Bethenny and NeNe wade into the waters of Kim Kardashian. Find out who they think rivals her and why! Plus, NeNe clears the air about Ryan Murphy and a “rich b*tch” revisit!
I want to talk about rich bitch and how how that's changed. Are you, Like I said, it's fifteen years almost fifteen years later, but are you more frugal now that we are thinking about different things. You're thinking about your kids and retirement and work and money was flowing differently?
Are you more frugal now?
When I said the word rich bitch back then, oh listen, everybody is saying rich beace Today it is freaking popular. I said. It's all over Instagram. Everything that I say is all over Instagram. People are loving it. There's a whole rap song about being a rich bitch. There's a rap song about I said what I said, everything that I've said, there's like songs everywhere about it. Back then, I said it then, and I'll say it now. Rich means something different to everybody, right And then I said, and I said today I said, I am rich in health, I am rich and nice spirit and all those things. That is my richness. I don't know what your richness is. It could be whatever you want it to be. But so I feel like the pandemic taught me a lot and I definitely scale back in a lot of areas that aren't necessary lean Yeah, yeah, I mean yeah, I think as you get older too, you don't need all those things anymore. Like before you thought you needed four cars, you need a sports car, you need the suv, kids, you needed the you know, the nice car. Y'all go out on dates. And I think as you get older, you're like, girl, I don't need that car in the morning. The kids is going on this, they don't drive that. We can get rid of that now. I don't need all these overheads. I don't need all these things. So I think, you know, as we were talking, I think you kind of chimed a little bit. We talked about shoes and bags and all that stuff.
And you pick your spots.
Yeah, And Larsa was saying that she is under her means, and she was asking me actually about Kim Zosiac and she asked me, had I talked to her and that kind of thing in which I have, And she was, you know, asking, you know, about spending, and we kind of talked about spending.
It's funny because I met Kim years ago, and I always liked her as a character, and I loved you guys together.
I remember a whole thing with you once it was me and Kim, and I think it was like a Bravo con type of thing. And when the audience SA cam just she had on all her stuff, you were really tripping out.
Wait why wait, wait do you mind?
I just remember you were lavy like that. They Kim, you know, comes in, Oh you.
Guys were close then, yes, from the show, and she came in and I was like fascinated by her.
Yeah, I always liked her and I always liked her as a character. And sometimes like two things can happen at the same time. I can like her, and I can say something about what the hell she and Kroy seemed to be doing, and then I feel like, oh, I hope she's not mad at me, even though I don't even know her. But I said, like, pay your bill, like pay your bills, like that's that's something I feel And not everybody can pay their bills, but I I feel like it enrages people if you're having challenges paying bills and then you're also really flaunting lucks goods, like it's the combination. It's not that I would ever criticize someone for not for getting into a jam or not being good at managing money, but they were so about the show of the Money, which is also Bravo and is also a little rich bitch.
But yes, some of those girls were saying lastly at the table, I think the shows make you feel, you know, like you you know what I mean, like you have to have a nice bag, and you have to have nice shoes, and you have to drive a nice car, and you know, you have to buy a nice house.
But that's why I'm saying it to you, and I'm digging it out of you because when you said rich bitch looking at an apartment in Florida, you did not mean your health. And you want people you wanted to appear rich, because that's.
What this is. No, I was in an argument with.
Someone, right, But don't you think that like this genre makes it that to this point of Kim, you want to you're keeping up with the people on the show, like you're not going to be like I said, Denise Richards walked out with no makeup on a balcony and people were wearing ball gowns.
Was the girl on the show that's that said all the one liners? That was my thing, you know, to say one liner. So, and I was in an argument with someone and I shot a one liner off and just to shove it up as of course, right, yeah, fair, And that's just what it was. It wasn't anything else. It didn't mean that I was rich, you know better then, yeah, better than anyone else I was. I was in an argument. And when you are in an argument with someone, especially like on these shows, I mean, you are shooting.
Them, right, No exactly, you're not killing Okay, so Kim, but she was off the show and still very much living that lifestyle. I think it maybe is an addiction. You just don't really the money doesn't seem real.
Well, some of us are very different now. The way Kim live and the way I live is just two different things. And also some girls, you know, have a bigger spending habit. I see girls that are wearing labels from head to toe all day, every day, every shoot that comes out, every bag, every dress, everywhere, and that stuff is expensive and at some point, I mean.
Or not even that's not even if it catches up, it's just is it necessary. I don't know. Do you do I give off I'm do I give off that I'm frugal at all to you? Or you think I just buy every single thing? No, you give me frugal, right, I've got a combo. Like, I've got a lot of insane collectible things. But everything I purchase has some investment level. Even if it's a house, I may be able to flip it, or if I go broke, I know that it's going to flip.
And I design it in a way.
I'm like, even if it's a car, I'm thinking about it's collectibility. If it's a bag, like I don't buy a bag in one of those brands that doesn't resell. I have to just know that it feels like it's a business investment.
Yeah, you feel you. I don't get the feeling from you that you're the girl that's always walking dripping in all of the designer pieces. Like myself. I have designer pieces, but I shop at all levels same.
And I don't care about that much because I feel like the dress I wore I bought years ago. It's been sitting in the closet adulce. I'm sure I bought it on sale, but like, I don't care if it's current right now, if it's tomorrow, if it's yes either.
I feel like you know, I was on fashion Police. We have these conversations all the time. So I think as a smart shopper and a girl who likes designer, you buy some of the pieces that are trending right now. But then you also go to the outlets. And there's some great outlets. I love them. Oh my god, they have great Gucci outless and pisacciatless and all these things. I go to one in Sawgrass, just right outside of Miami, and they have everything. And so you go and buy some of the stuff that was once in the major department stores. They have slashed it seventy five percent off and you mix it in with some of the current things. And so you do that, and you also buy timeless pieces, pieces that you can wear again and again and again. And you know, if you buy things that are very trendy, that's gonna go out season after season. So I like to try to buy things that you can wear again and again and again.
Well, I also, I think fashion has gotten really pretentious, and I think many of the house was they think head to toe and gsf's ABCDS that that's fashion. And to me, I mean, I've listened to what Tom Ford doesn't like when someone wears his look head to toe, like that they saw it on the runway, likely because it's not lacks creativity. You don't have your own personal style. And Anna Wintour, you know, has said that when someone has their own style, they're not dressing the way that they think she would want them to dress. And I think that Yet, many people that are known to be these fashion icons are people that someone is dressing. So they have a stylist who's dressing choosing it all for them. It doesn't how do we know that that's their personal style?
See, they don't have a stylust and I think that's the same. I feel like people who have stylists, they don't know their body type. I feel like if you know your body type, you don't need a stilist. Now you can use the stylus for big events like red carpet events or some major events. But I don't feel like you have to always. I know my style. I know my style better than any stylist. I think I had a size that just came in and just knew my style, that really got my body type and knew how I wanted to rocket. I'm sure there's some good stylists out.
There, no amazing and got.
One that to me, they just really got my style.
Well, it's funny that you say that. And also I don't borrow.
I buy.
I just I don't like i've my friend runs Oscar to Lorna.
They're always like, I never had the opportunity to borrow.
I borrowed only for the MTV Awards because it came so late, because I think it was really Andy Cohen's award that they were giving me that I went to accept because it's all who cares? So I borrowed last minute. But like he'll say to me, oh, if you want to borrow something, I don't know why. It's like I want to own, Like I'm not a test drive. I don't a test drive. A man, I want to know where.
I just never had the opportunity to borrow. You could definitely borrow stuff I've never induced you. If you want the opportunity, I'll introduce you. I purchased everything.
I like to purchase. I like to have it. So the things that the things that I think someone asked about, and I realized when I left people wanted to know what happened with Ryan Murphy. You guys were close and you did clee and then was he was the new normal too. He didn't. Yeah, yeah, So do you speak anymore? Did you speak after that? I feel like there was something about that that people wanted to know that I didn't ask you.
There was never anything. We've never had any issue, never anything.
People think that.
I've never knew anyone thought anything.
They do. A couple of people asked me they thought that, like you guys stopped speaking to each other. Oh, never, amazing.
We never had a conflict. We never had an issue. We never had an argument. We never even had a loud talking to each other. We never had anything. He only was you know, those were the two shows that I did, and he was the creator of those shows, and that was it.
But why don't you call him to see if you could act and one to go?
I don't think he even has the same phone.
Number, honestly, I can't. Even.
Last time I saw him he was getting his start on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, Okay, and he is his team or whoever emailed me to come to Las Angels to see him do it? And I did. And no, we've never had any issue at all.
All Right, Well, let's put that out into the universe. You and Ryan Murphy should work together again. Yeah, And then some people asked about the comment. I don't know if it was with Carlos King. You said you should have been his big as Kim Kardashian, who you said you knew. I didn't even know you knew.
I didn't know her. I feel like I should have been as if equal. So okay, so listen, the three biggest reality starts. This is my opinion, Okay, I would say would be and all of us rolled out around the same time. In fact, New York come out. No New York came out after Atlanta, no first okay.
So before or after Atlanta after it? So it was it was Orange County, New York, Atlanta, Jersey.
So I would think the biggest players were Kim Kardashian, myself, and you, okay. And out of the three of us, I am the black female. And I'm just speaking my mind right here, okay, because you know I don't use the sugar coat thing, and so I feel like, yes, I should have been just as big as Kim. I was on Kim Kardashian's game that she had when she first started. She had some kind of game that was out. I was one of the people on her game. Clearly, my pay wasn't what it should have been. I was at her baby shower with North when she had her her baby. I had all these things I was saying, and I was just saying all these one liners and stuff like that. And Kim even started using or selling one of the things that I was saying, which was bloop. She started selling that particular. She had these words or these emojis of herself at one point, many many, many many remember yeah and uh and and I was saying blue. Of course, I said blue was my thing. And then she made an emoji that said bloop. And I think people would pay for it or it was on our iOS phones and things like that. And I do feel like I should have been as big as Kim. I feel like she had a machine behind her pushing her. And as you stated, yeah, you were on New Normal, you were on Glee and all those things. It's a lot I could say about those things. I just won't say them here today because it's not going to be the platform for that. However, that is my feeling and I'm going to stick to it. It won't be changing.
Okay, you said what you said.
We're good and I said again, you said.
Brennan and I did that one. Yeah, I mean I said what I said.
Yes, I feel like that, And some people look at us and say things like, well, you had the same twenty four hours and three hundred and sixty five days that Kim had. Our situation was absolutely different. On the kardash In show, I personally feel like they the show opens up and that's all they do is talk about their brands and all these things that they have going on, my lipstick line, my you know whatever, my Wiste cinchures or whatever they're Then they're eating their salad and eating their sushi. And I think on the Housewives show, where we're on, I feel like it's not rolled out the same. Our things are done to bash your brand. So you come to the rollout of for instance, Kenya's hair product and the girls, they send the girls in there to talk about it. Oh, the product isn't good, or there's no shampoo in the bottle, it's only water in the bottle, and so the viewers are watching this, so it's not helping your brand.
No, Jill Zarren Ramona came in and trashed Kodak. Jill had that relationship but it was very bad. Well, couple of things. One is that's the whole family, and so they're all famous, and I feel like that all boats rise at the tide. They all push each other up, and it's kind of they're kind of too big to fail because there's so many. I also think they've got Chris the powerhouse running that show, and she's protecting that realm. And they self produce that show, so they're producing it themselves to promote. It's a show that wasn't even doing as well later on, but it didn't matter because you're promoting those products. And I'll tell you some inside tea is that my Skinny Girl's success the cocktail was before she always said she didn't drink. And the way that Skinny Girl started was a man reached out to me saying he reached out to my agent at the time, Brian, and said, I want to pay Kim Kardashian fifty thousand dollars to promote this product in the urban markets, is what he said. And Brian said to him, Kim Kardashian doesn't drink. Okay on the show. If you remember, there was one thing that used to talk about quicktrum, which also failed, And I want to talk about the fact that many people who are billionaires had many businesses that failed. You just discussed the games, like you got to kiss a lot of frogs to get to the prince. But so the guy, Brian calls back the guy and says, well, Kim Kardashian doesn't drink, but I have this girl who has this idea skinny Girl, so I do my big deal. Skinny Girl is a huge success. Then Kim took a million dollars from Thedori and promoted cocktails even though she doesn't drink, because she wanted to cash in after what happened with me. And after that, after my Skinny Girl deal, that's when all those brands started coming into the Kardashians because Brian was doing the deals. I mean, there's the guy who represented me, so but they were all produced to succeed. No one on the Kardashians is going to allow someone mocking the brand to error to your point.
For instance, I can use Charai for instance, she's been talking about she bought Charay for one hundred years. Every single event or fashion show she has it is just torn apart by all the cast members. So to me, it's like, you don't it's impossible to win, even me with any brand that I've ever had, or even me buying a brand new house. I bought a brand new house and they have all the casts to come over and see it. Then they all tear it apart and they have Kim to start calling me a roach or I got roaches in my house, and just all kinds of stuff like that. So I don't feel like it's the same. And I feel like, you know, the only machine that was behind me. I feel there was a machine to help the overall Housewives franchise that that was behind me, And that was the reason why I felt like I was on the New Normal or Glee or Broadway was to open up that door for Bravo once I was on Broadway. Do you see the rest of the Housewives going now after I was on Broadway? Because I opened that door and I was a great door opener.
Yeah, I get it, but we do. That's what Also, people say, this is how many years ago were on fifteen years ago, And people say, now, oh, but without them, you wouldn't be who you are today.
And I feel like if they were without each other, that's how I I don't know about without them, but with each other because they needed me as much as I needed them. I, by the way, I.
Feel the same way for similar reasons and some maybe even different. When I saw when I met Pi K, Dorrit's husband, with Kyle and Boyd. I don't know if boy George was there. I had dinner with Maurice, p K and Kyle at Cibriani, and p K said, I want Dorri to do it because I want her to have the kind of success you've had. I want her to do what you do. I don't think people like Eric Jane at the time, who was married to a wealthy, successful lawyer, were going on if people like me hadn't had that success. Every One a woman last night at the dinner, the woman who's not selling Sunset. She's like, I want to do what you did.
Listen, every girl in Atlanta wants to be on Atlanta Housewives because of me. And I'm going to tell you that just exactly how I feel. Yeah, they all feel like, oh my god. So if Nini was able to get all this notoriety, then maybe we can too.
So, yeah, you said what you said first of all to everyone. Nina and I had a great time, and I've been talking to her about doing something for so long. I think you're just you just are a great speaker. I just think you're wildly entertaining, as I've said, and so I thought I was in la. I wanted her to come to this dinner, that we should sit down and just talk and go over a bunch of things and work together, like I think, just our different perspectives is something we wanted to do. So this is the easiest vehicle, so here we are. So I appreciate you coming in, and I appreciate your telling