Would you still drink beer if it didn't get you drunk? 🥴
We got get you the morning every day day, every lazy gentleman adelaides.
Let's talk about jen z and how they are consuming significantly less alcohol than previous generations. I guess, well done. That's a good thing, more for me. So this trend is primarily fueled by a heightened awareness of health, both mental and physical, and a desire to maintain control over their image, especially in the age of social media, which I guess makes a lot of sense because if there was some photo circulating of me back in the day eighteen to twenty one, oh boy boy could.
Be in jail purely from embarrassment.
Yes, exactly. Let's bring in our resident jen Zeta. Zoe produces Zoe.
Who's breaking the trend?
If she sounds a bit rusty, it was a solid weekend.
I've never been a follower.
I'm not following that trend.
That was awful, the whole voice breaking thing that point beautifully.
No, yeah, that was actually shocking to me. Maybe it's just my circle of friends. But well, you certainly drink.
A bit, really, so you haven't You haven't noticed that?
I have, I have, especially on social media. I think that's the big one. It's like how run clubs are the crazy thing. Now you know you're not going out and drinking on a Saturday night because you're getting up at six and going for a run on Sunday.
Not me, some of them.
So she's not drinking.
She a thousands, I've got cigarettes, I've got nudes.
I think I wish it had been a thing when I was your age less because when I was growing up, it was like God, everyone just went out on a Saturday night and got absolutely ridden off. And I think the more you read about the harmful effects of alcohol and the more you look into there's a lot of people my age who are sober curious they call it and just want to have a crack at either really cutting back how much you drink or not drinking at all. And I think it's such a good thing because you think about it. I reckon alcohol in the way is like the new cigarettes, right, so cigarettes were sold is glamorous and to have a good time you have to have cigarettes.
And Jimmy d.
But I think the same that could be said of alcohol. So you think about our advertising and everything, we're fair. To have a good time, you have to have alcohol. And I don't think that's necessarily the case.
Yeah, I think as well. My generation definitely don't drink at home.
I can't see if everyone, but I would never just have a bottle of one at home, Yeah, for during the week or whatever. So maybe the drinking lesson is just really going for it once every two weeks.
I think the drinking at home during the week comes with parenthood that you reckon with the stresses of having children.
Yeah, absolutely leank parenthed with alcoholism for sure. There's an increasing demand for non alcoholic and low alcohol beverages, letting both establish brands and new companies to explore and innovate in the growing market.
I'm going to be honest with you. When I first saw of a non alcoholic beer coming.
Out, I thought, still, you thought, what's the point?
What's going on?
Because I remember saying to my dad years and years ago, I'm going to say, gosh, I love beer, and he said it was very wise. He said, well, would you like it if it didn't make you drunk? And I was like, oh gosh. He's like, if you if there was no alcohol, would you choose beer?
That gets you thinking.
So you would never go to the service station because they're in the service stations now and buy like a six pack of non alcoholic beer.
If I was drinking something that I didn't care if it was bad for my waist, Yeah, yes, I drink it can't Coco, Yeah, Coke. My kids aren't listening because we're trying to steer them away.
Yeah, and I look to be honest, I've tried that non alcoholic gin and it just makes me more real gin.
So there's a lesson in all this. I don't know what it is.
Everybody who's got a job, listen up, because a very important survey has been released.
Oh, here we go.
It's titled are you an annoying colleague? Here we Go?
A survey real is the most loved and loathed workplace behaviors as voted by Ossie workers. Why saying, oh, do you think you could be a bad part of the statistic?
I'm worried will be a good part. I'm worried that I do one of these things. Go on?
Hit us first one. Yes, people will turn up to work sick. No, I think it's brave.
I think it's brave. Or would you prefer I go home?
No? WHI should stay?
Yeah, so it will start off with this.
Almost a third of Australian workers, that's thirty one percent would rather have a tooth extracted than socialized with a colleague outside of wood. We've all seen a coworker outside of work and you're like, oh.
No, what do we do?
Where I hold my hands? What do we talk?
I know?
And also it's bad enough that sometimes you run into awkward people in the kitchen when you're just getting your tuna sandwich or whatever. My gosh, and you've got to make small talk. Imagine making that small talk in a public space and.
I to the kitchen, I'm like, oh my god, she's making a tuna sandwich again.
Is that another one of them?
He's one top five most annoying behaviors. At number five, it is invading personal space. Oh okay, yep for people said that's number four. It's talking over the top of people.
Number three. Number three is being messy.
No, that annoys me.
Number two is gossiping.
Oh that's the best part of work, isn't it.
Well, what depends when you become the gossipeler's annoying? The number one most annoying behavior is poor personal hygiene. Everyone's got a coworker that stinks.
Yeah, it sucks, doesn't it. Yeah, that really does. Can I add a couple to the list?
You go, sold fever? What is Jodey's diary time?
No, no. Excessive nose blowing in the workplace. Can't have it?
Absolutely, can I have it.
We've got some girls who like to play Taylor Swift very loud in the office late in the day.
Can't have that, mature age Swifties's not sure about that.
No, And for me, the number one most annoying thing in the office is people who scratch their nuts.
All the time.
Sorry, but they're not going to scratch themselves.
You know that.
I'll leave with this, Joe.
It's the top five most disliked personality traits. Okay, okay. Number five people who lie. Oh yeah, that makes sense, doesn't it. Number four people who are rude. Everyone's got a rude co worker, rudin. Oh you've just got to try and rise above it, but sometimes it's too much. Number three people who are unreliable.
At me, very dare look at me like that.
Number two manipulative, and number one colleagues who are lazy.
Oh yes, fill the space and feel the space.
There's nothing to say here. I think there's a lot to learn from that. There's a lot of information.
Does it apply to you? Does it apply to me? Does it apply to other coworkers? Who knows it's his space? But our eyes are darting?
All this is so spicy. Okay, So a daughter has written a blistering obituary for her late mother and it has gone viral. Ding dong, The witch is dead, wrote Christina Novak in the passing of her mother, Florence Harlson. Novak noted in the obituary that her mother had died on February twenty second, twenty twenty four, without family by her side, due to burnt bridges and a wake of destruction left in her path.
Wow, He's are not beautiful words from the heart, it would seem.
No. Florence did not want an obituary or anyone, including family, to know she died. That's because even in death, she wanted those she terrorized to still be living in fear looking over their shoulders. So this isn't so much an obitery, but more of a public service announcement.
That's what it's all about, she told.
The Bangor Daily News She even considered listing the ways in which her mother wronged her relatives, but in the end decided against it. She added it was her intention to write a traditional obituary, found herself leaning towards a more sarcastic approach.
Oh my very goodness.
So I wonder how many people read this obituary and we're like, oh, we didn't know that Flow was an absolute cow.
Yeah, horrible woman, absolutely hideous woman.
You just sort of wonder everyone's got secrets. Yeah, everybody has.
Secrets, and obviously some people's secrets are more intense than others.
Yes, I know of a woman who is a friend of mine whose husband passed away from a medical episode.
At work so very suddenly, very.
Very suddenly, so suddenly. He didn't have time to delete some incriminating things off his phone that revealed he may or may not have been having a relationship with another woman.
Okay, not ideal.
I'm glad you gave that that the ba it's not a ding.
I'm not sure what else it is, or you that or we got this a range sound.
Thirteen twenty four to ten. Let's do this. What did you find out after they passed away?
The story is coming through about people with genuine secret families, it's unbelievable. Or genuine secret children almost as well. Yes, I know a bloke who was at a former football club that I was at who had a genuine secret family in another city. What and the families didn't know about each other? Isn't that crazy?
Until he died or is he still alive?
I'm not really sure when I left he was still alive, but I'm sure as soon as one of the families finds out, his life is definitely in danger. But just the stress, Okay, how could she possibly? But also and you're like, hey, I've just got to head off to another city for a week. Yeah, I won't be contactable or is it constantly in contact with.
Bells thirteen twenty four to ten. I would love to hear from anyone who found out something juicy or saucy after someone died.
Yeah, this is my niche.
It's okay, it's good.
I know.
I've already tried this morning to find a baby Beryl. I couldn't do that, but I'm fairly certain there'd be some juicy secrets that were kept and were revealed after the person went to the grave.
This is nice. I like this.
Thirty twenty four to ten. What did you find out after they died? We'll take your cause next.
We've just revealed an a bittery that's gone viral. Christina wrote of her mother ding Dong the witch is dead. She said she has left behind a family, a wake of bridges and a wake of destruction left in her path.
Mum's a cow.
Mum is a red hot cow, and no one liked her okay the end.
And not a lovely cow like those dairy cows like that, just magnificent.
Jerseys at the show, Not like that? Seteen twenty four to ten. What did you find out after they died?
Tana? Good morning, good morning.
I feel like that, oh bit would probably be quite therapeutic and perhaps give her a little bit of closure. I think the money to copy and paste some of that. So essentially, what I found out and my siblings found out, was that we were given an inheritance, but it was never actually given to us by my parents. They just decided to keep it and spend it and live their best lives on it underknownst to us.
Whooh, okay, so how many siblings have you got?
So I only had two but the money was shared out between us three and the cousin, and at the time it was a relatively i mean, our first small amount. These days it's huge. It would be like it was seventy seven, but that was like fifteen to eighteen years ago. So we woke out the interest and what we should have gotten. If they'd done the right thing and kept it all together in an account, we would have each been given four hundred and fifty thousand dollars per person.
Oh my god.
Yeah, it was actually quite soul crushing, and just between you and me and the rest of the nation, it did result in essentially a no contact with me and my parents. To be fair, there is a long laundry list of terrible things that they have done, but this was essentially the straw that broke the perbial camel's back for us, and that was it hadn't spoken to them since.
So they're still around.
Yeah, they're still around. We found out because somebody else in the family had died and they contacted us because obviously there was a death in the family and they were like, oh, hey, did you you know, how'd you go with great aunt? You know, she left you all that money, must have set you guys up really well. And we were like what and they're like, yeah, so it was a surpliceable amount of money, and we're like, we have no idea what you're talking about. We actually, I mean probably tmi. But we actually had to get a lot because mom wouldn't give the money up, and so we had to subpoena her bank records to find out how much where she was keeping it, And in the end we don't actually know if we got it all, but we just took what we could and we just washed our hands of it and went our separate away.
I'm so sorry, Tanner, I didn't realize. So your parents spent your auntie's inheritance. That was yeah.
Yeah, exactly. So she was a lovely lady, and she left a bunch of it to charity, like for dogs and cats and vets and some hospitals, and she felt that my parents and his brother and sister had basically lived their lives. They're like, you know, we want this money to set somebody up to look after people, and you know, this is a good step in the right direction for your children. So she changed her will and my parents essentially didn't agree with that. They felt that we didn't deserve it, we would be frivolous with it, we would waste it, and they thought they were doing the right thing by keeping it for us.
That's so nice of them. I have a lovely cruise around, you know us or something. Oh, Tan, I'm so sorry to hear that.
That's all there, you go.
We have an anonymous lawyer on the line right now, Yes, who, for obvious reasons, was like, do.
Not say my name because lawie is in a.
Situation where you've got to sort out assets, et cetera. Maybe uncover some really heavy truths. Yeah, they hear some stuff.
Yeah, so we say good morning to our anonymous lawyer.
Hello, good morning, how are you good?
Thank you? Okay, you would see some stuff I do.
Will's gonna state downs really boring, but it's really interesting and ducy.
That's a key word.
Oh you've seen.
I have had a client recently who's had a parent passed away. Yep, they've come in to see me. They've given me the will and I can see it says I leave.
My stage to my children.
I've asked my client how many are there? They've said, it's just us. And as we have progressed through that someone else has cropped up and said, well, I'm also with child, and it's sort of all come out in the wash that mum had an affair and as a result of that had become pregnant and had another child that had been given up for adoption.
So what was the reaction.
Well, it was interesting. I had to obviously say to my client, hey, did you know that there was another one of you? Which they said that they didn't, and they were aware of the existence of this person, but the story that they had always been told was that they were a friend.
Right, so there was Conso this person was someone who the family knew.
They just didn't know how well they knew them, right, not.
Yet, not very well to my understanding. It was sort of in passing. But they knew, they were aware of the existence of this person, but obviously not not to the extent that they actually were here.
It's dear Drew Chambers.
What about you? Like, Hey, that's our friend. People say we look alike.
That's so silly. Oh, thank you so much for your care. We really appreciate it.