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Cauliflower is absolutely the new kale. It's undeniable. Kale is now the caesar salad. Kale's famous. It's not the new star. It has a Hollywood star on the Walk of Fame, and it's in all it's it's it's by the way kales now in all see that they just take the limited caesar salad with chicken. They don't even say kale. It's just part of the salad. Now. Kale is part of that lettuce family. It's just like it lives and breeds and is like cohabitating with romane, which I applaud because romane doesn't have a ton of nutritional value. I love them together. Kale can be aggressive great, but so kale is off. You know, it's not psychotic where everything's about kale, but the it's psychotic about cauliflower. As famous as a vegetable can be, you can't. You can't think of a more famous vegetable. Brussels sprouts has taken a real back seat on menus. It's not Mushrooms are absolutely someone needs to revitalize mushroom's career. They're not as big as they were. Um a rugolas kale now too, it's just one of those, one of those greens. So somebody needs to make a new green famous. And I feel like there's room for vegetables. I feel like lima bean is really one of those ones, because the theme here is things that when you were a kid you were sad to have to eat. Brussels sprouts made kids cry, pease make kids cry. Colliflower way more than brussels, I mean, way more than broccoli made kids cry. So if you think about the kids crying vegetables, you could be onto something. And I feel like the only untapped kids crying vegetable is lima beans. So I think I'm gonna bring lamy beans back and don't walk around with me and copy me. I will come for you, okay. And it's not because sucotash is lima beans and corn um corn is very popucorn street corn is You're being salted by it all times, but it's still corn is not that popular over I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna make up things that aren't true. Corn has always been somewhat popular in the summer summer, and that street corn thing is the thing in Mexican restaurants, but it's not it's not famous like like cauliflower. Lima beans are only really used it with some succotash, which is like little peppers and carrots, and it's I don't like it. It's burpie. So I'm gonna look up ways to use lima beans. I feel like snow peas have had there's they're not like they weren't tortured for most kids. What are other torch beats? But beets are sort of popular. But beets are two beats. And pomegranates can never be cauliflower. I know the pomegranates are famous, and I know that they're like pomegranate juice is famous. Pomegranate as the little seed can never be as famous as Kim Kardashian and cauliflower because of the stain factor and beats beats upstairs on it makes some beats just it's just sad for them. Turnips I could bring to I can make turnips popular Lima beans and those are turn parsnips. I know they do parts of pure I'm not trying to trying to leaks. Egg Plant is a classic and it's it's it goes to parmesan. It doesn't need it's had its moment eg plants like Frank, like Frank Sinatra, like it's it's always gonna be very relevant. Um, I'd like to represent leaks, lima beans, turnips, parsnips, and green peppers. I'd like to represent them, not red Red's low hanging for it. Everyone knows, like that's fine. I'd like to represent those on popular vegetables. I thought of Okra, but I just thought like, let's not try to do things we can, like, let's not try to aim too high. Okay, I'm not going to discover Justin Bieber. I'm just trying to like make something about all those greens, those beat greens, colar greens. Okay, you'll remember, we'll write them down. I'd like to be the representative of loser vegetables and make them popular. So we're gonna think of some more loser vegetables. If you have any suggestions, I'm open and I'm going to start getting really serious about making loser or peas of is a vegetable. I I gotta I'm very busy. I'm very busy. I Um, I'm managing vegetables. So if you are, if you represent a vegetable, if you work for a farm, if you have a vegetable store, if you um or chef, if you just have some of your vegetarian if you're um interested in the representation and fame of vegetables like I am. I have a fascination with the fame of vegetables and grains and grains. Keima's as famous as it was for a minute, Kima was fucking bumping. Kima is still very famous. Please don't get upset with me. And Kima hasn't yet gotten its store on the Walk of a but it's it's earned it. Brown rice was famous for a while. I'll tell you one that has not been famous, and you might not even know about it. Millet. It looks like ques coust, but it's like a healthy yellow grain. It's called millet. Look it up and we'll see the benefits. Um spelt, which is the same as farrow, which is off on Italian menus. These are grains and they're very healthy. By the way, I'm trying to keep this all healthy because you could say polenta, but like I'm not, No, I don't need to make corn meal popular, but like farrow is very healthy. Um also bulger bulgar wheed is not popular at all. It's often in like that soup like barley I'd like to make. I'd like to work on the grains the popularity of those those grains too, So I think I can open my agency up to greens and grains condiments. So rache is fucking massive. Seaweed is through the goddamn ruth. I've been eating seaweed for years, seaweeds through the roots like I've been eating sewed like, but seaweed seaweeds salads, like different kinds of salad. Seeds are not popular. Only those little sheets that that grow with the salmon recipe made popular. But like seaweed as a whole as a category is not. There's combo, which is very healthy for you. Seaweed could be a whole thing for me. I could become such a huge seaweed manager. So rachet man is just like over it's it's already it's already peaked. What are other people using truffles? It's overexposed. So yeah, I'm opening up my vegetable my agency to vegetables, grains, condiments. Oh, non dairy milks are so famous and crazy and like non peanut butters are massive, huge, huge. The milk Macadamian milk. Cash you milk? Why is there no brazil nut milk? Let's make a brazil nut milk. Why is there no hazel nut milk? Maybe they're not like milk. May they don't like give off enough milk juice or something. But that's a big one. Dairy free cheese is through the fucking they have dairy free mozzarellaa. That's actually soft, like it's not like a garbage rubbage rubber thing. Like dairy free milks are huge, beyond beyond beyond. What about like do she is an assaibold breakfit? As I used, like a super berry? Right, it's like a like it's not a goji berry, but it's like a super berry cheese. Seeds have benefits. We've learned that. So should I be chia ng and flaxing and hemping or is it too much seed lifestyle? It's too much of a seed like like, let's try, right, let's start a whole thing where we start making weirdo non pot Let's be friends with the cool the non cool kids. As a bowls are famous, smoothie bulls are famous, which is different than an osa ble in what way I don't know. Grenola balls are big and famous. Boba is huge. I feel like Boba's a cousin of us a bowl. I don't know. I just want to get into two food trends. I'm obsessed with them. As you guys now have any food has been canceled. Milk has been canceled. Ladies and gentlemen. You you go somewhere and they say they don't have like a non dairy milk. Paul gets a little ornery. You don't have i'm a milk. I'm like, okay, Madonna, like if that was somebody had oat milk the other day, like we have oat milk. He's like, oh, I'm like they have all milk. Like, milk has been canceled. I apologize for your loss. Sorry for your lost milk. Um no milks, milks over and it's been canceled. Sorry, sorry for your loss. Spunt is canceled, milk is canceled. What foods are canceled? More soon? Milke has been canceled. So there are these it's cold, and there are these bugs that get into the house and they look like ladybugs. And my daughter and I keep talking about them as ladybugs and then people are telling me on social media they're not ladybugs. They have spots, they're red with spots, but there's some sort of beetle okay, and that they can be dangerous. I'm sure they're not really dangerous, but for a while in the fall I saw them so, and we keep thinking their ladybugs, which ladybugs. Everyone thinks they're cute ladybugs, like some version of a stuffed animal, because they make children's books about them. So what a ladybug? I guess must be part of a beetle. It's called I think it's part of the beetle family, but I don't actually know. I don't know if a beetle is a bug, or a bug is a beetle, or square is a rambus or ramas is a square. But I'm gonna assume that a ladybug is a beetle. If this other thing is a beetle, we have to look this up. Someone look this up. But why is that beetle bad and a ladybug is okay? Like are people putting leashes on the ladybug and making them home pets? And that that beetles bad? And then why is like a water bug okay, but a cock roach is not okay? Like why are certain bugs okay and others aren't? Like we're just like, yeah, ladybug, come on in, but if an ant or like some beetle comes in, You're like, get the funk out of here. I need to get an exterminator. So I just want to understand who's deciding about the bugs. I really do. I don't know why certain bugs are okay and certain ones aren't. But I mean, a fly seems filthy and dirty. A bumblebee, you know, is scary. But I think the bumblebees are the ones that don't sting, but like they're you know, in movies as cute little fuzzy bumblebee. Bumble bee, you're a cute little bumblebee. But no, you know, So I just want to understand why the fly is the villain. The bumblebee can be in a cute little kid's room. No one's putting like a fly in their kids baby nursery. But bumblebees are everywhere. Ladybugs are everywhere. Beetles no such thing, you know how deep I like to get on this show. So that's something else I'd like to discuss, you know. I talked about Kanye a lot. I haven't kept up at all with the Kanye Sheens lately. I have not. It's been days. I don't know what they're doing. I don't know if they're sold together. I think I saw, like just scrolling a picture of Kanye and his girlfriend, uh tongue kissing. I think she used to went out with Drake Drake before, which is amazing because like this is just a scripted series now, she went out with Drake, who I think is or was Kanye's nemesis, like public tweets or post back and forth about albums and and I guess Drake worked with Kanye and something, and I guess there wasn't credit given, or he went off and did it on his own, or I'm I'm mixing the story, so please do not quote me on the Kanye Drake thing. But the fact that she dated Drake before, it's just amazing. Why didn't Drake kind of try to make her relevant like Kanye did? I mean, but she this girl, work it girl. But with the stuff that comes out about Kanye every day and how he just decides how he wants to handle everything and just somehow keeps on winning, I think he should do live stream psychoanalysis therapy. I think. I mean, I would pay to have some world renowned, award winning psych psych psychoanalyst just go through with him where all of this comes from. So I just I'm lobbying for and I'll do it on here. I'm not a psychoanalysis, but I'd love to analyze him. I would like to live stream Kanye's therapy. I was away with Paul and Brynt and we were staying in this room that was really an actually really crappy room. It was marketed as a renovated room. It was absolutely it was absolutely terrible. And then you see the video come on with like that music on your television advertising the property that you're in. These gorgeous people with perfect skin, you know, their bodies like in a bathing suit, floating in a pool, going into the spa, sliding down the water slide with their families, just having the greatest old time, you know, eating that gorgeous big shrimp buffet and sitting at the restaurant having amazing bespoke cocktails with edible flowers coming out of it. And you look around in your room and you look at the people that are on the vacation you're on, and you're like, this is a commercial for a hotel that includes people that you will never see. Don't worry, You'll never see any of these people on this vacation, and we're going to show you a hotel room that you will actually never be staying in. So none of these people in this commercial nor the accommodations that they are experiencing are remotely similar to anything that you personally will be experiencing on your vacation ship. It's almost like they should market that to the outside world, so once you get in there, you forget what you saw and what actually got you to stay at this ship hole. So then when you get there, you're not disappointed when you're actually looking at the television at these people coming down a tube in the most beautiful aqua pool water, when in reality it's not quite the same. Is there are people like with kids with soggy diapers inside the same pool that you're in and in your room does not look anything like that room. So gotta love false vacation advertising. Can somebody tell me what the silica gel is in every product that you order? It's not a joke, I don't understand what are we supposed to do with it? What is it? What does it do? And why is it so prevalent? And who owns it? Who makes billions of dollars off the silica gel? And it's got such a generic packaging, the white little balls in there. I don't notice anyone on here know what that stuff does, that silica gel, those little balls. We ask about everything. We ask every ingredient, We ask everything everywhere we go. Everybody knows the weather all day, every minute of the day. How many followers they have? Everything? Does anybody fucking know what silica gel does? How many times a week do you see silica gel? And it's like, what could it possibly be doing? Is it maybe against like anthrax or something? Because it's what is it doing next to a curling arm that you own? It's not like it's you know what I mean, like if it went next to sheets and you thought it was like a cousin of a mothball, that it was sort of aerating it or make it keeping it fresh. Okay, But I mean it doesn't come with food, I don't think, But I mean silica gel comes with everything, and everyone just like you just look at it and you you put then you put it down, like, why why do you do that? With nothing else in your life? Do you not look at it and be like, what is that? It's crazy? Right? I have been really disciplined about my sleep. I've still been on my sort of cleanse detox in January. Not obsessive or any sort of one size fits all rule to it, but I've definitely been more conscious about being healthy and making my sleep a priority, but not just saying I want to get sleep, really trying to go to bed a similar time and putting my phone in another room. That's very activating, even if you're not on it, just having it in your room and then the second you wake up looking at it, I think it's good. It's just a sort of cleanse. It's a tech lens. And then you could probably go even earlier, maybe do it at like eight or seven or something. UM. So I've been trying to have more balance at work and even with my staff and with my phone. UM. And I have this app called Sleeptracker that goes under your bed and it's sort of you wake up and it tells you what went down with your sleep. So sometimes I'll do my lavender and I haven't. I always have a weighted blanket in UM. I like ritual. I feel like sleep is part of a ritual, and I like the ritual. But so the sleeve tracker will say to you in the morning, you wake up and you look at it. Sometimes you thought you slept, and it'll say slept like six hours. You thought you had a great night's sleep, and it'll tell you deep sleep, rem sleep, light sleep, whatever. So I'll wake up and it'll say you slept eight hours and twenty one minutes. And then I'll say that's eighty one of your sleep goal out of a hundred. And I'm like, what the how is it only eighty one out of a hundred sleeping eight and eight hours and twenty minutes, Like that's what's dead? Is dead? A P I just don't. I don't. I don't know how I can do better, but I've been trying trying to do better, and UM make sleep an absolute priority. And oh another thing, I always have my best ideas between sleep and wake in the morning. That's sort of hazy time. And someone once told me two breathe in through your nose and in and out through your nose, which is sort of is yoga is twenty five times before you go to bed and before you wake up, which is effectively like a meditation. And I definitely don't always do it, and even if you started and you don't get to it does sort of set the tone for the day and calm you down and relax and certainly at the end. And um, there's another one that you breathe in for you hold the breath that it gets seven or eight, it doesn't matter, and then you let it go. Take seven or eight to let it go, and that literally you will fall asleep. You can't do that more than five or six times. You won't even be able to count. You'll already be asleep. So I think these little changes. Um, I do a h an app like a meditation app. And I'll either do a sleep story with Brin where it's some you don't know. It could be like Matthew McConaughey telling some a Laddin story, or they just have a woman with a very soft tone or a man actually telling you like letting go into sleep. And now you know, it's like you're being hypnotized effectively, but it really works. So just makes sleep a priority. I just wanted to talk about sleep because it's been something I've been really focusing on and excited about. So um I've wanted to talk about family dynamics and evolving as we get older, um My, because I have a daughter now. You know, you always want to know where you came from. You always see on TV stories of kids who are adopted and they really want to find their birth parents. And so my daughter is just really curious about my mother. And they're so pure kids and you don't want to taint their spirit or get them involved in things that are too complicated. So I've talked to her a little bit about my relationship with my parents. My father passed away, so it's not something I have to discuss with her. I don't have to tell her that it wasn't always the greatest. But I have said to her before, my mom wasn't, you know, a traditional mother, and it wasn't always it wasn't the same experience she's had, and but I just wouldn't just like I would never say that about her father or anyone else. I don't say anything negative because you just don't know how that's going to affect a child, and her emotional health is very important to me, and there's just no reason for her to hear about unpleasant things. I just don't mean, my childhood was not a childhood and it was fairly taken away from me, but and I was an adult as a child. But I don't want that for her. And it's not that I want her to be totally innocent. I mean, she's got her own little attitude and her own intelligence, and she's my daughter, so she's definitely uh learned a bit or two just from being around me. But I like that innocence. But it's funny how life will just change family dynamics based on getting married, based on um, people getting sick, based on different events. And then you have a child who's asking you a question. And my daughter was asking about my mother and can we call your mama? And this has been going on for years. And I used to talk to therapists and say, um, you know, that's something I want to sort of keep in the drawer because I don't want to open it up. And my life is going fairly well and my daughter is so amazing and I don't want to kind of mess with the secret sauce of life right now, how happy she is and how great it is and so um, she's she in the past. You know, my mother and I share a birthday, and then it'll be Mother's Day and my daughter will say, we should call your mama. So we've called her and I've just said hi, brand daughter, Bryn would like to say hello to you, and you know, make it nice. And Bryan so so sweet and like so positive about it. And it's almost like she's in this movie and you know, my grandma, and she fantasizes about it, because kids fantasize about things in a different way. We become jaded as we're older, and they really want to be connected. And it makes her happy to feel like she's connected to a family beyond myself, even if I didn't have the ideal relationship. And I also feel like in some weird way, she's matchmaking me myself and my mother. Um, and it even can change relationships that you're in. Meaning in the past year, I've seen my mother twice. Once was just with Brian, last year ironically or symbolically around the new year, and this year again. And my daughter is so patient with her. And she has a walker and has health issues, and my daughter follows her to the bathroom and doesn't want to go swimming because we're in Florida, and wants to be with her and hold her hand and to art with her. You realize different things. My mother is an artist. I mean, she's an interior designer, but she's she's got an art background and brand. My daughter is an artist, so for them to connect on that in the patients. And my mother told my daughter that school work is art and to treat your schoolwork like and make it artistic meaning. And so my daughter makes her homework assignments. Uh, the way that she kind of organizes them is very artistic and by color and things like that, and she's been more motivated in school. And also, you know, it's not just grandparents, because everyone says that grandparents get to be different with the grandkids and they were with their own kids, which is true and I'm seeing that, but it's just a different relationship. And it's good for my daughter because the more people that love my daughter, the better. And whenever people get divorced and they don't like that there's a new spouse or girlfriend or something in their ex is life, I always think it's more people that love your kid. So it's a relationship. It's happening with my daughter. And while I don't need to be dead center in it because it's bring up a lot of stuff for me and it's not perfect for me. UM, it's also something I shared with Paul, and so he at least got to meet my mother and understands where I came from. For better or for worse. I mean, there are some negative things that happened during this dynamic in the last year that Paul really understands a lot more, and that's validation to like, now you understand why I'm a little bit like this, Um. But it's positive and I guess I'm just talking about the shifting of family dynamics that will surprise you, and also just not holding on where for years I've said I just wanted to be I would like I want people to be happy, whether it's my mother or my stepfather who you know. I've had situations I've I've I've lent family members money and then them accidentally text me as if I'm a basketball bookmaker minutes later with that exact money that I've lent. Like I've been I've seen it all. I mean, it's been documented on the show. I really haven't talked about it to the extent that it was. It's I've I've lived in a crazy, crazy movie. But the point is I want everyone to just be happy. You know, I am who I am because of the way that I grew up, for better or for worse. And you know, we all know that someone's going to get sick, and you have it. You have a situation. You haven't spoken to your parents, you haven't spoken a family member. They're gonna get sick, they're gonna be in the hospital, You're gonna go You're gonna feel guilty. That's the time that you're gonna try to say all the things you never said, or to make amends or whatever, and you know it's it's maybe too late. Try to keep things just sort of at bay. You don't have to Everything doesn't have to be perfect. Then it won't be the same Issues as you had as a kid will come up, but just put them in a different place, especially if you're an adult. Um because you know, I remember going to see my father when he was dying and they had like a nanny cam on him. He was in hospice and going into hospice, and I was in the other room talking to his friend, and then I went in to see my father, and his friend still could hear the cam, you know that, like you can hear the person and it's like a nanny camp. And my father was saying nasty things to me on his deathbed, like just being short and nasty and impatient. And my friend Louis was like, wow, everything, because he used to get your father. And I like, he doesn't treat me well and he never has, and he was like wow everything. Just it was so clear to me he felt bad for me. Not that I was looking for that. I'm just saying dynamics, and there are people that you'll come into. You could be the chairman of a multibillion dollar company and you'll have a dynamic with a parent that will go on for your entire life. It will be the same dynamic is when you were a kid and you're dealing with other people running industries and so in charge, and this person will make you sort of wilt like a flower. And you know what I mean. It's funny because I used to be like that with Martha Stewart. I mean, I'm a badass boss, but if I when I used to be around Martha Stewart. I went reverted back to as if she was a parent who I wasn't getting the love that I wanted. I kept going back and doing it in a different way. So you keep coming back trying to repeat the same behavior and expect different results. Um, but you know, shift with the dynamics is effectively what I'm saying, because things will change. And so if you hold someone says holding onto anger is like drinking poison and hoping the other person dies. So that's what I have to say about that. Let us know about your family dynamics. I would love to hear about it. Thank you, Remember to rate, review and subscribe and have a great day.