Heard Mentality

Published Jun 21, 2022, 7:00 AM

Depp vs. Heard.

The verdict is in, but Bethenny still has questions. Bethenny shares details from a past toxic relationship to make a point that could change your opinion on the Depp vs. Heard evidence. 

Plus, Bethenny on the basic summer fashion trend she’s had enough of. Next time you reach for this in your closet, choose something else!

I need to do an intervention on the Jane short movement. So I have Jeane shorts, my daughter has Jeane shorts. I've always worn Jeane shorts. I love Jeane skirt, I love Jeane short, I love a Jeane short. I love Jeane jacket. I love jeans. I wear jeans, I sell jeans, I sell it all. I the other day did a count and on a busy street I saw pairs of ripped show your ass cheeks jean shorts, and the ages were from twelve to fifty five, and and and clusters of women, so you know, and and now the problem is the high waisted trend is in. So you've got a high waist with a Jeane short. I mean, you don't have to fucking take gm are class to realize if it's a high waist with a gene short, it's come from a y gene. So the ass cheeks are gonna show like the only thing covering the as cheeks of those like gas station pieces of like remnant shredded jean short, and like the pockets, the inside of the pockets are always longer. And now the moms are walking with the young girls wearing the Jeane shorts too. And I saw the other day three tweens and the mom all wearing Jeane shorts. So like Jeane shorts, Okay, Jeane shorts and the same color. Four people, No, I think there has to be a limit to at four people in the same group are allowed to walk down the street with the Geane shorts. You cannot have a Gene short plan like a Gene short gang of four Gene short wears. I just there needs to be a line drawn. So I just want you to think when you put on those Gene shorts, when you see your kids with those Gene shorts, just just take a just think about it for a second. Just think about what I witnessed. I I literally saw this is the truth pair of Gene shorts in one two hour period. I was literally saying to my Gene alert, major Gene short alert to Paul, I mean, it was a Gene short ship show. So the Amber heard Johnny Depp thing. I don't want to say it's turning, but I think it was the cut that wrote that this trial sort of sets people back for women who want to come out and say that they've been abused. And I can see the point in that meaning there was a shift. There was a pendulum shift with this whole thing. I need you to know that I did not watch the trial. I watched online clips. I have read in the past articles back in my day. Johnny Depp was dating Winona, he was wasted, he trash to hotel room. I read the part about the feces in the bed. I read about different things. I read about both them hitting each other. I have been in relationships where I have been recorded, I have been followed. I have been in a situation where for years it might it seemed one one way, and then you get your day in court and it seems a different way. So I I know I understand dynamics. I also know that smart people have said that there was a lot of evidence that said that Amber was lying. I also did a rant saying that I did a rant saying that I think this was well, it's funny because when Drew Barrymore said seven layer differ insanity, and I said, no, it's a forty she got in trouble and then I said it's a forty seven layer different insanity. I think the word insanity was the problem. And again we can't speak anymore. Even in hyperbole because someone being really insane, it's not being sensitive to mental illness. And it's challenging to just a something, you know, like you can't that's crazy, Like you can't. I mean, technically you can't say that's crazy because crazy is an expression, but you can't say that. But I still have to speak and express sometimes I cannot be muzzled. So if I'm gonna say it's a forty seven layer different sanity, I actually do think it is. Like I think this was not sane behavior. It could have been temporarily insane or provoked by circumstance or financially driven, but I do think it was insane. So I did a rant saying that only Johnny Depp looks like a hero compared to amber Heard, because water just seek its own level. They were both in this relationship. And so I was watching an interview briefly also snippets of Savannah gut three where she went in fairly hard. Amber Heard kept her cool, and she stayed the course, and she expressed herself. And what's interesting, and many of you, you know, made just say it's black and white. She was absolutely lying, and she may have been absolutely lying. She was in this crazy relationship and it when she recorded him. We don't know. I know from personal experience, you don't while you're in the when you're in a relationship and things start getting shitty, you don't start recording. It has to get pretty sideways until the recording stage start, or a lawyer has to tell you to record, or somebody advises you. People don't just decide this day that they're going to record. There's a reason that they're doing it. So I just want you to know that that's not like we're not watching the beginning of the movie. We're halfway through the movie and someone's trying to catch and couldn't catch. Because I have some stuff that came into court too once. I experienced some negativity and it was a drop in the ocean, meaning it was one roach where there's thousands, you know, because you don't catch everything, and you don't so so we don't know that whole story. I'm just gonna mention that I'm positive about that, Okay, I would I would be willing to bet that that we didn't that everything wasn't caught recorded, Okay, from both sides. Also, it's not as as Elissa Alotta pointed, out. It's not one person or one case's responsibility to do the entire job of saving women who have been abused. Meaning if Amber heard sucked it up for other people who want to come forward, you know, the whole weight of this case did did swing a pendulum. And by the way, cases like this, dude, really swing the tides. I mean, the Harvey Weinstein thing then became all the comedians and all the producers and like things do. The me to comment on Twitter really did wake things up. So there are there are things getting cracked open. So I want to just mention that. But I do think it's fifty shades here, and I just want to talk also about media and TikTok and the difference in the world now of the court of public opinion, because a lot of people agree with me and thought the world has now made Johnny Depp a hero and he has you know, ten million followers in a day on TikTok because he was exonerated and people said it wasn't it was that she was abusing him. It's not saying that he's a model citizen. It's not saying he didn't do drugs and drink and all that stuff. But that he was the one being abused. I think it's I mean, a person who trashed a hotel room like that and is an an addict probably played in the party a little bit. A person who would live in a house where there was species in your bed and still be there participated in some way. But what I find interesting is the media being involved and influencing, because the media is the only way that I even know about this trial. Right, So now the media for years made us all think that Amber Heard was a victim and Johnny Depp was abuser, an abuser. Now there's a trial, but the media is covering this trial, and media covers politics, and media drives what we think, Media drives who we vote for, what we think about issues, who we cancel. So the media was very involved in this case, and he is obviously a bigger actor. He does have a bigger reach, and I wonder how much that really does influence things. I want to actually just at least think about it, because I just don't think that in this case that I don't know that much about. So please don't put me too across, because I'll say what you know. I'll say whatever I feel. I don't know everything I just know what I've read, what I've seen, and what you guys have told me. But I do know for a fact that those video recordings do not tell the full story from the beginning, because I've been in that I've been in that situation, and I do know for a fact that the media influences what we do. And I do know for a fact that both of them are off kilter, and that it is a garbage pit, and that they both smell like garbage from being in a dumpster, to quote Carolyn Mante

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