God wants to release new favor over your life. Start declaring His favor, and get ready for His unprecedented blessings.
Your best days are still ahead, and together we can make a difference in this world with the message of God's hope and love.
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Hi, this is Joelan Victoria. Thanks for listening to our podcast and thanks for supporting the ministry. If you enjoy today's message, why don't you be a blessing and share it with a friend. We appreciate you and pray for God's very best in your life. Well, God bless you always a joy to come into your homes. We love you, and if you're ever in our area, please stop buy and be a part of one of our services. I promise you we'll make you feel right at home. But thanks so much for tuning in, and thank you again for coming out today. And I'd like to start with something funny. And somebody sent me these funny one liners about blondes. But since I'm married to a beautiful, smart, intelligent blonde, I'm going to change it from a blonde lady to a blond man. Here's a few of them. They're kind of funny. He was so blond that he tripped over a cordless phone. He was so blonde he asked for a price check at the dollar store. He was so blond it took him two hours to watch sixty minutes. Last one, He's so blonde he thinks that taco Bell is the Mexican phone company. Hold up your Bible, say it like you mean it. This is my Bible. I am what it says I am. I have what it says I have. I can do what it says I can do. Today I will be taught the word of God. I boldly confess. My mind is alert, my heart is receptive. I will never be the same. In Jesus name, God bless you. I want to talk to you today about unprecedented favor. We've all seen God's favor in our life. Every one of us can say that God has been good to us. He's protected us, promoted us, opened up doors. That's God's favor. But I believe in the coming day is God wants to show us unprecedented favor, that is favor like we haven't seen before. Paul said in Ephesians, in the Ages to come, we would see the immeasurable, unlimited, surpassing greatness of God's favor. What's interesting is Paul wrote this passage ages ago. We are living in the ages to come that Paul was talking about. He was saying, I've seen limited power, but you're going to see unlimited power. I've seen God do great things, but you're going to see the surpassing greatness of God's goodness. You're going to see unprecedented favor. The word unprecedented means unmatched, unparalleled for the first time. In other words, you may have seen God's favor in the past, but you need to get ready. You haven't seen anything yet. What God has in your future is going to be bigger, better, er, greater, unprecedented. He's going to show you his goodness in ways like you've never seen before. Now we have to get in agreement with God. Get up every morning and say Father, thank you for your unprecedented favor. I found there's a direct correlation between declaring favor and receiving favor. Not enough to just think about it. Words give life to our faith. Something supernatural happens when you say I'm expecting unprecedented favor. A lot of people do just the opposite. They go through the day saying I never get any good breaks, I'll never get well, I'll never get out of debt. They don't realize with their words they are setting the limits for their life. If you have a poor mouth, you're gonna have a poor life. Do yourself a favor, Zip up, the defeat and start speaking victory. Zip up the nothing good ever happens to me and start declaring God's ess things are chasing me down. Zip up the I've reached my limits and start declaring unprecedented favor is coming my way. Friends, if you're going to reach your highest potential, you're going to need doors to open for you that you cannot open on your own. You're going to need promotion, good breaks, divine connections, favor greater than what you've seen in the past. If you will release your faith for this and believe that unprecedented favor is coming your way, you'll see God show up and do amazing things. He'll take you higher than you thought possible. And God said here in Exodus, I will perform great wonders that I have not done anywhere before in all the earth. People will see what great things I can do. Because I am going to do an awesome thing for you. Why don't you let that take root in your spirit. God is saying I'm going to do something awesome in your life. Awesome means astounding, remarkable, overwhelming, breathtaking. Awesome is just the opposite of ordinary. In other words, God is going to do something not like you've seen before, maybe a couple of years ago. God blessed you with a great promotion. You're happy, You're grateful. That's great, that's the way you should be. But if God did the same thing this year as he did in years past, sure you would be grateful, but it wouldn't necessarily be remarkable. You wouldn't be astounded. Why because you've seen it happened before. When God says he's going to do something awesome, he's talking about unprecedented favor. What God has in your future will supersede what you've seen in your past. God has favor that is unmatched, promotion that is unparalleled, good breaks that will be astounding, overwhelming, where you'll look back amazement at what God has done. I don't know about you, but I'm expecting something awesome in my future. Yes, God has done great things in the past. God has blessed me, promoted me, given me favor. But deep down, I know what's in my past is going to pell in comparison to what God is about to do in your future. Is the surpassing greatness of God's power. It's unprecedented favor. Now, get in agreement with God. Talks about the Book of Psalms, how the people limited the Holy One of Israel. They limited God. In other words, God wanted to do something awesome in their lives. He wanted to take them into the Promised Land, a land greater than anything that had experienced. You remember when the Spies came back from the Promised Land. They talked about how the fruits and vegetables were like nothing they had ever seen, bigger and better. That was God's dream to do something awesome. But their problem was they didn't believe. They didn't think they could defeat their enemies. They got negative, started complaining, and they never did make it into the Promised Land. That tells me we can stop the awesome things God has in store. If we go around saying I've reached my limits, nothing good happens to me. This problem is too big. I'll never accomplish my dreams. We are setting the limits for our life. Many people have settled for mediocrity in their thinking. If you want to see God do amazing things, you've got to get in agreement and say, yes, God, I believe something awesome is in my future. Maybe you're single and you want to get married instead of saying I'll never meet the right person. And why don't you start declaring God is bringing somebody awesome into my life, not average, not mediocre. Not he'll do, she'll do. I may not meet anybody else. No, don't settle for average. When God has somebody awesome. God has somebody that will take your breath away, somebody that you cannot live without. Victoria and I have been married going on twenty five years, and every time I see her, something still comes alive on the inside. When she walks in the room, it brightens my day. A few months ago she was gonna have to be gone for a week or so, and I don't like her to leave. She had to take care of some business, but I miss her. And she left that Sunday after church and Monday morning, first thing she called and to Joy, it's not working out. I'm gonna come home tonight. I said, thank you, Jesus, you answering my prayers. She didn't know I was praying that it wouldn't work out. But I know people after twenty five years of marriage, they're praying that their spouse will stay gone longer. No, not you. God has somebody awesome for you. Somebody you'll enjoy spending your life with Declare it every day, something awesome is coming my way. I know a young man. He's got a beautiful family, and he was working at this job, being at his best each day, had a good attitude, but there wasn't any room for growth, no opportunity for advancement. A friend told about a position opening up at his company. He read the qualifications and although he didn't have the experience and all the education they wanted, he felt good about it and applied for the job. He went and interviewed and they said they'd get back with him in a week. A week went by and he didn't hear anything. The negative thoughts started coming. You're not gonna get it, you're not qualified. You're going to be stuck at that same position the rest of your life. His wife could tell something was bothering him. She said, honey, quit worrying about it. God is in control. It's in his hands, and if he wants you to have the job, you're gonna get the job. You can tell they've been coming to Lakewood. Instead of worrying about it every day, they started declaring Ephesians three twenties. God, you said you would do exceedingly, abundantly above and beyond. They were speaking unprecedented favor, releasing their faith for God to do something awesome in their lives. Three weeks later, the vice president of operations of that new company call. When he applied, the starting salary listed was ten percent more than he was making. But this vice president not only offered him the job, but said, you're starting salary will be thirty percent more than we listed, which was forty percent more than he was making. Right then, he said, I tried to stay calm, but I was jumping up and down on the inside. He was astounded, amazed. That was remarkable, unprecedented favor God doing something awesome in his life. Listen, if God did it for him, he could do it for you and me. That's what it says in Exodus. God wants to do something awesome, something that you have not seen before. Here the good news. If you've seen it, then you know what's in your future is going to be greater. God wants to do what you have not seen. I think about this beautiful facility that God has blessed us with. We were amazed, overwhelmed, astounded. It was certainly God's favor and what's interesting is this victory while we continue to celebrate and remember what God has done, this victory is in our past. God has promised what's in our future will be greater. That tells me we should never get satisfied. Don't get complacent and put your faith on autopilot and say, oh, Joel, God's been good to me. I've had victories, I've been blessed. I'm just gonna coast. Now, keep your faith out there. God has something else in your future that's going to astound you. You think you've seen God's goodness, but you need to get ready for something awesome. There's something astounding, something remarkable, something overwhelming that God has come in your way. I talked to a lady last week after the service. She was in town for treatment at the cancer hospital. She was going to have to have a tumor removed from her abdomen and then take chemotherapy. All of her medical records, her charts, X rays, blood work, they were sent from her hospital back at home. When she met with the new doctor here, he wanted her to retake the test and redo the x rays, just to double check and verify everything, and she was happy to do that she was already scheduled for surgery when this new doctor came in and said, I'm not seeing on the new test what I've seen on the old test. These new tests looked perfectly normal. On one test, he could clearly see the tumor. On the other one, there was no sign of a tumor. He said, I know this sounds odd, but I don't suggest we do anything. You look perfectly healthy. To me. That's God doing something astounding, something remarkable. She went back home and her doctor looked at those tests and he said, I've been doing this for twenty six years. I have never seen this happen before. Hey, you said, Joe, she was probably just misdiagnosed, probably nothing wrong with her in the first place. That maybe what some people believe. But I believe it was the surpassing greatness of our God. I believe it was God doing something awesome in her life. I've learned some people are not going to believe no matter what, They're gonna try to explain away every miracle. When God parted the Red Sea, the people of Israel went through on dry ground. Some experts have said that during that time of year, at that particular place, in the sea. It's possible that the water was only ten inches deep, and the tides and the winds could have naturally parted the sea. But you think about it, that's even a greater miracle. That means that all of Pharaoh's army, grown men, they drowned until inches of water. I don't know about you, but I'm will be a believer and not a doubter. I'm expecting God to do something awesome, something remarkable, something that we've never seen before. That's what Jesus said in John fourteen twelve. He that believes in me, the works that I do, will you do also? And greater works than these will you do. This is an amazing promise. When Jesus was on the earth, he did all kinds of incredible miracles. He healed people, turned water into wine, multiplied food, raised the dead, cured the lepers, on and on. Yet, Jesus said, if you believe in me, I will show you greater works. The Old Testament God said awesome things. In the New Testament, Jesus says greater things. Bottom line, they're both saying, get ready for unprecedented favor, favor like you've never seen before. I have a friend. That's a medical doctrine. Years ago, he was driving down the freeway late at night, coming home, and he came upon this accident. He stopped to help, come to find out it was a fatality. The young men driving was on a stretcher. The paramedics had worked on him for a long time, giving him CPR, and they had I V S in him, And right when he came up, they were pulling the sheet over his head. Since he was a doctor, they allowed him to be there, and he leaned over the body and just very quietly he began to pray for the young man. God give him another chance. God, let his life come back into him, Let his heart begin to work, let his lungs kick in. For a couple of minutes, very quietly he prayed the prayer of faith. He wasn't a minister, he wasn't trained in theology. He simply believed that with God all things are possible. He believed what Jesus said, that we could see the greater works. While he was still praying, all the sudden the young men begin to cough. The paramedics nearly passed out, and a few seconds he opened his eyes, and not long after that he was able to sit up. Today, the young man is alive and healthy, totally recovered. But had my friend not believed that God can do astounding, remarkable, overwhelming things, I don't know if that young man would be alive today. Friends, God is looking for someone to believe for the greater works, greater power, greater annoying, greater influence, greater victory. He's looking for somebody to take the limits off of him. You said, Joel, this sounds kind of far out today. Yes, but the God we serve is a far out God. You have no idea what he has planned for your life. God wants to do something awesome to show his greatness through you. It's not to bring us glory, it's to bring God glory. When you take the limits off of Him and you believe for the greater works, you'll be amazed at what will happen. This is what Joshua did in the scripture. One day, he was fighting a great battle with all of his men. They were trying to finish off these enemies. It was getting late at night, the sun was starting to go down, and Joshua knew if he didn't finish the job, this enemy would reorganize and come back against him again. He needed more daylight. A lot of people would have thought, well, too bad, didn't work out. I needed more time, but it just didn't happen. Not Joshua. He was bold. He looked up at the sun and said, son, I want you to stand still. I need more daylight. The scripture says the sun stood still all because one man dared to believe. It goes on to say there had never been a day like that before. The people stood there in utter amazement. I believe you and I are going to come into more of those days where we look up and say, wow, I have never seen anything like this before. I thought I was going to get a ten percent raise, and I got a forty percent raise. The medical report said I had cancer, but the new test says I don't. I prayed for a young man and a life came back into him. You're gonna look up in utter amazement and say, Wow, God, you've done awesome things in my life today. When Victorian and I first got married, there was this town home that we really wanted to buy, but we couldn't quite afford it. It was a little out of our price range. It was owned by this large company. I was talking to my father about it one day and he said, Joel, you need to offer them half of what they're asking. I said, Daddy, I can't do that. I'd be embarrassed. I might insult them. He said, Joel, you have not because you asked not. How are you gonna know if you don't at least asked. We got our nerve up and decided to do it. Our relator told the man in charge of the property that we were a young couple and we were just getting started out, and we didn't mean to offend anyone, but this is all we could offer for the property. He looked at it and immediately turned it down. Didn't even think twice. Several months went by, and we just kept thinking God that he was directing our steps and thanking him that we had his favor. We found some other places that we liked, but we always came back to that first town home. That's what we really wanted. The last week of that year, out of the blue, the men in charge called our realtor and said, because a tax purposes, we have to sell the property this week, and I have a higher offer, but I'd really like to help that young couple you talked about, I'd like to sell it to them. What's funny, we didn't know the man, We've never met him before, yet we bought that property for practically half of what it was really worth. That's one of those days Victoria and I stood there in utter amazement. We said, Wow, God, we've never seen anything like this before. That's one of those awesome things that God had in our future. When you realize that God has unprecedented favor for you and he wants to show you the greater works, it will cause you to have a new boldness, and like Joshua, you'll ask for things that you normally wouldn't ask for, like that medical doctor, my friend. You'll pray even when it looks impossible. You'll believe for things that have never happened before. I know this couple. They really wanted their young son to start school, but his birthday missed the cutoff date by four days. He was going to have to wait a whole year just because he missed it by those four days, and they knew that he was ready to learn, so they went and met with the school and asked if they would make an exception, and the lady at registration was very kind, very polite. She said, we'd love to help, but we just cannot make any exceptions. He'll have to start next year. They said, that's fine, but can we talk to your supervisor. She referred them to the principle. The principle basically said the same thing. We'd love to have your son, but we cannot make an exception. He'll have to wait another year. They said, that's fine, but can we talk to your supervisor. This went on for a period of three weeks. Every day they just kept declaring, father, thank you for your unprecedented favor, thank you that you'll do something that's never been done before. They were able to meet with the superintendent of a whole district and he was kind, but he said rules or rules. We'd love to have your son, but we cannot make an exception. They said, who do you report to? He said, I report to the owner. It was a group of private schools. They met with the owner, explained the situation. He didn't say yes or no, he just said I'll have to get back with you. A month later, they got a call from the first lady. They met with. The lady that works in registration. She said I've been here fifteen years. I've never seen this happen before, but we're gonna make an exception and allow your child to start school this year. Unprecedented favor. You may have situations that look impossible, it's never been done before. Don't get discouraged, don't give up. God wants to do something awesome. Keep believing for unprecedented favor. Be bold and do like Joshua and start speaking favor to that situation every day. Father, Think you that your favor is turning this around. Think you that your favor is making away even though I don't see a way Lord, Thinking that your favor is doing remarkable, astounding, overwhelming things. When you release your faith, then like with Joshua, you'll see God show up and do amazing things, things that you've never seen happen before. This is what a mother did that we know. Her son got involved in an outlaw motorcycle game, got way way off course, and he was constantly in and out of jail. Year after year, he continued to spiral downwards, breaking his mother's heart. She prayed, she believed she did everything she could, but nothing seemed to help. He got to the point where he practically lived stoned. He had all kinds of addictions. He's never in his right mind. One day in his early twenties, he was so depressed and so messed up in his mind he decided to end his life. The big bottle of pills he was going to take and was standing in front of a mirror. He said, when I looked at myself in that mirror, I saw a dead man staring back at me. Just as he was about to take the pills, something said so strongly, don't do it. There was a force holding him back. He could not take those pills. He didn't really know what he was doing, but he thought, if I'm gonna kill myself, I need to first go to church. He got on his motorcycle and somehow ended up at Lakewood Church on a Sunday morning. Walked in there totally stoned, never been there before. Let their jacket, beard tattoos smelled like alcohol. This big, rough, tough looking biker. Well, the service had already started, and the usher met him at the door. And back in those days, the front rows were reserved for our prayer partners, for our volunteers. But for some reason, this usher in the middle of the service brought him all the way down to the very front row and sat him right dead center. He was so stoned he didn't understand everything that was happening, but he told how he felt a love that he had never felt before. He said, sitting in that service, I could feel chains breaking off of me, my mind becoming clear. All of a sudden, I felt a sense of purpose, a sense of destiny for my life. After the service, he walked out to his motorcycle in the old gravel parking lot, all by himself. He knelt down and said, God, I don't know if you really want me, but that menace you said you would take me just as I am, so I'm giving my life to you. It just so happened. That was Mother's Day. He went back home and called his mom, said, you'll never believe what happened. I just went to church and gave my life to Christ. His mom stood there in utter amazement. She said, Wow, God never seen anything like that before. That day, the addictions to drugs and alcohol were broken off of him. He got out of the outlaw motorcycle game, and he started a motorcycle ministry to help people that had been messed up like he was. It's called Tribe of Judah Motorcycle Ministry. Our good friend been priest for the last thirty years, been his pastor to great church, and he continues to go all over the world telling people what God has done for him. The scripture says, is there anything too hard for the Lord? Maybe you've been praying for a loved one and for a long long time. Maybe you've been believing for a situation to change for years and years. Don't get discouraged. God is going to finish what he started. He has something unmatched, unparalleled coming your way, favor, breakthroughs, restoration like you haven't seen before. God's been good to all of us in the past. But I believe we're coming in to the greater works, the greater annoying, the greater power, the greater victories. Keep your faith out there. God has something astounding in your future. He's saying to you what he said to Moses. I'm going to do something awesome, something that you have not seen before. Now, let's stay in agreement with God. Let's get up every morning and say Father, thank you for your unprecedented favor, thank you for the immeasurable, unlimited surpassing greatness of your power. If you do that, I believe you're going to come into more of those days where you stand there in utter amazement and say, Wow, God, I've never seen anything like this before. What is that unprecedented favor is coming you away? I believe it and declare it for each one of you in Jesus name. If you receive it, can you say amend today? We never like to close our broadcast without giving you an opportunity to make Jesus the lord of your life. Would you pray with me? Just say, Lord Jesus, I'll repent of my sins. Come into my heart. I make you my Lord and savior. Friends, if you prayed that simple prayer, we believe you got born again. Get in a good Bible based church, Keep God first place. He's gonna take your places you've never dreamed of. Thank you for listening to the due Ustein podcast. Help us continue to share the message of hope with those all over the world. Visit Joel Oustin dot com slash give Hope to give a gift today. Thanks so much for listening to today's message. I hope you subscribe so you can receive the latest podcast to keep you inspired all through the week. We're praying for you. I know God's best is still ahead. We'll see you next time.