Today, Bethenny tackles a taboo topic: some people are getting COVID on purpose. Some think it’s dangerous, others think they’re beating the system; Bethenny thinks we should talk about it.
Plus, hey you… in the window seat on an airplane… listen up!
Bethenny’s got something to tell you!
Okay, So there are major power plays going on on airplanes, and it's it's no wonder that we're so stressed out when we get off an airplane, because I don't really think it's necessarily the dehydration, the t s a, the challenges. Here's what I think. So I think I told the story. I told the story about when I got on the plane and the guy was like, well, we don't have room, and I'm like, well, I think we did. Did I told you guys? I did. Okay, So forgetting like the passive aggressive attitude oft of flight attendant's it's so weird. Sometimes it's it's a lottery. Sometimes they walk up and they're just so kind and everything's great. And sometimes you've gotten on the plane. You're the first person on the plane. You're sitting down. Um, we're gonna have to have you put your seat up, and I'm like, but wait a minute, there's three I we need to get our space ready right now. And I'm like, but like, you're not gonna start fighting with a flight attendant. But you're like my daughters sitting there, we've just gone on the plane. I'm letting her watch her iPad with the trade table down were the first people, and we're watching endless people coming on with all their ship and someone so passive aggressive, and you obviously can't say something. You just got to stifle it. So it's like you have a shot of getting a total fucking asshole or the nicest person you've ever met. So that's where it begins. Like someone that you ask for water in a certain oh, we don't give water with ice in it. Yeah, no, because of COVID, Like there's always some arbitrary, bizarre rule that is different than the rule of the time before, and you don't know if somebody's letting you slide, it's beyond okay. So now you're dealing with passive aggressive patrons. So I used to think it was just the person on the aisle who had all the power, because they sort of control the attitude of whether you're allowed to walk out to go to the bathroom, Like they decide whether you're going to give them a lap dance and climb over them and like crawl on top of them, or whether they're gonna stand up and give you the look because you had to pe twice because you're supposed to be hydrating, because you're on a fucking airplane which is dehydrating, and you've been fed salty nuts and oh goddamn bloody Mary. So you're supposed to be drinking tons of water. She's supposed to be peeing. But the person on the aisle did not sign up for that program. So they're sort of or like there's like a whole thing with like nudging them and all that. It's sort of like being at a Broadway play and like being the person who wants to get out, and the person on the aisle is like, you've exceeded the amount of times you're allowed to get out and pee or get popcorn. They have the power. That being said, I think the greater power on the plane is a person sitting in the window seat, because if that fucking sun is glaring in and you're that person on the aisle or across the aisle, now you're not even it's not even your own damn aisle. You're like, you've got your three people. You're in a little faction there in your pod. They're in your plane pod. You have to talk to them to get out, to get in. The person in the middle is just fucked sideways. I mean, let's be honest. They have to deal with the glaring sun coming in. They have to ask to be that's the real reason. It has nothing to do with people on top of them. That's that's that's not the worst of it. You are literally a prisoner. So now you're across the aisle or at the end, and you've gotta like look over. You don't know this person, They owe you nothing. They know the sun is glaring through that goddamn window. They're well aware they have some disorder where they must look at the sun at all times during a plane. Musty it takeoff, musty all the clouds, musty us go down. But you can't read a god'damn book or do anything because the sun is glaring in your eyes. So you're supposed to bring an eyemask, and I realized that, but sitting up normally with an eyemask, or just being living a normal life, like just eating a normal snack on the plane with that person. And sometimes you never go full monty. You never like, please close the goddamn whole window. And that's not some law that's been told to the airline. Slight his hand. It's like, no, yeah, they have to a the people behind me that are talking so loud, like there needs to be like a decibel counter. You're at a six, You've just reached a sucking eight. The flight his head and should be saying, shut your fucking pile. There are other people, but they're not allowed. There's no there's no like control of the noise on the plane. So someone's you know, someone's feast is your famine. Someone gonna be screaming like I am right now and think they're talking normally, and another person sleeping like that's just that's just death by a million paper cuts. So then you lean over the person in between you to ask a perfect stranger who's later gonna have to ask you if they can go to the bathroom by the way or climb over you give you a lap dance or whatever. And you're like, can you just close your window a little bit? And you say a little bit, and that passag twat does exactly that. They close it just a fucking little bit, you know, And then you want to make once you close your whole fucking window, because you see the light glaring into me, either Jesus has come from me or we're sucking flying in a goddamn sunstorm and I need to just like live my own normal life. My cranias, my corneas are burnt. So yeah, no power in the air, no matter who you are, Okay, no fucking power. So we're not all stressed out enough about the mask on, the mask off, the acne. You finally realize you're bad breath like after a couple of hours you're wearing a mask, like, wow, do I look? Is this what I always? I'm like because it's like it's now not great, But I wouldn't know that if I didn't have a mask on. Then you walk into a doctor's office, right, they're so you know you gotta have a mask and you must wear a mask on it all time, and they're militant and you can't move and you can't breathe and you can't do anything. Kind of a mint, can of a simple water, got of the mask on it all time. Then try to talk to them, try to do an administrative conversation, and they get annoyed too, like I didn't hear what is it? What it is? Because today I was saying, oh, my first emergency, burn it myrna, no burn it, skerna, it's burning with it with it be what like, oh my god, then you take to keep your mask, like we can't have a I don't know what to do? Are we doing? Like do we do on flash cards? What do you want to do? Bring a teleprompter. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know what to do. I gotta bring a teleprompter to check it to a doctor now. So that's one thing. And also we have a new element now of people that want to get it because they haven't gotten it. So I know someone who was going to an event that they didn't want to a miss be funk up for everybody, and they were now in the They were now in the witching hour. We call that when you're a kid, like the witching hour. I think it was like between five and seven. Your kid's been up way too long. That kid passes out of five o'clock. You are fucked because they're not sleeping. So you have to like put little toothpicks in their eyes, keep them awake, like it's just you know, give them caffeine, like play jingle bells, like dance like a jester. It doesn't matter. It's a witching hour. Well, the witching hour is before you have a big event, you have a wedding coming up, you have whatever, it's just enough time to will make out with someone with COVID. There is a world that's not being discussed where people want to get it because they know that they're going to get it, and there are those last people that didn't get it, and they're afraid they're gonna, they're gonna they're gonna funk up someone's event or their own