FULL SHOW: We Fix Our Mariah Float Drama! But What Song Is It Now?!

Published Nov 21, 2024, 8:34 PM


  • What is the best shapes flavour? We debate!
  • Ben's embarrassing "strongman" attempt...
  • Is Dad Beers only for dads?
  • Megan and her hubby fight about Santa photos...
  • We can't believe a Hits member played Mariah!
  • A hilarious FAIL for a party trick! Jono was tearing up of laughter!

Facebook: The Hits Breakfast with Jono and Ben


With the John and Ben Podcast. Cheers to Delma making the world a Bitter Tea.

Welcome to the podcast on a Friday, heading into the weekend where we have to deal with some of the fallouts from the hits Sanda Parade Float. I would have thought something that was bringing joy to the masses could bring so much debate behind the scenes.

Yeah, well we've got to resolve on that on the podcast. You'll hear about that and producer Grace at the moment currently got to Migraine. Now, I just wanted to bring this up quickly. I've put her in touch with I've given her contact details an acupunchy person. I go and see it was like great stuff for migraines, but acupunchy can be And I was like, what have did you contact her? And she's like, no, she doesn't have a website. And I don't like calling people. You don't like do you do not like calling people?

Either? Like I will if I have to, Like, I would rather call someone than have someone call me, you know, like like yes, I'd rather be like rather than going to be done. One of the charge that person that's I can call people easier than I can take a phone call. Yeah, because I.

See to her.

I was just saying, oh, call for her, like, because I'm in a bit of a calling erar. But you're right, because I'm calling and I know why I'm calling them.

I can do that for you.

But even for Grace. From Grace's angle, you just need to go I'd like to make an appointment. Yeah, yeah, nine to thirty Tuesday. Yeah, that's the only conversation.

That needs to take.

Some people just find it like scary, what have we done to the Wilder?

Yeah, that's right. But nowadays it's hard to call people though. You go, we talked about this before. You go to a website, you're like we Sometimes you go to contact us and you're like this isn't.

Going to have a phone number or an address.

You're like, where do you reside?

And then you get out there and is that clear box?

And it's like see.

More than you get a little.

Bounce back email going thank you, we'll see you email, We'll get back to you within forty eight hours. You're like, oh great, right now I need something sorted. So yeah, that's that's that's the world.

We'll you know, a good one yesterday is they stuffed up my online grocery order that they didn't give me something.

So I was like, how do I deal with this? And I went to the order. You click on a thing and you talk to a box and then leave it with me.

And then I got an email saying it's all sorted. The money should go back into your bankyard.

I didn't have to talk to you.

Chatbot looked all the jet.

Yeah, DEALT with my issue.

No T what's the number that lot right? You're like, yeah, yourself something nice.

All of us are probably the most loyal and consistent employe that company's got, exactly, and we should be worried.

A podcast, and if you've got a party trick, you'll hear more on party tricks in the podcast. Let us know. We'd love to hear from here. Think into the weekend the Farmer's Santa Parade. It's the thirty third one this week No, it's not sorry, it's the ninety first one this weekend. That's here. I got that fact. So many great milestones and we're celebrating, well, we were going to be celebrating this weekend at the Farmer Santa Parades. Playing a song on the float, going around for a couple of hours until we found out that the song that the Hits have decided to play was our song that we're trying to avoid in the Christmas game, Mariah carries All I Want for Christmas.

Now, some are labeling at mismanagement, some are labing mellous behavior, emails back and forth.

I shan't enable it any of those things.

Basically got mad as all I'm going to say, woke culture. Someone's throwing that out there. Even I bought that hic away into it yesterday, which is making everyone new.

You know that our boss is on hold right now? Can you hear you?

Get hear us? I just love winding because I'm out of the game, so I don't have any skin in the game. I'm just loving the drama and the four days of wonderful radio continent with head out of this.

Our problem was not only does it eliminate us from the game, but eliminates anyone else that is playing the game. Now where the people actively eliminating people from the game.

It's fine if you opt into the center barade and you get eliminated elsewhere, but not by us.

You can't eliminate you.

Now, This is what even used there. We spoke to mend our boss going.

To the Center parade on Sunday and expecting not to hear right, Kerry is like someone fasting wandering into a buffet.

It's not going to beat well, it's ability.

We won't.

You're just putting the song on the float. Blows us all out, definitely again, as.

I say, it's just taken up an absolutely an ordinate amount of time.

We'll then fix it, demands of fixer.

There you go.

There's been there's been a mud slinging, espionage, trees and terrorism, you name it. It's adultery. It's all been part of this campaign, is it. None of that has really I'm just bringing up the drama and our boss, Matt joins us back twenty four hours later.

It's lovely to have you back on the show. Matt Anderson.

Oh, it's lovely to be back. I enjoy starting a Friday morning with claims of mismanagement.

I didn't say that, John, I said everything stirring the pot from the sidelines.

So we're talking about himself in the third person again.

Now, yesterday we heard that your calendar was going to be cleared and you were going to solve this issue we had pitched maybe playing a different song over to you met Anderson.

Yeah, so it's been a big twenty four hours. I mean you could probably call what has resulted in some kind of task force of trying.

To resolve wha what did you name the task force?

No, we didn't have time.

Bps on different because the problem also was the dancers had learned a routine to the song, and so changing that at the last minute puts them out, puts them out a step.

Yeah, so look, we've we've taken the feedback on board. As I said, it was a look, I still think you guys are walking into the lions in on Sundays.

But I didn't expect the Lion to be on the flow with us.

You know.

Anyway, again, the feedback has been duly noticed and for all of you to be able to sleep soundly for the next couple of nights. Yes, event on Sunday. I can confirm that there has been a late change to the songs version.

No, please, Dear God know I can.

I can promise you. Very early in the meeting, Ben's version was ruled out.

Thank you, Thank you from me, thank you from the person singing about Thank you from New Zealand. Thank you.

Yeah, so what song we go with so on Sundays.

I mean, the dancers are going to be working through the night for the next couple of days. Make sure that they can be and think, you guys are going to enjoy a good couple of hours of hearing Brutie Springsteen sing about a big guy coming to town.

Oh codiful version. Now, I just find it in there. That's a good song.

That's great, that's great. I'm happy with us. It's a great result. It's a great result from New Zealand. So thank you, Matt.

I just want to point out, Mariah Cares is one hundred and fifty beats for a minute. This is one hundred and forty seven.

Megan, just take the wed mates, take the mean the dancers are going to be a full night. It's another song of the dancers.

Geez, all right, Well, I was going to say, you don't want to know how much drama those three bpm.

Nowmed Anderson. Also, since we've got the boss on here, it would feel appropriate to play Bruce Springsteen Santa Claus is coming to town.

Well, you know what, it'll give the dancers an extra practice.

What I love at the start of the song is the banter between Bruce and the Bears You'll being good and there's even a huh. They haven't quite now the banter, but it's a great song. We'll hear it multiple times this weekend.

Listen. I'm going to into you in Kiwi Bank New Zealander of the Year and the best Manager category the Amed Anderson well done on closing this loop, as they say, and fixing the issue.

The hats that johonaan Ben podcast with us.

This morning as we hit into another weekend. And then you notice something on the sash that is blown up going viral as they say, from economists bred awesome friend of the show, yeah, and friend of us personally as well.

What do you want to borrow something from them? Pick you up from the airport or anything like that? Bread so I know you're an economist, cover a couple of bucks there.

Look, I'd probably rather rather not the economy at the moment.

Yeah. Firstly, before we get into the big issues, what you put on social media? How's the economy looking? Sweeping generalization for three words? In three words, how's the economy tough?

But looking up? Can I four?

Have you survived to twenty five. I hear a lot of that. Is that actually a good thing to be doing right now?

Yeah, look, it's pretty normal. I mean going across the country spending activity jobs and that they're not great at the moment. But of course interest rates are falling, so you know, give it six to nine months, a lot of households are going to refix onto lower mortgage rates. They'll have a bit more money. Things will look up probably from about mid next year. But still a lot of tough conditions out there for people.

Now you're combining my two loves economics and one and a half star food rating snacks because you've veered off into what is the favorite flavor of the arn it shapes and it's blowing up.

It did it? I mean it got huge. I've been talking to friends recently. Was out with some friends in Auckland a couple of weeks ago. We were going shopping. You know, you get to the snack aisle and there was a little bit of a friendship bust up over what we're going to put in the trolley. I was right, of course, my friend was wrong, or so I thought. And then about a week later I talked to another friend about you know shapes, just think it was a normal conversation. And again, you know, completely different views. And I thought, well, again, am I wrong? Or are my friends wrong?


I'd normally like to back myself, but I thought I should put it out to the people. So I did a poll on Instagram, and honestly a lot of different views there. I mean, what are all three of your favorites there?

Well, it's hard because there's the classics and these the new ones. So classics, I'm a cheese and bacon girl.

Why yeah, I see, I would have gone og barbecue, not the new healthy barbecue they tried to push on good.

I'm creepy chicken.

Can you be a creepy chicken?


You had to run two poles, brand I saw you run your first pole, and then you had to run like a side pole as well, because more pe people were annoyed that you didn't actually have their options.

Well, this is the thing. People get very very hot under the collar about their shape flavor, and so you're right. I put up that the first pole had, like you say, the ogs, barbecue, pizza, chicken, crimpy and cheese and bacon. And then I had a few people message and be like, have you tried Narcho cheese? You don't know what you're missing out on in life, And I said, oh, okay, So I put on another one that I think had cheddar the sort of like Visumite one Narcho cheese, and then I was like, no, actually, the OG's a best. And to be fair, that second pole it was for like five friends that I didn't really want to lose my entire friendship with. But I was like, I think you're wrong, and the poles sort of showed it because those OG's very very much what people were looking at. But the results did surprise, So the likes of Chicken Crimpy was the winner thirty four percent of people coming through, pizza at second, twenty six percent, cheese and bacon third at twenty one, and barbecue down at eighteen, which tells me that I was right, but only a very small number of my sins are also right with me. Because I'm a big barbecue sand barbee.

I wouldn't have been I would have switched that pole completely around. Yeah, barbecue and cheese and bacon.

And Anderson, our boss, said his kids in love with Chicken Crimpy. He feels like it's like eating jibb bolpi.

Is such a like a vanilla choice.

Can I check something out here? We did a wonderful campaign with n IT Shapes in the studio and they introduced a whole new flavor range. Now my new favorite. I still love barbecue, but then I bounced off into sweet chili.

So it's the fully loaded range and that is the sweet chili.

To die.

Have you tried that bread? You need to do a pole on their lit fully loaded range.

Yeah, well it's now on.

But I think the thing here, right is that the og is that they sort of just like you just eat them and you know, they just a good snack. I feel like a full loaded range, you know you need you need like or something listeners. It's sort of a bougier option, which is quite nice on a Saturday afternoon, you know, down with a drink out in the sun on the deck or something. So I'll consider it. I'll take it back to the polling machine. I didn't realize that my social media was now going to become sort of, you know, a bit of a sense check on the nation that's.

National news brand.

We appreciate the hits that johnaan Ben podcast.

I want to know the best flavor of shapes this morning. Yeah, I know this bigress us in the world right now, but this is the one we're going to solve first.

Yeah, okay, el one has a little bit more weight because it came from a respected economist.


This is just filler radio BANDA.

Can I just say we're gonna We're gonna go slightly rogue and everyone that gets on the air this morning, we'll go in the drawer for the Wicked Holiday to the Gold Coast thanks to the new movie Wicked. Because it's the final day to day it's given away with Maddie and PJ.

Okay, you're so favorite flavor. Now we've all divided being you're a chicken choose.

To being a basic be by Megan.

That is that you hit it on the head.

That is the ready salted flavor of But it's not ready solted.

It's got.

I will die.

But saying it's like it doesn't it does already sold it. I agree with you. It's bland and it needs something else, but not chicken crippy.

All the flavors are great. You just have your favorites.

I don't say it.

I judge someone who has chicken you like cheese and bacon, Cheese and bacon, even cheddar.

Cheese and Bacon's coming through. Definitely, Chicken Crimpy is coming through a lot of times as well.

Now Brad Olsen, the economist who we just spoke to, he launched this on his social media. Chicken Crimpy one and cheese and bacon second, and barbecue Chase, which I would have thought would have been putting in at number one, is waiting on the list number four or five.

Pizza was sick and too.

By the way, oh Peter, sorry, so eight hundred the hat slits open this up. The worst thing is you can't every time I open a packet, it shapes. You can't stop.

Worse than pringles.

Yeah, you can't stop.

Should be their catch, right.

And then you sit there in silence afterwards, and you're like, all right, time to get my life back on track.


And then you look at the serving size.

And it's late.

Dian, How are you?

I'm good?

Thank you?


Are you agreeing with the pole?

Diane? Should Chicken Crimpy be the king of the castle, the king of this one all food pyramid that is the shaped range.

Definitely, It's always been a favorite in the house.

Would you say, I would not say. It's a really salted of the shapes.

It's her favorites, but it's got flats.

Ready sold, has got no flav Do you have it with a dip?

You're gonna call Diana basic bee.

What dip do you put with shapes?

I don't know anything.

Exactly. It's really st Absolutely.

They say flavor you can see. I can't see the chicken flavor.


Let's get out em on morning chicken crimpy, your chicken creppy.

Hick no cheese and bacon.

On that one flavor you can see the bacon bits flavor you can see.

Do you demand to see the flavor?

Do you know that the claim right? They've got a live up to the claim. Sophia, what are you coming in with chicken crimps?

Definitely not.

It has to be cheese bacon coming through as well.

Everyone in the drawer for their working holiday too. That gets on the air. This morning barbecue was so popular.

I think they discontinued barbecue.

We were we were with them when they did that. They're like, hey, guys, we want to make a healthy a version of it. So they put their healthy one out in boy did they get some back lesh.

It was nasty.

People just had their favorites. They're like, where's my favorite one?

You know, so we'd post any video unrelated to shapes then, just because they were sponsoring a show on our Facebook, and all the comments would be likeleyttle barbecue had nothing to do with the very patient. They're all right, we'll bring it back. Justine morning, How are you? Justine?

Have I had?

Lisa? Sorry, Lisa, what do you want?


Lisa? It feels like cheese and bacon and chicken Crimpy.

Out there to get into.

This reminds me of you selection. I feel like cheese and bacon are running away with it.

You're like an independent party.

I think Crimpy would be Trump that you could labor chicken.

Crimp don't know. We had three a piece at the moment.

It's well, well, there's so many calls covering through Justine, Hi.

What are you voting for?

No, we're three a piece now, she's.

So competitive, your competitive, but like, we need to wrap this up for twe you've got the one, Megan.

There we go, just to wrap the heads that John and Ben podcast.

Today Morning heating into the weekends, which is pretty exciting as we.

Know, you just sound like you're swallowed gravel. Yeah, that's going on with this husky toe.

A little bit husky I. I hosted Louis thing for PlayStation last night. The Skytower was actually really cool, but it was non stop me talking in the rain for parts for you know, for about three or four hours, just me what.

Were you covering off?

Also, you just banter talking to people, you know, it was fun.

Is that why the Skytower is blue and white?

Yeah? They had this thing so basically like a like a well we said, we said, I see it for a strong man game, but it's a strong person game. It's twenty twenty four guys. Yeah, you know you go run strong you know, you go to a carnival and you'd have a hammer and you'd hit the little pad and then it would go the thing would go up and how hard you hit it was, how hard the thing would go up. Well, they managed to do one with a pad that would would basically show you how strong you were on the sky Tower. So we'd go all the way with these lasers. Amazing sort of technology. I don't know how they did it up on the Skytower. So people would had a pad and it would go up on right up the top. You could see it all around Auckland. It was actually really really cool thing the PlayStation did. So it was like three or four hours of doing that, which is great. I was chatting away to people and at the end it's probably about eleven thirty all wrapped up. It was a really fun night. But then I was like, all right, I see you guys laid up a bit of go, you know, because we've got a nearly start. And they were like, you haven't had a go and I was like, oh, thank you. I mean, it's so lovely that they wanted me to have a go because it's one night only. And I was like, oh, that's okay. And they were like, hey, you need to have a go. I was like, okay, you know, I have a go. It's a few people around.

I needed to go.

It was so lovely and I mean, you know the people. So one hundred was the maximum score. And there were some people one legend with and didn't happen very often. One legend with one he had a broken arm. This guy he must have been made twenty years old. He had broken arm. So he just did it one handed and he got a hundred. That was only probably a handful of people over three or four hours that got a hundred. I was like, oh my god, so big dudes getting weren't getting a hundred. But he got a hundred and that was impressive that. I was like, Wow, to be honest, look at me. I'm not going to go that great, but I'll give it a go. He got yes, I had to go, and I got like thirty something and I was like okay, and everybone's like, hey, you know, can I go now? And then the guy who had organized it was a hang on a second, hang on a second, and he got laptop out and he was doing some stuff. He's just wait there. He turned and he was like, have another goid, have another go bin And I was like oh, and I was like, what have you done? If you put it on easy mode? And he sort of gave me a little wink and a little nod like so he changed it from everyone was doing so yeah. I was like, okay, here we go. All right, this will be my moment. Stepped up sixty two and he was like, oh that was easy mode, card, I don't do anymore for you like that. I was following it up there myself and I'm like, you know, the biggest hat that I've ever done. I'm like, well, well there you.

Go, guys.

That was on Easy Boy.

You should have got My mouth's tired.

I've done a lot of talking. Yeah, so yeah, me, I'm not strength. It's not my forte. My voice not my forte. I get nervous around you know. You go the okay, they've got the punching bags. Oh yeah.

I never like doing those, Yeah, because you feel like you're on display, because someone's lining up for you. Really go in public with that performance.

Anyone can see if you put on a lot of effort and it doesn't.

It doesn't quite work, and you don't want to put on too much effer ye the same time you do cool fine line.

Someone was saying for that one. The punching bag is about the angle of where you hit it and how it hits up or something. There's some sort of technique behind it, but I.

Won't ever know, because I'm never going to put myself in their position, and I probably will and probably do very badly. You didn't even at the just dangling there.

It came back and happened. The face knocked him out it was weird, like one tonsils Johnoan Ben podcast to your friend of mine. I caught up with him the other day and he was like, am I okay to feel a bit annoyed by the situation, just a little bit. He he's got like a work, he's got really good friends with so many works with him. For like two years. He'd been talking to him a lot about these group of dads that's a really cool thing. They meet up like once a month and they have dad beers, So all the dads get together, and he was never allowed to go because he's not a dad. He's like, okay, that's fine, but hear about the dad beers and we're going, you know. And now he's had a kid, and he's got a kid and he gets to go along to the dead bees. He's like, great, I've been waiting two years for this.

So when he's you know, if he did come without a child, is it can he allowed just beers without the word.

They were like, no, it's dad beers. This is what we do, the Dad's group of dads catching You won't understand. Yeah, And so he'd be like hearing about this thing. Finally had a cared after two years. Hearing about it, He's like, great, not the reason he had a kid, but one of the bet good motivation he can get to go with Dad beers. And then he was like another guy brought along another guy they say his name is Mike. I don't know his name. So they brought it on Mike the other day and he's like, oh, so, how old are your kids? And Mike's like, oh, I don't have any kids. And then he was like, well hang on. And then I was like, well, Mike's a good guy like Mike's.

He just wanted me.

Absolutely, he's allowed to be paid.

Because he said to the other dance He's like, hey, Mike doesn't have any kids, and they're like, yeah, we know, but he's a he's a charismatic fucking guy about the dead. Yeah, he was every right to be annoyed.

But two years and this is the reason they gave him.

That's what I thought too.

I had to find a partner and I had to convince them that I wanted to make a baby a big play just for Dad bees right, and I know the rules of play.

To him, I thought, as well, I agree with you, But he asked me and I was like yeah, I feel like in this situation he's like, but to be honest, Michael or whoever his name is, Mike is a great.

Great hess.

You feel like a jerk trying to check Mike.

You can't come to the dead. We love Mike, so you're probably right.

It's probably just going to be is now thes that John and Ben podcast.

We're doing our Sander picture this weekend, the famous Smith and Cowey's which they're not doing.

They think this is the last one.

This is the last one. That's pretty awesome actually if.

You get the whole grotto and stuff.

But they have kind of seen this is the last one, and it's fully booked out and it has been for agents.

You might get one or two spaces, but I booked this. I literally think months ago.

Can I ask what a grotto is? Because how can we have Santa's grotto? And also the Playboy.

Grotto doesn't sound grotto.

I don't know what the definition? Two very different into the stream. You go up into like a winter wonderland and you walk through this whole.

Area and it's artificial cave.

Okay, exactly what it is. There's a winter wonderland.

There's like a forest, of trees and then you go and meet Santa. And we've done it every year since my son was born.

So I think this is our four lovely wonderful tradition.

Yeah, and they do it.

It is a magical wonderland, isn't it when you meet Santa, even going to the moor. I saw people at the moor yesterday getting this and the kids love it.


But we I do a lot of I've got a lot of Christmas traditions, and as the kids are getting like now I've got two kids and they're getting older, the traditions are becoming hard because it's just more Admond.

But one thing we've done, you're going to cringe every time we get to see.

It because you're like the Santa phoo, are you going to crunch it? But like we're so far not crunching, enjoying it.

We've done it all of us.

We're matching outfits.

I know him and outfits. Yeah, my family would cringe, but I'd be like, come on, guys.

Just so I was like, oh, it's tomorrow and we haven't figured out our outfits, and I'm like, okay, what are we going to do?

Going all out? We talking like Peter Alexander pajamas and things like that.

No, we'll probably just go with the color thing. So we're all were the same.

You could go push it further. I'm saying, he pushes novel from Once with a Christmas tree outfits mix the center. That's with the cos I got my phono and my family just like you just get the photo brown a Christmas tree. I tend to be fair. I did until I got there. I put it on, but then I was like, can I get one? And my family's like, you're on your own, but me and Santa got one, and then I got a family photo without the Christmas.

Tree on Santa's face couldn't get any red.

Sorry, but yeah, so that's the beanchmark mean.

Okay, so yeah, it's not quite as bad as that message. Her husband is like, oh, do you think we have to I'm like absolutely.

He doesn't want to go match.

It's just like it's a lot of eminence tomorrow, like, well, youn just wear whatever. I'm like, no, no, we're going like white or like blue or like one year we did denim.

We all.

It's fine, and the split stick into the photo. You get the funny photo. But then you gotta get the car.

It's funny.

I'm sorry.

She's not trying to make you funny, not like me, I know.

And then your kid doesn't want to wear it. You're like holding them down trying.

To do this year's theme. It's like the MiG Gala Christmas.

Was it double the hits that Jonaan Ben podcast.

He now the song Mariah Carey that we're trying to avoid. You guys are playing as well. Some of you are out of the game. Some of you are still in the game. When you hear all I Want for Christmas, you're out of our Christmas game. There was high drama about the Santa Parade float. It was going to be our song for two hours. We've now got a resolution.

On that, Yeah we do. We spoke to Matt our boss just an hour ago and he's agreed to change the song on the float. There was a bit of a hesitation because the dancing community had learnt their routine, their steps to All I Want for Christmas, and they've figured out that the dancers can stay away for forty eight hours and learn a new dance to this song.

We'll switch that out.

That problem, so one problem.

Solved, but another problem has read its ugly Christmas head yesterday on the Hits station.

Now the wonderful Haley Bath hosts the day show here on the Hits and in a moment of madness, that's all I can describe it, a moment of madness. She was talking about Mariah Kerry Rescue to begin with, and we had publicly stated multiple times, this is your safe space.

That's safe space.

You're right, sweeping generalization of all shows. This is as a station, a safe place.

So she's done some wonderful research with thorough research into the annual sales figures and the revenue figures for that Mariah receives from that song. Okay, so this is Hailey Yesterday. That's fine. Great, I'm out of the game. I've I've got no concerns, but there has been censored for you and those who are still in the game. Have a listen. We have got this one. Then she starts playing the song, relaying the amazing statistics around the song, how much you know, streams against how much revenue pulls and Mariah and Haley here to explain all. Welcome. Haley.

I was hoping my phone line would cut out and then you screw up the phones again.

Not on this case, Hailey. I am on fire today with Sabrina Carbon and Batsam's in fact, the phone's nothing's gone wrong.

I'm thinking I've got fifty fifty chances and not even going up to my mistake here.


Yeah, we could have easily hung up on you, but you're on here. What do you want to say? A brain fade.

In my discinience, I'd had about three hours sleep and it's really hard to fill a six hour content show by myself.

You are right, Yeah, so you've been there before.

Do you you know about it though, because you've been talking about it on your show.

Yeah, So one heaven is that I had a brain fat and I was talking about it. Has she makes five million dollars just for royalties every Christmas, and I paid a slipper and then I realized.

Straight up and it was too late. And then the bad thing is a listener takes it and she's like, the heads are supposed to be a safe okay.

A safe space, a safe haven.

Yeah, and I've been trying to like pardon people on the text machine like royalty thing.

It's just Mariah herself can pardon from the Christmas game. I thank you.

Even people in the office like we're all growing. Oh we're out now.

Of the premier pay.

It was.

I hadn't hung up on anyone Emotions manager.

She's out now.

Yeah, I'm just I'm waiting for the email. I'm waiting for the ex to fall on my head. I'm like, that's my whole broadcasting career. It wasn't even great to start with.

I know you're great, but that's the scandal. That's the scandal that could end your career.

I think there was a it was a perfect break, Hailey.

Other than right, I feel like Buddy did he's lawyer. At the moment, we're sweeping away one scandal. Another one is it's ugly.

The hits that John and Ben podcastial season upon us right now. A lot of functions happening around the country, work functions, things to do with school friends, all that sort of stuff.

That's a reallyless schedule, isn't it leading into the twenty first of December? Just every weekend jam packed with stuff? Why why don't we make this period, Why do we make this halfway through November to the twentieth of December so stressful for us?

Yeah? We put it on ourselves.

We could turn this into a completely time and then we just put on the New zealand puts on its out of office for the entire month of December.

Jen, don't we this is this business? Is the price we pay for that office?

Yeah, maybe the world will get back to your early fib.

I know it's like January is all right off anyway, the rest of we'll still move into a one hundred America.

A couple of days off. They love Chris Christmas hard. They have a couple of days off there right back to it. Guys, We're like, no, you want to worry for let's you gotta wait till February. You know what, My wheels have full of god buck card. Don't care mat cat fib Maybe each we'll just see on the sunlight sun last. But I was at a function a couple of nights ago and I witnessed someone and they had a pack of car cards and they I came in late and I was like, Oh, what's going on over there? But there was a guy standing there and people crowding around, and he was doing a magic trick with a pack of cards, and it was a great trick. I came into that. I missed the start of it, came into the end, but everyone was hooping and hollering and they were like, there's a great and I was like, oh, he was the life of the party, won the room oment this end and I was like I in that moment, I was like, I don't have a Everyone talks about a party trick. I don't have a party trick. I don't have anything. If someone went to me, what's your party trick, I don't have one.

What do you do you I like to bring out. It's not it's not a pack of cards or anything, but like when we are out we get cocktails or whatever, you do, you get the cherry stalk.

That's right.

Yeah, I like to do that at the table. I'm like, hey, gazz and I can tie the cherry store with my tongue.

There isn't a phenomenon.

It's actually really good. You put the whole cherry in, obviously, with the stalk tied up into a little knot.


Every morning we walk in and Megan my shoelaces again, he's down there tying up my shoelaces. It's an amazing track.

It's actually quite a good track, but I could only work in some seasons. I mean, cheeries are hard to get.

We're coming into cheery scene.

Yeah, you could do that track.

So maybe you got actually a whole of January and Febry as you can put that trick on display for the whole in New Zealand.

We're not doing anything else. But yeah, there was people. You know, there's always someone that can do something like an impression or a voice or or like some sort of party trick and a party scene. You're like back people that could do backflips.

That's that's risky though, like as soon as his bv's involved, like, don't do one, now.

Can you do anything?

No? No, I had a friend who used to put fireworks in between his butt cheeks and he produced really produced a dead Oh no, I didn't go to school with producer Ali's dead.

Fireworks. That reminded me of come on here, as.

He put a sky rocket in there once and ended up burns. Not recommend. He came back the following year just put a sparkler in the which is a little bit it's still not recommended.

Now that your dad, what's his name, His name is Grant Old Granty. I grew up witnessing this as a young child, so I might explain why I'm the way.

It doesn't actually explain a lot. Never happened in my household, that's for sure.

No, Yeah, he'd definitely get down on the Florida party line of fart up, grab his lighter that was close by, and yeah, just blowers.

Far up, blows pants down.

Yeah, it's fling class.

His pants on.

Fine, No, that's the again. If you're listening to this kids, none of us is recommended. We want a party trek.

That's safe, that you know, don't follow grunts.

It's not going to be a news article. It's not going to burn the place down. Ben podcast, what's your party treck because none of us, Well, Megan's got one that's good for some seasons of the year, but not all seasons of making a cherry star walk into a knot.

In my mouth.

Honestly, it's very impressively once those cheeries start heading back and save we'll definitely get you to do it for social media, but yeah, we'll see you do it before. I don't know how do you do it. You're obviously maneuvering your tongue.

So when you first put it in.

You've got to like loosen it up so it becomes like melleable, Like I just like massage the stalk and then I don't know, you just kind of like you know how to tie it, Kno, so you just do.

It with you your turn.

Yeah, it's very impressive.

Push one side of the stalk through a loop.

How did you know? How did you end up there?

I think I saw it on a movie. I often see things and I'm like, I'm gonna learn how to do that. That's important.

I tried to learn how to do a Rubic's cube, and I did eventually learn how to do it, and I would vary for between like it to surprise you. Sometimes I would do it like in a minute and a half, which is okay, it's not like what the best in the world would do it pretty good. And other times it would take me like ten minutes. It's all algorithms and now I've forgotten that.

But it's just yeah, see that sounds hard.

It's yeah, you just got to remember. It's like all about mean repetition, same things over and over again. But that's a cool part and maybe I could get back.

Yeah, but I mean, you know, spinning twelve minutes at a party.

Watch do you try to remember you doing ten sick? As of one hand. That's a great party trick. We're like, hey, guys, give me twelve minutes.

And it's cooler when you discover a pack of cards at the party rather than you bring you guys want to.

See really cube done really slowly and then sometimes going oh no, hang on the conversation with the sort of veer off, and then you'll be like I'm done later. That's right, So maybe that's not the one I need to bring around parties.

Morning, Good morning everybody.

We're doing well. Loving to have you on your party trick. What do you got?

So I'm an early childhood teacher, so naturally everything I do is very animated. I do animal impersonations.

Oh okay, what do we got? It's a buffet of your urriper twist like the lion king.

What what's your best one?

So we've got to forgive me the horrific chicken.

It's good.

I like that.

I knew that was the chicken. You the booster, Okay, you do the you do the noise first, and they were try and guess what it is?

How about.

That's good. The monkeys. Yeah, that is great, Yana, We're going to take the other jaw for a wicked We appreciate they got some flying monkeys in the movie as well too.

So Dan, just like that hit us with your party trick.

Dan, O, Hey, how's going guys? So I'm quite good at getting rid of liquid. So one of my one of my party tricks was do a handstand while drinking a beer.

That's a handstand beer.

Yes, obviously sometimes I had to do it with one hand on one handed handstand the liquid.

While on a handstand. So it's going putting a glass or no drink.

I always appreciate you know when you and you see those people chugging stuff through different entry points of their body.

Like, how did you end up there? This is not the first time you've done this.

Look look at old someone called Grubby pouring something through his eye socket.

He was like, you got to watch this.

I'm like, I don't, ye, because you do as a favor and film yourself doing that and send it in.


Sounds sounds good. Undouble, you don't.

Have to all leave that one with you, but put the hats that johnaan Ben podcast.

We're talking about party tracks, heading into a whole lot of social engagements over the next coming weeks, heading into Christmas, and we actually thought, well, why don't we actually learn the party trick.

That'd be you should text us full form and you've got something you can teach us, something that we can do and at a party as a trend needs to be a three person act.

Okay, yeah, or something that we can doubt we could all do it.

Yeah yeah, put her own fleaar on it. To our jewels, we're just playing you. Five minutes ago, the Amegan Jewels phoned up once unrelated topic, but she just said, I can make a car alarm with her mouth.

This is her actual mouth making this noise.

How was she doing that?

It's awesome. She explained it to us afterwards. She sort of makes the noise and then she sort of chops her like her throat apple type situation.

Where we were on I can't do it, but so she's like hacking his throat.

Yeah, yeah, like that, but on a grander scale.


Yeah, so that's pretty impressive. That could be our party, Drick.

I don't know clear good morning. What's yours morning, guys?

Yeah, so I can actually I'm double jointed in my fingers and.

My son is also double jointed in his thumb. So we do that together. But then my other children to make clovers with their tongues and we can't do that.

Oh yeah, can roll their tongue once, but some people can roll them like, oh three or four times.

Yeah, I can't do it, but they can do it, and they look hilarious, brilliant.

Clear, you go there, have a great day. Really appreciate it has just gone through. Okay, now we're talking about producer Ellie's father who he has the skill of laughing lighting is flexcellance on right?

Yes, I'm just laughing at John Eida. You're crying.

Oh, brother, my friend's partner. My friend's partner tried this exact same trick.

That trick is Alie's dead.

Yeah, Now he's got the whole crowd around it at the party and he goes to light pushes a little too hard.

Oh and is he is he no pants as well? Maybe something no, something's coming.

No no, no, no, no.

Oh that's a low. That's a low moment.

But us as well to the John and Ben podcast.

Now, yes, so I was picking up the olds from the airport. We've got a big weekend of dance coming up.

You're and the Olds Dance come up.

There's the Senior's category. H And I'm at the airport because I a little bit delayed. So as we'll just go and wait in the arrivals area.

You know, you can't wait in the car park outside, can you. They move you on quickly, they do, you can't.

And then you just try and keep looping around. And I know what you do, and you just try and push it as long as you can. So you ended up just sitting around and so just an annoying pest lingering around the airport. Went into three wise men you know, you have a look at that, and they're like, you're not wise enough to be in here, and then went into the sunglass huts. And then so I justind found myself just sort of sitting down. And I'm one of these people that if there's someone with a screen around me, I can't help, but look at it can't help. But like you know, when you're behind someone on their phone and you're like, what are they doing? You know, looking for time off work? Okay, I wonder if they'll be grunted. Yeah, no is it completely Yeah, terrible. Anyway, I was sitting next to someone and they're in the seat in front, and they had their epad and they were playing the show, and I think, is the one you've been talking to me about?

The Alien show on Netflix?

Oh yeah, that's in the top ten. Actually, it's crazy.

I assumed it was the same show. So I'm like, I'm picking up the showers. Oh, this is the show Median has been talking about, and I'm getting lost in the show over their shoulder. The problem being though, is you know when someone's peering over the feeling right, Yeah, and I got They tuned around and eyeballed me as I'm staring their iPad.

I've got nothing. You're completely disarmed.

Then you're like, I'm sorry, I shouldn't be doing this right now.

Well, you don't watch it. He never watches any movies on long hall flight, so that annoys them to I watched watch my screen. Is what's happening now? I'm like, just watch just like it's there.

For you, you know, raw Dog every flight. But then I annoyed being because I was even.

Just watching something. Yeah, no, exactly, so weird.

I've got my own movies playing my head.

But No, you don't because you're watching You don't have your own movies.

Sometimes I watch people screens at like three or four a heat in the aisle, like sweet Home, Alabama, and I don't know.

I don't know Alabama yourself. It makes no sense to me already.

What the hits that jonaan Ben podcast?

Hello, she's pizen for a quism?

Is it a tough one today because you.

Do a little review. Yeah, it's not, as.

It's a few weird ones. Actually, I think you could.

Do it and your producers boost.

Just moments ago and I was behind your computer screen and she thought I was taking a peek slowly the screen down.

It was lingering around me.


I was doing the quiz just as the prebit and I had to slowly place my laptop.

No one telling me, you can go to the news, Say on here website.

I'll cheat the old school way.

Yeah, okay, here we got best question?

All right?

Question number one? What is the title of the upcoming movie and the Paddington series? Is it Paddington in London, per Paddington in Peru or Paddington in Paris?

Oh my goodness, Paddington Paris's Peru.

Your correct Yeah, nice work. It's great when you make your guess and it's in the multichoice.

Yeah, well yeah, I was pretty sure that will be You're right.

Yeah, it seems like an old location.

Yeah, it's some stuff I had to get back.

It was a briefcase, all right.

Question number two, which was named the Supreme winner of Viva's Top sixty Auckland Restaurants in twenty twenty four, is the magazine.

Saw the article for that. Jesse Mulligan does a fine job Hollywood Bakery, but I didn't click on it.

So the options are a vier Bianca or Jamais Street.

I don't know any of those neither.

They all sound fancy, Megan, You're more likely to go to one of these places than us.

And I read those as well, and they all.

Sound like places with enormous plates and tiny portions of food.

That really annoys me. You know, I just want to burger and fries, you know what I'm saying.

Nothing's worse than going out like if you're ever like you to go like a fancy work thing and then you're hungry and you go through a drive through it the way home. How much work spined on this? Have you got any inkling, Megan, Oh, I don't want.

To be out in the first. Shall we take it to the tics?

Okay? Yeah, I want to do Okay, should we call Jessey Mulligan?


Well the fourth for eight siven Those three are options again, sorry, are.

The options for Viva's Top sixty Autland restaurants? Are supreme winner of that in twenty twenty four? A Bianca or Jimmy's Street?

Do they all have a question mark at the end of the because it sounds like they do the heads that johnaan Ben podcast.

You see on Herold Daily Quiz. Question two we're up to as we try and get ten out of ten.

Back to the quiz queen and producer.

Really all right, the question was which was named the supreme winner of Eva's Top sixty orkand Restaurants in twenty twenty four? Was it Advia Bianca or Jamai's Street?

Now all three of us stumped. Megan, you did read the article.

We can't remember all in there, I imagine if they are all actual restaurants. But let's go to the phone. So we've got someone.

Is McDonald's in the top fifty restaurants?

That did that make the cut?

This year, Dana, how are you? We're using our phone a friend early in the piece.

Question number two, what do you think it is street?

Now we've had Jame Street and we've had the other two options comes from the text as well. Why are you so confident about Jamay Street?

You googled it?

Were allowed to accept that.

There's no rules around the Yeah, we're not allowed at Google, but right, that didn't stop anyone else from googling. All right, we're going to lock that in.

That is correct.

We're going to check you in the jaw. We're giving away the Wicked Prize today to the Gold Coast, so we're going to check you in the jaw for that.


Thank you for letting us vicariously google through. You have a great we have a great weekend. Don appreciate it. All right, onto question number three.

Here we go.

What type of pastry is filled with cream or custard to make a clears is it short cross pastry, showed pastry or puff pastry?

Shoe It's pronounced shoe, the shoe that's.

The first that makes anything from the scratch.

I'm glad to know what I mean, all right, christ number four, who is the top goal scorer for the All Whites. Is it Chris Wood, Vaughn Coveny or Rory Fallon.

I feel like it's Chris Wood only because he's probably the only one. Yeah, he's got a hat trick the other day, and I feel like he's got a lot of goals. But I could be wrong, but I would like to lock on Criss Wood.

That is correct.

Sorry, but dollars.

That was a great sound.

All right?

Christenum five? Where was the first rebel sports store opened? Auckland, Wellington or Hamilton?

I feel like Auckland, do you Yeah? But then it is too obvious? Yeah? Is it too obvious?

Hamilton or Wellington?

Did you say aug Wellington or Hamilton?

Hamilton? Sorry?

Like it could be Hamilton because Briscoes they are Briscoes own them, don't they? Y Rod Duke, the owner of Briscoes.

He lives in Auckland.

Yeah, he's in base in Auckland. He would want to see a store that he could just drive to convenient helicopter to.

Right and maybe that maybe the Hamilton and Wellington's to throw you off the obvious.

Yeah, now I'm getting inside my head. You're confident in Auckland. Chuck Auckland.

That's that's correct, opening about food sure in Hamilton?

All right, Number sex, the Nobel Prizes were first awarded? And which year nineteen eleven, nineteen twenty one or nineteen oh one.

Years there was awarded by the guy who made dynamite or like created by the guy who made was it dynamite? I don't know, because like what the Peace Prize was because he felt bad about creating something destroy Am I making that up?

I like?

So that was like a long time ago.

Should we say nineteen oh one feels like a good year, you know, almost a turn of a century. You want to kick off her your awards still one?

That is correct?

It work.

We're still going, still going, Question number seven of the New Zealand Herald Daily Quiz. Who was often credited as the founder of modern economics and wrote The Wealth of Nations? Was it Carl Marx, John Keynes or Adam Smith? Carl Marx rings he wrote that wasn't.

He to do with the Nazis?

If it's not, he'll be stoked that you put them in the same sentence. Al Right, we go, we're at four to twenty on the clock. Guys, we're going to have to get an answer or move on.

I don't bet klmar Let's literally eliminate Marxie. Who else was there?

John Keynes or Adam Smith Smithie.

Okay, Smithy, that's correct. We're gonna have to hold there. We're gonna have to come back and then you tell it here all day Quiz goes to another another question, guess our way through the New yeal Jesus.

The heads that JOHNA wan Ben podcast we.

Could be doing with a smile of ten on the New Zealand here, I'll die a heavy man if we've got ten out of ten today, haven't had one in a couple of weeks. Producer Rarey, We're up to question number eight.

All right, question number eight? How many feet are in a mile?

Oh yeah, I forgot.

I didn't do any thinking during it.

So like, oh yeah, I was watching all the guys, all you guys just distracted, not doing anything to do with the closes, And I was just quietly laughing about it because.

Queen is like, idiots, idiots, Well.

We can't we're supposed to do we can't Google.

Yeah, right, we're not allowed to google.

You can technically do maths for this question, So how many feet are in a mile? Is it two thousand feet, five thousand, hundred and eighty feet or one thousand, seven hundred and sixty feet this week?

This out?

So a mile is slightly longer than a kilometer, isn't it?

How many subway foot longs?

And into the hat so that's like a foot?

Well yeah, roughly I think it's about a foot long.

Yeah, yeah, so.

And twelve inches and a foot and how many? You're right we should have done this, Yeah, we should have done it.

I'd say fifty thousand was an option.

It was five thousand and eighty. Is that what you're thinking?

Yeah, you're gone with fifty thousand to five thousand.

Yeah, what were the other options?

Two thousand feet or.

One thousand, seven hundred and fifty thousand? It's a lot. That wasn't an option, But hey, do you want to go five thousand? I wick it it's five okay, that is correct.

It just felt like I could feel it in my mess.

Doing more than me though in my head I was still singing.

Bruno Mak tapped out, all right, question number nine, Wow, here we are, okay, what does the B and befter stand for?


Frash? Correct?


The week.

Yeah, okay, some music question, so we're working radio.

Also, don't talk about.

Is that from the nineteen hundred?

No, it's from two thousand and seven. So I feel like this is in your wheelhouse.


What was the title of Silver Cheer's final studio album at leased in two thousand and seven, He had like frog.

Stomp and things. The first was Yeah, that was the first one, right.

So the options and Ballroom? Yeah, well, di Rama Diorama or Young Modern Young Modern?

Was it young Modern?

Because Neon Ballroom was years ago that the dance I saw Neon Ballroom at the Big Dat years and years ago, saw.

Them play those Young Modern.

Were looking in Young mo Diba was also, I feel like that was before the albums.

Yeah, okay, all great albums to good band not now we'll get into it.

Okay, okay, okay, young one from lock it and can we get to Young Modern lock it in?

That is correct.

Start, well done, guys, Start the weekends. It's gonna be a good day, not just for us here, just for the people, the team of the six o'clock Club. We're gonna have a wonderful Friday.

Jono, Ben & Megan - The Podcast

This is mildly amusing banter at its mildly amusing best! We’re Jono Pryor, Ben Boyce, and Megan Pap 
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