FULL SHOW: One Of Us Is Out Of The Mariah Carey Game!!!

Published Nov 14, 2024, 9:03 PM


  • Why Megan was having a screaming match on the street with her hubby...
  • Lawnmower racing gets viscous!
  • Boss Mando reveals he is out of the Mariah game then you'll never guess who get's out during the show!
  • Saying No to drinks with Coldplay!
  • We chat to Kiwi singer Kaylee Bell and she joins the Mariah game!
  • Jono acts like a boomer again and complains about waving his hand for technology...

Facebook: The Hits Breakfast with Jono and Ben


This show on being podcast.

Hey, that's us broad to you by Hello Fresh the experts and Tastes that Kiwis love for the podcast On a Friday, Coming to You from christ Church came down for the christ Church Show and.

Something that we noticed.

We were doing some broadcasting with the hits under a little I guess a mark here, quick up sort of marquee, and we noticed a truck radio truck Easier, Yeah, easier. And we noticed another radio station that we hadn't heard of before. The Fridge were their arrival radio station, Megan.

So we decided to go and check it out in the camper van.

Now there were kids, and they had but they had an amazing set up, just an amazing you see.

They were cold as ice though, because you got interviewed on there and they're like, we're going to give you twecs.

I don't know.

They run a tight ship doing the Today the Day Show, just as through the Hits, I didn't realize.

I came in with my breakfast banter like yeah, and.

They wrapped me up, which is good because I would have just praddled on and really killed the vibe. So even at that.

Shows, it's a very tight ship. Being aloud to waffle.

I know it's even at that age. They are fast up, prayer than me. Broadcasting. They did a great job, but he was us talking to the really talented young kids from the Fridge radio station.

We're coming with drawn joined forces, which cold Play last night was all about love and people coming together, and that's what I'm doing right now on the Fridge. And I feel like, I don't know, contractually am I allowed to be on this radio station.

I don't know, but it's great from.

Wrapping me up.

You guys keep it tight here, don't you. It's probably what you're probably reading better than that there.

We got pretty pretty talented, pretty talented. As said, they're coming from our jobs, probably sing but and I'm.

A bit jealous that they have more advanced software than.


They had a broadcast truck, I know, no more corner from the hits. He's doing the day show, the Canterbury Show, under a t it's raining. He's got like a scourgey scange old microphone. He's all that keeps cutting out. So we ended up doing recording.

On the You go on to this caravan amazing just be Yeah they did it. Yeah, that was awesome.

Brunei's Palace and yeah, but we better wrap it up, guys, because I've been going too long.

So enjoy the podcast and we'll catch on Monday.

Coming to from christ Church today where it's a public holiday. We always wanted to do that thing when you went around all the regions and experience the public holidays.

Yes, yeah, I pitched there's an idea.

I was like, we could go to everyone, but and then they're like, you're working in.

The region and no one else's feel being Hereah.

I was like trying to the public holiday chasers. So here we are in christ Church.

But then there's literally no one in.

Doing their own thing.

Could get the day off. Then you could go from place to place.

They'd be great, But we are getting time and a half because technically in the region.

Yeah, maybe that's late we do we get time and a half to it.

I don't think we are and half. After the Coldplay concert that we went to on Wednesday night, it was quite late. We get up quite early, three forty five is my alarm, and we had that chat to a few people. So it wasn't till about eleven o'clock that my husband and I were out on the street. I had organized to get the same Uber driver that had taken us here. It was awesome. So we gave him a text and he was like, oh, come and walk and meet me here.

Great, everything's organized, it's sorted. The plan is flawless because I.

Just want to get out there and get to bed.

Do you want to make a quick exit from that event?

So we start walking, you know me and very like inappropriate shoes, but I was fine.

She was racing lawn mowers yesterday in high hills.

Even at the christ Show. You're right, like I had.

I brought some gun boots down the fiend and you had some fancy sort of shoes.

But did I did I complain because we did a lot of walking, and I always say I don't complain about my shoes because it's self inflicted. So I never complained. But we were walking for five minutes and my husband, after a few beerb's, was like, stop, I'm just going to check the ubers and see if I can get a cheaper price, because we'd set a price.

I was like, okay.

I gave him grace and I was like, you can have a couple.

Of minutes, but this is a surging time. This is the time.

To him, I was like, I've set a price. It is currently surging.

Yeah, it's not going to be any cheaper.

No, So he's looking and he was like, this one's sixty bucks, but we have to catch it at eleven thirty. I was like, it's currently eleven o'clock. I'm not waiting half an hour. So I was like, walk as you look, and I was very weare on the street. There's lots of people trying to leave cold place.

I love a public bickering couple. It makes me feel the better about my relationship.

You start to countdown how long you've got to sleep, and I was like, I'm losing time. So I was like, walk and look. We'll walk towards the gouber and you can look. And he wants me to stop again, and he wants to call someone else, and I was like, I have booked this guy. I have booked this guy. He's waiting for us. I was like, you will have to call him to sort it out, and he's like, just wait a second. We start to raise our voice and I was like, Andrew, and yeah.

I wanted the film.

Just take the taxi. At this point, I don't care about twenty bucks. I was like, I don't care if you get it cheaper.

I do not.

He had a few whiskey. Yeah, you saw him being it's a fine for drunk.

He's doing drunk. Myth athemeticians to.

Him as like a million dollars. And so I did anything where we're you know, we're raising our voices. And I suddenly had a moment where I stopped and I became aware of my surroundings and there were people watching us have this this conversation on the street, and I was like, we're one of those couples have a loud argument.

I did, from the most wholesome, beautiful concert argument. I was like, this last words is what the world needs ols more love. And then outside you're.

Like the hits that johnaan Ben podcast.

Trust It show, Big weekend christ Church obviously the show going on the races, another big day tomorrow and we got to experience, as we said earlier before the christ Chit Show, wandering around, taking part in the rides, amusements, seeing the animals so much to do and see so much.

We also got a text for being part of mainstream media.

Were spreading misinformation.

It was quite funny because it was like a version of the Eiffel Tower there was. It was quite impressive, like obviously not as big, but I was like, that's still a funny video. At the start, we'll pretend we're in Paris, you know, the Rugby this weekend, and then we'll reveal that we're in the christ Chit show.

That's what I told you guys.

So we started going, hey, we're in Paris outside the Stiffel Tower, and then someone walked past going lies, lies, that's information, make news media, And I was like, we didn't get to the punchline yet, but look like we're going to be lying as mainstream media.

And to be fair, like all the show is this misinformation, amount of disinformation I've spread half heartedly researched.

Now, lawmar racing is something we're both you and I are taken part and they basically soup up right on lawnmowers and you can go really really fast around the track around the grass.

Yeah, we went to Ikatahuna, didn't We did it on in a guy's backyard. He set up a lawnmarer racing track and one of the most big takeaway from katahunas they didn't have many retailers.

But they had a six shop.

Yeah, they've got an out shot one of the four shops I think they have there.

Literally, it gets very lonely and the wid.

You're driving through and you're like, actually, I would be meaning to pick up something, ye, or that town has just overrun with everyone gets one for Christmas.

Yeah, that Lawmar Racing. But yesterday we got to take part. Well you guys did. I got to commentate you guys around the track. Megan, I didn't think you were going to take part with you sare arm.

To be honest, when you first seen lawnmar Racing, I didn't realize they could go sixty k's. I didn't realize they'd been souped up. I thought it was like, oh, look how fast our lawnmars could go. But they were like little gokuts.

Well you're an f one, big fan of your one, so you had to get involved. And here's how it went on the track, Lawnmar Racing, that's what we've all been waiting for, the pinnacle of the christ It show. It's the lawnmarer RaSE and Megan, you're about to start now. We thought you're out because of your arm, but you think you can do this.

I think I can.

It doesn't have past hearing, so I don't hold out much hope, but I'm preparing to give it a go.

It's the underdog story. It is the underdog story, Benis. She comes through with the victory.

Here with carpl tunnel surgery and choosing and not conducive to the academy, the chrosh it show.

No, you're right, actually yeah, but anyway.

Story in my life really okay, all right, well good luck. So just about you're about to start, and so you're saying, what happened?

One guy first time out rolled like three times bro seven ribs and a punch it lung.

Wow, okay, lawnmar racing Megan.

They're calling Liam Laudson. It's a great part that John I came up with them. They're away here they go. Wow, John has not taken off. How fast can these go?

I think how fast? It says about sixty five kilters an hour?

The word's quicking this.

Oh yeah, So we're watching Megan right now and John O, how do you think they're going?

While they're holding their own they're good, they're good. It's hard to tell who's in front now. Yeah, a bit of laughing going on there.

Yeah, gotcha, Vegan, how'd you go?

I'm not gonna lie. I feel like I was Daniel Ricardo with a sore hand. I should have like subbed out. That's one for the IF one fans, but they're very fast.

I heard about Tempeston to watch your sid so I hope that you heard that there.

You were buzzing afterwards. It your Megan.

That was pretty fun. Yeah, when you put your foot down and they go pra it's like, that's pretty cool.

I know that John.

You at one stage, John, I was just really want to go overtake you at one stage, Yeah, come back for a little bit. And then after a while, who's just like no, I'm going for it.

But it didn't look like a lot of fun out there.

And it's the hits that johnaan Ben.

Podcast playing a really fun game that you can get involved into.

All I Want for Christmas, the Mariah Carey Classics.

You've just got to see how long you can go avoiding that song on social media when you go into shops. I had a scary moment the other day going into the mall and I heard Mariah Carey playing and like, oh my goodness, I'm out of the game. And then I realized, no, it was another one of her bangers emotions.

Let's how high she is on the song?

Wow, good lord, it's impressive.

Yeah, And so then I went from I went from fear and then to like, gee, she's an amazing voice, just incredible.

And it's not like we don't like the song All I Want for Christmas.

We just thought it's the most iconic Christmas song, trying to avoid it for as long as possible.

Can we compare Mariah singing to your singing off her music?

Have we got that.

Made me sing like that? I was I definitely can't sing that. I that's that wasn't me. That was Megan too, By the way, I should have claimed that.

Actually, yeah, we've done pretty well so far. I think just over two weeks we've managed to avoid All I Want for Christmas used today Maddy McLain caught in a cheating scandal. That's what that would have been the salacious headline on the woman's magazine, Matty McLean's Cheating Scandal. But then a listener had set up a burner account on social media and had tried to lure and trap him in to click on a video which had that as a soundtrack. Many claims he runs his stories on mute when he's running.

Yes, so we're saying, okay, we'll believe he's still in the game. Our boss, Matt joins us. Right now, Good morning, Matt, you're already out of the game.

Good morning, indeed, I am.

I have been eliminated and the least sorry in the most surprising way.

Hell on social media.

No, not on social media. So you know I'm very loyal to you guys. Obviously I listened to the Hats a lot, you guys, Betty and PJ. I know that this is a safe space, but sometimes when I want some more intellectual conversation.

Oh, you've been caught cheating too.

No, no, no, let's not throw the cheating word around.


I was listening to a little bit of NEWSTALKSZ'DB, and I think that would.

Be a safe space.


It's a talk radio station, right, weighing a gender.

Typically, they don't play a.

Lot of music.

They don't play any music except for when they go to talk about the one point two minision dollar Christmas Tree downtown Auckland and here to do Plus y Ellen came at me with some Mariah Carey and.

So she's still in there.

They'll teach ye.

Also, if you want an intellegal conversation, you're still tuned speaking to find your intellegial conversation anywhere else.

My friend, I've been here three years.

When's it going to start? Yeah, so that's out of the game. You s be tripped them up. I think we've got Debrah. How did the heads? Good morning, Debrah?

Good morning?

Hell are you de Do you enjoy her intellegal conversation?



Good? Are you in the game? We're out of the game.

I am most certainly out of game.

Oh what got you?

I decided my six and eight year old daughters wanted to listen listen to some Christmas music, and I indulge them with Kelly Clarks and under the Tree and next in line with Mariah Carey.

Oh so I just recommended it. Do we straight to it?

Straight to it on YouTube? And I was out and they were well aware I was playing this game.

So ohs and songs.

That's a great song.

Yeah, we do appreciate your honesty. Thank you so much for playing the game. We've lost another soldier. Another one bites the dust. But you going have a wonderful weekend. Alright, Debrah, thank you so much. Let's get Caitlyn on. Welcome to the show, Caitlin.

Hello, good morning, lovely to have you on.


You have a query around the rulings of this competition yet, so I don't know.

If I then are out at the moment, because the other night I had a dream and in my dream I heard Mariah Carey's version of All I Want for Christmas, And in my dream I was like, oh, I'm out, Oh my gosh, you guy clearly had a big impact on my lifebout jeez.

But not obviously.

It wasn't didn't have the radio playing in real life or anything like that. It was just in your dream.

Yeah, I made it up coming from your brain, external sources. I'm going to rule that You're.

Right, okay, And you need to get a bit of dreams too much.


That Jona and Ben podcast sitting into another but weekend with two more Coldplay.

Concerts in New Zealand.

But we're playing a really fun game to do with Mariah Carey's All I Want for Christmas. Just talk about before as soon as you hear any part of that song. You are out of the game. You gotta see how long you're going to last heading into the festive season.

Yeah. We just spoke to Deborah who's she was caught out of the game, and Caitlin too, who at a query if she dreamed that she heard Mariah's version in her sleep, does that counter out? We decided, well, know that's some external source providing that audio.

Yep, so she's still in the game. Now we have some breaking news.

We've got the breaking news thing, producer Grace, if we got anything we can play right now.

Guys, breaking news in a stroke of irin coincidence, Karma, I don't know what category you put it under.

We hang up from Caitlin, we go to the ads.

I do what we all do, just go straight back to our phones and devices in between songs.

Okay, then I'm scrolling on Instagram.

Now there's a funny turn the volume down.

Down videos play over and over. He's just slashing his phone around hat hazardly.

It's on me.

So there's a funny skitch that a mother's done. She's like, when my son asked me what I got him for Christmas? And it hard cuts to her all around the house going Wi Fi Electricity Taxi rides.

A hint of sarcasm in her performance, and I thought, this is a funny skitch.

I wonder if there's any audio, and I foolishly did not look at the soundtrack that was playing, and it was.

It was, Oh, he's the out of the game. Now.

That means you have to hear some of my rendition of all I want for Christmas. Now everyone can comfortably listen to this will not comfortably uncomfortably actually yeah, yeah, but this is the song that we play to all our fallen soldiers.

By love Christmas. That's that. Oh there is just one thing I need. Oh god, we can't listen?

Can we fast forward to the hook Grace too? That's when he really starts to ramp up. Oh god, we got there, No take back, no take two.

I don't want a lot more Christmas.


You know what I think we got Joe? I know one hundred the hats. Can we get Joe on right now?

Good morning, Joe Morning.

Now, apparently my version got someone out of the game. How did that work?

It did?

So my wife and I we always listened to you guys on our way into work, and so she's driving and I just get dismissage from her saying, oh my god, did you hear Ben's version on the radio? I'm like, yeah, that was terrible, wasn't it? And so she'd text me there She's like, I'm listening to Mariah now, And I said, did you switch stations or did How did you get end up with Mariah? I said, I just bought Spotify and that was so bad I just had to listen to So.

I forced your wife to listen to the proper version to get out of the game.

Yeah, you're singing as driving people to the Devil's music.

I appreciate you have a great weekend, Joe. Thanks for playing the game.

I love how you're like no take backs, one take one take only. You definitely could have done a few versions.

I should have.

We've got someone else that's been caught out outside of outside of school?

Is that right? Didra?



I work at a nature school.

So we pulled into the pad the farm yesterday morning and another family pulled them behind us, windows down, music cranking.

Oh all right, tell you what, Deirdre.

I know there's initially a feeling of disappointment, but now I feel like the shekels have been free.

You are free now to listen at your will.

We can.

Music that's right, got free.

Tell me what I'm realizing how popular that song is.

It's played a lot, aren't they. I appreciate you call this morning. You have a great weekend. There's some great texts coming through as well.

I'm out.

I take a guide unit and one patrol to the dance. So if you're at a recital and they've come out, they do a performance, you can't leave once they start. There's a good question though, here's one, Megan, You've quite got on answering this question. Okay, the questions come through four four eight seven. If you hear the first few bars of the song, then change the station. Are you still in because you don't know if it's the Mariah version or not.

The singing hasn't start.

Ah, it's moneably gonna be probably right. Yeah, but no, that's let's say the vocals the Mariah's vocals.

No, because then it gives you a chance to tap out. I'm saying no. I'm saying they're out.

And someone else is doing it with their workmates for a sausage roll. Whoever hears at first has to shout sausage rolls for the other team.

So that's very good.

Well, hey, thank you all for playing along. And well the first victim on this you're the.

Hits that jonaan Ben podcast.

Second night of Cold Play tonight, they're playing a third night on Saturday. Everything you've seen probably on social media just looks just incredible. So if you get a chance to go along there on stage just after eight o'clock, pretty pretty punchal about.

Twenty the other night when they're.

Megan, I think we were told eight thirty and then they.

Got on.

Even Yeah, five minutes earliers late, that's right, and then they played right up until ten thirty their Cure a few time in park as well.

So finished tenthty on the door a push boundary all the way through. I even see the songs you didn't know or you know a word as fond of you still enjoyed because of the spectacle.

Yeah, just what they've got going on.

It's just so much going on, you know, from the screens to the costumes, the confetti, fireworks, you've seen all that.

We keep on saying, but that was very surprising, but it wasn't up said about it.

Yeah, yeah, you're right.

So there's a great play from them.

Even if you don't like our music, at least we will bamboosed on you with our special feat.

I mean they played all the Baggers, which is great. But you're right the ones because there's always songs that you maybe don't know. Normally there's a guitar solo from so that goes go out, have their vapor whatever, but that'sn't happened with gold Play. You know, here's the saxophonist for nineteen minutes.

It's actually because the bands you've talked about lighting up, there's a video we'll put up on the hits explaining the technicalities behind the bands and how they make them work in different zones.

Bands gets it, you know, it's a.

Little bracelet wristband they do light up more like how does this technology work? Because some stage is like a heart shape than that people in the area make with their light up.

There's always with everything.

When they explain it, it's so.

Yeah, you're like, oh, yeah, that makes sense, Like, yeah, we'll put it on the heads Breakfast Instagram for you.

But I was, you know, it's a good bit of banter. Jhona.

You like those sort of topical things to lean into for banter when you run into people. And I was sitting down waiting to get a haircut the other day and just chatting to the guy who you know, had bit before, and we're talking about stuff, and then I went, oh, you're going to Coldplay, you know, topical topical reference. And he was going along on Saturday night and so I was good and he goes, you know what, I saw them many many years ago, and he was saying maybe fifteen years maybe more. And in Edinburgh he was doing like his oe with his partner and he saw them when they played to two hundred people, Oh wow wow. And he's like, now they they don't never light up wristbands there they.

Were filling out time with the guitar.

Probably yeah. He was like, yeah.

The people basically knew it was a friend of a friend knew the band. And they were like this up and coming band you just go along the sea. Yeah, come see my friends. I'll get your name on the door. And they're like, okay, we'll go along and see this band called Coldplay and Edinburgh or something.

So they went in a long stupid name never catch.

On Tuesday night.

Yeah, and then they got there, and then apparently their name wasn't on the door, and they're like, oh, hey, someone's such a sort we should have put our name on the door. As the person who was sort of taking the names and stuff when oh, give me a second, sort of ran away.

And then at that point, be honest, would you have been like too hard?

Too hard?

They came back and they went it's all good and spoken to the band, you're all good to come through, and they were great. And then the same person came up to them later on and said, oh, look, hey, Chris, who sings in the band, really feels it feels really yeah, it feels really bad about the fact that there was a mix up when you came inside. If you want to afterwards, come have some drinks with the band, come have a drink afterwards, you know, just to say sorry the mix up.

I mean, they still got it to the concert.

They didn't miss any of the concert, and they were like, oh, that's lovely, that's lovely.

I will let you know.

And then they left afterwards, and now he's like, oh my goodness, I got and finded for a drink with Chris Martin and.

Chris Chris mar for an apology drink.

I know, how lovely is that. I mean, the nicest band in the world, right.

Even on stage when you watch him now, he still seems like that guy.

Yeah, the nicest guy in the world.

Now he's like he's the only not invited people.

But it's just an apology drinks the seat you want to Yeah, so we were like, he was like, oh man, I always think now. I was like, I could have I could have had a drink with Chris Martin. They would have been.

Friends, they could have sparked up a lifelong friendship.

Yeah, but though at the the moment in time, he's asked to have been with some riando cool Chris, Yeah, who doesn't know, he doesn't know.

It's a friend of a friend's And he said that were incredible. We went afterwards just like, wow, that were amazing, amazing.

Enough to.

All the people you've had drinks with, they've gone on to do anything cool, like it was a once in a lifetime situation. Yeah, OK, let's open this show. We four four eight seven On the text, what do you regret saying no to? It could be an advice, could be a job, could be a party. That's also an invite obviously, I'm trying to think of a really better to think of examples on the spot. I actually I did get a phone call from a friend who said, I know you love betting on horses, Megan.

He was like, what do you do? What do you do? Put money on this horse?

Right join our little you know, conglomerate a bit they got. I was like, no, yeah, one hundred and twenty thousand dollars what speech as sex group system?


And you see no, I do regret that.


Is that thirty thousand eight?


Wow, that's a imbressive Yeah.

Okay's the Jonaan Ben podcast.

Nights of cold Play Friday or Saturday nights, which will be incredible.

And as I was saying, before.

I met someone who I have had a drink with Chris Martin, the lead singer of Coldplay many many years ago, where they were just a sort of young, up and coming band, and he turned it down.

And now he's like, damn it, I could have had that drink.

Speaking of awkward, certainly not being invited back now to have a drink.

He's going to the concert, that's right, Yeah, you're not going to meet them. We're going to text through.

I almost met Johno another celebrity encounter. Awkwardly said hi and went for a handshake on Queen Street and got rejected.

Aha, apparently it doesn't sound like it's usually him.

The smiley you know, the laughing emoji cry laughs things.

So yeah, listen, there's no don't regret anything about not meaning me that he dodged the bullet of anything. We met some wonderful people yesterday that The Canterbury Show didn't. We were saying before a guy who was accusing us of fake news, mainstream media, this information, misinformation, and then I was I was filming him for some reason that.

Went on too long, yeah, way too long. Yeah, and he was called my bluff to.

Any kind of awkwardly awkally. So I should have shaken that guy's hand as well. I regret not giving him.

An apology for filming him. Do you want things you regret you said no to? Much like Chris Martin?

So I went on of the hits telephone number now amazing Grace a producer.

Hello, Hello, We've got Paul on the line.

Ah, Paulo, welcome, how are you this morning?

Good? Good, good guys, how are you?

We're doing well it's lovely to have you on this Friday. Are you heading along to coldplay?

Mate's not my jam?

No, you don't sound like a cold flake.

No, no, no, what do you regret?

Say no to me?

Ah? So I was golfing one day with my mate and we were setting away. I think it's the Sunday. Was saying about a lot o and stuff and he goes, oh, here last week come. I agree, And the numbers came to me and and this is no, no, no boding. And I said whatever, bro, And he goes, oh, wake up, bro, the numbers down. And I said did you get it? And he goes, no, I've got to buy the tech it.

Don't tell me the numbers came in, came in?

No, he just laughed. And I just want to punch in the head at the moment.

Oh my goodness. So he actually remembered the numbers from a dream, wrote.

Wrote them down. Wow, it did nothing with it.

And I'm like, oh my goodness.

How much was a Jackpott of too?

I don't know, I can't remember what it was a few years ago and I'm.

About yeah, I.

Was like, what so for like a twenty dollars you know, roughly tech here it could have been millions of millions of dollars not not falling through.

Well, thank you so much for your cool Paul, great weekend. This's an amazing story.

Not amazing for the guy who didn't do the numbers.

You got to listen to your guess.

Yeah, but every time sometimes you get for every one of those is like, what did I.

Play the one time?


Why was my dream going to bring me the lineup?

But see what he didn't follow through the hits that John and Ben podcast.

She's joining us in the studio right now, Kaylee Bell. She's got a brand new single called Cowboy up now.

It's around gold to audio.

It's a cool track and to tell us more about it to get Kayley, good morning, Great to have you in studio.

Good morning, how are we good?

Nice to have you back in the studio.

It's so nice to be back with you guys this morning.

And now are you the song you've just been telling us before. You've been teasing the song for a while, song.

For the longest time, like eight months.

We do a lot of teasing and radio we're like, we'll tell you the end of the story about the dog with the chocolate barrens three minutes.

It's probably like the normal amount of time. So I really put people on the edge of this sea.

But it has kind of blow up on tip of a million views or something.

It's crazy.

So I actually, okay, I'm going to tell the story, wrote the song, and then I just kind of I teased it, just like literally didn't really think anything of it, and then it kind of went one of those kind of viral moments and you're like, oh, God, okay, so I need to do something with the song. And then I don't know, I just couldn't get the production right on it. And the song has actually been produced by a guy called Travis has made all the Dasher music. Yeah, so it's been quite a journey, but I feel like it's been a journey that has landed the song where it needed to land in terms of production world. And so it's been quite fun actually just to like take my time and get it right and now.

Just like hopefully people will stop abusing me.

And it has been the hardest thing for a musician, is like deciding when the song's done, Yeah, you feel like you can work on it forever.

It's like, but I guess the same with a chef, right, like when is this thing cooked and ready to go out?

Like, I don't know the answer, but at some point you've got to let.

It go, and and that point is eight months. Well, actually, speaking of what you're a very busy, busy artist, and you probably don't get the time to answer all the questions and you calm mean as you do though we have noticed I try, but there's some that suddenly go way deep that you first one from the site manager.

I thought we could just answer these on the spot. Yeah, Hey, Kaylee, do you come to London and all?

Especially this week the Wicked premiere will be all.

You haven't been to London? Not yet? Not.

My friend Navy lives in London. Yeah, so I'm sure a visit for neighbors.

Vis met to Hunt says he's got the goats emoji and he's got you know.

One hundred hundred hundred hot hard heart, go girl dash keen to play my twenty first.

Well, I thought he'd never up.

This is Kayleie. Love your music. What's your favorite sport?

Well, I guess spectator sport tennis. I'm obsessed with tennis and basketball. I know you're a big recorddend.

Yeah, you've been to if you breakers games.

It's such a good it's just such a vibe.

Tell Us is love the song do you have a Dog?

I do a dog?

Not called Stellar, Yeah, I mean the dog's called Thunder, but it's kind of gone through a lot of variations and we've kind of landed. It gets called sunny now so but Thunder just sunny and it came from the Oklahoma thunder. So basketball again, my wife always comes back to the country musical basketball.

Can you do me a favor and say the sentence it's the first warm March morning, It's.

The first warm March.


I actually found that about after three months of songwriting a Nashville and people just weren't understanding what I was saying.

I was like, you know what, did you not just gonna have to change here? And it's not them.

Embraced a little bit of its still.

Little like because everyone's like, oh, you're from you know, the South. It must have been growing up.

I was like, no, no, no, you don't really start rolling your arms tool about denied and maybe but yeah, just the songwriting thing. It just got so frustrated with people not knowing what I was saying.

That, A, yeah, I get and but when you're in your head, you're not even over annunciating any clearer how.

Many syllables bean and dean.

And also we are heating into Christmas now before we go, we're playing a game on the show that's the Mariah Carey Game. Now we're trying to see, trying to see how long it takes until we hear Mariah Carey's all I want for Christmas, trying to avoid it. Not because it's we love the song. I just thought it's iconic. So do you want to play the game?

To you?

I would love to play.

You have to leave us know when you're out of the game, that's all. At some stage when you hear it, it might be scrolling through social.

Media and.

You get to listen to it.

In the game.

Okay, you're just The only condition is you need to leave us know when you're out of the game.

Okay, there's no other consequences.

Still in the game game, we're hanging in there, walking around with head phones on and not like paying any attention to anybody.

The more the supermarket as a sur most people are getting out on social media. But I'm just like scrolling like, I don't care and I haven't come across.

It, and you're just not going to try My kids in a lot, but just go on and do this.

They're like, Okay, the head's the John and Ben podcast.

Just through reading an article about Donald Trump's diet, a great diet.

He's a big McDonald's.

He loves that most common order he will have for lunch two Big Max two for their fish, and a chocolate milkshake every well, not every day, but that's a common order that he will have.

Dana White, who does you know? Big? Basically, the UFC is his business.

He said, he's been you know, five years with him, so I had a relationship for twenty years, spent a lot of time with him and never once seen him drink water.

Never once. He's been on flights for five hours and things like that.

Diet coaxes jam but he's he's not saying he doesn't drink water.

Must be rotting from the inside.

He's never once seen him drink a glass of water.

So you apparently listens to Kendrick Lamar's they not like us on repeat, Donald don't love it? Just reading an article is that's my favorite song? It's the most American song ever.

There we go. Yeah, I don't know how.

Different opinions on it.

But now can I just raise an issue that's starting to affect my life I'm sure yours as well. Too much waving of things required at technology nowadays. So at the airport yesterday, have to wave your barcode in front of the.

Thing never reads the barcode.

Then I'm in the toilet of the airport we land Land yesterday Christian went to the laboratory, and I understand for hygiene reasons.

There's no touching of the tap.

Wave your hands under the tap, and it doesn't the sense, it doesn't get in. You're like waving like Donald Trump during a political speech. Then wave your hands under the driver, wave your hands to get a little towel at love what even to just using the hands, you know, and then waving your past to get onto the plane.

She was like, just just past, wave your card over the top for a payWave situation your phone or too much wave.

I don't like the bathroom and it's always the fan and it's like beer, beer, beer.

And the like.

Once you finally get your hands to recognize the censor of.

The water, of the tap.

It drizzles out, you know, and then you have to try and find anyone boom a complaint.

Then well yeah, but it's.

Something that we need more and more every day. You are having to wave your arms out of something.

I'm always miss firing.

Yeah, I don't mind doing it, but it's just the fact that the technology doesn't seem to be like super one.

For me. It's always like to put your hand, not work put and then it goes great. It's like it's set up on prank bige.

Or something something getting on musk on because I don't know where the sensor isn't I'm not going to just putting my hand underneath it and that's gonna take it off.

You are right now. I'm with you on that one. We're all jumping on board. That's sort of a complaining radio show. That's what we do.

The heads that jonaan ben Podka.

Sketch up with her every week originally from Italy, now here in New Zealand. So she works at the Quest and Tyron Daniella is her name.

You cannot see me, but I'm dancing.

It just happens. Get get the links a pump and there daniel How are.

This Starantella is perfect for start today?

What's an actual Italian banger? It's not just production music?


How's your wake? Maine was? Yeah?

What a week? I was very busy at the tell My husband finished his old job. Then we had a goodbye party.

What does your husband do?

He used to be the manager at Harvey Norman at Taurico and now it's become a real estate agent.

Okay, way more exotic for exotic?


Is your husband from Italy?

Yes? Yes, it's from Rome like me? Yeah?

What's his name?

Danielle? You will not believe this.

Danielle and Danielle.

Yeahs e final a Finalelle.

You wouldn't get a more Italian.

I was thinking you're gonna say Giovanni or something.

Yeah, no, sorry, that's old school names. You need to be more younger than that.

Is this a new Is this a new wave of Italian names?

Is it?

Yeah? Then Giovanni old, very general old generation.

Yes, what's like a young, hot Italian guy name.


You know what in Italy everybody got an English name. If you want to be cool at the moment, yeah, I know that's boring.

He I wanted to call my daughter Giata, which I think is like an.

Italian name, is the stone as well?

Yeah, but then I thought you run in New zealandould call it Giardia.


The water, Yeah, if we Jada, if you hear the radio, No, she's too little.

That's okay, she'll be jardded to us.

She'll be too.

I got yadi once in the school camp. Not get it from the rivers and yeah, the water's not proper.

All right?

Hey, now, lost and found we'd like to do.

Yeah, just go on my drawer, on my beautiful.

Draw she's got lost and found.

Draw anything that super Bowl, the Super the Super super Bowl which was a super Bowl we discovered. So we haven't found an owner for the jersey or the super Okay, what's what's lost this week?

From the queist tod on, I got a lot of stuff.

I pick one, okay, I pick one. That is the hippods here pods.

Oh, the hare pods.

Start pay it to me, Agan, you need to be mine, you know the girls called. Yeah, you need to be a mindset right, she's not.

Laughing, mean girl.

What is airport like Italian for AirPods?

I know it sounds better.

Very losable items. The ear pods though, aren't they It is is a JB l B case.

Very dusty that's from the eleventh of November, or room one or three?

Okay three dusty JBL EarPods.

How long do you hold on to these before you like give them out amongst the stuff.

Now, usually what we're doing is I send an email, a text message and a phone call. That's the three message that they received. And after I told them on my message two weeks they will be here after they go be in charity.

Yes, you'd have a great little collection for Secret Center prisoners.

Now we cannot do this.

That's not you know what someone else's some of you don't know a week.

Yeah, please don't do that.

That's me.

Now you go to Coldplay, I wish, I wish I was.

They want to buy the ticket so sound like you extensive? I'm very honest. Yeah, the minimum was six hundred eighty dollars and I'm not paid that something. Yeah, that's what was left, but maybe it was some cheaper.

Yeah, I want subject I bought some of them didn't goes with that much, but that's that's expensive. Yes, we have got a double pass the Gladiator to the movie and you know wrong there.

Yeah, we can we can see you along to the movie. So how's that sound? We love that you got.

Okay, sounds like a day. Don't tell my husband, don't tell them.

Yell Oh you put a smile on their face every way.

You did the same man.

You know what?

This week I got a lot of as to mcken in and they says we know this voice and says it really do you lady? Yeah, this is your voice on the radio. So did let me Do you want an autograph? I will do that for you.

Oh that's nice to not in someone listening.

You guys are oh Danielle. I lovely to hear from your well speaking you.

Next week, have a lovely week.

Guy that hits The John and Ben podcast.

From the ACC the Alternate Commentary Collective g Lane Mike langad morning, good morning. Now you do a really cool thing for November getting on board?

Yeah, November obviously it's written on the term with November is It's been around for a while. I'm a big fan of the most ash. Yeah, I have mine twelve twelve months.

Yea, you do? Yeah, every every month's November for you?

Absolutely? Yeah. For men's health and this year we've decided to do something a little different.

We did own a nineteen ninety eight Ford falcon but some people go, I don't know what what are you talking about? But it's that it's the Ford falcon Ute. There was only around for a couple of years and it had the kind of thin little eyes around the front. Yeah, it was the first Ford falcon Ute after the after the flat grill, before it went into something a bit more cooler.

Everyone want to have a friend whose dad had one of those?

Yes, absolutely, ninety eight Ford falcon It's probably deserves a better owner than the acc And for a while there we had our faces all over it and disappointingly for storm purpose where that we filled it up with petrol was where her mouth was, so every petrol stot with stuffer a petrol thing down her throat.

Really really.

Anyway, we've.

This month, we've partnered with Auto Trader and with November and we're going to sell our ute and all the proceeds are going to go to November and not just.

The Youth though there's a whole lot more being chucked inside.


Absolutely've got in the glove boxes a few treats there's an iPhone sixteen in the glove box and just left there.

By start brand new. Half a bag of smokes.

Yeah, weird pictures on it.

Yeah, it's under a Hits contrast.

That's all good.

Also a Marshall amp beer amp fridge. You know the amps. They look like a Marshal lamp. Yeah, beer fridge.

We've got a Makia site radio and thanks to you guys, we've got one thousand dollars worth of grocery vouchers and one thousand dollars worth of petrol vouchers that you guys have chucked in the glove box as well. So the comes with five thousand dollars worth of goodies in the glove box and in the tray. All awesome before you even start betting on it. Auto trader, yep, that's an auto trader. All you need to do is checks you to four four eight seven and you'll get a link directly to it.

Now, men's health obviously, and not to bring the title down, but you know the vibes down, but you obviously had your own men's health battle.


I got very rare forumskin cancer in my head five years ago and I've just had my last surgery.

This year.

I've had seven surgeries to remove that and put my head back together. So that is important because guys, we always say it, guys are pretty pretty useless at in on themselves. But it's getting better, like guys are talking more, particularly around mental health. But you can't forget your physical health and go in and get an ideal warran of fitness every year. So July every year, go to the doctor, get a baseline of your health, and then go every year so you can see any changes. So it's you've got to look after You've got to make sure you look after each other, look after yourself more importantly, and November is a great month to focus on that because a lot of the other months, so you know, it's look, I must have met. Women are way ahead of men in terms of everything, emotional intelligence, fundraising, you know, breast cancer awareness.

Who does not love breasts? You know, the elixir of life.

You've been your first year of your life attachable one no one, and so it's quite easy to market that and.

Fun raise funds.

But then you look at things like testicular cancer and prostate cancer. First of all, ones up your butt and the other one looks like spib super. So that's why with kind of November, it's about all men's health. You know, they found a lot of search around prostate cancer, but also around mental health as well.

So it's a great month. It's great month to grow your your lip to pay.

That's why. That's why they've done the mustache, cause that's pretty sicky. But can I pitch to you glanees you have the mustache all the time, why don't you do like a handlebar, like a chopper or like a full goaty situation.

Well, the goaty, that's an interesting one. The goate is probably more confronting than.

Don't that's your saying that I'm a big backer.

The gulane really appreciate you coming on and good now in all honesty, was this classic vehicle becoming too problematic for the company and so.

That you've decided that we need to action charity.

You've seen through the.

Maintenance cost of this car from the nineties.

Will smoke screen. It was a surprises.

You guys.

Through my matrix, the trees.

And just qut me before we hit into the weekend as well. Always great weekends for every weekend. This weekend, all.

Blacks yeah, all but France and great time nine in the morning on Sunday morning.

So it was last week was a Friday night in Island game.

You see the Irish, You're sneaky, aren't they us? A six day turnaround?

Let's put them on a Friday night and just give them one day less of recuperation from Twickenham. But the Frenchi's far more friendly. They've given us a full seven days. It's all got eight days actually from that Friday. So yeah at nine o'clock in the morning. Stick it on Sky or turn it on iHeartRadio as well, because we're a sc a commenting on commentating on iHeart the.

Heads that johnaan Ben podcast.

Yesterday we went to the christ Show, the best that Canterbury has so off the reckon. Fifty thousand people over the week will experience everything from rides, amusements, animals, entertainment, food, venners, a lot of fun.

Rock solid handshakes there to notice. Yeah, really had to live up the intensity of my handshakes and Meg and you've just recovering from carble Tunnels.

It's not it's not a handshaking hand but do you know what I found that people were a bit reluctant to shake my hand because maybe they thought it was because I've got a bandaged hand.

Oh yeah, I can see why no one wants to clinch your bandage hand.

Yeah yeah, But it was fun.

Fun. It was a lot of fun wandering around.

One thing that did backfire for us, though, John I we there was a free hearing place Trent and Hearing. We're doing free hearing. And it's always been a joke in the radio studio how loud Megan's headphones are. They're like a speaker, feels like a boombox blasting out.

I do have them quite loud. I don't know why she's how I would like it.

Sometimes you hear those cars that have the big sort of PA speakers on their roofs.

Those are her headphones.

And so we're like, there'll be funny free hearing to this. We'll get Megan to do a hearing tea. She went away, came back perfect hearing.

She said the word perfect. I was like oorneologist said perfect.

Well that's great for you.

That makes zero inst to me.

Totally. Yeah.

It was a lot of fun taking part in a whole lot of activities. One of my favorite moments was when you had to go trying to pull like you were a trailer almost getting and pulling a trailer along.

It was like a track and trailer situation.

Street Street is John on the pulling machine? What are you? We're doing right now? You're about to pull a pulling scout? Okay? What's your Are you a good puller? All right?

Here we go?

Okay, I can say is that a weirdness?

Metaphorically? I am a puller, champion puller. There we go.

We've got sixty eight sexy sim Me two O siv me six. What's the leaderboards? Ninety KOs are the lowest. Thing's like eighty Okay, you got the lost I popped a hemorrhoids. Who A lot of effort there from you for for not much reward.

It's like when you go to the arcade and you hit their boxing bag thing never never strong.

Now you're quite excited about some of the Canterbory's sixtiest animals on display.

Well, I did feel like those shows they do all the ogo animals they left in the pan. You know they're not taking them to the bloody the show. I'm putting in them on display. These are the finest, sexiest animals. Canabury has horses, lamas alpackers, sheep, pigs, all of them.

And we got an amazing horse, a Norwegian horse.

Have a listen, first Norwegian horse that I've met from the Frozen movie, from.

The Frozen two movie.

Horse is like a mobile but.

It's black and white here.

It's really go for it, Megan, should we don't?


We have to?

What's to do? The horse one?

The long face already, it's got a long face to start off with, so it's not going to enjoy that's But anyway you.

Go, why do all of the Norwegian naval vessels have QR codes on them?

Couldn't tell you?

So they can Scandinavian.

Megan and the horse long faces right now? Yeah, so the joke didn't go, well, we're down, okay, But you were a good joke.

It's a solid Joe.

It's just because you've heard it before, something that we will play this hour. That you guys got to take part in lawnmar racing now. But again I thought you would have been out because you had you know.

Your hands or hand we've still got one working hand.

But you're like, no, good to goody.

David Goggans and these things can go up to sixty five k's an hour, these lawnmar racers.

We'll have it before seven o'clock. Someone actually rolled and broke seven ribs.


So when you see lawnmar as, I thought you meant just like slow old like lawnmar racing.

No, no, right on ones that have been souped up.


Yeah, well so we have that for you in the next twenty minutes.

The hits that johnaan Ben podcast.

Turn Park on the New Zealand Herald Daily quiz you know, and we try and do it every day and quizes that can be hard. The Prime Minister himself got quiz just yesterday on a podcast. Eight year old boy was causing him about some quick fire mass questions, time stables and have.

A listen um quick fire questions five times five, twenty five sometimes.

Eight forty two fifty six sorry fifty six, you're.

Right, sorryshtown to twelve, one hundred and forty four. Job, thank you.

I'm glad you've got that.

I'm glad to mate.

So the middle one rong just off that. Yeah, there's.

I'll be using my fingers.

And fire them off back and forth from that kid. Yeah. Price cheese exactly.

So there, so even the Prime Minister can slip up on quizes. That's all I'm saying. So let's go into today's one.

The last thing he exclas to be grilled on the early Yeah you're there.

Hello, Hello, I'm here.

The pivotal part of this daily quiz.

Thank you.

I was hoping you'd say that. Also, I love how you're coming in hot here saying Ah, the prime Minister's bad.

So if we lose, it's okay, we're not running the country.

Yeah, it's all right for us to sack.

Alrighty, you're not going be able to see my face today, so you're on your own, you are.

Yeah, your faces do give us a good clue. That's all right, it's not gonna go well then, all right.

Question number one for the New John clues which time keeping device was invented by Christian Huegans in the seventeenth century. Was it the sundial, the pendulum clock, or the hour glass?

Oh, the hour glass feels sun dial feels like that's age.

Yeah, that's probably your og.

Yeah, watch would you go the hourglass? The other days of our lives?

The hourglass?

And there?

What was the third there was a pendulum clock.

Is the timekeeping thing? Okay, yeah, hour glass? Yeah, let's go on, hour glass.

We're locking an hourglass. Yeah, that is incorrect.

We needed your face us and Christopher laxd oh. We're on our way out. What was the answer?

It was the pendulum clock.

Yeah, hush my mouth. How does that tell? I guess it tells the rhythm of the time. They're ticking out right, Yeah, I guess that's to win the week.


I done, guys.

Three brains coming together to make one.

It's a terrible one.

Jono, Ben & Megan - The Podcast

This is mildly amusing banter at its mildly amusing best! We’re Jono Pryor, Ben Boyce, and Megan Pap 
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