Chris Rock vs Will Smith

Published Mar 29, 2022, 8:00 AM

Bethenny on the Oscars smackdown and who shouldn’t have been on the Red Carpet.   

So there's a lot of talk about the Academy Awards this year, and all over social media were posts what is Courtney Gardasian doing at the Oscars? What are Courtney and Travis doing at the Oscars? And then something about other social media people, and many of the social media people are at the after parties, which I think is definitely different. You can have an after party and I guess invite whoever you want. But then again, you can have the Oscars and invite whoever you want. The question is should people that don't have a direct connection to the Academy or the Oscars attend? So I get invited to fashion shows, I get invited first row, front row to shows nine out of ten times, I politely decline why it feels weird. It doesn't really have anything to do with me. I'm not known as somebody in the fashion business. Am I in the Do I wear fashion? Yes? But I'm not on the forefront. I'm not that current. I don't know what's going on, So it feels weird if I'm gonna just act all high and mighty and like it's so I've got to go to fashion week. Go it's fashion week. I gotta run to Fashion Week, it just feels stupid for me. I guess if I really had great relationships with the designers and for years flew to Paris and knew what every collection was and and ever looked through Vogue and Harper's Bizarre, then it would have something to do with me. But I don't do that. And when I'll get invited to let's say something at Tribeca Film Festival, I also don't really go because it doesn't have anything to do with me. And my fiance has produced multiple films, but if he didn't have one there, I just wouldn't sort of go. I might go as a just an attendee, just a person going to see a movie, but I'm often sensitive about things that apply to me and don't meaning I in l A last week for the final season of Ellen and I Heeart Awards, and people are saying, Oh, You're staying for the Oscars, and I thought, no, because the Oscars has nothing to do with me, And I feel like a weirdo being on the red carpet having nothing to say because it has nothing to do with me. I'm not an actor. I didn't write a screenplay, I didn't direct the film. I'm not a producer, and it would feel sort of disingenuous and a little bit like the Emperor has no clothes. So when you think about some of the court, Andy Kardashian going to the Oscars, now, she's a lot to go wherever she wants, and if they invite her as the Kardashian to represent the night, then that's their business and that's her business. But I wonder if people like Cape chess Stain or Nicole Kidman or Meryl Streep or those types of people, uh, Gwyneth Paltrow who's crossed over into other worlds too. But Glenn Close, these are very serious actresses. These are film actresses. These are Academy Award winning and nominated actresses. Do they just not deserve for the oscar? There's to sort of be there night to shine without Glenn Close feeling like she's competing with a TikTok star or an Instagram star. Can't we just let them have their night without it being cluttered with social media people and just like the low hanging uh click bait paparazzi fruit. You know, Like I just wonder, is anything really pure and sacred or does everything evolved and the only thing that matters of social media. I just see the Oscars. It's such a an elegant like like Joan Crawford and Audrey Hepburn and Kathyine Hepburn, and you know, let these starlets, these current starlets, let them have it. Let them have the Oscars, Let it have that sort of pristine nature. But does that not sell? Do we need Addison Ray and Charlie Dmilio from TikTok to be at the Oscars for a to rate? I literally don't know. People are asking about Cortney Kardashian and I was I was thinking, Oh she hosting the fashion on the Red Carpet for E or did he do a soundtrack for a movie? Because can't we just can we just give Hollywood there one night without you know, it having to have a TikTok star or Kardashian. They're like, can't we just give them their night? Um? But then one could say the met Ball is about serious fashion and you have all these tick talkers because they have a big social media following going to the met Ball? So does anything matter anymore? Is it just fame? I mean people don't hire waitresses or bartenders if they don't have a social media following now, so is that all that matters? Like, does it matter if you are in a movie now? Should we just have tick talkers be presenting awards uh to to Meryl Streep at the Academy Awards. I just I don't know, because I know that the met Ball, which is about serious fashion icons and uh influence, as I guess, has now become something where young tiktoker's are all over that event. So is there something going on with these events where they can't just maintain their purity because it's too tempting to get those very very young influencers with all of those followers, and people might say those are the new in fashion. It makes more sense because influencers are wearing their clothes and showing them more, and I guess they have influence on fashion. But I just don't know if somebody with millions and millions of Instagram followers who's not an actress, if that person deserves the same shine at the Oscars as somebody who has actually participated in a film, Like I didn't earn my place on a red carpet at the Grammys, the Emmy's or the Oscars. I really did it these This is for serious, serious actors. Um so it's just being famous is all that matters in these award it shows? Why are they different? I'm half a nobody, but I'm known in smaller circles. But having walked the red carpet in my life, because I have some slight modicum of fame, should I just go to the NASCAR Awards? Fuck it? Fuck? Did I have a car? I'm going to Nascar. I have a car. I'm going to Nascar. What else I cook? I'm going to the Food Network Awards. I have linger right, I'm going to the Porn Awards. I'm going to Vegas and going to the Porn Awards. Does it matter? Or is it just if you are famous? You should just go to any awards show you want and then who the funk cares? But I went to the I Heeart Awards. You want to know why? I have a podcast on iHeart seemed to make some good sense to me. They wanted me to go because I'm representing that genre, and I'd like to let Meryl Streep go to the Academy Awards and Tom Ford go to the met Ball. I'm a purist. What can I say, so I was getting on a plane and I commented on Jada Pinkett's amazing emerald green dress as the winner of the night. I got off the plane from Hawaii and was kind of textually assaulted because it seemed like I was rewarding bad behavior because Will Smith evidently got up on stage and slapped Chris Rock. Okay, so I did not know that. I still think her dress was impeccable. Chris Rock got on stage and made a joke about Jada Pinkett, something about g I Jane too pertaining to her hair. So if Chris Rock is going to be presenting this stuff is all on a prompter. So unless this was something improv, which we kind of need to know, then he should know his audience. Literally, know your audience. If you have an audience member that you're about to poke fun of and he didn't make fifty jokes you're about to poke fun of, you probably should know what's going on with who you're making fun of, and the Academy should vet that. Also, if it was an improv move, then it just was bad luck and a bad joke. And here's the thing. As far as comedians go, they get creative license way bigger than anybody else. If I just stood on stage and said something about somebody that had alopecia, I'd be done. I'd be canceled. But like comedians did, they go to some college and get some certificate that says you're allowed to say really offensive things that other people might not be able to get away with because you went to comedians school, like you're granted that, Because Kathy Griffin said in a tweet, now comedians have to be afraid that someone's gonna get on stage and punch them in the face for what they're saying. So indeed, that makes some sense, because assault and physical harm or touching somebody else is absolutely not acceptable. But don't we have to be accountable for the things that we say. So Chris Rock was said, Chris Rock ironically made a movie called Hair. He made a movie about African American women's hair, which is ironic because he was now making fun of Jada Pinkett's hair, which she's losing and has alopecia. So he didn't necessarily know that. But usually the academy would know what's going to be on that prompter. Even comedians, they all have writers. They're not just winging it, especially in a worldwide, a world televised event. So that's a miss from the academy. Second of all, you have a presenter that's working for you at the Academy. You've called them, you've hired them, you've organized it. They're effectively in your house. They're working for you. They touched somebody, they punched somebody, they slap somebody, You have the person removed, You give them their awards separately. It's not like, oh, hey, no, you just smack somebody presenting, but now we're gonna give you an award. It's just awkward at best. I'd not see the whole show, so you can correct me and what I didn't see. But from what I understand, that's what happened that he won Will Smith one shortly thereafter. I can't overstate the fact that you just can't touch another person. It's such a bad example for your kids, it's a bad example for America. It's a bad example for how to deal with conflict. You don't just slap somebody. You don't touch somebody else. So I think that Will Smith is hostile because he's had very publicized information about his relationship. Here's another thing. They were walking into the Comedy Seller on Bleaker Street, where you know you're gonna get whacked with a joke. You're not in the front row of a gritty comedy club where you're sitting down to possibly get your ass handed to you and something said to you that's not appropriate. You went through nine hours of glam. You're wearing a gown the size of the Empire State Building, and just because you're going out to an elegant evening the account the awards doesn't mean you're walking in to be subject to comedic criticism. It's just not the comedy Seller. There's a couple of like jokes here, and they're great, but how far is too far, particularly in an event that's not about that. It's not a roast. This was not a roast. This was an award show for actors. I mean, I don't think that Will and Jada should walk in and expect to be made fun of for a medical condition. I think that that is where the line is, and the line got crossed. There's still no excuse for handling something in a physical manner, but it does bring up to me where the line is with comedy. If somebody that's not a quote unquote comedian gets up and makes fun of something that that's not kind that makes somebody else feel bad. Is that okay? I can't get up and say something mean on a stage just because it might be funny. I can't get away with that. So if you are a comedian, you went to comedy school, you used to perform at the groundings, You're allowed to say something that's nasty to somebody else just because it's funny. Because then, where is the line? That's why people get mad when people are talking about someone who's gay, someone who's black, someone who's Asian, someone who's Polish, whatever it is, Like, where is the line? Shouldn't it be that you just really shouldn't intentionally want to hurt somebody else in the name of humor. So where is that line? That's what I want to know. In talking about the Oscars and Courtney Kardashian and Travis, I saw their tongues touch each other on the red carpet. I'm good, like, I'm actually okay, Like I don't know that I need to see people's tongue touching each other. And it is a bit of a show, Like people really want you to see how much they live for each other, and it is absolutely their prerogative. But I just learned. You got us to know that if people are on the street and you see them fully making out, they're doing that and putting on a show, they know they can see the cameras. And if they're really famous, there are many cameras, Like, they can see the cameras because you know why their cameras and they have long lenses and you like see them right in front of you. They're not fifty miles away. So when you see j Lo and Ben Affleck making out and pick up and drop off, like they're aware that there are cameras there, and so it's like, we're gonna pick up and drop off making out. We're on the red carpet, tongue touching, and it's just it's just funny because people really really really need for other people to see their public displays of affection. I don't know what that exactly means. I personally listen, I've kissed Paul and held his hand and had people capture that on camera, but so full on be like, can you please please photograph the two of us making it at we don't be here for a breathe much less. Millions of people like I'm not on brant to see my tongue touching Paul's tongue like in any situation, I really don't, am I Approved. Just Be is hosted by me Bethany Frankel. Just Be as a production of the Real productions I Heart Radio and Blue Duck Media. Are EPs are Morgan Levois, Antonio Enriquez, and Kara hit To catch more moments from the show, follow us on Instagram and just Be with Bethan

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