Did Pete Davidson Blow It?!

Published Apr 8, 2022, 1:32 PM

Bethenny knows a thing or two about divorce.  She's ready to rant and this time, she's not on Pete Davidson's side. It's getting personal as she reveals why her own fiancé would never do what Pete did. When kids are involved, there is an entirely different set of rules.

Plus, Bethenny has an observation about newlyweds Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker. After you hear her take, it is impossible to look at them without thinking about it!

So I've been noticing on the show Bridget Team, which I've been watching, you know, they're wearing massive corsets and big dresses and elaborate costumes. That is a reflection of the times. And I'm also watching Boardwalk Empire, which is obviously much later in history, but there's so much clothing, so much layering, and their braws are bigger in their undergarments are bigger, and it's and I'm thinking about how I've talked about Pretty Women and how that movie with Julia Roberts outfit, which would be fine right now to where on a Tuesday night out to dinner in New York City, was only fit for a prostitute. And I'm realizing that as I look at these Red carpets and Awards season, at the Grammy's end, at the Oscars, everybody's wearing nothing like now we've gone to next to nothing. You have to dress in a risk a way. It's seems like some sort of competition. And I don't know why nudity is bad if you're only going to cover your vagina and your breasts and why not just go? I mean, where is the line? And it's funny because would you want your daughter to wear like a really short skirt and um, just nipple covers as an outfit. And where is the actual line. I'm not saying I know where the line is. I'm just saying, and is there an age line or everyone's supposed to just do whatever they want. So if a twelve year old or fourteen year old wants to wear like what I would consider and I'll probably be canceled like a slutty dress. There are girls in what and that are preteen, that are in uh like sixth seventh grade, and I've seen them and they're wearing dresses that women I know that we're on the Housewives wear, and I think it's inappropriate. And I know that that's not the same as women on a red carpet that are adults. But I just wonder, Um, if that's all they're watching is TikTok and the Grammys and the Oscars and everybody's wearing no clothes, how are we supposed to ask that our daughters aren't wearing basically, you know, clothes, half tops, crop tops, basically bikinis to school. I just want to know the answer so that I find is interesting. And then thinking about wardrobe I'm seeing that people are dressing like each other. It's happening more with that with the group of the Kim and Pete and Courtney and Travis and Megan Fox and Um her her guy that she's with, um from I don't know his name, but a machine gun Kelly. But these women used to dress more in a sexy, provocative, fashionable way, and you're seeing them mold into the people they're in relationships with. So what is that called? When one person, Pete Davidson is interesting like Kim Kardashian. You know, he's not wearing like tight man metro jeggings and a tight fashionable Versace T shirt. Pete Davidsons dressing like Pete Davidson. But Kim is dressing more like Pete Davidson. Kim is wearing more of like a street vibe now, like street cheek, bomber jacket, sneakers and you know, eating pizza and doing you know, very very local street type Staten Island things. So she's becoming more him than the opposite and interesting because she was becoming more of Kanye's mused too, the whole way He's she admittedly admitted, admittedly by her he is largely responsible for her fashion evolution. So she's sort of folding into what he deemed to be high fashion and the worlds of Vogue and Anna Wintour and um really high fashion designers, and that he took her away from wearing all the air of a lajaire and took her more into Balman or Balman on how to pronounce it? Balmain and Valenciaga and Givan She and more uh esoteric, avant garde elevated fashion brands. And now Courtney is in a relationship with Travis. Courtney wasn't dressing like Scott. Scott dress is very blank Scott to sick I'm talking about. He wears like big blinged out protect Philips, and he also will wear a polished suit, and he's also got his own sort of streetwear vibe. But Courtney was dressing like her sexy self, like a sexy fashion self, always with sexy. But now Courtney is dressing really more like her hair is dark, or her makeups dark, or her vibes darker. She's got she's more edgy, she's more rock or chick the whole. You know, they're dressing like they're one, like they're in you know, costume. But Travis isn't dressing like Courtney. He's not doing the same thing. He's not wearing like tight leather pants and being in the high fashion world. He's staying to be the rocker. So she's folding into his style. Similarly, Megan Fox too folding into machine gun Kelly style. Her style, her makeup, her vibe has changed. And it's interesting because Courtney, as I think about it, when she was with Scott or other people, she wasn't fully like making out like tongue, you know, going in circles on red carpet. So what is it Addison ray her, you know, she's posting videos with her guy putting the finger up like everybody's very irreverent. So what does that mean? When the women fold into what the man is like, they're just gravitating to what the man is. It's it's very interesting. I don't know what it means. I don't know if it's called anything. I don't know if it's some sort of rebellious phase, but it is something. What do you think. Also, they're still talking about the Will Smith, Jada Pinkett Chris Rock situation. There has to be a time when the tide turns. I mean you can't. We've done this with so many people. We've done this with so many famous people that have gotten into trouble. And I don't mean at like the mock five level, because I do not think Will Smith is Harvey Weinstein, right. I mean at the level where it's not great, the Brian Williams level, Uh, the Nick Cannon level, the Christy Teagan level, the I'm sure one day me level, you know. The so I was fully invested in talking about it when it happened and what it meant and that it absolutely wasn't great. But now Will said, punish me. However, I'm supposed to be punished. I'm no longer part of the academy. Uh. What's supposed to happen? Do we turn a corner? Because you can't just keep beating a dead horse. Everybody thinks it was wrong. Will Smith thinks it was wrong Jada. But everyone's now come. What's interesting is everyone's now coming for Jada. The pendulum swing. Everybody was coming for Will. Okay, she needs to be defended. He thought she needed to be defended, And I'm thinking, what the hell. A woman doesn't need to be defended she can handle it on her own. She thinks it's wrong what he did. Okay, But Jada is the villain. Jada had an open relationship. Jada's humiliated will They talked about it on Red Table Talk. It seemed emasculating and absolutely humiliating, and and everybody was in their relationship now and so everybody is coming after her. But my question is he stayed with her? It takes two to tango. They're both in a relationship. They both decided to be in the relationship, So why is it all her? I just want to know. Maybe she's terrible. I don't know her. I did her show once. She was very nice. Maybe she's terrible. But you can't just you can't give all the blame to to one person in this situation. If he's chosen to stay, meaning if he chose to leave, and then we're gonna look at the pieces where they fell. Because these two individuals are public figures and have chosen to involve the world in their public life. That's different. But they're in a relationship. So when two people, let's put it this way, if I'm in a partnership with someone in business and something goes wrong, we own it together. So their partners, they own this together. They own the open relationship together, they own they are in the dirty laundry together, they own the whatever uh tension underlies and the contention behind that slap. They own it all together. So just let's not blame only one person. You want to blame both, great, but there will be a time when we should actually move on. I think I'm all for a maya culpa and listen, it could be any of us, and that's why we all we all know this, and we're all always a little scared, and that's why when someone else get the beat down, we all jump on and want to have an opinion about it. And great, we have an opinion about it, but you gotta let it rinse, because the truth is, it could absolutely be me. I'm doing what I'm doing right now. I probably have said something in the last ten minutes that you think is inappropriate. It's impossible to be perfect. So you're gonna be on a car ride and something's going to spill. So when is it going to happen? But it will be all of us in one way or another, publicly in our friend group, at your cul de sac, at your school, your p t A your country club, it's going to be you. It will not be at a ten level with any luck. But you have to know that people in glasses can't throw stones because it will be one of us. Chris Rock said he does not provide his jokes to the Academy, So while the Academy is taking a beat down, one of their lashings should be taken away from them because they did not no oh about the Chris Rock joke about g I Jane, So the Academy can't be blamed for that provoking moment. And comedians do want to protect their material and they get lists of what cannot be spoken about, so they then try to get away with whatever they can. So maybe that should be something in the future at the Academy Awards that people can't just go rogue. Every joke has to be written out before let me know what you all think. Spicy stuff. So um, I've been thinking about TikTok and how individuals are these many reporters. Hi, thanks guys, thank you, because I have this platform. You've given me this platform, and I wonder a couple of things. One is, so some people two years ago where nobody's and now they're famous. They're qute unquote TikTok famous. So most people don't know who they are. But there are so many people on TikTok that a lot of people do think who do think? They know who they are and they are celebrities in this one space, and it expands like a Charlie Damilio or an Addison Ray and other people it except Jason Darul always I think, cause we were famous on TikTok, but he isn't music. I think. Don't get mad, but I think so. Um So it expands. So now I'm seeing a lot of these people that had an authenticity, they're getting branded, they're getting paid, and they just don't see in the same And that happens also in Hollywood. Okay, so it's fine, But in these weird, other little genres of uh, you know, making art out of coffee filters, you're you're you're a vintage button expert. I mean, people have these niche things that they're good at and they're very self involved in a way that doesn't it seems delusional, like thank you all for this platform and we've grown together, and I know you guys want to hear about this, and I know, you guys want to hear about that, and it's a little narcissistic myself included. You have this group of sycophants that think everything you're saying is amazing in these other weird pockets and like people who are just sitting in their garage and good at this one thing really and it's great for them because they think that they're Madonna and the land of buttons and coffee filter. Aren't they are Madonna? But I'm seeing that it doesn't always translate to other spaces. It doesn't translate to other areas of entertainment, Like all day long just talking into your camera to these followers, are you talking less to the people in your own life? Are you talking less about other things in the world because you're just this expert on this one thing and you're really only talking about this one thing. And it makes me realize that. So someone said today I was on food. I'm on food TikTok a lot, And so what does that mean? Because there's a thing when that people do. I think a drug called like ketamine or something, or like it's like ecstasy or something. It's it's called a khole. I think they get into some like stuck in some vortex and so on. TikTok. I see things because I've been talking about makeup, like glam Or sham. I think it's an absolute scam. Not a lot of the glamor business. I'm gonna get into that. But so I've been talking about because of course we have fucking witnesses and aliens in our phone that listen to what we're saying. So now I'm getting a lot of makeup stuff. Last week it was Will Smith, the week before it was the Kardashians. I mean, you know, it's it's all the interesting things in the world going on in my stupid life. Ukraine was the only thing on my phone because of all our relief efforts. So I'm in like I'm in glam TikTok, Will Smith, TikTok, Ukraine TikTok. So someone said they're in food talk. So we all go down these holes and like you're seeing something that other people don't see, like in stranger things, they go into the upside down. I'm in the upside down. I'm in a hole that you're not in. It's so crazy if you really think about it, like we're we're not watching the same show. My daughter will look into my phone like she's been hypnotized by aliens, the body snatchers, her eyes circling watching something on my phone. There's nothing to do with her because it's like sucking her in like so operas. You ever walk up to a television when a soap operas on, You have nothing to do with it, You've never seen it, you don't know who these fucking people are, And all of a sudden you're like, Loo, Gina is never gonna speak to Rick again because he had sex with a nurse who came back to life four times. And now you're standing there staring at the television or like Dorthy Explorer, whatever it is, we get sucked into or in these holes. So I guess maybe you gotta like change your TikTok hole to figure out where the funk you're supposed to be or learn some other stuff. But I feel like we're getting like entranced. It's crazy, um Okay. Many people in my hole of TikTok are talking about Kim Kardashian's child Northwest meeting Pete Davidson. Now I don't know why I know she met Pete david Zimber presumably because it was not inside someone's home, so it was sort of a public event, or there was the ability for a photographer to take a picture. So I've publicly said Kanye needs to pay attention to the court of law and not played to the court of public opinion. So he now has said he's going to get help. He's not going to make threats, he's not going to do these crazy Instagram posts anymore. He's making amends. But we are going to say, for argument's sake, it's been proven or the benefit of the doubt, that he has some mental illness or something is off. Okay, he's struggling. The very worst case, he's absolutely struggling with a breakup, and it's Kim has had a problem with this, and she has pleaded and wanted him to stop. So why would Kim allow her child to publicly meet another public person when we're dealing with someone who's had some struggles emotionally, uh, spiritually, uh, financially with his career. Publicly, there's a thing that goes on in divorces that's taunting and it happens. Okay, there's parental alienation people talk about there all these different terms harassment, stalking. Those words were thrown around. Taunting is a real thing. The you do not poke a bear in the zoo and a divorce. You if you have somebody who said you're never gonna meet my kids, Pete will never meet my kids. You just I'm meeting with a person who has acres and acres of security. And by the way, no matter how famous you are, I can promise you because I do know some pretty famous people, you can always stay private, and I mean always. I have heard you can ask any real publicists, ask any successful publicist who represents real famous people. They will say ninety nine point nine of celebrities called the paparazzi, which was a shocking number to me. So also, if you go to a certain yogurt store, if you go to Air Juan in l A, you go to the ivy, you go out of your house, you're gonna get packed. If you stay inside your house, you're not gonna get packed. If you go at seven o'clock in the morning, the paparazzi are very lazy. They're not up at six o'clock in the morning. They're sleeping. Okay, I know because years ago they used to come to my daughter's school, et cetera. And they have they're like bats, they have specific hours and ask paparazzi the truth. They don't. They're not up at six o'clock in the morning. They're not up in torrential storms. Yes, Kim Gardashian fetches a serious price, but you can absolutely avoid the media. So how do you take your child to meet a new person. You're so happy, you're doing so well, you're madly in love, everything's going good. It spent a couple of months. It is absolutely your business, your body, your choice to introduce whoever you want to in your own life. But you have a man who's your ex, who's caused you all these problems and is struggling, and you're literally putting a steak in the middle of a highway for a dog to run right in the middle of traffic and get hit. It just doesn't make any sense to me. It doesn't seem was It feels like subconscious or subtle taunting. So I just don't understand that choice, And I don't understand the choice of Pete Davidson. I never mentioned that. I thought it was ridiculous that he took the bait. Also dealing with mental illness and saying I'm in white, I'm in bed with your wife like that shows someone's age. That's immature. That's taunting to I'm in bed with your wife like. That's called come at me, bro, That's what that's saying. So having someone else's a man knows, uh, this is real. My fiance has known my daughter for years. He will not talk to her on a zoom if she's home at her father's house. That's personal information, it's not doesn't would not hurt anybody, But he will not talk to her because he doesn't He doesn't disrespect that boundary, like he doesn't want to make her feel uncomfortable. It's that too, children feel at all their torn. He doesn't want to make her feel uncomfortable. So he knows. He always knew his place, and he wanted to respect. A man respects another man's turf and another man's child, and in particularly in this inflated, heated circumstance, I cannot think of a reason why Pete Davidson would have another man's daughter outside in public on his lap. That's taunting. So and again I'm not an expert on on everything. I'm an expert on divorce, on stalking, harassment, taunting, the courts, appeals, custody, uh child support. I am an expert. My lawyers would say I'm an expert. The judge would say, I'm an expert. I am an expert. So I just think that that is just poking a bear in the zoo and a person who has admittedly been taken down. So I don't think that's cool and I don't think that's smart. And there's always a way Chris Rock could have been wrong in talking about Jada's hair because of the alopecia that they say he knew about. Will Smith made that go away, and Chris Rock is the most right, and Will Smith was made to be egregious and wrong. Well, Kanye has been so wrong in publicly, you know, doing harassing behavior, exhibiting harassing behavior and doing all these crazy things. Well, I think Pete and Kim just made themselves wrong. That's what I think. Uh. So I always say, don't hate the player, hate the game. You know, this social media thing is challenging because I've got a hundred and probably fifty two million dollar relief effort going on in Ukraine right now, and I don't post about it. Every day because it turns people off because people don't want to hear about the bad news going on in the world, which I do understand. People want to escape. But if I post a picture of myself in a sexy outfit, feel you know, I don't feelter myself. But if I post myself in a sexy outfit, made up and con toward from a makeup artist and my hair done with an inch of my life, that sells. If I post about people in the hospital with medical equipment that be strong raised money for, that will get one eighth of the views and the like. So no wonder people are posting their ass cracks and their tips hanging out because this is one of the things that's gone on, Like things that are important aren't important anymore. Like it's gotta be that a picture of me looking like a fucking fake doll is less important than hospitals in Ukraine using the medical equipment that we've donated money for. And and it's just the world's upside down. And I honestly that's why everybody's in such a competition with each other, because everybody's trying to get noticed everywhere. Nothing matters anymore if you're not half naked, if you're not showing off all the money you have, the private plane, you have, the bags you bought, you know, your kids smarter than somebody else, and look at what we have. It's just getting really gross and superficial. Everything seems like fake and bullshit. I've said before, filter at all, if you can just filter every fucking inch of your body and your face and your life, and why not just filter every part of your life. So like we're getting faker and grosser by the minute, and my posting about something that's more important than anything in the world. People's lives that are lost, that are dying with children, that are orphans that are gonna be trafficked. Okay, if they don't get out of there, we're extracting orphans. Nobody fucking cares because the headlines have faded and celebrities are a bunch of bullshit. They post for a week, put a link up, pray for Ukraine. I stand with Ukraine. You don't stand with Ukraine. You posted a flag because it's cool that week you posted a link. You have no idea where that money is going to. You don't know that organ. You just want to keep up with the Jones is by posting, because you look tone deaf if you don't post about your makeup line. And then the next week it's business as usual. And it's impossible because I have to do the stupid superficial picks so the people stay tuned. So when I want to post a picture that aid and orphans and people getting helped, you could just get some awareness and raise some money. So it's getting disgusting, and that's honestly how I feel, and I don't know how it stops. I really don't. It's us as the consumer that have to change. We're consuming all of this content. I've started doing a beauty or bust, glam or sham series on TikTok because you see all these people, these influencers with their faces. They're putting brown lines all over their face, like they're coloring themselves like clowns, blending and in forty pounds caked on makeup, on makeup, on makeup, on concealer, on highlighter, on beat down powder, like crazy shit. Right, they're all experts and they're telling you to buy all the ship and I see girls in small apartments they could probably not afford rent to rent paycheck to paycheck opening up these boxes of fucking makeup like it's going to change their lives. I am on television and I have like I had such a small amount of makeup and it was working just fine, and I know it works just as well as this expensive ship. So I started now spending money to buy it all to debunk all this expensive stuff. So I'm doing like expensive versus low, and some expensive things are worth it. But guess what, we're all such fucking hawns and such hands, and we just go on and we just grab whatever it is and we'll buy whatever they're selling. And we're just absorbing all this content. We're absorbing every filter, every contour, every product, every blood, every vacation, every bag, everything, all this luxury. We're just glad. We're just getting full until we're gonna get sick on it. But we're not absorbing things that really matter.

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