We've Discovered Hayesy's Superpower & It's Blown Us Away

Published Nov 28, 2024, 1:09 AM
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We got get morning every day day, Gentleman Adelaides.

So I read about this time yesterday. We discovered a really unique ability, and that is Joe. You can tell you in terms of A listers and celebrities which ones have had affairs and specifically with who.

Yeah, I have this ridiculous ability to retain information about high profile A list affairs. It's not going to save humanity. It's not a superpower that's going to get me anywhere. But a superpower nonetheless.

Tested you yesterday you went six from six Ellen Nordegren Woods.

Yeah, he cheated on her with multiple women. Some of them were nightclub hostesses. One was Rachel you could tell, another one was I reckon Jamie Grubbs. He left a voicemail on her phone saying, Hey, my wife's going to call you. She's been through my phone and I just need you to lie for me and delete the number.

That would be huge. I think his words were huge.

Think I've just got here. He cheated with more than one woman on It feels good to be a champion, doesn't it.

Yeah, it really does.

And so on the back of that, we thought, oh, surely Hazy's got a superpower and then it occurred to me, you do you do? I have thrown football is names at you before, and you have this inatability to either say A what their number is or B how many games?

They played? Am I correct?

Yeah? I think it stems from the fact that I really wanted to be football so bad but never got there, so I would focus my attention on people who made it. Okay, So are we doing this? Yeah?

I reckon we are.

This is concerning from the producers that brought you Jody and Hazy celebrity cheating scandal.

Quiz Come is the next to be?


Jody and Hazy portant close legends games playing career quiz.

Because rolls off the tongue leader doesn't.

It doesn't a bit of feedback for producer Black, just a tiny bit wordy.

We were saying, I'm intro but that's okay, which is it's charm. Yeah, here we are, okay? Are you ready? Okay?

So I have got we're going to go one for one here, I've got four Crows players. Producer Flag over there, it's got three port Adelaide players. They're all legends of the game. Do you know Andrew Hayes, how many games they played.

Are you ready? Yes, I am going to kick us off with an easy one.

Mark Rasootot otherwise known as Mark ru Rashuto.

That's an easy one, isn't It's a round and twelve g for the multiple all Astroli? What eight time? Allusti?

I don't know that.

Your believable Saints. Thanks for that absolute piece of candy to kick off.

There we go, one from one, doing yourself?

Sorry, all right, hit me again? Next round, place produce a flak.

You're up with a port Adelaide legend.

Let's go Former captain dom CASISI.

That's a good one. I'm gonna say, two hundred and twenty eight games. Oh my god, beautiful man as well, gorgeous, absolutely sensational person.

He's a mortgage broken now he looks after all the audience finances.

O god, there you go.

There you go. So you need somebody you can trust with your money? Go to Donkey Sez.

Yeah, all right, you're ready for Crow's legend number two.

Nigel Smart, Nigel Smart, let's go two hundred and seventy eight games.

Shut up, I remember my kid's birthday played by footballs us.

Incredible, what a superpower?

All right, I only get you on this one current legend going around one more time, Travis Boke.

Travis Boke, come on, hit me with something easy. Three hundred and seventy one games. Oh my god, yes, he's kind of Can I save you some time as well? That's one hundred games ahead of his good mate Robbie Gray on two hundred and seventy one.

No, what I's gonna have to change players, Robbie. Okay, give me a second imber removing Robbie Gray, putting someone else in?

What you doing?

Hash? Okay, I'm going to hit you with my third Crow's legend, Andrew McLeod.

Andrew McLeod to see. I always wanted Andrew McLoud to go one more season to get to the magical three hundred and fifty game milest time, but his knee just wouldn't let it, so we had to finish on three hundred and forty games. Believable. Who amazing?

Okay, thank you very much.

All right, we go.

I've replaced Robbie Gray and I've got you on this button. I've absolutely got you.

He's an a legend.

Not total games, but total games for Port Adelaide, please, Gavin wanganeen.

Okay, it's funny should say that's the gav And Wagon. And of course played one hundred and seventy three games for Eston, which means he played one hundred and twenty seven games for Port Adelaide. That takes us to a total of three hundred games. Is it, flak, You're a freak of You are a freak of nature. Okay, but I can't even tie my own shoelaces.

All right, Okay, are you ready this? There is no way known on earth that you will know this one.

Okay, all right?

Really not so much a chross legend, but a bit of crowd favorite. I'm going to say, Wayne, you know this is fun Why?

Oh, because I was obsessed with the Weed, so I know this off the top of my head. That's sixty eight games. That is amazing. The Weed played sixty eight games. He had the impact of someone who played three hundred and fifty. Yes, such was his popularity.

Because every time you touched them all.

Who Jody, that is an amazing superpower.

Stand corrected, because I thought you were an absolute.

Your father's money, Jody. It is nothing. Each and every morning we get this stuff out of our system. It's a bit risque, it's a bit blue. Before we straighten up after seven o'cliss.

Yeah, before we have to be real responsible adult, setting an example for the children.

But in the meantime a headline that I really connect with for some reason, and it is just absolutely flawed. Me a woman from Surrey who was born with two that's right, I said, two vaginas, has explained how hundreds of men she has been with have never noticed. That's a headline. That's a really, really eye popping headline.

Is a real solid headline in the business. When that went to what we call the sub editor and I've looked at it and gone, no, I need to change that. That's fine, just the way it is perfect.

Yep, that's a tension grabbing. Annie Charlotte was just sixteen when she found out she had two uteruses, two cervixes, and two vagina canals due to a rare condition called uterus. I think it's dal delphis. Sure have you heard of this kitdition?


Okay, So I just say it with confidence of the find She claims her reproductive system is implicated in her body pasts just shared one set of overs together. It happens, she was initially devastated by the diagnosis, with there being a complete uncertainty whether she can have children or not. But now the twenty six year old is embracing her body and has monetized herself via guess what, only fans. He's only fans a game.

Chamie, isn't it.

It's like everyone with anything peculiar can go to make money.

Oh my gosh, she said, I get weird requests all the time. I one time sold a bottle of my bath water because this guy was like, I want to have like two vagina bath water. Okay, I'll press this again, give me some money. I'll give you the water.

Please don't clap that. Under any circumstances. You've got a man requesting two vagina bathwater, don't clap.

It, she said. None of them ever know. I've had experiences where I've told them, by the way, I have two vaginas, and they're like what. There have been times where I've been laid on my bed with my legs in the air as they inspected me and they still didn't notice. I'll tell you why they didn't notice. And that's hundreds of men. By the way. She said that herself is because women, and I understand why always insist on special cuddles with the lights completely off.

Well, no, it's not always not when you're with a partner who you know and love, and.

That's fine, right.

Well, then maybe your relationship it's Greg who wants to turn the lights off because maybe he's self conscious. Oh maybe, I think that's what it's all about.


It just blows my mind completely that men could have relations with a woman and not realize that there are two vaginas.

What did you say to me, we need directions, Yes.

We need directions. We need directions for one vagina, and especially when the lights turn off, Like would you let me drive you somewhere with no lights on in the middle of the night. Yeah? Yeah, I wouldn't get you to the destination, would I?

Which way would you go? By the way when you hit the fork in the road, left or right?

Oh my gosh, I don't know which way to go. I'll tell you what I would do. I'd probably end up going down the wrong road and then all of a sudden run on a dirt road. And that's not even on Google Maps. All right, let's get up, let's talk phone etiquette. So Julie Lambert Burnette. She's from the Sydney School of Protocol. She has revealed the most annoying phone habits ranked. Okay, I'm gonna take you through my top five. Go on, and not my top five. This is her top five, because I feel like there's a lot of these things that you'll hear and you'll be like, oh my gosh, my partner does that, and even I know that I do several of these things and it frustrates the hell out of my wife. Not in the top five, but a very worthy mention. Number nine, overly loud phone conversations. I knew this would fire you up. Struct off.

Okay, there is a special place in hell for people who have conversations on speaker and it happened yesterday in Chebo. She's just a guy just sitting there, just having the loudest conversation. And I will death stare you. I can guarantee you. I will stare you. Do you do something about it?

Yeah, But he's so entrenched in the conversation he doesn't know that you're looking at it.

That's the thing. People are so oblivious.

And what about those people who watch something who watched their programs without headphones in a public space? Is it one guy at the gym who will be on the stepper and who will watch a series? Watching it like as loud as you like, Like where are you headphones?

Grow up?

Grow up?

Goodness sake, it's twenty twenty four. Grow up.

But also, I don't want to hear conversations.

I've got no interest in you talking to Auntie Marge about what you're having for Christmas lunch.

I don't give it.

Whoaeer? Sorry about that? Ladies and gentlemen really hit a nerve here. Dad's an absolute coprience for this, aren't they. It's a dad thing. There's as a bloke on Instagram called will Give. He's a comedian. It's very very funny, and this is his little skit on Dad's answering the phone. Oh what mate, the weather's been pretty good. The last couple sorry is good?

Eye might.

Yeah, yeah, a couple of things going about what happens happens. I think it's a different generation where for some reason, it's entrenched in your brain. That's these mobile phone things. Oh you better speak up?

Yeah yeah yeah.

But the only thing wrong with that skin is he says Saturday. Most it's I know, go saurday, No A in Saturday.

Another worthy mentioned to this one. It's not in the top five. It's something I'm very guilty of, if you can ask my wife car being glued to the fund. Oh yeah, I don't even know what I'm looking at. It's just there. I'm scrolling. Sometimes I'm I'm scrolling a lock screen.

How annoying is it too?

When you go to bed and you know you have to go to sleep, you know you have to get up early, but you just find yourself mindlessly scrolling.

You're like, go sleep. You know what you should be doing, but you just don't do it.

Unerent just forced to have it all right? Top five. Number five using phones at the dinner table.

Yep, annoying kids do that.

Absolute should never happen kids. Number four phone calls at inappropriate times. Yeah, put it on flight mote. Just silence it. You know what I mean?

Gives me is that the fire up?

Yeah, doctor's office. Don't make a phone call when you're waiting in the doctor's office. We're all sitting there waiting. It's inappropriate. That's an inappropriate time.

Yes, you're about to get some news that's really going to embarrass you. You don't need to hear someone's in appropriate phone call.

You know, someone's walking past with a little cup of urine and you're on the phone to Aunt Marche.

You know it's inappropriate.

Very we Yeah, distracts you, knocks the cup of urine, bang opens up on your face. Disaster, That's how it goes. Number three constantly checking notifications.

Oh don't you turn yours off? Well, otherwise your phone would constantly be pinging.

You're clearly getting more notifications than maybe mind doesn't been very often.

When I notify you that I have text, you will just promptly ignore that for about six hours.

It's good by me. Is that I'm trying to live in the moment. Yeah, it's great, very honest.

With you, and I'll be like, okay, that's a very very large spell on the toilet because it's been several hours.

Yeah, again, just living in the moment. Okay, So can all up getting some me time? Number two Taking too many photos?

Oh yeah, this don't even start me on this.

Am I looking at you ladies?

Not me?

No? I don't you take too many photos.

I don't take most of my cameralls of you two.

You're taking a photo right now.

It's potentially into friendships for me, Like when you go out with people, want to do is take photos.

I can't be bothered with this anymore.

Okay, here's the number one you're ready. The number one most annoying phone habit is texting during conversation.

You did that?

Excuse me? You both do that?

Do I do that? Specfully?

What do you mean? I do not do that?

Take this.

Just a lovely, little wholesome competition that isn't too serious, doesn't get competitive very much. It's called Battle of the Bangers. Everything that I said is opposite.

Yeah, exactly. I can't I didn't bring my glasses today. What's the score? I just can't read the white board it says Jody.

Says Jody twenty two, It says hazy eighteen.

Okay, okay, thank you, appreciate you.

I think that you can see it.

Oh yeah, actually, I've got no problem with distance. It's the up close stuff and the boards on the other side of the room, so yeah, I could see.

It's all right. Let me explain it to you. Battle of the Dangers ya. Basically, you choose your music and we go buy a bit of a theme. We put it out there. You've got a vote on Instagram at Jodey and Hazy. Then each and every Friday we reveal the winning song and we'll play it for you. And like you said, it's a competition. You leave by four tough, tough for me to come back from here. When there's three weeks to go.

It's you know, we might make it interesting and do double points to last week.

Maybe we'll see.

Really you're willing to do that. That's how confident you are.

Yeah, yeah, because I know what good music is. Apparently you sort of struggle in this space anyway.

Farther on eighty two.

The theme for this week I can reveal is Black Friday sales.

Okay, you want to go first?

Sure? Would you like me to go first? Usually you go first. That's okay, okay, Well, mine makes sense because if the theme is shopping, it's in the title Baby the Lollipop Stay stop. That's right, someone's jealous of my song candy Shop fifty cent.

Pretty sure I had that not so long ago.

I'm pretty sure you mum with it. There's been a lot of studies, yes, and internal investigations happening behind the scenes. Yep, okay, so that is my song.

I mean, just for one week.

I would really enjoy it if you did the Battle of the Banger's work by yourself and you didn't have to enlist an army of five people behind the scenes.

Oh my gosh, produce a flak Can you confirm? This just came to me, didn't it. I just quite random and said, oh my gosh, candy shop, I've got it, I think so. I don't want to get in between you two. Oh my god.

Oh that's a bit first normally a side with him just like that in the blink of an eye.

Absolutely, crail. That's how intimidating you are in this shop. You're happy about that. I'm not gonna lie.

Jodi texted me her run like the explanation of why it's her song, and it's pretty strong.

Jade's okay, thank you.

There you go. Bullied him into going into.

Bat three, bullied him now have I Okay?

It takes through your.

Song there, Okay.

So there's an artist called Blue Cantrell and she wrote a song and it was about the fact that she'd been cheated on and so what do you do when you get cheated?


You take the credit card and you rack up so much money on that credit card. You take your friends shopping on this occasion, it's solely in Mia. She's grabbed them, she's jumped in the car, she's gone to the shops, and she spent a lot of money.

Blue Cantrell Hit him Up Style.

Go Okay, good song, Get be honest with you.

Spaced out about six seconds into that explanation. But it's a good song. It's a good song. That's right telling about a credit card.

Yeah, it's the lyrics, right, Okay, this is if you mess up your guard to hit him up?

What if your man gun?


What does buck world mean? By the way back?


I don't think that's when you get absolutely crazy. Okay, it's a good song. It's a good song.

Thank you.

Hit him Up Style, Blue Cantrell versus fifty cent candy Shop. Hang on, we've already started. Oh, we've already started. I've got a little lead. I'll take that freezer right there.

Do you know what?

Do you know what's so funny about that? Oh we've already started. If you hadn't been losing, you would have cut up rough about the fact that.

We've already started.

You did right, it would baby, because I like to win. Okay, yeah, I think we can all agree on that. That's completely fine.

Jump on the Jody and Hazy Instagram page cast your vote for what do you want to hear tomorrow morning? I will say this if a man has ever done you wrong and you've wanted to take him to the cleaners with the credit card both my songbook, I.

Will say this, if you're either a woman or you respect, I'm going to do that again. It didn't work last time. Just vote, Hey, you vote for my song. It's a pretty song, all right, give you something to feel good about. I need to know.

I need to know now. I need to know. I need to know.

I need to know what news today to know.

This is what you need to know. You know what you need to know. With Jody and.

Hazy, spellers sometimes struggle with basic words, and we also have a fascination of it sometimes lighting things on fire.

Jase, this is really we were talking about this off here before.

What is the young teenage boys fascination with fire?


I don't know why I went through it. You just want to light stuff.

Up because there has been a teen in court charge with burning, causing nine hundred thousand dollars damage to his two story beach house at gul Was South.

So what he tried to do is set a light a golf club.

See, I don't know why I'm about saying. I gotta be careful for the words I use here. I understand the fascination when you're young, I'm burning things, But why club do you?

Because that's there's certainly not a girl thing. I can say that with my hand in my heart.

But unless he's got a really old school golf club where you got the wooden heads, like you're not catching the light, champion? What did you're on their muscles? Burn something else?

Ever, try and set things a light when you were a young boy.

I told you it's up there. So we lived on the farm, and I reckon it's from the Simpsons where. But got a hold of some cherry bombs and I was like, Oh, build my own cherry bombs, and I'll use the case of a for a kind of surprise for the out of shell. So I soaked it in petrol and I put little bits of paper in there, and I went to light it up with like a bit of a few chair bomb yeah, homemade cherry bomb. And I was doing this in front of the petrol bowser. This is a petrol bowser with a big giant take of fuel for all the machinery and everything, and one of the workers were there. I came sprinting down. He's like, what the hell are you doing.


I was like, I'm making a cherry bomb. But so then he explained in really simple terms, you light that up and then that lights up and boom, boom boom. We all say bye bye. Yeah, And I was like, wow, it's all agree not to tell Dad.

And I just love that Deirdre Hayes has gone here have a king to surprise Andrew.

You've been such a good little boy.

Let's see cherry bomb on Sunday, Jodes. Yes, that's when their Advent calendar purchases. That's when we start.

Yes, we spoke a little bit about this yesterday in the Naughty at six forty because there are a variety of Advent calendars, not just for children now, because we picked up our four dollar cabri once from Cole's the other day for the.

Children's so it's so small. Yeah, it's such a small piece of chocolate that they absolutely froth. They're like, oh my gosh, I can't believe we get this little piece of chocolate. They've literally consumed like one point two killers of other lollies throughout the day. Yes, but this is the absolute price piece.

And is anyone else's kids doing thirteen days in one? You know what I mean?

Like that?

Mind's just skip ahead?

They skip ahead?

Yeah, they cheat.

You can't do that. Well, they don't skip ahead. You can miss adaine and have two on the on the day that okay, suits?

May I don't tell you how to parent?

Well I should have you got any tips?


All right, So there is a list of top ten advent calendars for adults.

Should I run through a couple, Yes, we didn't.

Number ten is the Moon and Stone Crystal Advent Calendar. For all the wou woo's out there. Isn't that fun?

It's a bit of crystal healing.

And don't I don't say that in a derogatory way. I love woo woo stuff.

It sounds pretty derogatory, it's not, if not so for all the people who see things a little bit differently. Yeah okay, yeah.

Well not differently.

It's just people who believe in healing and energy and something greater than Andrew Hayes in the universe.

Okay, you know the natural paths? Is that offensive?

Not meaning to be offensive, but then I would suggest you stop talking.

Isn't that the power of healing through alternative sources?


We go?

That's nice.

Coming at number eight, there's a Murray's Cheese twelve Days of Cheese calendar.

That obviously needs to be kept in the fridge.

Yeah, clearly.

Number six in Good Taste Wine Advent Calendar.

I like that one. That's good. Obviously different varieties of wine. Are we mixing whites and reds?


Fourteen reds, seven whites and three Rose's. That looks fun. Number five the Harry Potter Holiday Magic Official Advent Calendar.

That's a lot.

Yes, I did, sorry the risk it a.

Yes, you're such a nerd? Why are you so nerd?

Gosh, remind me to give producer like a massive wedgie after the show. Nerd put that.

He's our resident millhouse, isn't it? Okay?

Number four These are Doors of Death Delights Advent calendar. So that's all the paperweights and things that you put it. You'd like that, you'd be into that sort of stuff. There's a Whiskey Advent calendar at number three like.

That one as well. That'd be fun in moderation, of course.


Coming in number two is the Love Honey Womanizer Advent Calendar.

This is the one we spoke about.

Excuse me very much.

Anyway, say twenty one kids in cars and move on. And then there's number one, the Tingle Touch Advent Calendar for covers.

What does that mean? What is that meaning?

Designed to spark intimacy and add playfulness to any relationship.

That's all I will say about that.

For kids and cats that mum and dad are getting along really nice.

Mum and dad like to have kisses on the cheek every now and then. It just encourages that sort of behavior.

What the door, Mama, Dad, what's going on here? Hey? Thirteen twenty four ten? Have you got an Advent calendar that isn't you know? Traditional chocolate?



Because the other thing that produce fat you were talking about was the the Haigu's Luxury Advent Calendar. This makes news every year.

I don't I've never met anyone who's bought one, but for one thy two hundred and ninety dollars, you can have the special edition Haigue's Luxury Advent Calendar.

I just want the Peppermint Frog every day in December. Yeah, yeah, something better than the Haig's Peppermint Frog.

Yeah, it's pretty good. Watch bulk chocolate getting for that. It's one point two kilo's worth of chocolate. It's and it's luxury. Yeah yeah, as it says in the title.

Also guaranteed to have your bikini ready by New Year's Jodi.

And Hazes Hot Dads of Adelaide calendar. If the calendar that will be on every wall, walk back of the toilet door in Adelaide.

The hot things dads do that, aren't you? Traditional hot things? These men of South Australia need to be immortalized. Yes, are you thinking what I'm thinking? Mix three two one.

Calendar celebrating the normal man of Adelaide doing hot things?

You talking about Greg?

The man loves an Excel spreadsheet.

He basically takes our life and he plumps it into those little squares.

And God, I love it so much because it's just him taking control, you know what I mean?

Yes, that's it.

And we wanted to know what made our man.

Hot Dads of first contestant Artie cooking in the kitchen shirtless. Lisa has nominated her partner Brett. Lisa says, when he flies back in from work in his high Viz uniform and picks up our daughter for that first cuddle, he's old dad. Vi, you have written amazing cook, always cooks even after a twelve hour day, looks.

After his family. I know I'm very lucky. Jake.

Now you've been nominated by your friend Melodies from Melody, single Dad and super Dad, mastershire plant whisperer, fitness pro and role model to two awesome boys.

You've probably put a little bit of mail on you. But the best reason to buy the Hot Dads of Adelaide calendar for twenty twenty five is the proceeds are helping Adelaide.

QUI joining us in the studio now with Dande Maria good that be here.

But this is a new appeal we launched in September called the Advertiser Foundation Kids Appeal. We help kids and youth charities of South Australia. Kicked Out for Kids is one of them. They do some great stuff.

The Breakaston Schools program.

Can't kickstart House Foundation Kids in Paladin of Care, and there's so many kids and youth charities out there we want to support over the year.

We have so many hot Dads of Adelaide, but there was one well known mind we needed to get Channel nine sports presenter and all around hot dad, Tommy Wren.

We'd like to get at least one sort of celebrity.

You know what.

My mind goes immediately to the great Tom Ra.

Yeah, here I am.

And the Hot Dads of Adelaide calendar. Wouldn't you complete without one of the hottest dads we know who took a little bit of I'm twisting Andrew Hayes.

If I put to you, Andrew Hayes.

Would you be happy to be our hot Dad's of Adelaide December representative.

Yes, yes, although it was a struggle to find exactly what it was that made him hot.

That's something I didn't see it coming, to be honest.

You know who else didn't see it coming? Your wife, Kara. Good morning, Carra, morning guy.

There is one thing that you actually do do really well, the glad wrapping leftovers.

You do it like it's tight and it's put together really well, and.

Youth have the role to do it.

But yeah, to be honest with that's all.

I can come up with.

You're a very, very lucky lady. I see out my blessings every day that have you enter my post child.

Support the Advertiser Kids of You and get the Hot Days of Adelaide on your wall with Jodie Hayesy's Hot of Adelaide twenty five calendar.

There we go. I've said it before, or so once again, Cara has what a lucky lady. Lucky really lucky lady.

I mean, imagine getting aroused by you blood wrapping lift.

You should see. It's quite a work of art when I do.

It, I can imagine it'd be so meticulous in this space. Hey, if you'd like to get your hands on the Hot Dad's of Adelaide calendar, it is going on sale next week and we are partnering with the Advertiser Foundation Kids Appeal as you've just heard there, and all proceeds from the calendars will go to that appeal. They do wonderful work raising money and awareness to help kids in need in essays. So for more information on what this amazing foundation does, go to Kids Appeal dot com dot a you.

Next week it is happening exactly.

How you can buy it next week? And can I just say, maybe you're sitting on the edge of be like, oh should I buy this thing? Mister June? It was Tom Wren. Oh my gosh, it is worth the fee by itself.

Two words, smaller it's words. I know it's one word, I got two.

How about I got two words for your sexy barista? How does that work for you? Doesn't Tom Wren play that role absolutely beautifully? Who saw that coming?

Is he holding a strategically places coffee cup?

Or maybe he didn't