Your time is as valuable as diamonds, so invest some in yourself! Host and best-selling author, Eve Rodsky, along with physician Dr. Aditi Nerurkar invite you to reimagine your time as your most valuable currency. Combining science-based solutions, humor, personal insights, and practical tips, each episode features a special guest and focuses on a range of subjects from important boundary setting to beating burnout at home and at work, and how to infuse our lives with more creativity, connectivity, and fun. We hope you’ll join us for a well-deserved ‘Time Out’.
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It all started with a text that said, I'm surprised you didn't get blueberries. Picture the scene. My husband's Seth was texting me as I was driving to pick up my older son, Zach. I had a breast pump and a diaper bag and the passenger seat of my car and a client contract on my lap And I find myself sobbing on the side of the road. But I remember the thoughts in my head that day where I cannot believe my marriage is ending over being the fulfiller of my husband's smoothiknees. This started me on my journey to understand why this was happening to me in so many other women, and why time is our most valuable currency, but from birth we're taught to give it away for free. I'm Evrodsky, author of the New York Times bestseller fair Play and Find Your Unicorn Space, activists on the gender division of labor, attorney and family mediator. And I'm Dr Addina Rukar, a Harvard physician and medical correspondent with an expertise and the science of stress, resilience, mental health, and burnout. My mission in life is to dispel the woo woo of the science of well being and present facts. We're so excited to share our podcast Time Out, a production of I Heart Podcasts and Hello Sunshine, repealing back the layers around why society makes it so easy to guard men's time like it's diamonds and treat women's time like it's infinite like sand. And so, whether you're partnered with or without children, or in a career where you want more boundaries, this is the place for you. For people of all family structures, your time is diamonds. So take a time out with us to learn, get inspired, and most importantly, reclaim your time. Listen to Time Out, a fair play podcast on the I Heart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcast