scene. He's very well aware that he's on a first date. Now, I later found out he liked me and had a good time, So if you like me, this is like, it was insane.

It did not.

Warrant this hysteria in any circumstance. So I'm now calling my driver, and my driver is coming and I get in and I'm shocked, and of course I said to call the woman to say like wow, like, and I call the restaurant to talk to the manager ril to just say I'm really And as I was leaving, I saw the girl, the waitress, and I said, I'm out with him. I'm sorry, like, and I called up the manager to be like and he's like, I'm really sorry that you had to see that, and I'm like, listen, and my guys, like the manager said, he treated us like slaves, Like there's no reason only my daughter can treat me like a slave. And I said, listen, I'm really sorry. It doesn't reflect me. And we went over like the thing the serving people, which doesn't matter to me, That didn't matter, that was not on my list of things I gave a shit about because the restaurant didn't handle it great from either person. And the food was fine, fine, salad was bland, and the atmosphere was nice. But like, that's not the point. You do not treat staff like that, and that is a cautionary tale about my future life with that person.

Like it was sick.

And I'm saying to young women in particular, if you feel any kind of way about anything, men too, If you feel any way about anything that's weird, like something's off, something makes you feel uncomfortable, get the fuck out of there. You forget that this person is a stranger that you did not know an hour ago. Could happen on the second date, and maybe they're less of a stranger. Get the fuck out. But like, this person is a stranger, You don't know them, you don't owe them anything. Whoever you know in common, you're worried about what they're gonna think. It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. You go with your best instinct and you get the fuck out of there,

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