Levine Us Speechless

Published Sep 22, 2022, 7:00 AM

Another rockstar was unfaithful. Who's surprised? 

Bethenny unpacks what we all must learn from Adam Levine’s marriage woes, and which celebrity cheating scandals deserved the headlines. 

Plus, according to Bethenny, Halloween came early for one influencer. Find out which celeb Bethenny says has gone full Vampire.

While breaking news that's just in and we will have film. Middle Leven Adam Levine is cheating on his wife. He is a rock star, he is a world famous, successful musician WHO's toward the world, historically dated models and I know it's shocking. He's having an affair. It's all anyone could talk about. It's just an absolute stunner. I've never heard of anything like this. People Cheat. It's shocking. I can't, but I mean I was saying, I said on Tiktok, like did he roaster bones? Where's the big news? Like it's like, Oh my God, Rock Stars Cheating on its summer bottle? Like what? Okay, what else? What else armie hammer was was cooking stews of women, like I need something to take my teeth into, because a rock start cheating on a supermodel isn't gonna do it. And Air to the arm and hammer fortune of air to a multibillion dollar fortune. Tall, blondish, strapping, handsome, awe shucks looking plays the prince in movies is fucking making baby back ribs out of his dates. That's a story. That's something I can can sink my teeth into. I understand that that's something to talk about. Okay, that's something to understand. Adam loving cheating on a supermodel? I don't get it. And yes, people are saying, who cares? If Adam leaving can cheat on a supermodel. EAT The cheesecake. It's also boring. Jude Law was having an affair with his nanny, on CIENNA Miller, Fisher Stevens, and I don't like to talk about someone's physical appearance, but because he's the cheater in the situation, I'm gonna do it. Fisher Stevens looks like a gnome on my lawn and he cheated on fucking Michelle Bifer. Okay, that's a story, right. Arnold Schwarzenegger had a baby with a housekeeper in his house. That's a motherfucking story. Okay. Woody Allen isn't is married to his stepdaughter. That's a cheating story. Armie Hammer as a multibillion dollar air who is making, you know, chicken stock out of his his side pieces. That's a story. Okay, those are stories. I need more than a tag it up, you know, rock star Texting, instagram models. CAN WE BE? How much more basic can we be? Give me something more people. I'd be saying to my reporters go find more. Did you happen to catch funeral fashion show? Yeah, it was in the UK. I'm not sure if you heard about it, but there were Um, two top models, Kate and Megan, and they were both modeling different fierce, severe black outfits and they both have had a motherfucking glow up. Pre Exit, the game was not as tight. There's definitely been a glow up. Let's just be honest. Okay, when Megan came into the picture, she was doing sort of the jeans and the White Crisp Shirt and like the you know, I don't want to jump off the page too much of meeting my my in laws clothing and Um, and Kate was always very conservatively nicely dressed, always looked pretty, always elegant, etcetera. But after Megsit Kate had a motherfucking swan like glow up. Okay, it's somewhat subtle, but if you really look back to like the day before Megsit and the days after, there was a change, like she was like listen, bitches, I'm gonna be Queen and now I got this fucking nuisance out of my way and I'm coming correct and the wardrobe has changed. It's not just that the dress has changed, it's the whole look. It's the messaging, it's the jewels, it's the crown jewels. Um Now it's the veil. That only that. She's saying, fuck you, I can wear it and you can't. Like you know, she's pushing, she's doing everything she can do to still look subtle and elegant, but with a massive side of fuck you. Megan, on the other hand, is coming in like a black widow spider saying, listen, if I'm gonna be polarizing and half the people are gonna love me and half the people are gonna hate me, I might as well fucking slay all day, because she is coming in with fierce outfits and we cannot pretend that the funeral was not a fashion show and not a like little just like one up of fashion digs. I mean, it absolutely was, and it's really subtle because you have to figure out where the line is, where you've been inappropriate, where you've dressed not for the occasion. And they both really just met their more they hit their marks, even with the makeup, the smoky eyes going on from a little miss markle and it's just all happening. It's just all intentional. It's all happening, but there is no way that anyone can tell me that that fashion game has not gone lit. Some might think it's somewhat inappropriate to like kind of turn it out so much for a royal funeral. Like nobody looks a little nobody looks haggard, nobody looks a little disheveled. You've seen people at funerals. You've seen how people up. I mean, Megan doesn't know the queen that well and you know it is. These are the daughters in law and Kate's knowing the Queen for way longer. But there's a lot going on. But still, when you're at a funeral, you know you're not you're not trip, but you're not. You're not walking the runway, but these women are. So I want to hear what you think about funeral fashion, because funeral fashion is an untapped category. or in the world, when did Corny Kardashian become a vampire? When did that happen? Like, when, when did that happen? I remember her in like sexy, slutty little dresses and I know that we sometimes like owners look like their dogs and people dress a little like their partners. I know somebody that they'll like wear matching shirts like I literally I'm about to start calling corny Kardashian Tuesday from the Adams family. She is like goth out in such an extreme way that I feel like her. She's unrecognizable and I don't even know that that's what I think about her as like we all have to change. I love that, listen, I love that she's in love. I love that she's a rock star's wife. Now she's happy. I honestly she I like. You know, I like her vibe, but she every time I look over I'm like, Whoa, for the love of Christ, like she really she she did a whole I don't think she has a goddamn color in her closet. It's like all black all the time. It's unbelievable. Yeah, so that I just woke up it last week I was like wow, corny Guardashian, full guys, m

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