Facebook: The Hits Breakfast with Jono and Ben
This Gentleman Being Podcast brought to you by Hello Fresh, the Experts and Tastes that Kiwis love. Hey, welcome to the podcast on Wednesday morning.
You look what you're reading the air as you were intro and you hit your eyes on something.
There just an email from our boss. And boss there's lots and lots.
Of looking at that high importance.
Yeah, yeah, I don't like it when they put the importance level on emails.
The anxiety importance for you not as high as my importance.
Where's the gauge?
Yeah, you're right. We're going from one of the kids teachers at primary school. It was like this was concerning whatever, you know, because you see her taking some time off to do some filming stuff, and it was like for her, it's not concerned for me a parent, and I look at the time off because she was filming some stuff, you know, I'm not concerned at all. I thought it was great for a future.
Have you concerned this on you? You're right talking about how.
So they're like a weird boss like that you deal with.
Yeah, I think a lot of it. They have to pretty they have to do it, you know, all through the Ministry of Education and stuff.
Yeah, they have to have concerned. They probably don't, to be honest, They probably go home and slam back a bottle of seven forget about that.
Probably the same email and they're like, dear Ben, dear Mary.
This is concerning anyway. Podcast. I hope you enjoyed the show and we'll be getting concerned about stuff now.
Netflix. You know, i'd say most households around the country whatever. Netflix, you know, it seems like it's they got in first. A lot of people you know have it and continue to have it, and it's provided great entertainment. I'm not not taking that away from it. But it's a bit of a nark.
They'll be all right, but of a nark is tracking you.
Well, no, this is the thing. And it was actually played into my benefit last night because I've got the standard Netflix. As many people have you seen, you watch two screens at the same you can watch two people can watch the thing at the same time on the same log. And so my daughters have been doing their musical theater stuff quite quite late nights and we're like, hey, it's time, you guys need to get to be a give an early night. Both of them went to be it. I said good night to them, and then I went to the bedroom and I like to watch something on TV to go to, you know, And I started to watch.
Watch, watched TV and bed. Yeah, you can't have a cup of tea in bed.
No, I don't like a couple of sea food.
And it's just like that's putting him.
Yeah, go and see it. My life tries to do that.
I'm like, but I got a double pasty clif Richard.
Yeah, it'd be great. So I'm watching at the moment that spread the second series of Sprint. It's just really really good. So I started watching that and then all of a sudden it stopped. Netflix stopped. I was like, oh, that's weird. And then it went too many devices, so it came on my screen. Too many devices watching, and it went through and it named the shot gossip Girl Indie and brackets iPad see you pressent break see it in brackets laptop, and this is all happened in real time, real time, by the way, to be together. Then it's like, if you want to upgrade for seven dollars more, but oh, you can have four screens going so you can go and rinse your daughter. Yeah, and I'm going to go rents to the daughters.
I always find a dodgy that it told you what it was, because we used to share my family's while. It used to be like your brother is watching this, and you're like, yo, watching this.
It's dark in there, and I'm like, hey, we're watching something on What pross up? Girl on the iPads? A break on the laptop? Thank you?
Look to season four, episodes three.
That's an interesting little thing. I hadn't happen before, especially what like I played the bill wanted to throw me off anyway, I was first on there, but but anyway, it threw me off for some reason, and.
You got upset with your extended mooching off the account too.
They used to have my yeah, my account details. They don't anymore, and then just they'd be watching it and you couldn't get on. You're like, hey, guys, I want to watch something like oh, we're halfway through a movie. It's a pay for Netflix. But anyway, we've sorted that out now, so just just be careful. Netflix is as a nark. Yeah yeah, it's.
The John and Ben podcast and you're just missing.
Just before eight o'clock, Netflix knocked on your daughters last night who was sneakily.
Watching some shows in the beard room. That told me because I was trying to watch the show as well, and it kicked me off right though.
But the person you you've got.
The credit caund although it was the first on there, but anyway, it was like, they're trying to upgrade me seven dollars more. You can, you know, upgrade to WACH.
Should be able to like redister the prime account. Yeah, so you're like, I pay the bells on the prime account. I can never be kicked off everyone else.
A someone else's text her as well.
Yeah, now Kelly, morning to you. You had a Netflix password is shoe. I did what happened?
I couldn't remember it and I got a new laptop and I was like, oh, I'll just reset the password as easy. So I reset the password. I got in, I started watching something, and then a couple of hours later I got a text message from an ex boyfriend from three years prior, and all I said was, oh, I guess I have to pay for my own Netflix now.
Three he'd been mooching off it.
It had been logged into his TV from when we've been living together, and we obviously went our own ways and I never logged out of it because I didn't think of it. And it was before the Netflix multi screen thing happened, and he'd just been watching Netflix and of course tried to log and couldn't get in and went, ah.
Great, hey three years.
There was never anything.
I couldn't believe it.
There was never anything like continue watching some show that you'd never watched.
Like no, And I didn't even I didn't sort of really dawn on me that he was watching things. And if it was in the list, it wasn't that I wasn't paying attention. It was just I never thought someone else was watching.
No, you'd think once the relationship of that TV. But no, No, he was still logged into you, so you.
Wouldn't say anything. You don't text them.
Three year I got married. By then, I'm pretty sure I was. I had a new partner and I got married and then that happened.
I appreciate you cool, Kelly. You were on my bloody hot spot for about nine years hot spot, but.
I keep coming up. You're like, oh, okay, your off and just would connect at amaically and then I'll be like, oh yeah.
Sure would you like to connects.
The John and Ben podcast.
It's gonna be Maggie in the next couple of days right around the country. But a a heat wave of coming over from Australia one degrees and.
That'll be good for the vineyards. We're there on Friday. Do you have a funny thing I learn about vineyards? There's an old wife's tale that they plant rose bushes, one rose bush at the end of the row of vines, and that can tell if there's any diseases in the soil the rose because the roses will start to wilt and then they bang onto the vines. But then the guy who's driving with people still do it, but it's not there's science involved. Now. Now, yesterday unintentionally unloaded a secret.
I think I witnessed this sensitive any information you passed the John, he will say to someone at some stage, people, I don't know that. Every time I was I'll tell you a second. This is gonna end up somewhere on the radio talking to someone.
I always give you secrets and I'm.
Like, oh, you can't, you can't unless you want.
You wanted you onload?
What was the one you told me? Yeah, there's something about someone. I can't even remember it now. Obviously not meant for he'll tell somebody there's a sensitive bit of information about a celebrity which I was not allowed to tell you. I haven't no one, no one anyway. So I'm talking to this guy yesterday, okay, and I'm when when in light band mode, you think, Okay, what's the connection I can make with this gentleman? And I'm like, oh, I heard a story about him, sensitive business information, not like scandalous personal stuff.
Yeah, And I.
Was like, hey, I heard blah blah blah and blah blah blah. And then there's I'm halfway through this. I can see a look in this man's eye of like, how does he know this information?
It was kind of almost like an announcement, a thing that could happen, And he someson, John O knowes someone obviously said slips at you, but for why? But why should you know this? People want to say stuff too. What if you overheard a zoober rounds or something and.
Then he volley's backward? Where did you hear that from? And that's not the first thing you want to hear about. When you say, I'm like, I'm just trying to start a conversation here and then I was like, oh, I can't remember where I heard that from. I can remember, I know where I heard it from, but I'm not going to say where I heard it from.
And then so we he did tell he did the thing on the nose, you know, when you tap your finger on the nose. He's like, it's happening, buddy, but let's not say any more about it. So he swore me to secrecy. I'm sure the first problem person probably swore me to secrecy too.
I didn't think that you were going to go straight to the person and the deep.
My lottle lips tell you what they have sunk some shiite back on the Titanic back in the day. Went to the captain. I was like, had that got Leo down there? He's telling me about climate change? Apparently there's no icebergs keep plowing on.
The heads that John and Ben podcast.
I wanted to know if this was something particularly probably Ben would do. It's something that me and my husband started doing every single day, and then we've named it now, so we often end up being like ships in the night. So he finishes work at three thirty, and then every day at three thirty he calls me as he drives to the gym, and we do what we now call our info dump.
Oh yeah, so because.
Then when he comes home from the gym tonight, I'm leaving again to go to a function. So we don't like see each other a lot.
So it's a five powerful, five minute phone call of it.
Fifteen fifteen okay, right right. You start the info dump with what you've got today. This is the key points that happen. These are things I've got coming up, like and then he will go write my turn. He dumps what he did for the day, and then what he needs to tell me in terms of information with the kids or anything, and then he's unfinished my infidump.
Good, sounds like an executive meeting.
And you don't bog up like say, if you get free time later once the kids for us, once the kids are gone to bed, and you get like an hour before I have to go to sleep, it's not bogged down with your info dump.
Yeah, and you know you wouldn't info dump. You never spreadsheet.
To be honest, I'm embarrassing to say it. I have a little whiteboard because i'd like say I don't see my wife, I can't call her during the day because she works at school, she can't take phone calls, and there's so many things throughout the day. I'm like, I need to talk to you about this. I need to talk to you about this because I can't just go yeah yeah. It's all these decisions that could be wrong from my so yeah, be wrong. End of the day, I'm like, hey, I just need ten minutes just to go just ten minutes and just go through this list on this whiteboard and just go hey, yeah, without calling it the info done.
I love it.
Usually it's me just coming with the list. I think she's well capable, but.
You know, write it down in preparation.
Yeah, but I do. Yeah, that's it with a little whiteboard. Because I don't usually talk to her all like once a day, I'm like, all right, here we go. This is as well.
That's quite sad when you break it down like that day, Like, I don't usually talk to.
Her because I can't. I can't.
She's working ships in the night sometimes.
Marriage you just talk about administration.
Do you do it invo dunk?
I do like to dumb information about AI on people like you do.
Your info dumb on stranger.
Throughout the day I was watching the stock on aio be worried, knows some stuff. But yeah, I know that's I mean, that's a lovely thing you do, isn't it? No other time you can do it?
And it's the same time every single day. I get a phone call three thirty once he finishes.
All right, here we go.
John Aikin, who's the you know, married at first sight, the expert with relationships. No, he would always talk about he does with his wife. He'd have a glass of wine every night and that's when they would kind of connect to talk about stuff. But it's pretty hard to try that out the car. But it's probably not gonna work.
As he goes to the gym, yeah's probably not gonna work.
Don't have more than four or five glasses. Things start getting a bit finger point.
There's more on my lesson the heads.
That johnaan Ben podcast.
Is TikTok going around. It's left a lot of key. We stunned it's in America. As someone talking about how much annual leave they have to people on the street. Here in New Zealand, everyone, as we know we're hitting into the holidays, people get like four weeks annual leave. As sort of the standard plus twelve public holidays throughout the year. Well, in America there's no law around holidays and it's up to the employer as well. And so one person was saying fifteen days was what they had, and they were saying that that's the most they've heard of in their business. Other people got zero zero.
They work hard over there.
A single day of annual leave to them and their whole contract was yeah, credible.
So what happens if they need or they want to go on holiday?
I just it without pay.
Yeah, which is We spoke to a guy I'd never had a day off, guy used to talk to every week, just like we're just worked through. It's just the culture over there. We've got it bloody good here.
Yeah, when you look at that four weeks plus twelve days at public holidays as well, when they're not even getting we're very lucky to get for ten days, that's the most.
And then shut down over Christmas, and then we sat moaning about the gap between Easter and label.
I know, come on, New Zellens. We true.
Yeah, yesterday and I appreciated this. There I was I was running late for an appointment for a meeting and I message the person. I said, sorry, mate, I'm ten minutes late. It's the standard one. Ten minutes buys you twenty Everyone knows that. Everyone knows it.
The problem was the person I was meeting also new to theone at the building. They're like, oh, it's funny because I was just off the phone to someone who you work was, and they said, you just left the building. Now, by my insturbation, I've just looked at Google Maps, see you're twenty three minutes away from here. So got called out. Oh because the ten minute one. Listen, we all know ten minutes. When someone says I'm running ten late, everyone knows, and that social transaction, nothing's to be true. It's twenty twenty five minutes, and it's always been.
It's like a five minute late. It's never five.
Minutes, right, My minutes is ten minutes.
Just buck at the car five, but it's just two minutes away five ten twenty.
Two bys of five. I reckon at least yeah, two minutes. I said that in my daughter the other day. I was like, just text us the two minutes away. She's like, well, we're not, like.
Yeah, no, I know, it sounds better. It makes you believe that you're not as late as you actually are.
She's like, it'll be five minutes. I'm like, yeah, let's just say two minutes.
Why can't you just say five minutes. I don't know.
It just was like, hey, two minutes work. We were close. We were close.
I reckon. Even Blooming Jesus was like, hey, God, sorry, running ten late to help me carry that cross up the hill. I reckon. He was doing it back then as well.
He probably had more of an excuse than you.
Yeah, So anyway, I did appreciate the Google Maps two one set Nam's board into it as well. You can't argue that.
No, you're right.
But then I was like, that was very late. Twenty three minutes. It is very late for an appointment. So this is what we want to open up. Is there one great excuse? What's the best excuse you've heard for someone being late.
I used to be an employer because I used to have a cafe, so we had a lot of people like always calling second the weekends, and my favorite was after like they'd literally gone out the night before, they had food poisoning the next day.
Yeah, I think that's the reason why you're vomiting.
Did you get a lot of food poisoning cases?
A lot of food people morning, What can you do? You just have to be like, well, okay, either way you're vomiting.
And you can't come in the John and Ben podcast.
Johnson was in the country yesterday, the former British PM.
He was.
I think he was actually in the building that we work in. Yeah, there was some security around before apparently that were talking about Boris Johnson coming in. I noticed I was just reading before how a city spent his day. You're doing a bit of swimming and Mission Bay in Auckland, which should have told him that swim there because the pools contamidated water. But anyway, that's how he split his day as well.
And looking as disheveled as ever. I see, yeah, have you seen here? It looks more rustled up his here than when he was Prime Minister of Britain.
Is that gel like? Is that purposeful?
I think he just wakes up and he's like that'll do Yeah, they to go, Yeah, rustles it around ten minutes late. I said, I was ed, tod. I got called out for it. Someone looked on Google Maps like, no, no, it's you're twenty three minutes late the travel time between point A point B, and I thought that wonderful excuse, just running ten late. Everyone knows they're gonna be a bit later than ten. Everyone's accepted over the years.
We used to work with Guy Williams for many years and he would always name a particular street a busy road. He was like, just on this road, no matter where it was far half far away. He was always say the text would just cover through it. So guys, just on the street, You're like, but that's nowhere near where we are. Sometimes we're sometimes further away, but we've meant to read it and then go, oh, he'll be twelve minutes.
I guess that's a good way to go in transit. Yeah, yeah, and moving. We've got a non joining us on the phone right now, a non birth name, or you want to remain anonymous, I'd rather than not saying my name, just fair enough.
The best excuse that you have used, or it's been used on you? What what was it?
I used it? I went out on out and I usually start working at four a m. And I kind of was just like, it was too late. It was two am. I was too still too drunk, So I wasn't able to drive. And then I got home and then I walked out to go get ready for work, and someone had hit a car in front of me that looked exactly like mine photo and I sent it in. My car got hit and I can't come.
Was it was it you driving the car that hit?
The other car was already someone wanted back into the door and it dinted in and I was like, well, that's my excuse for today. And I used to get work off for four days to get up sick.
Four days.
I can't climb in the passenger seat.
It was just what. I appreciate you, cal thank you so much.
How you got on your mate, Tyrone? Good morning, How are you buddy? Love to have you on, lovely to have you on. I would love to have you on and something to you one, both of those things. The best excuse you've heard, Tyrone.
Grummart's falling out from an adult throwing ass man, oh.
Throwing as man? What happened?
He was late and turned up the work and marks Red been away as late, and he said, as Grummitt's fell out, and you couldn't.
Hear of a lamp, well except when your grummots fall out as soon as you like turn teen or something.
Yeah, it's pretty young, right, yeah.
Yeah, yeah, I'd say so. So I sort of set them up a little bit because we're in the cowshed. So he was like riding my face pretending he couldn't hear what I was saying.
He was committed to the role, he was.
Committed to her. So I walked down of the shed and I was about no fifty meters from I suppose at the gate, and I said, bro, I'm just going to go change the gate, and he goes, yeah, bro, right, the.
Good this's the one done with the Gromm excuses and you can't pull that out for a second time. I appreciate your time. Are you going to have a great day?
The Hits that John and Ben podcast.
What do we call to learn a party trek for the you know, for these next couple of weeks be able to perform at a party. And now it's really got carried away as that we're now performing something in a magic show this weekend with Costantino.
Sold out Magic show if you'd like to go along. Actually we've got a few tickets magic to four four each seven.
Because I was just saying it would be nice if we could have some Hits listeners, because I realized that people going to his show are not necessarily going to know what we're doing there.
No or kire, No one wants to see the opening.
So he's going to bring us on at some stage and amongst his amazing show, and he's taught us a trek. It's a card trek and involves a blindfold, a knife and and us trying to get the card that someone will select. Now, so far we have not nailed.
It, and it's been a week and a half. A week keep saying hey, we must practice that, and then we never get round to practicing it. But yesterday we're like, no, no, we must practice it because we've had multiple failures, even with the Prime Minister, Christopher Luxen, who was trying to make us feel better about it. Afterwards he was like, oh, it's okay, you got on the third go. So yesterday we pulled in Maddie who works out in the Hits office, and it's a three prong attack me and you started off, don't you just quickly explain what you do?
So basically they pick a card from the deck that I'm holding and they remember their card and shot to everyone.
And then I shuffle the cards and passed them to John oh.
Right, and then I then spread the cards around a disc. Ben's blindfolded the whole time. He removes his blindfold. I had been a knife, and the knife full of the magic powers that Costantino bestowed upon it.
That knife, yesday was magic because it just felt like it was drawn to one particular.
Card and magic vegetable knife. And this is what happened.
Is this your card, Maddie Languy, Oh my god, I wasn't sure it was your card.
Everyone's real good? Were you blown away? So blown away?
It was not exeedting.
I'm more surprised than Many.
Now I'm going to get a little team talk here.
Okay, Mandy's Many's man is great. It fell like one of those things where they get microphones in your face outside our theater shows. Blown away. It was like one of those great great moments.
I reckon on the day. We just need to chill a little bit because we need to be like you know, we were going to like, we can't be like what We can't be blown away by the magic you know we're doing the magic?
Also can I just say something.
So Maddie was engrossed in the trick, right, But there was also other people in the studio watching, and the other people watching were like, oh, I know how you did it.
I saw what John I did.
Yeah. Larissa was like I see that, but there what's with But we're like, get out, get out.
She was on our lord's bloody Royal Commission of Inquiry, Larissa, and you're assuring her shoeing her out of the room like a cat that's you know, the neighbor's cat that's got into your kitchen. Shoe, shoe, shoe. No questions, no questions. If you are coming to the show on Saturday, text magic to four four its siven, what's the track B made?
No follow up questions. Okay, that's the deal. That's the only dealer as well. And I'll try and be a bit more chilled about. Sorry, I get excited.
Yah, I'm in just grating with now. But let's just kid that internally we can we can celebrate backstage if we nail it.
Yeah, okay, great, because you don't see, like.
You know, Costantino, Dynamo, David Blank, oh.
Nor where's the audience? Not there?
The heads the johnaan Ben Podcast of the.
December Not too long till Christmas is over twenty days. It's the holiday season. We wanted to learn a party trek to impress people over the upcoming parties. We're going to do a magic trek live on stage this weekend.
Yeah, Costantino show. If you would like to go along to any of the shows you're turning around the country. Four for eight seven is the test. We just want to know who's anyone like us? Have you been dragged up on stage to any show doesn't necessarily have to be a magic one. Dan, good morning morning.
How are we? We're goods? Do you get dragged up on stage?
Did you?
I did?
I went to a hypnotist show and I got pulled out of the crowd. There's eleven other people. We all rode up and sat down in chairs. He did his whole spell and started clicking his fingers and said sleep, and everyone around me started, you know, dropping their heads and falling asleep. So I was like, what's going on? And I had to act it out? So yeah, I pretended to be hypnotized.
And there's nice of you. You don't want to ruin the illusion for the poor hypnotists.
Yeah, yeah, exactly.
But these guys say what they were.
They were going around like chickens and dancing and you know, we had to dance with each other and all sorts of things. Ah, and I just had to act it out until her half time. And yeah, at halftime he comes over and he starts clicking his fingers and yeah.
He goes, okay, okay, well played good on you.
Yeah, just left me sitting there, so he knew that you were putting it on.
Yeah, he knew.
Well, you're like, mate, I was.
Trying to help you. I keep going back to me.
I didn't want to look like hypnotist.
It was very embarrassing.
Well, I know, and you would have been hyper aware of having to act like everyone else was.
Yeah, I was.
I was sort of sitting there with my head tilted, looking sideways, trying to see what they were all doing.
Some people were just not hypnotizable though, right.
The hypnotis knows that, right any thing.
As you go, Hey, thanks mate, you did be your bloody solid. Yeah, good one on your Dan. Appreciate your time of a good one.
Cheers, have a good one.
Nikki, good morning, good morning. You were dragged up on stage, worst nightmare of stuff, or you actually enjoy that?
Actually it was quite revolting, to be honest.
Oh really, then said this is a magician. So what happened?
Okay, So I literally got dragged up on stage and pretty much came down dragged me up on stage, so I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing. And then he pulled out a hammer and a nail, and so things got a bit icky from there, and he proceeded to hammer this nail up his nose and that was pretty gross actually at the time, and I wasn't sure what I was supposed to be doing until he indicated that I needed to remove this nail from his nose. And I saw, all, that's no problem, I can do that, but he said, no, no, not with your hands, with your teeth, and he pointed to my teeth, and so I stood there, closed and actually not knowing what to do. And then the crowd starts chanting, so you know, pressure, and so you know what I did it I closed my eyes someone's nose with your mouth, I know it was revolting. With my teeth, I tried not to use my lips. I just got in there with those pycisms yanked it out.
That's the problem when you're on stage, so you get you know the show.
Yeah, yeah, herery awkward.
I would have been very embarrassed. I would have sat down and funds a shame. So you know, I did my job.
Yeah, and that's it feels like a one and done scenario. You've done that, ticked that off your bucket list.
Yeah, that was definitely up the top there.
Well, hopefully no nails and the nose on Saturday.
Yeah, we know things got desperate if we start start hambering our noses. The hits that johonaan Ben podcast wanted to learn a party party trek, and magician Costantino, who's traveling the country right now, taught us a magic trek. Can catch him in New Plymouth tonight as he hits to Auckland as well. He is incredible and he was very kind to teach us a track. Our trek involves cards, a blindfold, a knife, and to be fair, we haven't narled it every time we've done it.
No have We've done it twice out of all the times we've.
Hope we succeeded. You have succeeded twice.
I think what's that wonderful song with Miley Cyrus, She's wrecking ball. It's a good song.
Part of the.
Things I had about you climb. It's all about the journey, It's all about what's she saying that?
Because he's kindly joining us once again, How you doing this morning?
I'm good?
Thanks for having me, because I don't know if you come out. It's a crime if you don't come out to the song. Do you come out on stage of this?
Being I used to when I was twelve.
I don't even followed our journey. We've been trying our best to learn our trick. It's making us all very nervous ahead of this weekend to perform at your show in Auckland. How do we keep our nerves under wraps?
Do you know what? Being nervous is part of the game. I mean still I get nervous before I come out in every show. And because you guys, you care about doing a good job, so to be honest, you just I don't just get used to It's same as being on radio. You're probably are you nervously on radio?
You to nervous?
Well, sometimes you do, I guess for some time a guest coming and things like that. Yeah, you're probably right. You learned to sort of work.
With it, work you work for it. Now did I see something? Did you perform for the Prime Minister?
We did the well, actually we've got the audio here, just the end of it, because he was walking through the building and we were like, oh, maybe well we'll step things up and perform the track, Prime Minister. And here was the end of it.
Is this your card, Prime Minister?
No, that's very good.
Well you got it on the third guy fifty, so I mean that's not too bad.
So you're not great getting it on the third goal.
Okay, okay. Was he good about it though?
Yeah, but I mean nothing makes you feel worse as a magician where someone's trying to console you if you patronizing thumbs up. Yeah.
Also, he's seen you, so he was like, he's amazing.
He saw and was like, oh, but you know, it's a lot harder than you actually. Like when you watch a magician performer, or do you know even do a cartrick, do you think very often it looks very it looks simple, but there's a lot of mechanics and moves and psychology involved to get it right. So there's a lot to remember. So it's just practice, guy, it's more and more practice.
So how do you when you are nervous and then you nail a trick?
Like, how do you? Because we got quite excited with ourselves.
We haven't really.
Stopped made in the office. Yesterday we did it on her and we actually succeeded. Have a quick lesson.
Is this your card? Madi languid? Yeah, but the energy levels a bit, you know, happy there.
I love that though, because when you get it right, what a great feeling it actually is. But the more you do it unfortunately feeling kind but you're not inside you feel very accomplished, so you think, you know, it's pretty cool. It's a pretty cool feeling.
Well, I tell you what magic.
The very small taste we've had of your job has made us, we say it daily, so impressed by what you do. Like over an hour or an hour and a half long show, there's you say, so many working parts and mechanics, and we're just struggling to split one trick up into three.
It is, and look, there's a lot that gets involved, as I said, but the more you do it, the easier it gets. And and the more fun it actually becomes because it doesn't become necessarily about actually doing the trick. It becomes about the reaction from the other person. That's a really beautiful things. When you go back, people laugh. It's such a good thing, such a wonderful thing.
Now on to important important things now costumes. We haven't got.
Costume sort of do we need to sort costumes?
Do you know?
I was thinking about that the other day, like what we for your costious? But I think it needs to be yourself, like who you are. And the last a.
Very underwhelming all I'm hearing from you is costumes, costumes, costumes, more costumes.
You guys, do whatever you like. I don't want to put you in a position where you feel like you have to be like sincred and raw. Yeah, I mean unless you guys, unless you guys all want to be and and But it's up to you. Whatever you whatever you feel, whatever you're feelings.
Oh yeah, do that?
Do that?
You can have David Blaine, Christane and who else can we have? But we need a female magician as well.
So are there any female magicians?
There's actually a lot. There's a lot of female magicians at the moment because they're very dexterous. They think that much better with actually using the Yeah, there's actually a lot coming out now, and that's because I think the Internet has opened it up for young girls in the beginning to get into magic and then of course grow into two women and become female magicians.
Last question, when you were teaching us the track who the Best.
That it's wait for Saturday. Saturday, Megan don will mesically disappear.
The show.
If you want to go text magic to four four.
Eight The Hits that John and Ben podcast.
We have been playing the Mariah Carey game trying to avoid their listening to Mariah Carey. So all I want for Christmas for as long as possible. We started it, I'd say three or four weeks ago, and Meghan, you were the last person in the game. Now we've said the game has done on the Hits, it's no longer a safe space. But there are still people playing the game. So if you are, you might not want to hear this next bat because we're going to place.
We are going to play a little of How I got out.
Mariah the evil master mind behind Medie McLain's elimination. Ben Boyce's elimination and now Meghan's elimination. She phoned up under a different name a completely unrelated topic. Let's get Mega on morning.
How are you out of the guy?
It's I love it, just a boss and then hang up.
The amount of the amount of people that are asked, They're like, what's Tasha's deal?
What is I'm like, I don't know, I don't know.
And the amount of people that are like, oh, I'm still in the game even though you're out, so many people.
Are still playing.
Yesterday is bombard When you actually pay attention to it. You hear that song an abnormally long amount of what I'm trying to say, You piece it together a lot. You hear it a lot. That's a great way.
I have not heard it since Tasha, by the way, so I would still be.
Like a bill.
So this is an interview that stumbled across Yesterday and a guy's interviewing Mariah Carey, who's she's, you know, very famous. Obviously they labeled a diva. That's just another word for a hustler, so they tell me. But this guy's interviewing Mariah Carey and she doesn't he doesn't comprehend what a bill? Heavolessen bill? I know, so bill like a like a bill?
What is that an electricity?
You have to pay for that?
Yeah, I don't get it free. In America, we.
Get it free, Yes we do.
So she thinks the electricity is free. Now you believe this? Is it a skitch?
Yeah, like I was looking into it yesterday. There's a lot of it's kind of max. Some people thinking it's she's definitely like having fun with the interviewer. Other people thinking that maybe she is a bit ignorant. She was poor, she was very poor, grew up with poor family till like the age of fifteen, so you think it would be some comprehension, and even in life in general, feels like of a bill, Like come.
On, she thinks power is free in America, so she might believe that sang.
A song about bills.
You can.
Know that you were.
Poor as a kid, but not see your parents paying the power bill. But maybe she believes that the power is free.
I'm saying she's in that adult, an adult even if you're not paying aul. But hey, I don't know, you're right.
Should listen to the child songs?
What are these?
I do not understand are you telephon?
I'm sure there's a electric.
Bloody Luxeon's favorite song lunch money looks should be what what.
Do you even that? Not the power bell?
Well, I like to hope that she doesn't know what bills are and she's reached a certain level of fame with electricity water they just magically appear.
They probably do it in some ways for her. So if you are still playing the game, good luck yea, but no that it's no longer a safe space, the Mariah Carey.
Game, the heads the johonaan Ben podcast.
So we like to start our day with the New Zealand here all daily quiz to see how we're going to go.
Now, it's lovely to have the quiz queen in here from her quiz castle asking the questions producer. Really lovely to have you with us every day. I don't tune mic on. No, you don't know one day one day clearly, But you just said this is a tough one. These are a tough teen questions we're about to embark on. Yeah, I think so, yeah, we is got hey, we've got Megan here. Now you classified meaning as a Genius of the week core.
But but I did I sound like you don't.
Ever gone anyway.
I'm not saying I'm not saying you're not not a genius. It's just like radio is not really a vocation for a genius.
Maybe I just want to chill, you know, maybe I'm a genius who just wants to chill.
Life engineers, mathematicians.
I was philosopher.
She's a psychologist.
Then she took an i Q test and they're like, oh, you have to pay for the results.
She's like, I think I nailed it, which sucks.
First question, all right, number one?
What substancedence was detected at elevated levels and the White Cuttle River to me away genius?
What was it?
I can't remember it.
It's either mercury lid or arsenak.
That is correct.
We'll talk about that right right, speed fine, okay.
Question number two, which song is the most streamed on Spotify as of twenty twenty four? Is it Blinding Lights by the Weekend Someone You Loved by Lewis Capaldi or Shape.
Of You by id Sharon? A good question.
It was Shape of You, Sharon?
Is it still?
Is it?
The Weekends? Weekends mess?
Yeah, Blinding Should we look on the weekend guys.
Okay, okay, that's correct. Always out there the weekend our song.
Being Chapel roone, good luck babe, just bia streams Spotify?
How many streams on the Hits radio session.
I haven't heard that one early morning.
Yeah, we'll find out.
To get guys in your own times had a billion streams Mavable Black one day when you're a all right?
Question of the three, which palace is renowned for its hall of mirrors? Is it Seon Brown Palace, Buckingham Palace or Palace of a sigh?
I am familiar with here.
Yeah, it doesn't feel like it's been called the Palace of mirrors. But I haven't heard that.
Is there a fringe one?
Palace of.
French would love mirror? Let's go That is correct.
Quite well, so far.
Should we take one to the do a question and take it to the go to the people?
Okay, unless you know what I mean, I don't waste the text machine.
All right?
Who is the author of the book Stuart Little?
Is it E. B.
White, Roll Dahl or Eric Carl White?
Eric car was the Hungry caterpillar, Roll Dale was White. That is correct.
Leave it to the genius, guys, nice.
I mean, yeah, all right, christ of Eggs Engineer.
Which country is Shakira originally from? Is Argentina, Colombia or Mexico.
She's Colombian?
Bah, that is correct. Question.
Let's go one more?
Okay, Christion number sex always low prices always and save money?
What live better? Wait?
What I think you're reading between the questions? Do you pop up here?
Okay? Always?
You find the same stock, dinam, it will.
Be fifteen percent the heads that jonaan Ben podcast The Red.
La to Dell Martie. We got one hundred dollars Hot Cold Tea prize pack to give away. One hundred dollars and a hot Cold tea price pack. I usal ever bespoke reddle, and that's something in our lives. So I'm going to go real quick on that one. Okay, I'll hear am I describing right now? With the reddle, I see them off with a list and hands to a place where pills are displayed on stands. But amidst the creams and raisor stacked, I made him grab some top lip wax, A task for grooming, not a cure. As awkward text was are you sure? Who am I describing?
Thank you? I got my husband and buy me some lip waxy.
Glip wax.
You're glad he's reliving there to look magnificent today. Yeah, not a split of here on there. Let's get at him on Welcome to the red level.
Listen to this. Adam, okay, Adam. I ask this question all day long, but always get completely different answers, and yet all the answers will be correct. What is the question? Reggae think, yeah, it's a genius. All there long, get completely different answers, and yet all the answers will be correct. What is the question?
No idea?
And I'm like, I regret phoning up too early. The old Meghan the genius has got her hands in there. She's got I think, so she's got it, Jackie, are you a genius? What's the answer you're asking?
What the time is?
Nice? One one hundred dollars thanks to Del Marty and a hot and Cold tea price pack which you were great for someone. Enjoy that