Just B Dating: Dating 101

Published Jun 26, 2024, 7:00 AM

Introducing Just B Dating. Whatever you want from dating, that's what you should have. Bethenny has been there, done that, and seen it all. You want real dating advice? Class is in session.

So I have been doing some posts on relationships dating. There's this thing where there's like I need a guy in finance six or five, trust Fun blue Eyes. That girl that amazing, she marketed it, she capitalized it. It's now songs everywhere. But I really thought about who that guy is, because whether good or bad, I've dated every guy, and my issue has never been capturing men. I have mad game, and I'm not saying that any sort of narcissistic or conceited manner. It's just a fact. And I don't know if it's my life of navigating situations or being emotionally intelligent, or inheriting it from my mother, because in my life, my problem has never been captured during men, intoxicating men, getting men. It's been wanting to be with the men, or choosing the right men, or not going with my gut. But I also have made so many mistakes, and truthfully, it's not that I don't even meet amazing men, because I do. And it's not that I don't meet amazing men that want to marry me and fall in love with me, because for the most part, I've never had a problem meeting men because I've usually been the least interested party. But I definitely have a lot of wisdom to share on dating because I don't have to want to be with the men. My biggest issue has been not wanting to be with the men. And believe me, I've been in therapy for years. But I don't get cheated on, I don't get left, I don't get broken up with. That's just not my area for whatever reason. So I am absolutely qualified to discuss dating, getting the guy, getting the good guy, not settling, not dating down all of it, I mean, without getting into any kind of detail. If I'm dating, my house becomes a florist, becomes the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens. So like it, don't like it, I don't really care. But people on social media are devouring my brief and spitting facts dating advice, So I thought, why don't I take it over here to you. You guys are loyal, You guys are dating at many different ages. You know, dating applies to someone fourteen to someone eighty five. I mean, there are many different layers to it. And I don't stutter or flinch when I think about how qualified I am to discuss what other people should do. Doesn't mean and by the way, I do take my own advice. Not everybody wants to be married, not everybody wants to be legally married. Not everybody wants to be in a relationship. And guess what society tells women in particular, They talk down as if you're getting a cookie or getting a trophy like everybody else, Like it's okay to be alone. They don't really mean that, because society also says is I'm married, and you should want to be married too. And the people who are more pushing the marriage product are the people that are miserable in their own marriages. Because I am not anti marriage. I think marriage and commitment and partnership are amazing. I'm not anti women stay at home moms. I think being stay at home mom is amazing. I'm here forgetting what you want and you being honest about what that is. If inside your body you want to be alone, it's okay to want to be alone. And sometimes you think you don't want to be alone and you want to be in a partnership because that's what everybody makes you think you are supposed to want. So you're always pushing for this thing you're supposed to want, somebody to complete you somebody to buy you things, somebody to support you. You want the dress you want, the wedding you want, the ring you want, the trappings you want, the experience you want, the attention you want, the honeymoon you want, the vacation you want, all these things you want. The doctor you want, the rich guy you want, the car you want to be taken care of. And it may not be which you actually want. And you have to find what you really want, and how do you do that? You must be capable of being alone. It is scary, It is haunting. It can be traumatic. When you're in a bad relationship, it seems like it might be better than being alone. Being alone sounds like doom and gloom, the big monster. Guess what being alone can be? Amazing? Is actually amazing, And you know what, being alone is the best way to be in a relationship because if you can be comfortable and love yourself and be happy for a significant period of time. I don't mean for a week after a breakup. I mean if you commit to being alone for six months. And that doesn't mean you're not dating, doesn't mean you're not sleeping with people, doesn't mean you're not meeting people, doesn't mean you don't want a life partner ultimately or think you do. It means you have to become happy, comfortable, and safe being alone. That's when everything will come to you. That's when all the opportunities will come. That's when you will be making decisions out of truth, not fear. Have to be capable of loving yourself and being a full enough, whole person to be alone, and that's when the guys, the men, the boys, the charmers, the flowers, the gifts, the opportunities will fly in. Another thing that needs to be dispelled. So by the way, it's okay to want to be alone for a period or forever. Another thing that needs to be dispelled is that looks have anything to do with capturing a man or a boy or a woman. Whether you're gay, straight, it doesn't matter or another. It is nothing to do with looks. I have sat at tables with multiple twenty seven year olds that are stunning. One is much better looking than the others. I mean people that could be my daughter. I mean people that literally are half my age, crying they can't meet somebody. They're no good guys, They've got extensions, they've got lashes, they've got made. Why they're focusing on the frosting. They're focusing on the frosting. They're not focusing on the cake. You know what the cake is? Who you are. I have had men that are used to banging hot models down in Miami, eating out of my hand, literally worshiping me, throwing money at me, wanting me, wanting me to commit to them, saying to me, you are the least vain person I've ever met in my life. They're shocked at themselves. They can't believe they're going out with someone my age that allows themselves to walk around in pajamas. Sometimes it doesn't give a shit. We'll say anything, do anything, be anything, because I'm comfortable in my own skin, shoes on my feet, eye bottom. I depend on me. So i am a full person. Yes I'm evolving. Yes I've got problems. Yes, my mother dying was a transformative experience. Yes, I've made horrendous, horrific, life altering mistakes in relationships. No I'm not perfect. Yes I'm flawed, but this is what this is. I am a fully put together dresser. I am not a piece of Ikea furniture. I come fully put together. No one needs to come in and pay for my dental work. No one needs to support me, no one needs to completely no one needs to define me, no one needs to put me back together. This is me and men are drawn to that because I am shocked too. At whatever age I've come out of being in a relationship, I am always like, what the fuck I'm thirty two, Holy shit, I'm thirty seven, I'm thirty five, I'm this no age, I'll be ninety single and men I'll be at my doorstep. Why Because I'm fun, I'm enjoyable. And women, you even read that book The Giving Tree, women are the taking tree, particularly divorced women that have kids. Somehow, they get some plastic surgery. They look hot, they work out at the gym. There's semi interesting. They think that men are just gonna like want to support them, support their kids, support their program, buy them new tits, get them dental work. What men don't want that. The one thing men don't want now is to have to fucking be supporting a female charity. They don't want the women become the taking tree. The older, they get them more entitled, they get thinking yes things. I tell you that you're the prize you are the price. I hope you're the prize. You know how to beat the prize. Have your own job, your own income, your own security. You come in not like a piece of Ikea furniture in the box. But women come with a bunch of fucking issues, luggage problems, bills, screws, pieces of wood. They want to walk in and think a man's gonna want to put them together. Why, that's a beating. That's a bunch of work. No, you come in and it freaks them out. It's almost like gaslighting. They don't even know what to do with it. They're in such shock by meeting this alien unicorn. Woman who can support themselves, is smart, can go head to head with them in any business conversation, and is confident and is the least interested party in the business deal. That's how to get a man. And I've had men that are so good looking you would die, like you would die the best looking man you've ever seen that, And it doesn't happen the first minute. The first minute, you're a basic pitch like every other basic bitch. But how do you Jedi mind trick them? How do you enter them into the mind control program? How do you show them that you are different. Well, you just are different. You're confident first, you're always no games, clear communication. The dumb dumbs of the world pretend that when you sleep with someone actually matters. You know when that matters, when you're a desperate, thirsty person who's panic stricken over when they're going to call you, you know, and it doesn't matter when you're in control of your own body. A. You may not like someone that much and you know you're not going to be with them. Then if you want to have a sexual encounter, fine, B. You've spent some time with the person. You've emotionally hooked them in so much that it wouldn't really matter. Or even after you sleep with them, you get the ball back by just being disinterested. If you are great in bed and great in person, they're gonna want to come back for more, and you can readjust you will have a better emotional experience if you don't sleep with someone earlier, because you're setting yourself up for success. It's better odds. But if a guy can feel that you're game playing and why you're not sleeping with them, then it doesn't even matter. You're a desperado. That's like read some dumb book about when not to sleep with someone that's equally as desperate and as much of a turn off. But that's not how you know. If you've had seven drinks and you're a drunk disaster and start to sleep with someone, yeah, then you're a mess who's on in control of your own life. But don't do that anyway. Two drinks maximum. It's like the opposite of a comedy club. Two drinks maximum. You're not in fucking first year of college pounding querrevo shots and I don't care how old you are. Keep yourself together, keep control of your wits, and be a grown ass woman. If you're going to go on a date and want to meet a grown ass man. Because water seeks its own level, you will reap what you sow.