BetheNeNe: A Limited Series with Bethenny Frankel & NeNe Leakes - Part 2

Published Oct 21, 2023, 4:00 AM

Will and Jada are all over the news and with so many stories dropping daily, it's hard to know exactly what's going on.But Bethenny and NeNe have got it covered with all the facts and of course some very strong opinions!

All right, so let's talk about some stuff going on. Now, let's talk about I want, first of all, to everyone. N and I had a great time. And I've been talking to her about doing something for so long. I think you're just you just are a great speaker. I just think you're wildly entertaining, as I've said, And so I thought I was in la. I wanted her to come to this dinner, that we should sit down and just talk and go over a bunch of things and work together. Like I think, just our different perspectives is something we've wanted to do.

So this is the easiest vehicle. So here we are.

So I appreciate you coming in, and I appreciate your having me. So what do you think about the Jada Pinkett will Smith thing? Not just the thing, but she's coming out with that. She has a book now. She sent me the book, signed it to me. You know how you sort of know people in entertainment, but you don't really know them like they know of you.

They know you.

Yeah, kind of thing, definitely, So she sent me a book.

And I've been on Red Table Talk and I had a certain opinion. The night of the slap and the weeks after, and then now she's come out and she's speaking about it, saying that they've been separated, and she's recanting the night, and it's obviously.

A great way to push a book. So she's doing the tour.

What do you make of the original incident? And then all that's happening.

The original incident meaning the slap. Yes, you know, like everyone else, I was watching that night, and I was shocked, Probably like many people, I thought it was a skit or something at first, and then when everybody on his way back, everybody was looking like something happened, and you know, but in the beginning, I thought it was just a part of what they were doing. It was shocking. It felt like it was unlike his character to do something like that. But again, we did not know these people. We are watching them from the outside, so we don't know who they really are as people, and so I just I just it was shocking. We are judged a whole lot harder than you guys. That's what I'm saying, And that's just true. As in back to Kim Kardashian, I think she rolled out her name got bigger from a sex tape. When black girls have sex tape. They are crucified interesting and they are dragged like for Dear Life, and Kim was able to turn her sex tape and tape into money. Black girls don't that. That's just not the same. We don't think judge this. We get judged very differently.

Who's judging I mean the public.

I feel like the public, the public.

By and large, is it totally different standard?

Yeah it is. I just feel like we're hell to a different standard.

Yeah. I can't think of anybody who's gotten famous like that, or other people in Hollywood that have had sex tapes.

It's almost like, I mean, I'm sure in some cases, I'm sorry, I was just obot. It could almost be like a white woman is drunk and everybody thinks that it's you know, like she's drunk, get her in the car, and a black girl is drunk, and I feel like they're looking like, look at this food over here, drunk. Oh it's not cute, Yes it's yeah, It's just I don't know that it's cute. No. I just think we're just held to a different standard.


The sex tape, though, was an interesting discussion. That's funny, Okay, So I wouldn't have thought of that. I mean, I haven't thought of that. I'm trying to think of sex tapes.

Do you know a lot of them? I don't.

I don't.

I didn't see any. I didn't see Pamela. I maybe saw Pamela Tommy.

I don't know.

I always feel like I'm invading their privacy.

I haven't seen no, I have not.

I heard that Kim's was pretty good, though, I think really I think people like it. Yeah, well I've not seen it. You know, I don't usually like to watch stuff like that.

But Kim's no more defined by a sex tape than you are by the first day you said bloop, it was fifteen years ago. Don't you feel like people are still discussing who you were fifteen years ago today?

Do you think that they are?

Don't you think people still are?

I do think that people still say things from years ago, you know. I don't mean we're talking about New normally and Glee that was years ago. So I do think that people still kind of, you know, yeah, reflect back sometimes. Yeah, well we've all come so so far from ten fifteen years ago. We've come so far.

No, that's what I mean. If you said something fifteen years ago. It's being thrown up to you now the same way that people are saying that Kim's successful now because she had a sex tape. I think she's successful now because.

Yeah, yeah, Well no, I don't think that's what they say. I think they say that she launched her career off of the backs of a six.

They do.

But people now, I see in connstuse she's a businesswoman now.

Some but a lot of people, like snarky women, judgmental women, want to just make it like she wouldn't be where she was, same thing as Bravo. She wouldn't be where she was if she didn't have a sex tape, or say to me, you would be nowhere without Bravo.

It's fifteen years.

We've done a lot since then.

Yes, you know what I'm saying, you know, resting on just that one thing. Okay, So about the Jada and Will thing? Yes, what about now? What about her talking about it? What do you think about them being separated? What is your opinion of the whole topic.

So I haven't followed every single thing, and I want to say this, I am none biased. I don't know Jada, I don't know Will. I don't watch the I didn't watch the Red Table Talk or anything. So when I look at the clips that I see, and I'm only getting a little bit of what Jada's talking about. I've not read her book. I feel like watching social media, everybody is pitying her as a villain. And I when I hear the little things that she's saying, and I look at her and I think about her being a woman, and I'm a woman. It has nothing to do with color. We are women, right, we all feel the same. I look at her and I think she's right. And I'm not saying she's right because she's a woman. I'm saying I feel like Will did something to her years ago that changed their relationship, and she is like, I've been sitting here all these years. I covered for you. I didn't say anything, and I'm gonna say some now it's something he did. Now. People do not know Will. I feel like they love him as an actor, right, and so they're just basing all this offer. He's this great actor and I'm a fan of his and I can't see him right. I can't see him that way. And I thought about myself, and I was saying to a friend of mine, my husband Greg. Everybody loved Greg. Everybody, and it's no way possible I could sit in a room of people and say Greg cheated this number of times, he did this, or he did that. I think that people all would look and say, Nini is the villain, of course, and it was Nini's fault.

Of course.

They would never in a million years say it was Greg and she's a woman and he hurt her and da da I would be the villain. And I think that they're just making her the villain right now. And I think that he's done a lot of things. He's a big star, and I think he's done a lot of things, and it probably hurt her now, not probably, I'm sure it hurt her. And I think I think that people knew that they weren't together. I think it kind of looked like they weren't together.

First of all, First of all, I love what you just said about you and Greg, because also having been on reality television, you're the ones set up.

To be the clown.

Yes, you have a great day, Yay it went well, you look gorgeous, and then you look like shit. Everyone hates you. We talked about that he's not there for that, he's there to be. Oh yay, Greg's there like Maurice. Oh yeah, the supportive amazing, you know. And yes there were rumors about Maurice. That's a separate conversation. But you're still you're the crazy woman. Yes he's crazy, yeah, saying likewise.

And I would be the villain, and I'm the mean one, and it's my fault. Everything happened because it was me. No one in the world would even think for a second that Greg had done anything to me. And you know, the thing I used to say to people when I would talk about my husband, and my husband is a great man. He's not a perfect man, but he's a great man. And I would say to people that Greg is a man. I mean, do you think he is not a man and not doing some of the things that men do. Do you think he is just sitting over here meditating every day?

Because women, because people, people like to fantasize about other people's relationships, either that they're terrible or that they're perfect. And it's a very hard standing.

Yeah. And usually in a relationship, Anthony, one person is usually the villain. In the public, one person is the villain and the other person is, you know, probably the more nice and calmer person. I'm a little bit more outspoken. That is not to say that Greg is not. Greg is very outspoken. He just speaks out differently than I do. And so I'm always the you know, the bad guy, and.

Well, first of all, I want to get to the fact that it cannot be easy to Also, you're not bringing any of that up when your husband has cancer, because then people are going to think you're really the villain. If you like, you're allowed to have normal feelings, you're allowed to have not resentment.

But many people who have who are caring for.

Someone else, it gets exhausting, and you can't tell anybody because if you'll be another you'll be a layered villain. So you can't tell everybody. Well, guys, my relationship isn't perfect. You just have to be quiet. Yeah, so I want to get into that. But you remind me, Wait a second, you just reminded me something. You said that about the villain about oh, many men. I'm saying this really about men. Many men are super charming and sales many to other people on the outside, and then they have a really nasty streak at home. And I'm not saying it's Greg but I'm saying I've had that very where it's publicly everybody thinks that this person, Oh hey, Dan has your golf game, Oh hey, which super animated?

They have no idea that at home.

I'm saying, you know, a piece of shit.

To me, it's true. So in Jada, in Will's case, I just believe, and I think Will is not saying much because I think he knows, Like, yeah, Jada, it's right. I want to tell you too that they they've been separated, she said, I think for seven years, right, and he has his house and she has her house, but they divorce is not an option now. So I don't know why divorce is not an option money. I still don't care. Listen, my happiness is the option. So but they've kind of been divorced, is what they're saying. They made a business deal decision, So we're just divorced and we're just legally married. But you see other people, but you're not out publicly with other people, right, So that sounds like.

That, Oh no, I did together, Like you know what I mean, that's your ride or die, that's yours, that's your life partner.

But you do what you want.

I think one of the big conversations, and I still want to say what I think.

About it, about having that kind of relationship.

That's what I'm saying.

Okay, so as we get older, I feel like women, but it gets more non traditional as we get older, like you realize there are more options. I was with a group of twenty five women the other night at an event and they were all young girls, like, all between twenty five and like thirty two, let's say, And they all were saying how rough it is out there, and they were really fantasizing my relationships, like, oh, when are you gonna walk down thehill? You're planning the wedding, and it's not that I don't you've I think you've met Paul.

I love Paul.

I'm fifty two.

It's like we're to be planning a wedding and like the big Drea, it just feels strange. And also then there's signing a legal document to the point of what you're saying. But the twenty somethings are being marketed the fairy tale and they don't realize when you get older and you have a husband who may have stepped out, you have a husband who may have cancer, you're going through menopause. Like you've got your kid, You've got problems with your kid. I've got stuff I'm dealing with my like's not it's not like we're just being swept away into a fairytale and all we have to worry about is, honey, what am I gonna make you tonight? In my apron, it's like you get more modern and you kind of choose your own relationship and how to make it work for you, with travel, with work, with kids. It's just different, and the younger generation is still being marketed the bullshit of the fairytale. So I think, to your point, I think there's a lot that we don't know. Obviously, I like Jada. I think Jada not unlike a Megan Markle or years ago in Anne Hathaway. Sometimes when women are very evolved and they speak in a certain way, people find it to be a little pretentious. Like when Jada was on Kelly and Mark, she said Bill and I were in both in therapeutic spaces, and then she started talking about the work they were each doing.

We were doing deep work.

The average American who's just trying to get their kids to school and has no money for anything doesn't understand therapeutic space and deep work, like they don't have that's a luxury. So I think she sounds you know, and tabletalk was very about like we let's talk about our feelings, and they were very free, like it's just a therapy speech that I don't think America is digesting. And that's why I think, even though I agree with you, she becomes the villain. I think it's even layered because she's so emotionally intelligent and evolved and is sort of preaching this like you know, spiritual this like therapy to people. I just don't think it's hitting. It's not unrelatable.

It's definitely not hitting man, that's for sure, because they are dragging her, honey.

And I agree with you, and I agree with a lot of what she's saying. To be honest, she said, we walked into the oscars. I thought it was a bit.

She said.

We walked in and I was it's his date, and we walked out and I was his wife again because they were going to go through it together, like they became partners, and that wasn't the time to be like we've been separate. So I'm buying it. I just think it's the package it's in that's not landing.

Yeah, something about it isn't because she's getting dragged badly right now. Everybody feels it's her fault, and Will's not saying anything. He says his notifications.

Are off right, and I think everybody plays fifty they have to. Well, I don't know if everybody plays fifty percent. I don't know why I just said that, But they're both at the table, and there's a reason why he felt like he would go on Red Table Talk and be emasculated when she talked about They talked about her having an affair with another guy. They talked about it an open discussion at this table talk, and it was awkward.

Yeah, I remember when she did the table talking, they talked about her having an affair. They didn't talk about him having an affair.

Though, right, right, But he's sitting at the table like talk, hashing this out, and now he's.

Being punished for something.

As to your point, because right now he's got listen to her passion and rehash again with the promotion of the book.

Well, yeah, I agree, you know what I mean.

Yes, like Camille and Kelsey, you thought she's brand new on a show and she's married to Kelsey Grammar. He comes on the show, he looks like it's painful for him. You're wondering, is this like they made some sort of a deal and that's why he let her do the show and he agreed to go to the Emmys and then they broke up. Like there are all these dynamics that happen when you're watching the Man and you're like, he doesn't want.

To be there. Do you think Will has a girlfriend? Do you think is that it? Well, wait, when she talks about they're going through this therapeutic thing, I think she's saying that they're getting back together.

No, she's saying as like a family dynamic. And you've heard her kids on and her mother. Everybody speaks in this type of like very evolved spiritual you know, Eastern medicine type like space. You know, just my girlfriend. I don't say to my girlfriend's I'm doing some very deep work right now and I'm I'm in a therapeutic space. They'd be like, what the fuck are you talking about? And I do.

I do talk to a movie or something, right, I mean.

I talked to a therapist. When I'm like, we're doing Paul and I are doing some very deep work right now.

It's not relatable. I mean, you know, people are like, what do you mean I'm meeting Ramen. I can't afford, like, you.

Know, it's a very deep work.

Yes, it's just so.

I think that as a family dynamic for years, they've talked to people and they have this dynamic that is an arrangement that works for the whole group, and it's required therapy. And I do think in many cases there are other people in this Whole Housewives sphere that I think may stay together because the money. Divorces are very expensive and there are a lot of logistics, and.

I wouldn't ad I wouldn't.

I need to be the minute I know. I don't want to be somewhere. I don't want to be somewhere.

I cannot do it. I will take my wig off and slank it, Honey, I cannot do it.

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