Bethenny reveals her obsession with Teresa Giudice’s larger-than-life wedding hair. And, most importantly, Teresa’s authenticity. Then, Bethenny spills on the most inauthentic and authentic celebs in Hollywood. The phony ones will surprise you!
Plus, fresh off his break-up from Kim, who will Pete Davidson date next? Bethenny has a theory.
Okay, we need to talk about Teresa's wedding. Teresa Jude's wedding, so her hair is a big topic. And of course when I saw her, I was like, oh my god. The hair. The hair was was its own being getting married right, And people are like why what wait, how and being critical and she and her hairdresser are defending it and it had fifteen million bobby pins and all this different stuff. Okay, I need to say this. Teresa started off that show by paying for furniture in Jersey and her castle, her Jersey castle, with wads of cash. So I love the fact that Teresa is now with this long sort of massive, you know, zutopia crown hair do, with this lavish, elaborate party that is a circus that at her dress is so ornate, like she's over fifty, it's over the top. Like good for her as she's happy. I met the guy who seems really nice, Paul, and I met him at the MTV Awards, and Paul was like, he was a really nice guy. I don't know anything about him or what it was like on the show or what their deal is. I know there's been like some sort of scandal surrounding him. But I have no idea what it is, nor do I care. And she's definitely familiar with scandal, so who gives a shit about that anyway? UM, I do know that there was no prenup because that was mentioned on Watch What Happens Live, and I said, I'm going to crawl through my phone because I don't you have to have a prenup. But that's not my business. And it's her life and her choice and her marriage. And she seems happy and she's in love and she did not change. She knows where she came from. She's an Italian broad from Jersey, paid for all her furniture season one in cash, and season ninety nine, she's getting married on television with a giant, fifteen million Bobbypin hairstyle. Yes, how annoyed would we be if she was like she was wearing you know, uh Javon, She could no valid imagine TERSA. She's being interviewed by Extra Access Hollywood and she's like, it's Valentino couture. Would be like, oh fuck yourself, you affected broad. We would think like or now now her hair is being done by you know, Sally Hershberger. She got her hair done from her Jersey hairstylist. And she's the same Theresa that walked in with the cash to pay for the furniture. So yes, I'm here for it. I want more. And I think fifteen million Bobby Pins is not nearly enough. I mean they're probably stuck in her Italian scalp. And I love it. So she's being who she is, she's staying true to her Jersey roots, and she's buying golden crusted furniture. And I and and the girls are wearing pink bridesmaid satin dresses. Go for yours. I love it. I love everything about it. It was a Bravo circus. It was literally a Bravo circus every I mean, the fact that they allowed cell phones at that event is hysterical, Like it was like competing Instagram profiles and stories, and I mean, I bet you know it was even paying attention to the wedding. They were like, how do I get my moment? How do I get my moment? How do I get my social how do I get my picture? How do I get me this? Oh my god, take a picture with me, Take a picture with her, Take a picture of you. If it must have been crazy crazy. One thing I'll say is, you know, you make a deal with the devil going on the Housewives. Her there her, your own brother is not at your wedding. And by the way I understand it, a it's content for the show, be its drama on the show. The show. You cannot be on a show like that with family. It's just there is absolutely no way that you can be on the Housewives with family. I probably wouldn't be speaking to my own daughter, Okay, if I was on the Housewives with her. It's a ship show. It's toxic. So you know, this is the deal you made. But you made the deal with the devil. I was there. I was in I was in the seventh circle of hell myself with my own deal with the devil. When you're in there and you're getting paid, it all seems real, and it makes the circus bigger, and the cameras and and and the pictures and the makeup and the hair. Of course, the hair got bigger. Everything gets bigger. It's like it's like those makeup sponges that you you put water on them too. They just expand and swell anything you're doing. If you are if you are excited, about getting married, and it seems public and it's in the press, it seems bigger. It seems more exciting because you're doing it with the audience. If you're in an argument with somebody, it seems bigger because you're doing it with an audience. It's an absolute disaster. But they have all they have dove. I don't even know if that's a sentence. They all dove eye lash deep, eyebrow deep. There maybe like a scalp hair that's not all the way and they are all the way in. So I'm surprised somebody didn't get shot at the wedding. That would have been great for ratings. Fucking bust a cap and somebody. So that's what that is. Teresa's hair was big, the wedding was big, The storyline is big, the drama's big, the arguments big, The housewife ratio to civilian ratio is big. It's all big and all Bravo. Cash your fucking checks, everybody. So also with the Theresa thing, I love that she knows she remembers where she came from, the Italian broad from Jersey, getting married in a big, elaborate, lavish wedding. She should be eating blue mashed potatoes. He should be in a ruffled tuxedo. There was this place, Russo's on the Bay and Queens where people would come in Italian weddings. People would come out of the floor like enveloped in smoke and like they would have these money trees where you were passing around the money you gave to the bride in the groom. And I loved it because it was authentically Italian and the food was insane, like you know, the Theresa probably had like Zeppela's flying this Italian fried pastry, like like flying in like the craziest food. So I like someone who remembers where they came from. I like that. She's not like in vintage Valentino, you know, with like a caviar tasting menu with some bullshit. She's being who she always was, and that's what we want. We hate when someone remember. We hate when someone forgets where they came from. Does Victoria Beckham seemed like she remembers where she came from as a spice girl? Just does she seem to want to rinse it like she's just an aristocrat from grape Um, an aristocrat from Great Britain like that, you know, She's totally evolved into something completely different. Kim Kardashian doesn't even resemble someone wearing the bandage dresses, pushing Paris Hilton out of the way to get her picture taken with Nick Lasha. You know, pre all her plastic surgery and all this fashion styling from Kanye. You know. Now it's all you know and a wind toour and we're all so high fashion. I mean, I like the tersays, you know it's deck. It's over a decade later, and she's the same person she wasn't she walked in. I like that. I like to think that I'm very similar to when I walked in. Yes, I have more money, I'm not broke, I'm not. But I'm still the fucking crazy bitch I am. I still post pictures, my gray hairs, my frizzy I'm still the same exact person who walks into t J Max like a crazy person, you know, filling up my card. I don't want to change. That's who I was born. Everybody else wants to cover themselves in somebody different, So Teresa yea, and it happens with everybody on the Housewives. They all want to evolve. Look at look at look at even the people look at Dorine on season one of Her Housewives, and now now with all the elaborate hairstyles and the matching Gucci had to look at Liza Rina with what she used to wear. She used to wear like a cheap dress. Now it's always like all labels and logos, and you know, it's just different. It's just not the same. I like someone who's walking at it. Here the way she came in, she's walking down that aisle, the way she walked in. She's not leaving Jersey behind. And I respect that. I don't love you know, Meg and Marco doesn't remember taking pictures in front of Buckingham Palace because she had no idea who Prince Harry was. Like all these people are so full of ship with their bag of of like their bag of filter bullshit. Teresa is the same girl she was before. She's got more makeup on. You know, it's better glam, but still so I like it. I think she should have had ten million Bobby pins. I think the hair was not big enough. I don't think there was enough lace. And I love that it was a fucking media circus. I love it. She walked in. She walked in with a circus, and she walked down that aisle with a circus, And I'm fully here for Teresa mazl. They're all so full of shit. It you think they call Richie remembers what she looked like on a simple life, you know? Or does she remember she it's all post Rachel Zome fashion makeover. Everybody takes themselves so seriously. Chloe Carnagen doesn't seem like she remembers where she started. Just remember where you came from. It's the spirit of who you are. Everybody wants to be a fake, modern, fancier version of themselves, and it's boring. It's not interesting, it's not textual, textual. I love it. Find me five celebrities who are still who they walked in as. Find them for me. I want to see them. Those are the people I respect. Amy Schumer is the same fucking broad Is when she walked in, same thing. Amy Schumer is the same I know, Cia Sea, the same god damn broad Is when she walked in. Just you gotta find those people. I love those people. They're the same person as when they walked in. They just don't change. I love that. I mean, I know we're supposed to expect their privacy during this very difficult time. But Pete and Can have broken up, and it's so funny the way the wind blows. Everyone's like, oh, like we ever knew it was gonna last fucking stop. So many young girls like they're really she's really in love with him. She's just I think they're gonna get engaged. They're gonna have kids soon, he's gonna everybody did believe the fucking bullshit hype? Okay they did. I did not, And you know I didn't because I said on here, Pete is a star fucker, and I that's just the fact of the matter. He and it's a literal fact. He has fucked many stars. He has a star fucker. I apologize for any confusion, but he has leveled up every time. So I don't know who he could possibly date. Now I need to understand who could he could date? Like, who could he date? He hasn't. If it's for money, he could go date Melinda Gates. If it's for fame, who's more famous than Kim Kardashian. I think if the fate date, I think, if the date two famous people at the same time, and like put them together to equal one famous person who can eat it, who's more famous than Kim Kardashian. He could date like Tom Cruise, like be with a famous man. Then that really, like that takes it to another level. I just don't know who the man could date now, I really don't know, you know, or you go back down to the sticks. Take it down to the sticks. I don't know who you date. Maybe going a different category. Charlie Damilia one of these guls. I don't know. I don't know what he's supposed to do. Now he's hit the fucking wall. You gotta take small bites because then you you run out of road. He has run out of celebrity road. But more important than any of that, Okay, And by the way, he's a love bomber, like he's always been. Like he's he's he's like chee a relationship. He gets involved with somebody. The next day they're madly in love. They've tattooed each other all over each other, they're engaged, they're married, they're they're flaunting it. It's always very public. Guess what the most famous people in the world can avoid the paparazzi. I swear to you. I know this. It is a fact. Everybody getting papped all the time wants to get papped all the time. You know where to go, where not to go, stay fucking home, you know what time to go. Trust and but leave. That's the story, which is why j Lo and Ben are papped all the time because they go on a very public eloping, in public honeymoon in Paris. They're not like hiding in the Seychelles or in you know, the depths of Bora Bora. So if you want to if you're being photographed, you want to be photographs. So Pete and Kim wanted to be photographed for whatever reason, not my business. But he seems to go high and low and have some emotional challenges and um, we just were forced fed that relationship and we all have to like then all of a sudden, now be like we're very sorry. I want respect your privacy during this difficult time. It's it's crazy. So that's Pete and Kim. Kanye does whatever the funk Kanye wants and it's respectable. And people will get mad at me, and you can get mad at me. I just think it's liberating for a person. I relate to this a little bit. I don't go all the way. He goes all the way, raw dog. He doesn't give a fuck. Is the honey badger. Honey badger, don't give a fuck, Kanye, don't give a fuck. Kanye is the honey badger. He he did something and someone approved that it was graphics. Is unless Kanye himself knows how to like put together that New York Times cover that said Skeet Davidson dies at eight or whatever he said, and then something about kid kid Cutty at the bottom. He is a guxter. He doesn't care. He gives so few foxs. I find it liberating in the world of filtering and covering. And I know he's got his own orchestration of the media and his own bullshit, and he wants everyone to believe all his bullshit and it is bullshit. I just I'm team Kanye. I'm sorry you can get fucking mad at me. And this round. In the round, when he was like trolling her, I was not team Kanye because he was risking the custody of his kids and you don't funk around with that. But in this round and just taking one last little slap, I'm team Kanye. I am team fucking Kanye, and Pete is having emotional issue from the abuse, Well, guess what, Pete, don't date a fucking the most famous person in the world. If you have emotional mental issues, you don't go put yourself and blast yourself in the middle of God's damn the Time Square universe and then not think they're gonna be backlash. I could get guess what, I'm fairly sane. If I was in a relationship with Kim Kardashian, I would be in a mental institution right now. Okay. I would not be okay. I would not I would have seen so many things and experience such a high and the fumes and the outfits and the met Ball and the media and SNL and becoming famous instantly and having Kim Kardashian come to my basement in Staten Island to eat pizza old school. I would be unwell. I would not be okay. I would be in a straight jacket, eating parade foods, in a mental institution. So you don't fucking get in a relationship with the most famous woman on the planet if you have some emotional shortcomings, stop So I don't. I just can't have sympathy. It's ridiculous, And I'm team Kanye. That's it. Sue me, cancel me, hate me this round of the fight. I'm team Kanye. I said it. I said what I said, and the words of the famous prophet Ninie Leaks, I said what I said. Listen to me. Pete brands in her name, Pete Brandon, Kim's name on his body. It's like a fucking Grand Central bathroom stall. Who gives a ship. It's just some more writing somebody wrote on there, just anybody. It doesn't seem like he gives a lot of shit about his body. I mean, if he tattooed his penis his most famous asset, then we'd be worried. But it's a part of his body that seems to be covered with a lot of other clutter too. And he's gone to the top of the food chain and fame. He doesn't have any room for anybody else's initials. And you listen, this is it. You peaked in high school and that's it. You can't go higher than Kim Kardashian. Take a fucking nap. There's nobody more famous than Kim. We did it. We went from Larry David's daughter to Ariana Grande, to cape Beck and sale, a little dabble with Kaya Gerber and fucking Kim Kardashian and oh sorry, and a dabble with somebody from that show. We all love with the sex scenes. It's like Britain Briggerton, whatever he was with that girl. We we did it. We're full. We saw the buffet, we ate it. You had a good time. Go take a long winter's nap with the bears because you're expired.