“Apologize” with Maksim and Val Chmerkovskiy

Published Jun 19, 2023, 4:00 AM

RHONJ - Season 5, Episode 7 "When Joes Collide"

Who better to weigh in on the characters of RHONJ than a couple of celebrities AND brothers that grew up in the garden state! 

Val and Maks Chmerkovskiy certainly understand the dynamic when it comes to families and their feuds! There’s no dancing around their opinions when it comes to battles from the show. 

Find out what they have to say about Teresa, Melissa, Joe Giudice and much more!

We are heading back to Jersey. The ladies, well not all of them, head to Lake George for team building retreat. But it's going to take a lot more than a weekend to fix that. Teresa prepares to confront Jacqueline, Melissa is frustrated with Teresa's lies, and Kathy is watching this all from the sidelines, and years of hostility turned into a throwdown between the Joe's epic throwdown brothers and professional ballroom dancers Val and Max Schmerkovsky joined me to break down this episode. This is Real Housewives of New Jersey, Season five, episode seven, when Joe's collide. Let's get into it. How are you?

We're great? How are you?

Look at your hair? Why you got a thick head of hair? Brouh? I know, I see you dancing with your wife. If been like doing funny stuff with your with your son on TikTok? All right, so where are you guys?

We are in Napa, Napa. Well we are for the summer.

Yes, now I'm back and forth. I'm actually back in in Malbour with the fam for now because I'm t minus five days from mother of two.

Wow, that's so nice. Napa and Malibu that's fancy. Okay, that sounds really good. Yeah, but you're from Jersey because we're gonna mention it at all today because we're talking Jersey. So all right, So are you? And there's no right or wrong answer, because I don't watch most of this, to be honest, unless I'm doing this very important research. So are you fans of the households? Do you actively watch? Do you know who people are like overall? Not just Jersey but overall?

I think I think every Housewives is popular with like the few people that we know, I mean, I think we know a couple of people from every city. Also, it doesn't help we or it does. It helps that some of those people are always part of Dancing with the Stars personnel, so exactly.

Yeah, yeah, so dancer is no but we do cross paths and quite often so with many different housewives.

Well, who have you also doing media for different things? You're gonna run into a housewise?


Yeah, yeah, So have you ever danced with one?

I have not danced with one, but there's been one that I've always not always gravitated too, but you know, like for instance, Teresa was actually on the last season of Dancing with the Stars, and I got a chance to hang out with her for a little bit. The season before that, Kenya Moore from Real Housewives of Atlanta was on Dancing with the Stars. She's a wonderful woman, and we became kind of, you know, friends, so interesting.

Also, I danced with Denise Richards and she then became a house there you go, yeah, you know by association, have done at all?

She was a good housewife, right, okay, all right, so but what do you so do you watch Jenny as viewers or no, this is it you're dancing adjacent and no, okay, good, okay, but.

You can ask anyway, No, no, no, you know, we know the we know the the the the environment, you know, the the aforementioned episode about you know, the two Joe's when Joe's collide.

Right, all right, So as brothers, let's talk about your you both are married, and let's talk about honest drama between brothers with you guys, like how the wives genuinely affect your relationship and how to make it that they never do or do they like? What what is blood thicker than water? Honestly speaking, you know, we hope your wives don't watch this, But how does that dynamic work with wives and brothers and when and who's running the show and running the decisions like what Trump's what.

Well, first of all, our wives became uh, you know, and so their their blood is just as thicker, as as thick as our water. But as far as our relationship, you know, I think it's there has been quite a bit of growth amongst our marriages and our relationship in the process. Also, our wives are very familiar with one another. Thankfully, they have a good relationship with one another, so that makes things a little easier. But ultimately, the baseline is and and this was the baseline when we met. Uh, we love each other, We support each other. We even when we fight, you know, it's one of those things like you gotta let us fight, but nothing can be used against us in the court of any sort of debates later on moving forward, me, Yeah, yeah.

You're gonna fight and stay out of the fucking way.

Yeah, we're gonna fight, and you're gonna not stay out of the way.

But you just have to understand that.

You know, ultimately we'll make up, but I'll never forgive you about what you say about him in that moment.

Oh, that's the key point. Yes, that's a key point. That's a key point you're saying. You and Max will argue and you may say things you regret, and all bets are off with the two of you, but that same rules do not apply for anybody else that do not get involved in this in that way, and don't don't go on. Okay, I like that in a way.

In a way, Well, that's.

Like you could say something about your mother, but nobody else could.

Pretty much pretty much.

But but it's you know, I also don't want to downplay the influence that my relationship with my wife does have, you know, And and any disrespect towards her, even from someone that I love as dearly as my brother, will probably cause quite a bit of, you know, tension between him and I, because, like I said, my wife is a part of me now, and you know, it's somebody that I love dearly, and I want my brother, if he does respect me and love me, to kind of respect them love her as well.

Okay, So Max, and so there's effectively a code you're describing, just a code of honor across all dynamics. Max, what do you think about this? We're going to get into the actual specifics of the episode, which you will have an opinion on, But this is what the crux of the issue is. There are two just to give you background. Teresa was on The Housewives in the beginning, and I was on the first season of New York which was right after OC, so very very og. And then next came I forgot if it was Jersey or Atlanta, but really close to each other in coming out, and these were the ogs, the nanny leaks, the Teresa's and they really did pave the way for what came in the future, because if it wasn't good in the beginning, just like Dancing with the Stars, and it wasn't going to be good later, you know how that goes. The originals are are very very important. So Teresa was on and what I really believed to be the case and I is the case, is that Melissa was cast and Teresa wasn't informed of that. So later it's her show. Her dynamic, a family member, a sister in law that she might not have been close with. She might have maybe, but you know not e one loves their sister in law, their parents in law, but there's a code and a respect and it's like sort of all quiet on the Western Front. So now you bring in one of your family members is going to be on the show that by definition is for people to rip each other, and it's a zero sum game. Someone's always winning, someone's always losing. So now Melissa comes in, and it's set up a dynamic for years to come, over a decade to come, where Melissa felt blinds I mean, Teresa felt blindsided. And then there's this competition between these two women on the same show that are family by marriage. So that's how we're setting up this whole dynamic that still goes on to right now. It's even way worse now in twenty twenty three. So that's how it started. So Max, talk about this dynamic like you and Val you know, you're all on a reality show together now, and it's like, this is the sort of all bets are off and is it even worth it? Like would you ever want to go on a show like this with your family members, no matter what the number of money is, right?

I mean yeah, I mean it's a great opportunity. Why not? You know, it seems like it worked for Teresa. Why not it worked for Melissa? Also, there's a you know we're talking about ladies and reality TV in that format, and you're talking about Valini, you know, with all due respect across all fronts. We came in as professionals at dance onto a dance project, you know, so it's a little bit different. Yes, Having said that, I too kind of stepped into it from the ogs, you know, spot and then Vel comes in sometime later, and there was also like, you know, are they gonna is this going to be a competition? You know, watch and also kind of was looking forward to a lot of like, well, let's see what happens next.

And oh really that was a thing because I would think you'd be a little irritated he was coming in like just naturally a little bit.

Why if if we kind of like learned, not learned, we had a path where we'd celebrate each other at every step of the way. And and you know it sounds like, oh, come on, you guys, give me the juice, right, well, this is the juice. I mean. We really were focused on each other, on each other's successes as a family, celebration, pat each other on the back like those no hard feelings. We never compete each other. We never fought. Val and I literally never been physical with each.

Other, I think, and as your parents though, that's the all boats rose, all boats rise with the tide. That's your parents. You have a dance business, and that's something that's ingrained and you, I'm sure from your parents growing up, like they're saying like, don't go against the family, or whatever they're saying in your childhood, I'm saying in our family.

Was more like, you know, when we die, and we will die, there will be just the two of you, and you guys have to love each other only and you cannot argue and fight and all that stuck go for a bit, so like he took it a little far.

Again, I just think it also comes back to you know, what are the pillars that your relationship is built on?


Max and I built our friendship, relationship, brotherhood, whatever it is on a lot of hard work and a lot of turbulence, and a lot of sacrifice and a lot of really difficult, challenging times that we saw each other go through, we saw our parents go through. So for us to now have the spotlight on us, representing ourselves, representing our story, representing our family in front of millions of people, the last thing we want to do is to misrepresent us ourselves for the money, for the money, for the opportunity, for the clickbait, for the like the spicy headline.

I feel like we we didn't need to do all that obviously.

I'm sure we would have created better headlines, and headlines were created anyway, regardless of whether we were attention or not.

And it makes sense a family that's not from this country and given all these amazing opportunities and you want to handle yourself with grace and dignity.

Also point out that that's that immigrant mentality, is that when we come in, there was not a lot of us. It was just for you know, mom, Dad bowed me, and grandma. And I think it it kind of like, you know, it forges this this this feeling that we all have to contribute, and once we started doing that from day one, I think that it kind of still at the in the same kind of feeling today. You know, Val has's own family. He said, I have my own family. You know that we obviously go to for some you know, for most of things today, you know, including emotional right support. Yeah's shoulder. I want to, but we're going to need to figure out when he's available from being cried on the shoulder by his other people.

So you were a pack and now it's it's it's it's grown, but you're growing sort of like together as a bigger pack. And it's interesting because Teresa and Joe Gorga's parents like, you know, he's fully like Italian, like he speaks Italian. It's not like it's you know, many generations ago. And that was one of the big parts of the show that the father like now that he's passed away, that both parents have passed away, it's like a wild while it's it's wild because they're no longer getting along for the family events, for the christenings, which there was a physical argument at like they were beating the shit out of each I mean, they really have behaved poorly. I mean across any any by any stretch of any imagination and by any measurement. Teresa, Joe, Melissa and Joe have behaved horribly. Everyone like just everyone.

And that's what happens. That's what happens when the when the patriarch of the family passes away, right, And I had to have an example. It's not celebrity family, but extremely wealthy family that I met where the father wrote in the will between three kids, there's just like iron clad non opportunity to kind of split the business and all that stuff. We're talking billions of dollars yea. And what I've witnessed with my eyes is this friend of mine is an older person going through almost a debt of nasty divorce with the brothers don't speak, the sister that doesn't speak. That it's wild. Yeah, like a lot of parents over overachieved on trying to dig the kids together. I think when oh, it turns into like, well, what were they really together? What were they doing? You know your.

Favor Well, I think here, I with every fiber of my being, having been through the experience, really having institutional knowledge and seeing the men and the thirsty men, here's a different show where you have men that are thirsty for fame too like, and that's not always the case on Jersey. The men are often paid Atlanta as a situation, sometimes the kids are paid on Jersey, so they're cast members where it's not the same on New York. I believe that fame is the billion dollars here. I believe that Joe Gorga wants to and Melissa and Teresa and not Joe guduce a little. I don't think he gives a shit that much. He would never speak the way he does if he cared. I think the other three and the new guy that Teresa's with, Louis, I think they all want the fame and they see the light and they see the shiny objects so much that that seems to be the reason for all of this, this battle that never ends. And it's really really bad because their family and they hate each other. They don't go to each other's weddings. Like it's really I mean, Bravo wins, but Bravo's like the divorce lawyers that win. Like the two people are not winning. Their families are losing. It's terrible for the kids. It's bad.

I mean, I'm not gonna advertize, you know, competitives, but you know, Peter did sit me down and we are completely attached to some of the like again just pregnant and I have to do what you do much right. But I've been watching this uh what's the name Bonde pumps and it's just nonsense and it's based on that. It's just yes, Sol cheating scandal.

That's what I thought. It's a cheat. They cheated, Okay, but it's fain Yes.

They're not married, Yes, and girlfriend for long enough time.

Working at a bar, working at a bar on a reality show. I say the same thing every day. I say, I'm like, what's the big deal? The same thing Adam Levine and Supermodeled they cheated on each other. Okay, where's the news. Fucking Arnold Schwartzenegger had a baby with his nanny. Do you like any of these people on the show?

Do you?

And this is not a political, like a diplomatic question, I'm just asking. We're talking about the two jos. Do you have a sense of between Teresa and Melissa or Joe Gorga and Joe g u Dice, whose side you're on, who you're relating to, what you think of this conflict. You may not even understand, because I don't really understand it either.

I mean, I don't know extensively the history of the show. Again, I met Teresa just last season Dancing with the Stars. She was lovely, her family was lovely. I'm guessing the.

Joe her brother.

I don't know what the age difference is, but I mean, you could you could sense the kind of like little you know he's he's been a little road you know for a long time by by his sister, you know. And I think I think there there is an essence of like, you know, at the end of the day, I'm also a man and I have a wife and three kids, and you know you're not gonna little bro me on national television anymore.

Wow, that was really deep, val Well.

Because I'm a little bro you know, And I think I think, uh, you know, that's why I understand that essence too. Yeah, just because we're family doesn't mean that you, as a family now have the license to disrespect me and belittle me and make me feel like shit in front of.

Wow, that is very deep. I've never cant it.

Yeah, and so I think it's it's it's there is an essence of that as well.


Essence is the whole thing in the show. You can get a lot from just watching the one episode, believe it or not, because I go back and I got the whole picture. I like that. I did not think of that myself because like you're right Teresa saying, just grab some balls, like be my brother no matter what, Like unconditionally be my brother, no matter what's going on. With your wife and how I treated her based on her coming on the show. That's really really interesting. But this is an interesting thing too about crossing the line, and it is a woman. It's a man speaking to a woman. He called her scum.

And that right, I saw that. I saw that be the trigger. And I'm like, really, out of all the things that you've called each other, that is some like Jersey Italian shit. You know, they're like, no, not scumback, you do not call somebody a comor.

That's funny that you thought, like they've been so disgusting to each other, this is the one thing they've touched each other. Yeah, interesting, that's funny too.

Yeah, there's like, you know, there's certain lines you don't cross, and so yeah, I mean, yeah, I yet it was dad as devastating. Was that as devastating to Teresa and her marriage? Then you know her, you know, his older sister clowning him in front of his wife and probably going home to his wife with his wife, you know, having conversation, whereas like, you know, every man wants to be a good man to his woman. You know, obviously they want to be good brothers to their sisters, but they also want to be great men and protectors of their of their women, and so you know, I'm sure that also all played very much into this data.

Fascinating. Also, this is an interesting thing about this Max, Joe, gu Dice, and Teresa do not have a good relationship. It's becoming very clear on the show. And there's an episode actually in NAPA when Joe Gudce it had to be later calls refers to his own wife Teresa as a as a sea to the person he's obviously banging because it got caught on a hot mic, and you can tell they can't stand each other, and they too are doing this for the money, so they don't have a good relationship and the other and Joe and Melissa do. So there's a different dynamic too, in the way that like Joe Gorga is expecting his wife like happy wife, happy life, which you can relate to Max, You've a pregnant wife. And just overall and in the other situation, Teresa and Joe are just kind of like two survivors in this franchise, like working this whole system and Joe her brother is not falling in line.

I just feel like there's another aspect and again from someone who works in television and had this family television thing. And again, both of our wives come from the same show, so it's also very sort of housewife it's parallel.

Yeah, that's interesting, but I.

Just feel like I just feel like I first saw I agree one hundred percent with Val that you know, there's a there's a sibling situation. You know, he and I work it out, actually like not work it out, but our sibling situation was heightened by the fact that I was his coach since he was eight years old, and so we kind of dynamic. Our dynamic was a little different. And yes, to have a chat where it's like, you know, I'm not a younger brother, but I'm not your coach. You know we are we are you know, equal sort of like professionals. And I think that goes to show by by us being where we are today at NAPPA, putting out new projects and there arguably even you know, better projects, meaning that moving forward, we're not just something for the money and kind of repeating the same song. Yeah, So you know that's that's hard to uh, you know, that's hard to put together that type of relationship and navigating the parents and navigating the other parents and two wives and their separate situations. So I feel like I agree with like, you know, I think Joe Gorga and Melissa are in it for just this is our opportunity also are we are trying to put that sort of put forward. I do, however, to say this one more aspect this there's something about there's something about what you've done for a long time and you in a new situation. What I mean by that, Like they were on this reality TV show for so long, and Teresa and Joe are certain characters on that show, you know, Val and I and Peter. Peter is very fond of Teresa by meeting her outside of obviously her usual habitat right, And I feel.

Like, oh, Ken, you too, Yeah, exactly.

Most of those people coming out of that seem and feel and sound and want to kind of be and they welcome something new, right, and they become almost the persons that they want to be, you know, outside of that reality show where they look like shit shows.

Well, because that's the Hunger Games, and I say it all the time, and someone is always winning and someone's losing. So guess what it's why I like it's so funny we're talking about like not even the actual scenes of the show this time, and it's different. I like it. It's why I like Kristin Takman. She's a blonde, sweet housewif from New York. I like Tinsey. I like a lot of people. They're nice people. When I'm on the Hunger Games at them and some wh when I'm a war, someone's gonna get killed because like, get out of the way. You're boring. And I like you and i'd love you at a cocktail party when both were in Pink Tapaa eating you know, pigs in a blanket. But we're on the fucking game. We're on the field right now, so you got to get out of the way so we could do some real shit here and make some good television and like move the deal. So it's different. It's like, you know what I mean, You're on the dance floor, like we're gonna crush this shit because I'm a competitor. So that's why you said something about habitat but also dynamic. What you said that was interesting was the dynamic between the two of you. The dynamic used to be the Paris Hilton was the star and Kim Kardashian organized her closets. The dynamic was that Martha Stewart was this big boss that I was like, Oh my god, can I please work for you?

Oh, you fall back into a familiarity. It's like I'm forty three, my dad, my mom. Together, our dynamic is ridiculous, it's silly at times. It's you know, we're working through some things and also have a baby on the way. Vals got itself. So we went from like the super tight knit two brothers and two parents holding on to each other. I mean, Mike Peter was already I'm gonna say, like six and a half seven months pregnant. Val and I was still in the same apartment, you know, who were not even thinking of moving out.

It was like we had like step brothers. That movie or one of those movies you're like.

Stunt, don't, don't, don't touch the drum sets, don't.

Yeah, I think, uh, you know, there's a price to pay for everything. And obviously a conversation is very different when you're when there's a camera there, or.

There's more than just one.

You know, a one on one conversation is drastically different and and received very differently when there's when it's a one on one conversation with even one other person, there no.

Right, So hold on, we got to get into like some meet now now because this is like the most brilliant I could talk you guys, like therapist. I was not expecting this at all, dance therapists. Okay, so it's hysterical. This is the deep. This is really good. It's always deep, but this is even deeper, which is amazing. So what's interesting about this show now is that when I was there, it was like this, But now in twenty twenty three, everybody has to go to everything and it's so not real. And what's real about this episode is Caroline and her husband don't go to this retreat. They just do their own thing. And Jacqueline and Chris don't go, they just do their own thing. And producers, I understand both ways. One it's real, Like there was an episode where I was on this island with all of them and I was pregnant. I just didn't want to be there and I wasn't there, and it ended up being interesting that I wasn't there. Sometimes the person that's not there gets talked about and like it's good, But sometimes like in this case, you really need the other person there. So there's this conflict going on with Teresa and Jacqueline and her husband, and it's definitely distracting that Teresa's focusing more on a fight with someone who's not in the room where she's doing the team building than the people that she needs to do the team building with. Like she's distracting and avoiding and focusing on Jacqueline, this woman who's home with her husband and not her brother who she has no relationship with now. And I thought that was interesting, And it seemed like Teresa kept avoiding. Did you notice like at least Joe and Melissa were like, let's deal with this now we have this these babies team builders, and let's like work on the issue that we're pretending and faking to do in this weird workshop. And Teresa didn't want to like address the issue and like really taken head on. And her husband was totally not supportive. He thought this was all bullshit and negative. So I want to know what you thought about like the actual being there.

Yeah, I just thought that, you know, nothing gets resolved if all the parties don't have the desire to resolve it, you know, so for instance, like back to paralleling our relationship with Max, there's a real desire for us to really coexist, you know, there's a real desire for us to make sure that we're on a good page with one another first and then everything else. You don't see that desire between the people that go on this retreat. And I actually really appreciated the couples that or rather the couple that didn't show up. I really liked their segment. That felt real.

Oh Patterson Falls, which I wanted to ask if you guys have ever been there.

I've never been.

I don't look nice, right, I know that I don't know a lot of really nice things about Patterson. The things that I know about Patterson are shocking.

That was shocking to see a waterfowl jersey, Like the Jersey Commission was excited about that. Like that.


Okay, so you like their relationship.

Oh, let's yeah. I like the fact. And that's what I was going to say.

You know, probably even in our journey through Hollywood so far, there were a lot of choices that we didn't make that potentially could have elevated our careers.

But at what expense.

You know, it's the same thing as going after business or chasing money. You know, I understand the sacrifice that needs to be paid to attain a certain life, and I'm okay with not attaining that life if that sacrifice is not worth it to me. Right, same thing on reality TV or in Hollywood. I understand the price you paid to get a certain amount of followers or a certain amount of this, and I'm okay with not paying that price. I'm okay with paying a little bit for a little bit more than what I want. But again, it's a math game that I am in control of, and I don't have any you know, my having a healthy relationship with my family is worth a lot more to me than you know, like I said, an extra couple of million followers on my Instagram.

That's fascinating because Caroline, I spoke to you since the pandemic and she said they took a hit because they're in the catering entertainment business, I mean entertaining like hospitality. And I agree with you. And even though I am we're all doing very well and we have nice homes and cars and all that. You know, we have money, we can pay our bills. I choose to not go back to the housewives, even though it would be a the Patterson Falls waterfall of cash if I did. And I choose to say no more than I say yes for the same reason, and it's you do have to check in with yourself. And I guess that's why I bring that up here overall, because it looks like this show has really cost this family a relationship, unlike you too, and like people like the Kardashians, where I'm sure they're jealous, I'm sure they fight, I'm sure there are normal things that go on, but someone has mandated the code within their family, which is all boats rise with the tide, so everybody will stick together as a family and will fight about it inside and not publicly, not outside. Overall, they'll they'll throw a couple of fight crumbs for the audience, so we think they're real, but they're not real. They've got their own stuff going on behind the scenes. And these people have shredded their family, like the Hiltons, Kathy and Kyle, they've shredded the family.

Because they came in as someone this you talk about Kardashians talking about somebody born into the show, and you know, for the for the younger ones, they you know, they don't know any better. It's like she doesn't know not to have security. She doesn't know not to you know, what is it like to afford or not afford groceries and all that. So there's a different You're talking about someone who comes in and in the case of the Teresa and Joe and the parents, and I'm sure it's like, well, I don't know her history, but like first generation, second generation you know, American, maybe probably Grandpa is like you said.

No, she said, the parents, father, father, full speaking Italian the entire time Italy.

Like, they come in, they established themselves, they become someone, and now bang, this TV opportunity and what happened? You know, it exposed the crap out of them.

Yes, I understand. The batter wasn't layered in slowly like melted in.

It was like boom, Yeah, are you ready for a camera in your household? Are you ready for a camera in your relationship? Are you ready for a camera like col and I probably ready, Peter and I and Jena and Valve probably ready. You know, we're also not dumb about about what that opportunity comes with. We also know negatives about it. Val and I also not once or twice popped out. We were in the same scene as those celebrities that were falling out of the club drunk. You know, we were the same club. We were the same even drunk sometimes, but you know we had we carried ourselves with like there's certain things that are just not part of public knowledge or public you know. Any play it off was different too. It's like, yeah, if I go on Housewives, you open up and say here, I'm here accepting this, uh, you know, contractual agreement, and it says open your doors, and here we are again. In the case of us, we got lucky because we had the best of both worlds. We had the world where it's pull on reality representation of Max behind the scenes. Quickly, I realized that it's just a minute and.

A half, right, so I need to try to figure out how to put into that minute and a half, like you know, you know back and you know how like, let's make that TV, right, So I did subconsciously.

I wasn't trying to make.

TV, but I understand it's aside, I understand what you're saying.

It's you never got there by Hey, this is a sexy, hot guy who can probably say some nonsense, let's put them on the show. No, they say the chacha, and then it turns out that he doesn't understand.

I understand. Yeah, here's the thing that I think my advice I'm gonna give right now. My advice to Melissa, Joe, Teresa and Louis is they have to find a way to come together because the whole thing will be inspirational for families everywhere, and they could be a big success together that would be amazing and entertaining to watch. They have to find a way to realize that all boats rise at the time, they are fighting against themselves. They swimming against the tide. By doing this, they think it's interesting because the people that are winning, it's just like divorce Lawyers Bravo is winning. They are individually losing, and it's really it's it's it's brutal.

So they shot, you know, they shot an episode at our dance studio in New Jersey. But we remember them shooting an episode and him kind of making some you know, I mean they were having fun with a dance studio experience. I grew up in New York, New Jersey Brooklyn area, like I've been you know, like I know guys like that, we're exactly we grew up with guys like that. I'm not triggered by guys like that. I inderstand guys like that.

I got you. I grew up at the racetrack. I grew up at Aqueduct racetracks. So but here and here's in Queen's and here's the thing now, all of a sudden, So you're supposed to be on a reality show. It's supposed to reflect reality, right, So if someone wants to smoke a cigarette, they shouldn't be hiding it. From the smoke a cigarette, you're gonna get trolled the audience. But the problem is in twenty twenty three, you're supposed to be free and be honest and open. Then you are and you get trolled. So the truth of the matter is Joejiu Dice represents a man that is in that are thousands right now, not only in Jersey but all over the country. He was just being who he actually is because he's on a reality show. And it's funny that you say that. With him talking about passing gas, that's where I get a little nauseous and he makes me sick, like talking at a dinner table about that that was where I want to throw up because that's not my humor. Because I think that joeju Dice wild some parts of him are vile. He represents me man.

And that's what I wanted to say, is that it's not it's not my like I'm a dancer. I know the truth instinctively. I should be offended. I'm not offended because it's not my job to re educate him. As a matter of fact, I want him to be open and honest, and you'll.

Know what he said.

Yeah, yeah, I'll know where he stands.

You know, I'll be scared and go hide. That's what happened with voting. People were going into hidden boots because they would never say what they really felt, right and they have a discussion because they'd be both about it exactly.

And that's the other thing is like I don't want to bully somebody for having a misconstrued idea of what a man dancing is.

I want to cross paths.

With this man and change his opinion based on the experience that you'll have with me. But I don't have this like virtue signaling kind of like everybody needs to be perfect exactly.

No, I know I agree. I agree. And there's something about this show that is entirely imperfect, which is why we soon get to a full throwdown. They get into a physical fight. Now here's the other thing I'll say about this type of reality television when you're doing it, And I actually want to talk about rich Warkkeel because I think he's an underrated house husband. I think he's like the star, the guy, the one husband with the glasses. We'll get into him after, but yes.

I like it.

He has always been underrated to me. I've been like, I love him as a house husband. Even have her on.

She kind of has, he kind of has Jeff Goldblum vibes.

Yeah, there's something about him. It's interesting to look at. It's funny when he talks. He just makes a joke. He gets in enough, he's says enough.

He's a sophisticated yeah exactly.

And he's not He's not Italian. I think she's Italian and he's I forgot what he is. He might be like, I don't know if he's our Meanian, I forget, but he's not Italian. So I thought that was interesting because he seems italian Ish. So so, when you're doing this you're drinking. It feels like a great idea to drink instead of drinking water. It seems like a great idea. You feel dehydrated. It just feels like, let's have a drink, god something to do, and we're shooting and it all sounds good, and the cameras are there and it's bigger, and there's an element of it that it's just on steroids. It's performative. So I think, like whatever happened, and I'm not saying that these guys have never not thrown down in their lives in other situations, but with Teresa flipping a table another episode or this happening, the fight is just an escalation because you also know that the oh he's Lebanese American they told me. You also know that this audience is watching. It's performative. Let's have a we hate each other, and he said something disrespectful, fucking punch him in the face because I'm going to seem like that Jersey Italian bro that everyone wants me to be.

I think you I still think that it's not that honestly all honesty. I think that it's it's something of a novelty when you just signed on to a reality show. It's something of a novelty when you just got there and you're like, oh, to get your bearings. I think in the case of Teresa, I feel psychoanalytically, you know, just an amateur, you know psychoanalysis patterns. It just falls back into the pattern. It's like it's like family.

You know, you can you think this is what it was when they were kids, and it's just the same dynamic.

But as adults, you can work on yourself. You can go through therapy, you can have some specialists, you can you can really like do some psychedelics. I don't know how people get get through this, but you can be a new person, right and then walk into one family dinner and all of that shit will revert.

Back to totally. But that's punching each other in the face, right, So you and you think this could have happened at Thanksgiving and beating the shit out of each other. You think this could have happened Thanksgiving with no cameras.

I think it's I think it's their dynamic. I don't think you put on the show for cameras. I think cameras maybe like accentually things and they make things go a little bit more like because everybody's super aware and also everybody's on like walking on eggshells and one egg cracks and it's a hell all help.

Yes, but you add alcohol. Yes, I'm just saying that.

You don't forget that. I am, unfortunately an alarm of another TV project that is very that way kind of pushed that, The Bachelor. You know, and I know that.

Format why you were on the Bachelor.

Over friends. Come on, I was the first Bachelor in Ukraine when oh.

I don't think I did know that's oh so, and is it like a similar Wow? Okay, wow, okay, it's not similar.

I don't know anything about the Housewives.

No, I meant it's similar to the other Bachelor.

Yeah, well it's the same format. As a matter of fact that when we're filming, we had representatives from work, from one of the brothers or whoever owns the brand at that time and making sure that it's all the same thing there.

They were consulting, you know, to chime in. The only difference was, you know, you're placed in the same format and and and people are the same everywhere in the world. Yeah, same, you know, but culturally maybe because it was the first season they've ever done it.

It was still different, it was not. I mean.

My reference was about was about the psych psychiatrists that are present on set, the people whose job is to navigate this ship into the dramatic waters that it needs to be in. And unfortunately, I was the worst Bachelor that could have had because I had years of experience of reality TV show I've looked against. With Denise Richards, I've already seen, we've we've crossed paths. A lot of our producers, field producers, camera operators, they were from the Bachelor project as well. And I had one experience, as a matter of fact, with Denise Rich's season the way before the house, I had an experience for one of our field producers was actually a person from The Bachelor, and I went to the bathroom and came back Denise's in tears, hysteria, like what happened? We actually had a good rehearsal. This lady pushed her to do some stuff, to say some things, to answer some things, and I was like, oh my god, this is this is literally what it is. And then when I was on the Bachelor again, You've seen in a lot of production team who have had these meetings. What is this show is going to be about?

What is Oh yeah, there's always an agenda we haven't discussed. There's a family tree whiteboard where they want to push the issues and make sure you're in the van and you're talking about this issue. Yeah, exactly is what we're going to do, and exactly.

There's nothing you can do.

Sometimes I feel exactly wow, Okay, So what is your advice? They're navigating the reality show and they're a family. They're a family of brother of siblings with their spouses on this ship show and they're trying to make money and be famous, and it will run out, the fifteen minutes will die down. So what is your advice?

It's simple, It's simple. Uh, you go further together. I mean, this is not to promote friendship relationships. You know, you guys don't like each other and it move on, right, whatever we want to do. But if you are a family and you are trying to make it and this is the thing you're looking at, like, yo, let's do that. I'm here. I don't know, val have different opinion. You're going to be more successful together you all.

I'm saying, some is greater than its parts. Look at the Kardashians, the kar the Hilton and the Kardashians, the Kardashians.

Look at Schimerkovski's I'm dancing with the stars.

Look at them. No, but yeah, but I'm saying they have an entertainment empire.

It's not even that, it's just mathematics.

No, you're right, by the way, I'm sorry, retraction. Look at the Schmarkrovsky's because it's an immigrant family that is in this country that came into fame later and relevance, but also comes from more humble beginnings. It's more similar. It's a fact.

And mathematically, there was one of me, right, and then there was two of us, and out of the male representatives of dancing in television, we all all of a sudden became twenty percent of the whole thing. Then it became Jen and Pira in the stars in their own mind, we are now literally a third of all the dance.

I like it.

We're like the monarchies from back in the day. You know, we're just marrying into empires.

Like dance Empire. That should be the reality show. Can I produce it called dance Empire? Just of your family family? You know, I'm Gonna. I'd like to call it dance Empire. Actually, I'd like it to be I'd like to I'd like I'm writing this down. I swear to God can be.

The writing if you want. But I'm saying, like, listen, I think they need to come to Jesus moment or whatever they're into and Teresa and the her brother and Joe. It shouldn't be the fams first. It should be just the two of them figure this out first. So Teresa doesn't have a family with with with Joe Judice or whatever his name is, like, they're not together.

It's Teresa and Joe Gorgon need to work this out. And Melissa's gonna have to sit this one. This is our advice. Listen to us. Okay, this is our advice. Yes, it's going to be Teresa and Joe have to work this out, no matter what it takes. If you have to get into a room for for four days, go to retreat. I have a guy named Breck that could do it for them. So I have a guy. He's amazing. He's not about like touching feely, he's not about like your feelings when you were a kid and freud and what it meant that you. You know, your father was me and to you. He doesn't care about that. He cares but right now, and he would get in a room with them for four days, the two of them, just on a retreat, and they would come out and it would be different, and then Melissa and they could full than the other members of the family. I'm proposing this. I'm actually proposing this. I know the guy who could do it. And it's not like those two little babies that we're putting them in a circle, like a prairie circle to work the shit out. It's like a real guy who I'm.

Going to say right now that on the heels of all of this and correct me if I'm wrong. They're coming together and actually forming this unit and all of a sudden being that would be shockingly better television and draw arguably more at the moment than if they're just going to continue being this like predictable punch each other in the face.

I'm going to pay them to do it. I'm gonna pay. I'm going to pay to.

Pay out the dance thing situation we're just talking about.

Yeah, yeah, well she.

Got enough money for both, she'll produced.

Yeah, No, I want to pay them to do this with this guy because we had the idea together. I'll have you guys got I'm being serious. I want to pay. We'll do it on YouTube, something very low lift and easy that like we don't have to bulk up with six months of preparation. We're really going to pay them if.

They can be helped, anyone can be helped.

I love it. Okay, I'm getting off this call and we're gonna pay it. I'm gonna pay the I'm gonna figure this out. I'm gonna call Paul because we're producing my YouTube thing. Wait, this was a gem of a show. But you see, like it sounds like a stupid show when you tell someone, oh, we're breaking down housewives, but it's like in this way you know about dynamics, so it's difficult.

Well because yeah, because it's a human experience. Thank you, and uh yeah, we could learn from each other's experiences.

I feel like if I have when I have other family dynamic things. I'm gonna call you guys again because this is so good, and my producer shout out to them for thinking of you two. It's a Jersey, it's b siblings, it's three like family and like immigrant. It was a very good pairing for you guys for this episode. I'm really psyched. So all right, what do you guys each promoting? If you have anything you want to talk about, just because.

We're actually for that purpose, I know.

What do you do launching a wine?

We're waiting for you. No, we launched a show, a brand new stage production. Uh that VALAINI starting in. It's not a maxim Vale show. It's us starting in a wine tasting experience. You get a fly wine. We pair it with arms performance is illusion. We have this incredible cast of dances and this is basically a product that we're starting in that because we wanted to be staple made in that book. And then it's.

Going to go list and you can take it on the road and take it out of places.

It's a wine it's a wine tasting cabaret. We pair it up with local Napa Valley vineyards and wines. Every week we feature a new local wine and it's a fire show that everybody should come.

You should definitely consider doing it in the Hampton's because it's a wealthy community and there are a lot of wineries right on this other fork. So like where everybody is. It's twenty minutes away and people go do wine tasting. So it's like and they're wineries right here, like a block from my house, Wolfur and Channing, and it's like a very You have both a wealthy community looking for things to do, entertainment and obviously of the great you know, the great wine.

So you have a good for south of France after this snap experience. But we can help buy it.

We have a winery. Look up Chateau Rubine. They make my Forever Young wine, which got the highest rating ever in US ninety three for this rose. And the woman who owns it and thank you.

Definitely comes see the show because you're gonna want something I.

Would love to. But look up this vinyard. This woman who owns this winery, it's a family, Her family runs it. LVMH offered her a lot of money to buy it, and she turned it down because she's all about family and there's no amount of money to take away her family home. But it's We landed in a helicopter right on in the middle of the winery and it's the most beautiful place you've ever seen in your life. It looks like it's out of a movie. It's crazy so looking up Chateau Rubin as Valerie owns it.

Now by at the moment, it's just so gorgeous.

We've never been done amazing. All right, Well, congratulations, thank you guys, Thank you so much. This was amazing.

Beyond saver afterhours dot.

Com sayan after hours dot com. Okay, great, thank you so much. Congratulations and really wonderful, so excited, Thank you so much. That was extraordinary. Like I have to say, that was really wonderful. I was not expecting that. I thought it was so interesting and we weren't going scene by scene as we often do. I mean, the whole meat of the matter is really Teresa and Joe and Melissa. But these two are right, Valen Maas are right that it's about their conflict, and I want to I'm not. The problem is Bravo would never allow it, so I can't. I can't pay them to do it, but I would love to see them get together and like, really, the two of them just have to hash it out. I do have a guy for this,

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