Bethenny on annoying lingo and pretentious menus. She “literally” cannot deal with this lingo “narrative.” B tell us the buzzwords we must stop using
Plus, Bethenny gives her best food rant ever on overambitious menus.
Okay, how annoying is lingo? Why does everybody copy lingo? Now? And I don't even mean in one industry. It's it's like TikTok, it's on cooking shows. I hate lingo as much as I hate corporate lingo of like running up the flagpole park that impactful. Hey Dan, circle back, I'm out of pocket. I hate lingo. I despise lingo. It's just douche and it's like copy catish and it's derivative and it's regurgitating. I fucking hate lingo, so like I hate lingo and other industries to like um, in cooking, like on cookie shows, like I'm just first, I'm just gonna hit it with some butter, and then we're gonna hit it with that and then we're gonna, you know, chop that down. Like there's all this lingo And on TikTok there's this beauty ling lingo, were beauty and fashion lingo, and it's like, I don't even know what this means. I'm gonna I'm gonna do this to my face so it looks so it looks snatched, and then and then it's something on your body, like I don't I think it's just like tightened right, like snatched. I thought a snatch was a vagina. But anyway, I digress, So no, let me try to the outfit I look snatched or and then here here's the fit, which to me would mean like here's how it fits, but that's not. It's like, here's the look, here's the fit, okay, and then like that's sus which is suspect or makeup? They're doing makeup first. I'm gonna go in with some primer. Then I'm gonna you know, then I'm gonna go in with fuck off. How's that going? Get your own fucking language. Stop being such a regurgitator. Have some creativity. I realized that the entire app is made to copy each other. How do your own fucking spin on it? Make up a new word? I'm going in. It's so annoying. Can people just not say love and light? You are definitely involved in a Ponzi scam If you're saying love the end light and hashtag blassed a. You're bragging when you say hashtag glass. But if you're saying love and light and assaulting me with your full spirituality and an email, it's off for me fucking love and light somebody else. Okay, I could be a great person and without your love and your light, love and light yourself, Love and light up the fucking your whole house. Okay, love and light up Valentine's Day, Love and light up Christmas with all the lights you want all over your house. Okay, I don't need your love and light. It's weird. You're being a love and light bully. You're pushing your love and light onto me. And when you say love and light to me, it's sort of makes it like, Oh, you're a good person, aren't you. You must be really really really good and honest and pious. And also when someone throws a fucking like a psalm or something. What's when you put one of those religious quotes ecclesiastic or something on the bottom of an email, it's like a full spirituality assault. I will love and light myself, or I will hate and dark myself. Okay, love and light yourself. I'll do my own love and my own light, my own way. It's annoying people's shirts. Be kind kindness, shut the fuck namas stay okay, namast, stay at home. Leave me the funk alone with your foe bullshit. I hate oh this stuff. I'd rather someone say rose all day to me. That's like other annoying t J Max language. But I can handle that, Okay. But love and life hashtag hashag blessed, hashtag blessed. Because I'm on a yacht and I have Lubetan shoes and a fifty carrot diamond and forty Ramas bags blessed. I don't think that's blessed. I think that's bragging. You can have all those fucking bags and all the love and light you want, but don't say that's blessed. Say blessed in church. I'd like to say that as I mentioned blessed as an annoying word, my personal brand, well that's my personal brand. Oh it is. Okay, you're a pretentious douche. But anyway, um, the new most annoying word in the English language right now, because it's one of those words. You know exactly what I'm talking about. It's a word that a person who maybe doesn't even speak good English, or maybe has an i Q of negative seven, when they say it, it makes them feel like they're smart. So they say it too much to other people to try to elevate themselves, like everybody had to say pivot during the pandemic because it made them feel like that, well, no, I had to pivot. You just have to pivot. Were pivot? Okay, So that was an annoying word. I want to know the next most annoying word right now. Narrative. Narrative. That narrative. Okay, Kim Kardashian okay, Kanye okay, Lebron okay, okay, Carol Rads, narrative. You're pushing a narrative. Let's just talk about a different narrative. I don't want you to pay with that. Shut the funk up with all the narratives. Okay, the narrative. Narrative needs to change. And that word is as pretend just right now, the first time someone's a narrative, it's okay. The time, we get it. You know the word narrative. You heard it on the view, we got it. It's enough now. Literally, remember that one with the big T. Narrative is the new Literally, Oh, I didn't realize you were from the UK. You're from fucking New Jersey. Literally, okay, we realize you think you're smart. It's okay because you capitalize the big tea in the middle of literally no, it's literally, Oh, you're smart, motherfucker? Are you? Wow? You capitalize the T You're so genius. I'm like, fuck you. Why don't you go fuck yourself? Literally, I am literally exhausted. Okay, but I'm annoying because my annoying word that I say too much, but I did kind of started a long time ago. I've been saying it for years beyond. But I don't think it's as annoying as those. But that's of course because I say it. I've been doing these beauty or or bust videos that have been doing so incredibly well on TikTok because every person on TikTok doesn't realize that they're like a pack mule carrying someone else's ship. So these girls are like, oh my god, I just went to the Staphora sale, I have a hall. Oh that's another word hall Hall t J Max Hall, Trader Joe's Hall Sacks with Avenue hall uh Sephora hall pike another word. Like, you have your own words, You have your own fucking voice and body and language. You don't have to say hall. Just you brought some ship home, you bought some ship. It's not a Hall, but they're all advertisers. And like I said, I went to the Staphora percent off sale. I know I live in a cardboard box and I have no electricity, but I got the Charlotte Tilbury Glow. It's what are my face? It's glowing. So I've been doing ones with like the cheapo brands from CBS right. And the only reason you don't know if it's as good as they say it is, it's because they're only pretty done. One cheek. Go upstairs, get some fucking alve oil or criscal lard. Put it on the other side. It's gonna shine too. No ship, No this moisturized. Everybody wants to know what the people on the red carpet do. You know what they do? They put on moisturizer and then they put on no ship. There are ten thousand brands of this ship. You put on moist My face is so hydrated. Look at it. Yeah, you put moisturizer on. Go put some fucking olive oil on your face or crisco and it'll be moisturized. To look at this cream. I know it's expens like seventy five, but it's the Holy Grail cream because somebody who did Kim Kardashian's driver's sisters dry cleaner. They put it on their face, and it's like, you can't imagine. It's sold out now everywhere. Everyone's going in droves. So I had to start. I don't even know anything about makeup. I was just like, Hi, let me go buy the four dollar thing, let me go buy the seventy five dollar thing. Here's my face. This is on this side of the face. This is on the other. You fucking decide. And literally most literally most of them are people saying, oh my god, I like that side. It's the cover girl's side. It's the maple ing side. Like it's okay to spend money on some things, but let's just not be fucking cheap robots. I love going into Sephora as much as the next place, and I found some great stuff there, and Alta and CBS and all an, Amazon and Target and fucking all the beauty ship. But Jesus Christ, get a fucking brain. I need to talk about over the ambitious menus. Okay, I've been talking about this four years for years because it's gotten crazy, but now we're at a new level because the local and seasonal and plant based and grain fed and chia seed key what puree fed? And Reese Witherspoon chewed up the food, fed it to her baby. The baby pooped it out, and they said that to the gray and the fed the grass to fed the salmon. Like enough, the fucking menus are out of control. It's a shellacked salmon that was flown in from Nova Scotia took an uber to Canada. And now I mean, like it's crazy. She lacked salmon on a pure puree of adopted but treated very well goose hens. Like, I don't understand anything that people are saying. It's insane. The menus now, like, look at a menu. You're like the like oven baked of it? What is it? Vine ripened tomatoes? Oh really, I've ripened my tomatoes on fucking tinfoil. Well, like, how do you how else were they vine ripen who? Heart baked bread? Ah? Really? There's a person in the back. It's like a like a stone hearth. Someone's back there with two sticks rubbing it together and making a fire to cook your bad leg. That's a bag of bullshit too. The menus are insane. The beat flon, the shell ak salmon, the locally organically, plant based, plant chef, natural food. I was a natural food chef before in two thousand. Okay, but still stop with the overly ambitious menus. Have you dined with us before. We do things differently. Here. We hand you a menu with scrawl. You read it. The less expensive things are smaller, the more expensive things are larger and to be shared. And we then go take this order into another room and there's a person who has a white alphit on and clogs. They're gonna cook it for you, and then it's going to come out. Well, thank you so much for that different, different, different, different experience we're gonna have. Don't order food delivery if it's things that you normally can eat or make, Okay, can we just do that? What a disappoint You order from a gray place. It comes in it's ship, it's still in a crap container. You gotta take that out. You gotta put it on the plate, you gotta heat that up. You gotta throw out the containers and all the mess that the dripping came out on the corners of the containers into the bag onto your countertop. Then you still have to clean the plates you ate off. If you're not an animal. You're not eating out of like tinfoil. Right, you have to clean all that ship. Then you have to get that disgusting, smelling garbage out. Just fucking cook the food, and definitely like order and find sushi you can't really make on your own. You're not like slicing sashimi on the diagonal. But if it's something you can make at home, just cook it yourself. It's so stupid to order it and it's ship when it gets to you, and then fifty pounds of chopsticks and sauces and paper and all the ship you have to deal with. It's hot. Food delivery is really I find it to be inundated. Oh there's a bag of bread. We gotta give it to that. Then we've got napkins and chopsticks and sucking sauces and the whole thing. My kitchen's a bomb. After I order delivery, it's a scam.