FULL SHOW: We Confront Toni Street!

Published Nov 19, 2024, 8:28 PM


  • High drama with the Mariah game! We had to call Matty Mclean
  • Why Jono has a new found love of 3 on 3 basketball...
  • Megan and Producer Ellie have a secret family!
  • There's a ghost in Ben's house
  • Daniella gives us some Italian music to listen too...
  • How celebrity deaths affected us 

Facebook: The Hits Breakfast with Jono and Ben


This Jon Woman Being Podcast brought to you by Hello Fresh, the Experts and Tastes that kiwis last.

Hello, Welcome to the podcast. And Hello, Oh my name is My name is Ben? And is that you over there?

John O?

It's name now Hello. These are unfamiliar voices to you. Probably this has produced Grace and produced Ellie reporting in. The team have gone missing.

They've laughed, they've just laughed.

From mid show they were like, we're done, and we were like, on, We've got to.

Do the show now.


The team have just popped off straight after the show to go to their Wheat bex Key Wee Kids triathlon, so they didn't have time to do a potty intro.

So we thought we'll do it, We'll do it, We'll do so here we are.

What's on the show today, Grace.

Big Tea around Mara Care, lots of drama going down. We had to call Matty McLain over it.

We did, and I think we might be confronting our boss tomorrow on tomorrow's potty.

We haven't done that yet, but I feel like.

We need to do so.

It was a very interesting twist now happening in the story. And have we been sabotaged by our own people. Maybe possibly, possibly, but we'll get to one of that also, So the team confront beloved broadcaster Tony Street. We love her, but she seemed to have done something a bit dicey the other night when she was at the premiere with Megan and Bean.

So I would have been pest if she did it to me. I'm just going to say it now. So confrontation is the only thing exactly right.

And apart from that any other fun stuff happening.

I mean, there was a great show. It was a great show. There was some ghost.

I think that was the sound of a ghost, and now my heart I feel.

Like, yeah, we think being tells haunted. But you can hear yourself because the audio will play for you. And other than that, have a great day.

And great listenings for listening to these lovely voices.

Yes, and Grace Week's very hard on this podcast every day, so we really appreciate you for listening and if you enjoy it, rate it on your podcast.

Yes, five stars or whatever you feel.

Tony Street, broadcaster here and from coasts are joining us. We grabbed you in to talk about something.

I feel like I'm on trial beloved broadcaster. Everyone loves it the nations.

Sweetheart, don't you say, have you got bad things to say about? I will shak you with this permanent marker, and it'll be a permanent reminder of how nice Tony is.


Megan and I wanted to talk to about to Tony about something, and Tony, you've just come into the studio while that song is playing, and you're like, this could be one of two things. I think, so should we let what things? Do you want to?


Because you've done so these two things, it could be.

This is low when my wife asked me, you know what you've done wrong? And then I have to try and guess what I've done wrong.

I feel like I'm going to implicate my.


One of the things was and I talked a bit about this about whether we could talk about the Wicked show that we went to. Yes, when the embargo doesn't lift, is it embargo related?

It's not. But yes, so we went to the Wicked movie. You were there, Tony, Meghan, you were there.

Did you break embargo?

Did you talk about No exactly, because there's strict rules about when we were allowed to review it as such.

But that's clearly.

Not it clearly, but obviously anyway, we'll leave the movie company to sort that one out.

Or is it the fact that Sid Movie I had my cell phone?

I actually we didn't talk about this.

Really, you really are implicating yourself.

You and I did talk about that on the night. Yes, I should have remembered that.

Did you?

Also? My kids are twelve?

Did you film the movie? No, she wouldn't have.

Done that, filmed and reviewed it too early. You had your phone because your daughter was getting in touch with you.

That's fine, That's fine, Yes, okay, So what else tell that?

Was there anything?

So we all went down at Sid Movie the Wicked movie to get snacks. Ben was there myself. You came up and joined the line and we had a good chat.

We did yeah, I know, and.

The German first sugar.

Crime seprecating yourself on so many things right now. No, we had a moment and I reckon, You're like you had no We obviously clearly had no idea. You did it?

Did the line?

Did you? In front of her?

There was a brief moment where because my my family arrived and it was a bit of a commotion and I was talking to Megs and I was talking to Being and Maddy McLean was also there, and and then there were two lines.

Right, yeah, but you were at the back of both lines. Somehow you ended up in front of Being and I I went.

To the worst one because I went behind the people that were first. I was like, great, they'll be quack. And they ordered just so much stuff, you know, for a lot of people. So I was like stuck.

I wasn't behind you, no.

So I'd made make am. But then Megan was in the other line. She came and talked to me as she was about to go to the front, and then oh, Tony Street went around the back and so.

Actually this is more about Megan's lack of commitment. Yeah, nice flippings on how to be bold and make a decision.

These are her journalism skills coming to play here.

The hits that Jonavan Ben podcast in the middle.

Of our Mariah Carey Christmas Game. You can play along as well. All you have to do is try and avoid hearing that song on the radio on social media when you go into stores, and you see how long that you can avoid hearing the iconic Christmas songs. Soon as you hear any part of that song. You're out of our game, Megan, You're still in the game. I'm still on the game. Maddy McClain from the Afternoon Show, He's still in the game.

Yep, the three of us are still in hi drama.

Yesterday I saw emails being flung around the Internet and through a management decision, we're at the Center Parade this Sunday and the Hits has a flow.

Farmer Santa Parade is a lot of fun because it's come along, come on down. It's it's always amazing. Ninety first Santa Parade this weekend. Thanks to Farmers, we're hosting the Center's after party afterwards.

It always gets wild at the after turns things up at the after party. But each float they have their own song that they play. Okay, and you learned yesterday that what is the song that is meant to be gracing the speakers of the Hits float in the Center Parade?

Mariah Carey, all I want for Christmas?

You said the Smith yesterday. I thought it was going to be the actual version. You can hear other versions of the song, you just can't hear the actual version.

Hey, hey, just suddenly, like light bulb flashing, my mind can we not play Big Boyce's version.

We can't play two hours of my version by place sad the.

Song plays on loop. You could play this is an alternative Christmas.

Too much of a.

Good thing's too much of even that's enough of that.

Yeah, but only people on the on the streets, they just hear little pockets.

True. True, that us for two hours of that, So we got on the floats a lot of fun each year. But I thought it was a joke because you said it to me yesterday. I was like, the MIC's were on and I was like, oh, this is this is classic radio gage we're playing the song and it was a gag. Apparently that's the song we're playing, which firstly takes us out of the game if we're still on it by Sunday.

Because we'll hear it. And not only that, we're going to be going.

Down past thousands of people blasting that song. So if anyone is in the crowd playing as well, we're getting them out.

Thanks a lot, guys for getting me out on the game that you guys introduced. Yeah, thanks a lot. It feels like a bad move for me, really bad move, Like, yeah, subject the fun game that people are getting on board with and then we just end it because on our own tims it's really weird.

Like the Centerbury has meant to be the happiest place right now, the actually probably second of Landa listening. They have a copywritten that, haven't they. But yeah, this is our grapes at the moment. So we needed to come up with solutions.

So the issue, the issue we also have is that there are dancers who have choreographed a dance to Mariah Carey's song. So at this late stage, I don't know how I'm not a dancer. I don't know how easy it is to switch out songs.

To come up with another routine.

Worry about the dancers. They don't have their reputations at stake here. Well that's the thing. That's why we couldn't.

We asked you stay we could change the song, and that was the reason we got because the dancers have learned a routine. We can't change the song.

That was the like we should have been given a heads up a while ago because.

We chose the song because it wasn't in the Sanda Parade float. Yeah, so we're like, oh cool.

So okay, so this is the we're after solutions. People, this is your show. Let's uh, let's open that room where you go. No idea is a bad idea, but then secretly people like that was a shocking idea sometimes, but eight hundred hits, how can Ben Megan and many McLain in the afternoon, still in the game, still got skill in the game, skin in the game. Work this Sunday. Their attendance is it is required at.

The if you're going along and you play, you know you want to go along to the Farmer Santa Parade and not beget got out by our song and our.

Float, noise canceling hit phones for everyone in the crowd.

We also can't guarantee that no one else is.

Done, and that's fine, and that's fine. If we get out like that, then that's just that's what's that.

But we don't want to be the ones that get people out of our own game.

Yeah, so far, the best solution is playing I don't want a lot christ this is fine.

That means no one the heads that jonaan Ben podcast.

All right, Mariah Carey game that we've been playing with you guys, you can join it at any stage. That's fine. You just have to see how long you can avoid listening to Mariah Carey's All I Want for Christmas. If you hear it in the store, you hear it on the radio, you hear it on social media, you're out of the game.


To stay out of the game for We'll stay in the game for a while. You're me, Megan. I don't know how we've lasted this long, but we've last.

Was avoided it along with Matty McLean. But we didn't expect our own.

Workplace to sabotage us. And we have found out that the float music for the Farmers Santa Parade this Sunday is going to be Mariah Carey All I Want for.

Christmas, which is it's the cauldron of being called out. I imagine this event, you know. But your issue is, well, maybe we shouldn't be We shouldn't be peddling the song.

One's getting other people out that may be playing along the game like it seems a strange, strange decision.

We have chatted about how we will be surrounded by all things Christmas, which is fine if we got out by other means, risk by our own float.

Okay, so I had the hits for after solutions. They can't they can't opt out. It's a mandatory calendar. Invite was sent out like mid Feb. So they can't miss the event. Your hosted the Santa's after party as well. We need you there. Santa's got everything lined up for you, everything.

All your requests, can't you?

All your demands? Eight hundred the hits? What solutions have?


How can Ben, Megan and Maddie avoid the song? Melissa?

Yeah, I reckon that you should just play the instrumental version on the float and then the dancers can just start for that.

Not a bad thought, it is.

It is smart.

Works. It's still a bit unusual that we're playing the song that we're not trying to listen to, but it's not technically Mariah's version, So.

No harm, no found, no one's out. You still get the I mean, you get the points, you get the message, you get the intention from the hits to play the song. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's good.

That's what do you do?

What do you do for a job. I'm a teacher, that's right. You figure out by Yeah, it's good. Great to have you listening. Melissa really do appreciate the suggestion, so that's not a bad one. James Yes, let's get spitballing, James, what do you think.

Now the dancers have learnt the song, Yeah, put their headphones on, you get them playing the song, and you blast even music you want out of the out of the out of the slow.


But then the dancers won't be dancing in time to the music on the float, but they'll be like their own silent disco.


But they've got the head bos that we all choreographed to the dancer, so they'll be in see. But then you guys might have to hear hear the song and leave all little people at the parade.

Ah, sounds like a huge budget costs for headphone Apple, wed phones and stuff called this the ones.

You probably want those little ones of ear pods, don't you.

But it is smart thinking, smart thinking from James, really good James. Like the way you are, like the way you think. Appreciate that to be honest, Melissa, is probably the most cost effective.

At surely we can find a Christmas song that has the same bpms per minute.

Right, Yeah, but if we're wearing sort of headphone cost Lisa, welcome, Hi guys, are you Yeah? What do you think, Lisa? How can be Megan and Medie MacLean avoids, well, they need to be at the end of braid, but how can they.

I mean, we might be out by Sunday, Like there's a chance that one of us might be out too, of all of us, but be nice to go in and not get everyone else out as well.

I think you's guys just exclude Sunday out of it all together. Okay, it's beyond your control. So I just think it's fear that you guys just exclude Sunday and just carry on Monday.

Here's a point to that, because also, like, we can't guarantee that people won't hear that song just in the Sands parade, not on our flow, and we don't want to stop people from enjoying Christmas.

That's not the point of it.

If I get another radio station that's in for you guys and.

Sounds like a Morphian thing to do, and then.

You just exclude I heard it.

Was Simon Barney hasn't even started there. It is going to be the first thing he does first. Some great texts issue coming through as well. For for seven Uh, someone's suggesting that both of you catch COVID by Sunday.

At the same time, still in.

The rounds again, it's feasible.

And also we're in the same room. Ye true, just was spared.

He's immune to it some reason.

Yeah yeah. And someone said, well, I wanted you to swap the song out for savages Swing's I don't have.

The same Beatsman matters all. I want agressors so we can look into.

That great brain. How the child dancers go to the.

The Heads that johnaan Ben podcast.

How's everyone going alright? Well, still in the Mariah Carey competition. Still haven't heard all the one for Christmas?

Still hanging.

I'm still in Yeah, amazing.

I was looking through radio stations yesterday as I was driving around non stop, had kids appointments from two in the afternoon to nine thirty at night, Good Look, Back to Back. I was just like uber service all day and I was flicking around radio stations a lot of that time, and I was like, why am I doing this? This is resky, this is still end up on a podcast because I'm like, I can't get out of the game.

Now came a Russian roulely right there.

The Heads feels like a safe space.

Yeah, because we're not playing it officially, until both everyone from all the casts and talent from the afternoon show and the breakfast show hurry out. I'm out, Yeah, Pj's out.


You know what you could do, Benners just listen to the hits because that is a safe space.

Well, I hope so, But I was thinking, well, does every show that during the day and stuff are they all are they all sworn that this is a safe space.

I don't know.

I'm saying that our show is a safe space.

And I thought the deal was we're not playing it on the same.

But I got scared yesterday so I listened to a podcast, The Devil, a podcast I was I hat radio. So that's fine. I don't a lot for Chris.

Well, we came out to speed this morning. If you actually are out of the game, we love to talk to you and play this the commiseration version of four four eighty seven is the text? Is the text? Well, I know you were just saying you just had a back to back appointments yesterday tours on could Judy at my son Oscar was playing a three on three basketball tournaments, and I mean I watched probably four and a half minutes worth of three on three basketball or the Olympics earlier this year. Did you watch that?

Yeah, the found that was I mean, it's great to watch three on three, don't get me wrong, but I found it was odd they had two basketball competitions going at the Olympics. Yeah, three on three competition and traditional basketball.

Yeah, I know a lot more about three on three. Used to say growing sport. One of the fastest growing sports in the world. He has a smaller ball, right.

The news half the court, half the.

Court, easy to remember all the players names. Is only three of them on the team.

Ice Cube, the Rappers involved in the States and three or three basket and like he's one of the organizers of the tournaments over there and stuff and gets a whole lot of X players with big names to play it and stuff. Yeah.

I was taking to someone there and they knew someone who knew someone who used to play basketball for New Zealand. He's on three hundred and fifty k U yes a year and China playing three on three basketball?

What was the like? What was wrong with the whole court?

Like basketball was very exciting, Like I got twenty four seconds of a shot cut They've got to make a shot every twenty four seconds. You've got one of the most exciting sports there.

And they're like, you know what them half.

Yeah, Like I get I love cricket, but I get cracket They've gone five days. That short this up a little bit. Yeah, make it a bit more exciting.

It is, isn't it. You feel like the original version of the game's quick and very good.

Five players that's all. It's not slow down at all.

But yeah, it's also good. You could fit the whole team in your cat. I mean there are advantages. You can't fit the whole five on five basketball team in the vehicle.

You need one of those people movers.

Look at the pros and cons of three on three basketball that No, it's fun in very ten minutes.

Bomb all gone.

Ten minutes mane. Yeah, just data. But then you have like thirty games in a day, and how did Oscar go will Yeah they really well. I was proud of them. Uh yeah, I'm trying to remember that they know they just well they won four and five. Trying to remember the stairs. I watched so much ten minute games three basketball.

The hits that John wan Ben podcast.

There's been some controversy surrounding the game and Maddie mcclains in the afternoon. He's still in the game as well. Now, Maddy, good morning, welcome, good morning.

Now I know this game, the Moroccery game, has been close to your heart. We're talking about it the movies the other night. I saw you there and you're like, I'm still on the game. I'm still in the game, Megan, I'm still in the game.

The game's becoming in the game.

But can I tell you you know the you know the girl that you had on the show the other day who was trying to sabotage me and give me out.

Yeah, you still haven't forgotten about her.

Oh, she is still going. She's creating new accounts.

I love her.

She messaged my husband trying to rope him into sabotage.

Well, she's coming from all English. She sat up some Berner social media accounts to try and catch Maddie and accidentally Maddie pushes the video and boom, that's the soundtrack to the video. But you're too smart, Maddy.

I'm too smart.

She really wants too smart.

For you to get out too. Like, I'm not being afvicted by that.

I don't know what I don't know what I've done really wants the two of.

You to wear well.

Hi drama though this morning, and I don't know if you've caught up with it, but we've just heard that the hits you know, the float and the Farmer Santa Parade that we're all going to be on we play one song on loop for a couple of hours as we go around. We just heard that. It sounds like it's going to be Mariah Carey all I want for Christmas blasting out.

You are kidding me.

Like someone playing a joke on upper management decision.

Wait, wait, who's sign that.

Off many many one's names? He's taking tickets.

That's this weekend and currently you know, the three of us are still in.

That would be a straight out for us.

And not only that, all of the people that are watching the Sands Parade who are playing will automatically be out and.

Be like, oh thanks a lot, guys. Your game that I was playing ended up getting us out.

You've ruined it for us.

So how do we work this?

Then this is the only solution. We amputate all of your ears. Okay, So that's that feels like the sensible option. What about people playing as well? I don't want to be responsible for putting people out of the game. We're blasting a song to thousands of people, and some of them will be playing the game, and I don't want to be responsible for that.

At least though we're making it. We're making this, we're telling people early enough. So I don't know if you want to maybe, if you desperately want to win this game, maybe you have to bring to the content.

All there's only going to be like four people at the Santa Barraze. This game has swept the nation, ruined the attendance for the sand of Parade.

But I don't want to get out this. I don't want to get out this way.

No, I'm with your many, I'm with you.

Well, we're a solutions based radio show. We've said it earlier this morning, Maning, we'll come up with a solution for you. Okay, PJ and me, we're both out. We're fine to be on there. Well, you do it, Okay, we'll have a great Sunday.

There you go. That's a great solution.

Ben is actually annoyed about this, aren't you genuinely annoying?

I went for anyone. It's a bad lot for us to be playing the song down the street for a game that we're trying to get people to play. I'd be annoyed if I like, if this was the way I got out. I think it was the people that got me to play this game.

Well, it will be the way you get out as it stands.

What's the way I got out? Was just for Okay, I'll get out whatever. But it's people that down the street You're like, well, thanks a lot. What was that two weeks of that game or whatever I was playing?

Guys, I have a great relationship with Boggsy, the CEO.

Love me.

I will take this to the.

Top of my I'm calling for the exec the board.

All right, Maddie, we'll appreciate. We'll see how we go over the next couple of days.

Thank you very much.

Teen. Okay, I wait over sextually two. Have you got a solution for this the float as it stands as playing Mariah Carey all I want for Christmas? How can we avoid how can we avoid being Megan and Maddie hearing the song on the day?

Do you have a suggestion for another song?

Well, because apparently there's dancers with the Float that have learnt.

A routine to this, so they just need the same beats permanent.

Well maybe it doesn't.

Matter what song the hits that jonaan Ben podcast.

Now we're talking this morning about something that's come through a family secrets. Now, I don't want people to dish the doer on families. They're not comfortable doing it. But some people, you know, you always see those things that pop up on YouTube, things like ancestry dot Com. They're like, hey, log on here and find out you know, we're it's.

Not always a dirty secret either, it's just things that have been lost over the generation. So now that you can do DNA testing, people are finding out that they have extra family members.

Sometimes les I took a DNA test and she she's saying about it, she found that she was something something that probably you're going to.

Quote her lyrics, you want to get it right.

Into ancestry dot com. And they're like, Okay, interesting, I didn't know because.

My dad found out later in life that he had a half brother. Really yeah, which is like such a wild ride finding out you've got extra family members who looks like who like he.

Had a daughter that looked like.

Found this out?

Did he? Yeah?

Really? Jeez?

And producer Ali, you've got got a website.

A website to really ruffle ruffle feathers in the family dynamics.

You've got a connection as well. You found out extra family members.

Yeah, over the weekend, my mum basically her mom. Wait, this is going to be confusing. How my mom always thought she just had a grandma and then her brother, that's all we thought. We found out over the weekend that brother. So her great uncle was actually only a half brother. Then there was a third sibling we didn't know about. And now there's a whole other line of family and that half brother. So now we've got these cousins that have reached out to my uncle being like, I think we're related, and it's through the half brother that we didn't realize was actually only a half brother. We thought they were full but there was something else going on.

Man, So someone was a pantsman somewhere along the line you put it down to.

I don't know, I think there was actually I think the son was from a previous partner, but we didn't know that. We thought that they were all like fully related, but not there's this other half family with now found.

It's probably harder to keep track of a lot of these things back in the day. Yeah, you know, you know. Now we've got computers and.

Films everything for Instagram. You can get a lot more stuff back in the day, can't you.

I have heard a story where someone did a DNA test, one of those ancestry things.

I found out that the dad was not their dad, and their dad didn't know they were not the dad.


Yeah, well, there's rumors about old Chloe Kardashian that she's she needs to go to Okay four for seven. Have you got some family secrets? That's you know, what bit of platform to share them on than public radio?

You have to like if you don't.

Also, it doesn't have to be a bad thing.

Families, grandma's secret lasagna recipes.

Sometimes people do connect and they're like, oh my god, Like you say, there's a whole another side of your family and it's awesome and you get to experience these things.

The hits that Jona wan Ben podcast.

Some controversy astructed competition where the floats, you know, Smile and Wave. That's our role on on Sunday the hits Float Smile, Wave, Kiss some babies if a baby's put in front of you, and the song that we play on loop and have done this tradition for the hits is all I Want for Christmas from Ike Carry.

Well, we had a vote because the last year it wasn't It wasn't the song.

We had.

Another song last year was Ginger Bell Rock.

I think a different song around an email vote.

And I seem to remember the song being something else.

Yeah, because we're like, great, we can use this Mariah Carey game idea on here where we talk about the not listening to the song, trying to avoid the.

Song and through something so through some means it's now changed. Now this is the song the predicament we find ourselves and to be honest, I'm loving it. It's buying us a couple of days of drama out.

Of the game.


I just feel bad from a from a point of view. If I get out of the game, that's fine. But just going along, we're trying to get all these people to play this game. People could be in the crowd and then we by playing the song get them out. They're like, oh, thanks, guys. I know that's the thing that I feel uncomfortable about. I don't care if I get out.

Yeah, and you've also hit two of the most competitive people myself and Maddy McLain who don't want to lose by those means.

No, I you'll be instantly out.

And also you do have to spare a thought. It's a hot bit of It's like Mariah's Grotto. The Santa Parade. People probably get out through the means of another float. I understand you don't want to be responsible for that. Yeah, been guaranteed someone's going to be pumping that song out.

Although you know if we have got if we've asked for it on our float, does that mean no other float can have it than the rules of the Santa Parade or not, Like we are the only one and then they have different songs. They can't have like ninety seven floats all playing for all I want machris.

So do we claim to that song and then switched out last minute and no one's.

Playing great, eliminating it from the which seems a rhyme on itself. That song won't feature at the sand of parade here it Yeah, So we're after some solutions this morning. There have been seditions, maybe getting an instrumental. The problem being too is dancers. You got young dancers who have choreographed a dance that goes along with this song. Now that's a big predicament we find ourselves in, Rob, What are we going to do to tackle this issue?

Hey, I reckon, I reckon.

You should just put on noise canceling headphones, big fluffy ones.

We could do that, you, me and Maddy McLean could do that, Megan. But then do we hand them out to people ahead of the float? Did they play? You're playing a game? You want these?

Because that is the other issue, Rob, is that we're going to be playing it and eliminating people from our own game just by playing it to the crowds.

Yeah, now we're like, oh, thanks guys.

The hole and your headphone planned there, Rob.

It's not a bad thought though, it's not a bad.

Saves us, but it doesn't save everyone else.

Again, we invest in the headphones for over running the crowd to listen. Thank you so much, Rob, really do appreciate you joining in Olivia. How are you good?

Thanks to you?

We're good. Please help us out, Olivia.

I have a solution for you and the dancers.

Why don't you just play the version of the phone The.

First time this has come true.

I don't want a lot for christmast There is just one thing I need.

The press that solves the problem, Olivia.

But creates a problem, a crime against music.

But I'm a big fan of that version.

What would you be a fed listening to it two hours on loop No.

But the crowd doesn't have to money. Okay, I probably will slap you at the end of the center fair enough.

It feels like, you know, we've had options for an instrumental to play the karaoke, but it feels like it's that's a win for all parties. As the song gets out there, the lyrics are broadcast, you don't get out of the game. I can't find a bitter solution, Olivia.

Surely there's gotta be perfect. There's gotta be a bit of solution that listen to that.

We'll rerecord it with you.

I'm not gonna get much better.

Well, he only gave us one take, no tax.

You can like talking that's in there.

Professional musicians spend weeks recording one song. You're like one take, one take only, and you know this is the result of what happens when you do that.

I don't want a lot for Christmas. There is just one thing I.

Need, the hits that jonaan Ben podcast.

I told you this video yesterday and it probably like granted, probably works better and video form because you see the reaction and my daughter Andy and my wife Amanda, whether we're doing something on the computer and they were filming them. They were going to send me a video message about what they were doing and telling me what they were doing. And as it was going on, there is this really creepy sort of whispery noise in the.

Background and no one else around.

Seen as in a room other daughter and they he's not on yeah, no, no TV. And they yelled out to sea as well their facial reactions like what the heck is going on? So they have a listen to this. You'll hear this whispering noise.

In the background, and it happens twice and.

Then my daughter and he's like going, what the hell does that?

Have a listen the X and I have cupcakes, cupcakes, cop cakes, So how's that?

I love the ghosts.

C you know what are you playing?

What's that noise?

Yes, it's just like that's hor going on in the background, that whole thing.

Maybe it's the ghosts of your TV shows. Maybe maybe the ghosts of the costumes of all the TV shows you've hosted.

But quite they're quite freaked. Genuinely, we're quite freaked out by it.

I was freaked out when I watched it.

Yeah, like it showed you the video yesterday and they're like, what the heck is going on there?

Like X and I have cupcakes, cupcakes, copcakes.

So it's like a whispery echo, no one around, no one around, just house particularly echoy.

I wouldn't say particularly going like it doesn't like there's not anything you don't.

Have, like concrete floors, the googler.

The googler, but water going down the corners.

And so they're in the lounge, my daughters in the her beer dream. No one's in the kitchen, no one's doing anything, just like.

The ice maker and the fridg dream.

Don't have a nice night. I always wanted to have an ice maker. I never had a nice makeoup maker's own ice hands struggle. They've always uses it and put the thing back when it's like, just put it back with water in it. You always got to.

Refill that thing. Yeah, no you need to if you've taken ice out before in their household. But get a ghost expirted bloody. I love ghost experience because no one can prove that they're not on the expert because they just look like people talking to themselves when they go and you see them on TV and they're like, yes, yes, how can I prove you actually talk any one of those people coming?

Yeah, fourthrah seven on the text. Maybe you've had a similar situation where your house has had something like that. Maybe it's nothing to worry about. Maybe you've like, maybe I should do something.

Maybe you think you've got an explanation as to what they was.

X and I have come out here cupcakes, copcakes.

Yeah, it kind of sounds like a dog in the distance barking, maybe like it's echoing.

It's echo Yeah, No one was Guessie well not maybe just checking out a lot.

The heads that jonaan Ben podcast played.

Some audio came from a video my wife sent me over the weekend. My daughter and my wife sitting there, they're recording something for me, and just a really creepy whispering noise in the background.

X and I have cupcakes, cupcakes, copcakes.

How that I love your ghost cena.

I wasn't seeing a center was the other daughter in a room as well. Just yeah, yeah, they were quite freaked out by it and just wondering what it could be. Lots of theories coming through on four four eight seven, some wild theories.

A great text. Here is it your fridge? Our fridge sounds like a chickens dying in.

It gets the fridge, But maybe I should check that out. It's not about money.

Sometimes the fridges does sound like it's got terrible indigestion, doesn't it.

He's holding a lot of food.

Yeah, Oscar, you're on. How are you?

I'm good?

Okay, you've got some theories on what this noise could be? Aussie?

Yeah, I think it's a buz because I live in Munga Phi and we hear.

Birds all the time.

It's a pretty small town.

Right by a bush. It's a bird just cawing in the distance.

Somewhere you have another listen to it.

And I have cupcakes, cupcakes, copcakes?

What could in the distance? Yeah, let's just get it.

Sounds like a coin to me.

Just what.

Around you?

No more questions, No more questions.

Ask her you gave a great day at school. Okay, thank you, thanks very much.

I must.

Barking dogs.

We've had a doul called Annabelle or there's anyone's one of those in my room that's come through. I don't think there's any I've got a lot of funko pop.

Comes to live like that.

But well, we're going to get someone in a flowery dress and with a DreamCatcher to do a bit of a research of the.

Household to find a one and a suit. Now that looks professional.

Dream catcher?

Yeah, well yeah, thanks so much for your calls and texts on that.

One the heads that jonaan Ben podcast.

Of course. Danniella, she works at the Quest and tot on a couple of months ago and we like to talk to you every week. She's awesome.

Daddy, what was that?

Which languages?

I like?

When you say you're kind of get again?

That's much better.

Sort don't give it a bit, you know?

Ye me weak?

How are we doing?

We're doing? Okay? How are you doing?

Why are you doing?


Tell me about I'm.

List okay, like I'm we're don't better for talking to you? How's that sounds?

That sounds perfect? That's just what I want to hear. That's look like you're right down somewhere and you're just reading how to do it.

We're not just reading that. Honestly, all three of us are smiling right now. We just you put your smiles on our faces.


Maybe we need to do our FaceTime call next time instead, no more, you know, then I can see your face for real.

You think we're lying about the spies?

I just Italian. I need to see before I believe.

Now, obviously you are from originally and then being in New Zealand for a while. When was the last time you were home in just.

This August was yeah? But before that was four years? Yeah, long time I got stuck with COVID then, yeah, not chance?

Do you like to be honest? If I had the choice of living in Rome? Yeah, or I would probably pick Rome.

Yeah yeah, I really didn't born there. When you're born there, you know how bad is the economy? That's why people escape. But I agree with you, the country's beautiful.

Okay. So what's one thing we're doing better here? And one thing they're doing better?

And food not brain food food food forever great?

Yeah, you're right, Food's incredible.

What we're doing here better that we take it to be easy sometimes and all the time, but we take it to be easier. The life is a little bit less stressed.

The Italians we will.

Be very on the go, like we never stopped. We wore twelve hours a day every day for six days a week and whip cycle.

You know, bean Bush, you'd go well on this.

Maybe that's why I like it so much. I'm like people let up that.

It's just because you wake up early, you catch the train, you go to work, you finish eight pm, you go in the gym, you got the bag on the car, and after you cook at twelve o clock and you're cleaning at one am.

You know what I mean.

It's just like ongoing schedule.

What am I doing in Is there a six day work week? There?

Is it?

Normally? Because because the sala is very low in compared to the cost of living, you have to if you want to have a normal life.

Wow, I did not know that, But you seem so happy.

Yeah, because that's what we know.

You know.

It's like when you go in the third war country and that's what they got, you know, and they think it's awesome because that's what you have, but all of all of us do it, then it's no problem. You don't feel you're missing out.

Yeah, I see what you're saying, and you know you're.

Moved in a cell like me ten years ago, fifteen years ago, and you were four days a week and you're thinking you are in paradise.

You must come here, and you're like, geez, your productivity is shocking here.

In New zeal By the way, I don't know. I know that you didn't ask, but I still want to tell you. I'm still in the game.

The Mariah killing game.

In the game awesome because you know what I'm doing.

What are you doing?

When I scrolled heads, I put mute, Oh, the smart.

P the heads as a whole, the radio session as a safe place. We're not playing Mariah yet, so you don't have to turn it off after.

I'm not sure I.

Want to do it.

What's the price at the end? And nothing? Nothing, glory, the glory that that sna.

Okay was your one. What's one Italian singer that we should.

Know about Antonacci? Are you not that one?

Is it like a pop star or is it the one of.

The most famous singers in Italy and he's a good looking dude or so yeah, yeah, you're getting old now.

It looks like an Italian Jason statum he does.

It's kind of oh yeah, he does look like he like he'd longer here back in his day too by the look. But then he's now got the shape anymore.

Yeah, who I like that?

Here you go.

This is one of his bangers.

Yeah, one of the many.

Fifty one million views. Ah tell you what. He's singing the pants on Me?

Where you made my day with this song this morning?

What is he saying, Daniella?

He says, don't tend to me, lady, don't tend to He knew it was my dad.

Yeah enough.

Like man man as well as full up single as I've got to learn to keep it in my pants.

The Heads that Joan Ben podcast.

Trust Its last week was huge. I wasn't a huge week. Cup and show week in Crass it's like the biggest week of the year. And we went along to the Cross Church show.

It was fun, a lot of a lot of animals, lamas, cows, sheep. There was a young kidd He's like, come look at me, prize pig, and he talked like that me, you know, to say me instead of I you.

Wanted to see some cute animals, You're like, I want what the sixiest animals that Christ your chad to offer, and they I don't know how were they?

Did you say those beautiful cows sexy?

They were like pies and lashes sometimes like.

The most beautiful cows of it, like pretty cows.

Yeah, yeah, Well, as I said, they left all the ugly animals in the panic. And that's the right thing to do at a show like that. You want the best. So when celebrities come over here, we roll out the red calf. We put the beasts of New Zealand on display, hide people like me away in the cover. But you forgot that we met, wouldn't forget we met? And but we forgot to play this wonderful gentleman goose router. Now, as mentioned you were getting a hearing test. There was tried and hearing is it?


And you, of all people need to do this test because your headphones earbleedingly loud.

I got play some music right now? Can you play some music?


We can take off your headphones, just don't touch Okay, to play some music.

Say I'll play the bit wish she ses wake up in the morning feeling like p did it?

Okay, okay, I'm getting you hold your things up to the It doesn't really because you can hear the music coming through, but we can hear sorry that backfinde but it doesn't quite work because the music's there, but we need to play something else through her head for you through headphones.

Yeah yeah, okay, anyway, headdes aloud loud.

That's a very loud speakers.

That didn't work because of course the music's coming out on the radio and also technically, you know, the mics are on and we hear the music coming Yeah.

No, it doesn't let them into your left your place them with your laptop.

That might be a yeah, sorry, I really to the bottom of it. Yeah sorry, yeah, technology not my not my strength.

That is why I love six o'clock in the morning because you know, we just figured stuff out.

On the hang on that's not working here as original Casher, we're Lution's bassed show.

Okay, listen, this is an ad now that is very bearing in mind. They're coming through tiny little headphone speakers and they're cupped around your ears all the time.

You're like, wow, what speakers going on? Is there a bluetooth in the studio? But no, that yours normally your headphones.

Yeah, to explore destinations with all the cuffs.

But you you did a hearing test and surprisingly perfect hearing we got.

They actually said to me, if you want, you can like turn them up, ladder, You'll be fine.

You and Donald Trump are the only people with perfect earing perfect perfect.

Have anything wonderful the hearing placed people see they turn the headphones up.

I don't know if that's what they said, but what you were going and do that? A guy came along. He had wonderful sideburn Sydney.

Yeah, like ginger chops down like cheek curtains, didn't he with his hair? He looked like a cast member of Emma Dale Farm, you know. Uh. And he came up and had very healthy handshakers you would imagined most people at that show did.


And he was like get am goose.

Ruter headed on his T shirt as well. But we really committed to the nickname and what we thought was going to be a laugh, and it was started as a laugh. I really tended to something really awesome that he does. We're someone who's got goose Ruster on the name the top nice to be Yeah, how are you?


You've told me a Google goose Ruder and I've come up. It was a very interesting website.

If you want to come and see the track there. Oh yeah, that's going to be ain't it.

Oh wow?


Now you do this for an actual, genuine cause. It's for mental health.

That's awesome.

So we've done one hundred shows and events in the last two years, traveled around in Zeeld with the caravan talking with Farmer's track. He's around community anyone that needs to listen really well and sometimes it's their five minute, team minute conversation on the side of the road with a complete stranger that can make the difference to the day.

That's awesome.

So that's why we take you tour around. So we're done hundred odd shows and events in the last two years, talked over eight thousand people.

Good you get well. We started it with Goose and we've ended up with a heartfelt conversation. Tell you what. Then he hugged us and he hugged you like a Boer constructor Big Old Arms doesn't have one. So he does mental health advocacy for the rural community.

It's awesome.

Never judge a book by exactly quirky name.

Yeah, we were judging. We were judging. I want seduced a slight rebrand, mimorable, memorable, and it's an amazing thing that he's doing.

It's amazing to have so many people like that out in New Zealand doing things like.

That's the johonaan Ben podcast.

Have you with us on New Zealand's Riefs this morning? Now, Kanye West just stumbled across so much inspirational on Instagram and TikTok, isn't there just almost get overloaded with inspiration.

A lot of quotes, a lot of motivational people there are.

But then you're like, I'm going to change my life three minutes, lady, You're still sitting there doom scrolling, aren't you?

And you've forgotten what the advice was.

Yeah, but Kanye West, he's been interviewed by New Zealander Zane.

Lowe really well.

Sane loves incredibly well. He's big here of Apple Music, as z ain't Len and Kanye's mother was a very smart woman, Donda, and she would have, you know, part with some great wisdom for him. He ever listened to what he's gonna say. It's about how you approached life.

You know, if every time someone asks you a question, you try to say the right answer. Your entire life is a test, and when did you have the most anxiety in grammar school and high school? No question on test day, So your entire life become this test. I ain't trying to say the right answer. I am just doing what I feel. My mama said, trying is failing. There is no ifs.

Woods coulds shut. It just is and we just are.

It's simple, you know, and that approach really isn't done well all through life.

It just seems like a zero responsibility to see what's coming out of your mouth, which is exactly what he's done.

It's right, but he's just gonna I reckon when he goes, a lot of people are going to mourn him. Uh. He's been a culture vircial figure. But you know, some of history's most well known and remembered figures have been controversial. They've made a check, like Elon Musk. Used to be a fan of Musk. Now you've turned on him since he was the pro Trump lost.

You got the eck you did? I think it was kind of.

Keep putting that out there, because yeah, we did talk about my love for Elon. I'd like to say that has ended our relationship at one sided relationship, and he'll.

Be devastated about that. But what celebrity do you think you've mourned the most since their death? We'll get you should get Producer Alien.

Yeah, I know that, in particular with Liam Payne. With Producer Ali, a huge one direction fan. That one hit You're really hard, didn't it?

I did it? And it still is.

Actually I often think about it and I'm just like, like, it just hurts and it's just sad. And then there's obviously controversy is still kind of going on about it and what actually happened, and that's triggering because you just yeah, it took him ages to get home. Yeah, No, it's just awful and it hit me harder than I thought it really did.

It just shocked me.

I kept doing that thing where I wake up and go, oh that's right, Oh that's right.

But they're a big party of life one direction.

If something happened to Harry, I'd be devoted. Yeah, okay, take time off work.

What's the celebrity of mourned the most?

Been Well, I found that something had me got quite hard in a lot of ways, and probably for unusual reason. With Kobe Bryant, you know, when the helicopter crashed. But his daughter Gianna was a real one because you know that she was just thirteen. I found that really hard, you know, the father daughter. I've got two daughters as well other people in the helicopter. I thought that was a really you know, just a really horrible thing for so many families, you know, So that one really did hit me quite hard. Yeah, particularly having girls. As I said to myself, we.

Should check this cherry topic out.

There's Wednesday.

Who's the celebrity of mourned the most who passed? Chris call Nell was a big one, and I was a big fan of chrystical now but we met him just.

Weeks before he died.

It was lovely, it was, and you wouldn't never, you would ever have known this is always the case. Yeah, it was okay.

The hits, the johonaan Ben podcast and the Sanitarium Week Bix Kids Triathline back again for another year.

It's been running since nineteen ninety two.

We're going out today.

After the first one as well. They're still plenty of chances to roll. It's such a great thing. It's so amazing to see that the jaw on the kids' faces is achieve.

Something always like, why don't they include performance enhancing things like you know, little sort of jet packs on their back for the swimming, little electric engines. It's all about doing it from motorbike.

It's not a motorbike motocross.

I'm not actually serious. Just in case you are going to strap a jetpack to your back to swim.

Yeah, I don't know if that's quite allowed. But to the ambassadors, they are back again from the black Ferns. The world champion black Ferns are Alana and Chelsea Bremner, sisters are joining us once again on the phone. Good morning, guys, how's it going? What's right? How are you very excited about another year of the Sanitarium Week Books Kids Trathon. You guys back as ambassadors. You must have done something right.

Yeah, we definitely loved our time last year. It was so awesome getting around all the triathlons.

It's such an amazing thing and it just reading before this year there'll be over half a million Kiwi kids that would have done the Wheetbooks Trathlon's it's incredible.

Yeah, it's so incredible. I think the Senatory Week because Triythlon has been around for about thirty three years and Charles and I probably were in participating about twenty years ago. We were talking about, which is pretty insane, how.

Many times did you guys do the Triythlon?

We did it, I think about five times growing up. And still mum still got our medals from.

When we did it, our participation medals.

I was reading that last night that you guys, you know your mum still keeps everything and you know, you guys have won the Rugby World Cup, you got medals and winning the World Cup and your wheatbooks, your trathlon medals, the Sanitariy Weetbooks trathon medals are there with your Rugby World Cup medals.

Yeah, no, we're pretty lucky at gus having mum saving all those things. She as soon as she found out we were coming on as ambassadors. It was your opportunity to get everything to saved over the years out of the roof. And yeah, so really call lots of medals and our photos of us crossing the finish line. So it's a pretty full circle moment being the ones to tick ab out the champion medals at the finish line and yeah, pretty special.

Sounds like your mom needs to like, my mom needs to clear out some stuff.

Like it sounds like probably not that this.

Is vindication for saving everything. Just succeed. This is why I did it. What do you say to like young kids who want to get into professional sports? So maybe they're doing the triathlon and they're like.

Yes, I love sports. How do I get into doing it like professionally when I'm older?

Giving everything to go. When you're younger, we played so many sports and it probably wasn't until you know, the last few years, we really honed in on our sport, our main sport being rugby. So whatever it is you want to do, I think when you're younger, take all the opportunities have fun, and yeah, don't take anything too seriously because I think having fun is the most important things as a kid.

How special is it for you guys to do your career together, you know, to play in the black ferns together, to play rugby together, to also be ambassadors for the Sanitarium, weep extrathon, to get you own a house together.

I understand.

Yeah, we're so lucky.

We're definitely, we're definitely very grateful. It's really really special obviously to be running out on the field together to play test match or play club or I think the most exciting part about it is just that we get to train together every day, and you know those summer off season trainings. We're working hard together and we're really grateful to be able to make our family proud and it's awesome having family and friends together to come and watch us.

We're going to Larna and Chelsea brand Mill with us right now. I want to see how in sync you are. I'm going to say a question. Then I'm going to count to three and see if you guys can answer it at the same time. See how many we get. I mean, who knows all right? On the counter three? Name of color one two three gluey wow wow? On the counter three name of rugby position one two three? Okay, as well, let's go wait a bit. And I thought it would are the count of three. Name of season of the year one two three Summer. Oh my godness, okay. Name an animal at the zoo one two three lions. We had to get one wrong, otherwise you want to thought, have we pre prepared this? And finally, and if you get this wrong, you're no longer ambassadors. Name something you'd eat for breakfast one, two.

Three, Yeah, I didn't think of the range of products.

Exactly. It's always great to catch up with you guys all, no doubt. See you are heading along to the first week Mix Kids Triathlon today. There's such a great event to be a part. It's so good thing the smiles on the faces and the sense of achievement as the kids cross the finish line.



We look forward to seeing guys today and the rest of their kids set up.

He I love to talk to you'll see.

So thank you bye guy.

The Hits the jonaan Ben.

Podcast start ourdays with the New Zealand Heerrold Daly Quiz. You can get online at the New Zealand Herald dot co dot nz. We get a jump on it and try and get ten out of ten. As soon as we get one wrong answer, we stop. You can carry on online though.

It's over to the quiz. Queen producer Elit Hello there, good morning comes in with more facials than a twenty two year old at the end of a three day music festival. She really does give away the answers, doesn't She tries not to.

You guys are smart. It's never met.

Let's see if you can just be stoic.

I don't even play poker at the casino.

I cannot.

I cannot do that. Poker face is not the best.

Sometimes it's not good luck. All right?

Question number one, Robbie Williams first rose to fame as a member of.

What I take that?

That is correct?

There we cut you off at the past.

There you need the multi.

Choice of that one noise all right? Question number two? Which Russian author wrote Anna Karanina and the Death of Ivan Ilitch? I'm not saying this right, sorry? Was it Anton Chikhov for your Door? Dostoski or Leo Tolstoy.

At all great authors the literature?

There's such a niche question.

Well, we could throw to the text earlier. I feel like we need to text help on this.

Four for a seven.

If you're listening and you know the author of I can't even remember what the book.

Was, Okay, So which Russian author wrote Anna Karenina and the Death of Ivan Ilyitch? Was it Anton Tchikhov for your Door, Dostoyevsky or Leo Tolstoy?

Just text one to or three one to three three to us on four four eight seven.

I'll tell you what Russian and beautiful language when you pronounce it, I feel so bad. I've just offended all the Russians here. Sorry to all of our Russian audience. We apologize deeply. So is it author one? Two?

All three?

It feels like author three to me.

It feels like all for one to me.

Doesn't should we just keeping author two to me? So?

Yeah, but I just said that just for comical bursiness. We haven't had a single text so far, so because I think everyone stupp by this.

One is a shock for question, it's just coold story told story.

It's yeah, we've had a whole lot come through for three three three Tolstoy. Yeah, that is correct, A six or seven. So thank you, Thank.

You to well read, famous book.

Educated audience listening. They're probably really judging us, right, so uncultural here, all right?

Question number three?

Who was the first actress to portray Glinda and the Broadway production of Wicked?

Megan Hilty? I didna mean zell Or Kristin Chenowith Glinda?

Did you say, yeah, so we're talking about this yesterday, weren't we.

Kristin Chaworth.

Yeah, she was also for the voice of elsa willing voice of else and.

Fret means I was yes, that's right, nice, all right?

Question numberfore, which country is hosting the twenty twenty four United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as COP twenty nine. The UAE or Brazil or Azerbaijan.

I love saying.

Ironic because they took it to your sort of the United Arabate. It's given the amount of fuel and oil their drilling, So I would say, you know the lights of Sunbourg and stuff. I'm not I'm not having no part of it. Yeah, okay, So it eliminate the u a E. Nice okay, and then Jubagan.

They love a Grand Prix and Asbachan, but.

Then there's the Brazilian Grand Prix, and then yeah, shopping down rainforests in Brazil.

Listen, every country is playing its part. Don't even come here.

We're doing Yeah it's not.

Yeah, all right, which one is gonna Let's go to Brazil. It sounds like a fun place to pretend to try and.

Fix the climate. Okay, well a Brazil, because John I.

Said, come to Brazil, isn't it It's incorrect?

Yeah, there we go.

We dipped out this morning.

Last year's COP was actually in Dubai, so your your theory was like, but it was actually how the last year, but it was wrong.

It's cute.

Jono, Ben & Megan - The Podcast

This is mildly amusing banter at its mildly amusing best! We’re Jono Pryor, Ben Boyce, and Megan Pap 
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