Bethenny is bringing in the new year with some new rants.
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We've been away for the holidays. Uh. Some people's outgoing message still says we're away on the holidays. It's Wednesday after the New Year. Okay, Bosta enough, like we know it was a holiday, Like, let's let it go else. So you're not even working in an office, you're working from home. We all have to come to terms with the fact that we're going back to some version of work. And I stuck to my January three, end of day New Year's greeting this year. I just feel it's awkward, and you know, you hesitate before saying it, like January seven, when you're talking to someone you haven't spoken to. It's a little bit of a caveat when you haven't spoken to someone, like it's one of those people you speak to once every couple of months, and then you happen to speak to them that week and you're like, Wow, Happy New Year. I guess because I'm insecure about it, because I know it's weird after the first five days. Also, like five o'clock, six o'clock, end of business day, we don't need to be doing New Year's New Year's salutations all hours of the day, all time zones, and I do think that this year it fell Sunday was the travel day to get home, so Monday I extended it to Monday, end of day. But also we all have phones, it could have been Sunday. I'm pretty strict about it, like it's okay, you know, we all get it. It's January. Moving on. I was first in Aspen scheme with my daughter, and then I was in Florida with my daughter and Paul. I hadn't seen my mother for decades, and my daughter had wanted to meet and wanted to meet her. So last year we did that, which is sort of it's not really rantish, So I'm going to get into that on another day, just discussing that and discussing sort of Emily dynamics and forgiveness and what we do for our kids and sort of putting them before you, and the reasons that kids can make us reunite or bring different situations together. So my daughter has forged a relationship with my mother in a very different way, in a fresh way, in a way that's giving my daughter connectivity to me in my past, to her life, to who she is, to her art because my mother um is very much an artist, and uh, because I've had a complicated relationship with her, and it's been documented and discussed, and I don't really want to get into that. But we haven't had a relationship, and I haven't necessarily wanted to. But as people get older, myself and her, we think about how we're going to feel, you know, at the end, and my daughter, I let it be her decision. She kept asking me. Our kids are curious about our parents and our relatives, and she kept asking me about it, and last she said, can I meet her? Can I meet your mama? Can we call your mamma? Can you know all this stuff that might be awkward for me because it's been so long and there's a lot there, a lot to unpacked, as a therapist would say. So my daughter really wanted to forge that relationship last year and then I thought, okay, that would satisfy her. She met her great, and then she kept asking about it more. And I'm doing it for her, but stuff will come up for me. I'm not really sure about what that stuff is. Uh, it's not really about me. It's about her, but it also it is about me in the sense that it will alleviate some of the anxiety that I've had about what the future will be like. And it's just it's an open it's a drawer that is just closed that I never opened. So we're in the beginning of it. But that's I guess that's a very big thing to say. That happened to me over the holidays in moving into the new year. Um, I don't believe in the year's resolutions. I never have. I feel that people are running in leg warmers into gyms and paying for memberships, and then you know you're starting at a ten. And then if you don't do perfectly well, don't achieve all of your dreams, and aren't you know, eating only an antioxidant rich diet and working out seven days a week at a boot camp, then you've failed, and then you crashed to the bottom, and then you quote unquote ruin it. And my book Naturally Thin is all about this, about unrealistic expectations and resolutions and a good relationship with food and exercise, a healthy, realistic relationship. So I believe in just I constantly do resolve. I will. I'll be laying in bed at night and I'll say, you know what, I want to be a better I want to be a better boss. I want to be a better partner. I want to be better at this. I want to be more connected in this way. I want to take brand on a trip for philanthropy or you know, and and try to make your goals every day or every week or however you want to do it, but to have a realistic, healthy relationship with what's in front of you, meaning with food, with exercise, but what your life is. So for me, I put sleep first. Sleep is my first priority. I value it more than money, more than anything. I mean, time is so precious and sleep, though, is so valuable. So any day of the week, I would choose to be rested before being in great shape, before money, before exercise, all of it. So that's my priority. Um. And when I can exercise, I do. It should be noted to you and you should realize that years ago I was much heavier and much more obsessed with it, and much more high and low and yo yo um, because it was extremes. It was you were good, if you didn't eat, you were bad. If you ate, you binge, then you cleansed, you know, all over the map where I don't know if it's getting older, it's definitely getting older, but you just realize one day that that's such a struggle, and that's such it's just pulling on yourself like a slinky and like twisting and turning versus just being realistic. And if you have exercise on some level in your life, as I kind as I do, I'll take a walk because I want to. When I want to, I'll surf or take a walk on the beach, or do yoga when I can, uh when I'm not so crazed, but I don't beat myself up about it. Exercise is like a friend that when you see, you're happy to see, and if you don't see for a while, it's okay. And food should be the same thing. You should have what you want. It shouldn't be drastic, and you should not beat yourself up. No one was ever obese or overweight or uncomfortable about their weight from just having one cookie or a piece of pizza or French fries. It's the emotional mentality of being afraid of oil and fried and the things that you like and then rebelling and then eating them in excess and then not eating them. And it's a terrible, terrible thing that so many people do, and that's being emotional about food. Food is not your best friend nor your enemy. You weren't good if you did an eat, you weren't bad if you ate. It's that roller coaster. It's that eating something that you don't feel good about, that bad investment that you've made, and then digging yourself deeper into a hole because you were already quote unquote bad today. But tomorrow, the sun's gonna come out and it's gonna be January first, and everything's gonna be great. And it's that high and low pressure that really really does people in. So for me, you know, I used to be up and down, up and down, and my weight never really changes. And so then you can have a really good relationship with exercise and health because it's for the right reasons. You're not working out because you ate yesterday and you're not or you're not working out because it's gonna be how you're gonna look good. You're working out because you want to take a walk, because you want to feel good, because you know that it's just something to get air in your lungs and that it's for the right reasons. And when you your weight doesn't yo yo all the time because you don't ever binge. You may eat things you don't feel good about, but then you can really make good choices. For example, over the holiday, I had so many fried things, truffle fries with brand fried Brussels, spreads with fried oreos, fried everything. But I didn't eat a ton of food. I wasn't like pounding ice cream and French fries and all this stuff. It wasn't I was eating as of food. I was just eating stuff that isn't exactly healthy for you. And the same thing with drinking. I was drinking. I mean on the plane on the way home January second, I drank too bloody Mary's. They I had this like salty caviaar thing. I had a margarita that day I had. I had chips and guacamole twice with brin Like it's just a garbage day. But it doesn't mean that I binged or ate as much as caloric wise as another day. It just means that I felt like a garbage can just because it's gross. But then I can just eat healthy, not because of weight, meaning I have all these green juices and smoothies and as i e bowls and chia and all this stuff in my fridge. But that's more caloric than the fried Brussels sprouts. I ate in small quantities, But it's just because I'm doing because I want to feel good about my body. I wanted to be drinking alcohol this week because I want to just feel like my skin and my sleep and my eyes will be better. So the thing is, make better choices in the moment based on your actual reality. It just shouldn't be so extreme. Let's try. Let's stry for some balance. It's just like you're never gonna happy having sex, be tan, be rich, working hard, being a good parent, getting to everything on time, being organized, um and looking good. You know, at the same time, all this stuff isn't gonna happen. But you start for some balance today. You know, last night I slept well and I had an Asia bowl today. Uh, but maybe work is stressful. Like try to just achieve some balance. I think that's a good sort of way to go into the new year. It just is bigger than just the tightness of like I'm gonna work out tomorrow. I'm gonna do this and I'm gonna change my life. And I saw this diet and I ripped it out and it makes me feel like I have hope and I'm going to join a gym or go to boot camp or it just there's no way to sustain that in any other way. You have to. There's no other way if you were like, I'm gonna be a perfect parent January two by January nine to be screaming at your kids and then beating yourself up about it. So just try to be like, I'm gonna do the best I can, and when I'm not great, I'll apologize about it and keep it moving. So that's how I feel about all areas of life, just to have a little bit more balance. And I was on vacation. We don't to realize until we get into times of stress if we are changing. And my therapist says, when you go through something or when you get crazy or activated, or let's say with food you binge, or with shopping you binge, or with clutter you're not good or whatever your thing is, are you snap at your family instead of beating yourself up for it or having a reaction or trying to solve it, to just identify it. A lot of meditation is that a lot of meditation is identifying something, just noticing it. Then letting it float away, versus strangling it, versus being mad at it, versus being mad at yourself. You sort of just saying okay, So I was. It took me seventeen hours to get home from Colorado. It was planes, trains, and automobiles. I woke up in the morning with my daughter, went from Aspen to Veil in a two hour car ride, three and a half hours in the airport, flight got canceled. Decided to be moving forward towards Denver because it's an easier airport to get out of. They said that the roads would be closed two hours. You were standing still. We were outside of the car two hours before we even started moving. So then it was probably like five hours to get to Denver. I'm not great at math whatever. By the time we got home, which became this crazy planes, trains and automobiles rom calm where my daughter was like, are we gonna get home and make Santa? And she was like, I want to be home with my babies and my doggies and my mom on Santa and Paul and done Christmas. Even. We got home at one in the morning, and we did beat Santa. It took us seventeen hours and she was upset, but you know, we ended up making it comedic. I wasn't that worked up. I wasn't worked up in the car. I wasn't worked up in the airport. I wasn't freaking out. I just didn't have that feeling when my shoulders are my neck and there was no reason We're in the middle of a pandemic. There was no reason I wouldn't be freaking out. I just wasn't. So that means that whatever I'm doing in all these other areas is better, because you don't really realize how you are or check in with yourself until the ship hits the fan. And I was proud of myself because lately it's just my perspective. Things happened. I'm like, that's okay, that's all right. It's just I don't know if it's age or if it's balanced, but something is working. So that was and also seeing the glass half full. We made it home for Santa, and it felt like an adventure and we were together. I learned that in relief work that when ever I saw people, they had their that that had had horrific, catastrophic, disastrous things happened to them, lost their home, or there there was water to their ankle in sewage with vermin, like horrible in Puerto Rico, Like poverty like you've never seen, devastation like you've never seen having actually nothing besides your faith and your religion. And these people just they have a calmness because they're with their their babies are alive. So whenever I'm with brit it doesn't matter how crazy it is, We're okay. No one, no one died, We're okay. TikTok is for braggers. What the actual fuck? Two kinds of people on TikTok Right now, when it comes to looks goods, half of the people are opening up fake boxes from China with fake products showing you about it. I can't believe it's illegal. Is it not illegal to buy fake bags? You can talk about that you ordered from d H Gate and from other places in China you ordered. I saw a girl yesterday she had a bag it was from It looked like she had a fake bag from Rolex, like the paper bag. It looked fake to me because I'm a watch collector, but like the fake box from Rolex, the fake logo and the fake watch, Like isn't someone cancer of control this, like is that okay? Every people are like the fake Chanel and the fake this and the fake glue Utan and then those showing like it's just it's it's it's shocking, like we've never seen this before. Like I don't like it. I feel like it's so tacky and it's sort of showing people how to be criminals. I do not like it. It's so weird. It's a lot, don't you see it. It's a lot like we've never seen this before, Like everything fake. So I don't like it. The fucking luxury brands must be freaking out me who has real stuff. I don't like it either. It's really uncomfortable. I don't like it. And then the other half of people are just showing off like brand. My daughter noticed it, and I was so glad she did. People doing this not so humble brag of like Christmas, like all I want for Christmas with the songs and the jingle bells in the background and just opening up your stuff. We're in the middle of the pandemic. People have no money, people are I'm literally doing relief work for the homeless, and people onlines, thousands of people onlines to get survival kids in Kentucky after tornado, and these assholes bragging, subtly bragging. This is some my christmasays, it's such a now blinged out bag, or this is you know what the funk is wrong with people? The bragging is insane. It is. It used to shock me that people could show their bodies and be like, look at me in a bikini and look how good I look at this and thirst trap, you know, being the humble bragg for I'm just showing you how good I am. Look. That used to shock me. But now people been like, look at everything I got. It's everything. We don't want to teach our kids everything everything is. Look at what I got? How is that good? That's gonna make someone else feel bad about themselves or make someone who doesn't have feel insecure, or I just think it's disgusting. Get on TikTok and watch how people are bragging about their bag, about their car, and they do it in this humble bragg vile way of like, oh my god, so much romance, so romantic, my boo bought me. It looks good handbag like, but they do multiple things. I got this tennis bracelet and I got this bag, and I got this watch, and I got these shoes, and I got and I went to this vacation. And there's a whole other thing on TikTok about like hot girls get whatever, and hot girls aren't basic, and hot girls eat baratta and hot girls get truffles and diamonds, and you know what, these are stupid girls, Okay, stupid gold digger girls that take bags from guys are They're just fucking stupid. If you're gonna be a hooker, get the money, because people fuck guys. Get the bags, then sell them. Be a straight hooker and get the money from the guy, or ask them for a goddamn stock. Getting a bag to get laid is just fucking stupid. But all these girls are bragging about it all over TikTok, looking like desperate losers, and I just find it shocking, and I just I want my daughter to not be looking at that kind of stuff, because I'd rather see nudity, which effectively she's seeing. But then seeing people bragging about everything they've got, it just makes me so uncomfortable and it's terrible. I don't know if anyone else seeing what I'm seeing. Is anyone else seeing this this bragging. It's it's okay to have everything fake and copying, and I don't know, it's just disgusting to me. It's bothering me. I would like to talk about something very important, and it is cracked pepper, crushed pep, cracked pepper, fresh pepper pepper, six bottles of peppercorn or eleven dollars and so I didn't go to have it. But that's like two dollars a peppercorn, a little less tax shipping. We got it, Okay. Every time we go to the restaurant, the guy comes by, he's got the long wood peppercorn thing. I don't know why salt doesn't get the love the peppercorn gets. Salt also gets ground. Salt wasn't born like in a shaker, so salt gets ground. But they would you like the fresh pepper? Every time I say it, you feel like you have to say yes. You're not sure. I don't know, did you pepper before? Do we have a pepper conversation? You're suggesting it. It's like cheese on pasta. Sure, am I supposed to say yes? So I always say yes pepper. Also, I think it's like a blood cleanser or purifiers, so like why not, sure? But it also can mess with your something, your taste buds, or there's some other problem with pepper. But I'm a pepper person. I always salt and pepper my food. Why not? The guy comes over, excuse me, you're in the middle of a conversation. Hi, excuse me? Would you like the sure? Sure? Okay, let me know when. All right, that's two interactions, also in the middle of the pandemic. We don't know we're interacting twice over pepper. But it's not about COVID, it's just about pepper, saying like all right, sure, excuse me, yes, I'd like the pepper. Hold on, hey, anyway, I got the test back? Yes, oh, hi, okay, excuse me again, yes, sir, yeah, okay, Now that's enough. I don't know when's enough, don't you know you're the pepper guy. Second of all, peppercorns are two dollars, Like, like, why is it a whole thing? Put the peppercorn fucking shake around the table, Give me a small one. I could choose my own pepper. Why is pepper in a totally different category of salt? Salt is like more of a gourmet thing, and I don't know why salt doesn't come ground. I just don't understand the whole pepper conversation and the whole pepper like program. It's just like labor. You're paying that guy an hour. I know it doesn't only do pepper, but I just I want someone to tell me. The meaning of the Pepper program just occurred to me, and I just don't understand it any Does any be on this podcast understand the Pepper program the reason for it to be so separate from salt or grind some basil get crazy grind, some garlic pepper grind, some crushed red pepper. Why why is pepper its own v I P. Long Wood Shaker program? Next topic, covid and oh Macrod have taken a turn. Um, and I said last night on Twitter or a couple of days ago on Twitter. Um, it breaks my heart to see the kids in schools of masks and the elderly, and of course the trolls. Well, really, would you rather said dying or being un a ventilator? No, you fucking dumb funk. I would not rather someone dying or being an eventilator. I just we didn't grow up in a world where we were wearing masks, and you see ninety year old who have bad posture and our like hunchbacks wearing masks, and you're like, they don't have enough going on in their life to just deal with this world. It's just a commentary on the fucking world. And I did say in the very beginning, I want to say in the very beginning, when we got twenty million dollars of PPEAT all off the States, so I was masked. Queen designers were selling and sewing masks and designer logos were all over masks, and I thought it was so tacky and I couldn't believe it was sort of beingcoming a designer thing. And I guess I was ahead of my time, or you know, didn't realize that people were trying to make it a fashion statement because it's they're here to stay. But now they're saying it's all has to be k and ninety five masks, which is what I was saying in the beginning. I was like, wait, these are not the masks that thought doctors would wear, so why wouldn't you wear the proper mask? And then all of a sudden I became part of cloth mask Generation two, as people semi masks, and they sold them at you know, the drug store, and now they're coming back saying they have to be K and nine masks. Back to when I was saying, what the funk designers are making masks? It seemed ridiculous. And it's little kids schools they're saying, and the letters to home, if your kid isn't wearing a mask properly, they'll be asked to leave the room and taken to the principle. It's like, it just makes me feel sad. So I'm allowed to say I feel sad. And having allocated and distributed twenty million dollars with the PPE, I've had my share of mask integration, so I feel like I'm qualified to comments on the topic. Uh, and I stand behind the fact that, you know, the rules seems so arbitrary. Okay, the rules seems so arbitrary. Stand up, put the mask on, sit down, take the mask off. Way it just comes over, no mask. You know. It feels like we're all playing like this weird game, like we're doing the Madonna Vogue dance, Like mask off, mask on, put the mask up, hang the mask on the ear, put the mask over, put the mess down. Oh, I'm walking by someone, put the mask. Oh, I'm walking by someone and they see me, So let me put my mask up, or let me put my sweater by my face so I look like my person who really cares about the mask? Oh? Should I walk? Oh? I'm sorry if I got my mask because COVID. If you say sorry, I forgot my mask, COVID nos COVID Like, Oh, I'll give you a hall pass you over there without the mask. I'm COVID. You just said it, you acknowledge it. You look me in the ice, said I forgot my mask, and then we're cool. It's like and then my friends who haven't gotten vaccinated, one of them who has an autistic chi old, which was a very controversial comment from Jenny McCarthy years ago about not believing in vaccinations because of her autistic son. My friend who has an autistic child didn't get vaccinated. And I have another friends who didn't get vaccinated, and they said they've been like trolled and bullied and they feel a little bit of a sense of vindication because everyone's getting it now. But then the argument is that the symptoms are not as bad, and the point is cloth masks were okaye, All of a sudden, all the schools now nine masks something I said a long time ago. But I still know nothing more than anyone else. No one knows anything, and it's just such a joke. And then you go into these restaurants where they're like, oh no, no no, no, we don't care about the masks in here. It's a half half sucking half and half like we what We're not all doing the same thing. Everyone's doing their own goddamn thing. You don't want to get COVID. You gotta sit home in your fucking house and stay around nobody. But like, everyone is doing exactly what they want and just scamming all day long. Just walk into the restaurant, masks, sit down, take the mask off, go into the plane. On the plane, you know. And my fiance is very serious. He has someone in his family that's had very high risk and so he's very serious about it. Of course, So I'm eating on the plane. I'm like, but I look at me. He's a sucking scam I'm eating now. COVID does not come by, Hi, could you just get me? I have do not disturb sign on COVID. I'm eating at this time I'm eating, So COVID just do me a favorite, take a seatback someone, because oh I know why because someone walked past us on the plane and had no mask on, and Paul was like, oh, I go okay, he just walked past us. So no no matter, I I ate, I had no mask. What if I'm a raging alcoholic and I had forty I had two bloody Marors on the plane. I mean I drank. I'm pretty fast, but I sucked that ice like it was my job. So for that whole duration of that time, I was a no mask person. So that man who walked by us, Paul was like, oh, you know that guy and he's a walk No. I'm like, god, I was just drinking bloody Marors, no mask, and I ate with no mask. I had snacks, Brent had a snack. We were COVID knows that I'm snacking, I'm bloody Mary's and you know and that, and that guy had to peace. So he told COVID. He called COVID, he made an appointment. He told that fucking guy, he's so sorry to be roode to COVID. He told the COVID, I don't want COVID to funk with me. I'm not trying to get canceled by COVID. So he told Covid he was walking to the bathroom. He had to go so badly. He had chronic diarrhea, he has ibs. He couldn't put his mask on fast enough. Covid gave him a pass. It's just like, really, we're doing the best. We're all doing the best that we can. But also I know people who are like, no, we're not doing that. We're not doing Oh you're we're gonna go to dinner at their house. Oh oh they're having fifteen people over. I can't do that. And then like I gotta go go into a go into a giant's game. What are you talking about? Well, it's outside, I know. Do you have to don't you have to get to outside? Are you flying there? Are you an eagle? You're going off the roof and flying outside onto the field? Don't you have to fucking go up? The escalator? Passed? Everybody don't have to go to What if you to go to the bathroom, but you gonna hold it in you have a catheter, So like I don't understand. So that part, so that person is right because they're going outside to a football game. But they're not going to the dinner because it's it's more than it's twelve point to five people. If it was thirteen, you know, if it's eleven, I could do it. It's just like and you hear these rules and you're just like, you just shut the funk up. And so I got to the point where I'm like, listen, I'm doing COVID the way that I'm doing COVID. Okay, I got the K ninety five masks. Sometimes I sunk up. I'm drinking Margarita Is on the plane or a Bloody Mary's. We're at the ocean. At the ocean, we went to the banana boat. I passed people. COVID doesn't go outside at all. COVID's not outside. Because what about all those people that were in the on the beach in the beginning member Florida, everyone was like on the beach, spring break cap and we're all Daytona beach. Everybody got COVID, but my beach. They knew in Boca because they're wealthy people in Boca, COVID didn't come. We paid, so COVID didn't come. I mean, it is all so fucking crazy. Skiing's okay, but toboggin ng isn't. I mean, it is a fucking ship show. Nobody knows what they're doing, and myself included COVID. Just hold on a second. I'll be right out. I know you're gonna wait for me because I don't have my mask on him in my office. I'll come out. We could get together, and I can risk my life when I come out. But don't make no big deal.