Best of 2024 - Do You Still 'Pash' In Your Relationship?

Published Jan 16, 2025, 9:09 PM

Do married couples even pash these days? 

We got get you the way morning.

Every day Adelaides.

Taking all our offerre conversations onto the A ten News First Weather present, squeezing the shower screens. You know what, it's not sexy lime Scale produces Zoe. I've gained something from my latest break up house.

I feel unused in this girls' chit chat nine no producers Zoe this morning. So look, I think I'm going to jump into produce Zoe's shoes and just you know, jumping for chickchat, which is a really good opportunity for myself, you Jo's and you Tube ten news first just to talk womanly things, just to t the fat, you know, yeah, we'll mind. Ladies.

Well, you're taking the mickey, but you are the very inspiration for this week's chick chat, by the way, which is developing a theme. Last week we were talking about first kisses, and this week we're talking about passing.


I forget some of her best works. This is the only work argue so true. All right, now, this has come about Tiff because we were having a conversation Hazy and and he was very very vehemently saying how he loves a pash with his wife.

That's nice, but sometimes I'll just I'll just practice pash.

My yeah, coming away, not aggressive.

That was that was a fourteen.

Year old was going to say, did you do that into your pillow?

Yeah, you passed your pillow, pas pillow. But I think we all passed her as youngsters at once. Saget. No, nor meant to say that. I don't think any of us did that.

My friend said, he my friend Andrews. So you love a good pash and you regularly try and kiss your wife, and she's not about it all.

So and obviously she has long days. She got three kids.

No, you have three you both three kids.

Darn it, let me try that again. We have three kids. I don't tell what was.

The father of her three kids.

It works so much that I don't seen them, so sometimes I can't. I might introduce myself, but she's had all day with the kids, and she's probably not feeling her most attractive and freshest, even though I think she looks happy. Unbelievable, and I'm trying to go for a kiss and car is not for it. So what she did, I understand. She just sort of aggressively, aggressively balls away. Yeah, that's completely fine. But I'm all for it.

Yeah, okay, yeah, I can with my hand on my heart. So I can't remember the last time Gregor and I had a proper past. What do you mean, I don't. We don't pash. We're married, We've been together. That doesn't stop you together for thirteen years. Give it a go. I reckon you'd like it, you know, because he I don't know how to say this.

Is it bad? I don't know.

He's not a bad passion, it's.

A bad kiss.

I did not.

Say that surprised.

I just you know how he sort of pashes like he dances like just a tiny bit uncoordinated aggressively. You can't quite get your time, I don't think. So what about when you're you know, having special j cuddles? Yeah?

What you just stare at I'm just flat on top, just staring, eyes wide.

Open, like you just you just do what has to be done. What do you mean?

What do you mean traditional message? Are you like those sea creatures? There's just release something in the ocean. You float around? What's going on here? Wasn't no kissing?

You don't have to pash to be able to do that?

You do?

Actually, no, you.

Don't speaking can get through without passion.

No, it's very like Julia robertson Pretty Woman.

You like to kiss me?

Greg, Well, that's how I feel.

So I'm guessing he's such a bad passion. It's like still he's kissing a snake. La.

He's just a fast talker, fast kisser. That's how maybe you need to be faster boo. Okay, I want a victim blame. Well, you kind of feel like you're both having a crack at me because I don't necessarily like pashing.

If this is unbelievable, I would have thought I would have predicted in this space that i'd be the one who isn't pashing, but I'm very much into it, and you'd be the one who is. But it's a little.

Almocause we all know you're like a horny little fourteen year old teenmate.

Alright, okay, who told.

You that.

Twenty fourteen? Are you into pashing? Where is your last pash? Mine was about fifteen minutes ago?


Yeah, yeah, are you kidding?


By darling, have a good day the car park?

So do you know what?

You're in a new relationship and everything's fresh, and everything about it is exciting. Passionate. Let's drill down on that a little bit more after the break, shall we.

Four ten? Your last full on passion?

Passions, passions, it's got anonymous.

Good morning, Hey, good morning.

Good morning. Okay, your thoughts on pashion?

Oh very much, sir. Me and my current partner we tiers all the time, very very into passion pretty much the whole day, to be honest. Yeah, late thirties and my late thirties.

Yeah, get girl.

Yeah, I love that.

Yes, I love true And he was fine and very difficult to find someone like into those things through and you know, I was single for many years after my first marriage, which was like not kissing, not hugging, no nothing.

That's why I ended.

Yeah, I found someone who is very compatible.

In thosemous making up for lost time.

I love that, storing all that.

Extra And how do you feel about public pashion PDAs well.

I'm an ethnic person and that's part of our culture, correcting yourself and being romantic and passionate. It's part of how we grew up.

Actually something that we can take, maybe take a bit of a dip and see what happens in Australian culture.

Sally, Good morning, morning, Passion not to passion.

I haven't got time for that.

I'm so you, like.

My husband would love to pass me all day long, like he's fall on right into it.

I haven't got time.

I've got things to do.

Let's get this job done and off I tart.

That's unbelievable. Well, it should make you feel good, though, Sally, that you've got a husband who just wildly still wants to get right into it.

I love that he loves that.

Yeah, but tell but yeah, he's still a fourteen year old.

Yeah, they do. You find that when like things get down to passion and all that sort of stuff, your mind goes a thousand miles an hour, like, oh my god, there's still dishes in the sink, I haven't hung out the washing. I've got to pick up the kids.

I've got to pick up my son.

Let's get this done before he comes home, so he doesn't know we've done it.

Yeah, here's some information for you. We have a very very solid ability to stay in that moment. In that moment, we stay present.

Do you think about nothing else?

You think about nothing else?

Present with that all day long.

That's exactly like you don't don't think about anything.

Else wouldn't that be nice?

When's your next meal?

When when's the and yeah.

That's what you think about pre and post. We need nourishment to give us energy.

Cycle. It's a vicious cycle. Thank you so much, Sally.

What a the lightful, wholesome little contest.

This is yes, So if you haven't heard this competition before, based we have some nob hits and throwbacks that have been orchestralized and we just have to buzz in with our name and say what that song and the artist is. Some of us have more adept at this than others.

You're welcome, You're welcome. What do you mean?

I mean, I'm quite good at that. Are on my day?

On your day?

That day comes once every your.

Days a few and far between, because it is twenty eight to fourteen. For Joes, it's every other day.

He's just trying to gas light. I'm just trying to gaslight, thinking that I'm good at it.

How about your gas like the schoolboard?

Oh all right, okay, So playing for you is Teresa from Rostreapa. Good morning, teresad morning morning.

How are you all?


Going very well? How are you?

Thank you?

Hazy was trying to work out your name before he thought it.

Was No, it's so it's it's spelled t h E R E s E. Is that right?

Which is true?

Is that without the art tree? Right?

Okay? Because based on spelling, we're like, is it thressa? That's incorrect?

Isn't it? Okay? And on my team unfortunately for Natasha from more for Val, I'm so sorry. I apologize in advanced you've got it to and you thank you for your positivity.

Did you get in second? Natasha?

Okay? This is this is actually why no one likes.

You open about that. I'm very obnoxious in this space, just in this space, like I try not to let it have verg into other areas of the search, so sometimes it does. Sometimes I can't control.

Well, you're preaching to the converted with that, okay, rip in producer Black, welcome.

Now you too. I want to want a clean game here. You are not to speak over the songs because you do that a lot.

You do that when you don't know what it is radio.

I got to speak, No.

You don't.

We all need to listen to the song and I just need you a little bit less arrogant.

Excuse me very much, all right, He would get very confident in my own I know what Hazy Jason rum.

Its e because he buys himself time and he throws me when he talks over the song. Can you tell him not to talk over the song?

You go, oh, I know it?

Okay, smart asking and just say it. You don't have to talk over the song.

We are moments away from mediation with you two. You said you said in the song before, I'm going to be very calm and relaxed. You've already broken it.

Okay, everyone calm, everyone relaxed, Hazy one Niel to you. Let's go for song number two.

Jody no Jo Okay, DJ Sammy, Heaven it is?

It is.


Oh you did shot yourself. You didn't know it. Hen's why you tried to hand it over to me.

Well, yeah I did, Jody.

Just to clarify, I'm the judge. You got in first. Why were you throwing it to Hazy?

Because I knew it was Heaven, but I didn't for a second it was DJ Sammy. That's all right, we'll play incredible speak on my behalf.

Incredible, says Flak. What are we dealing with here? We are dealing with a tiebreaker?

Oh one, each to Jo d and Hazy the third song in songs A song song song, and it is.

Ready Joe's Let's go Jody?

Too hot?

Is it?

Bruno Mars? Too hot?

No? Incorrect, Andrew Hayes. Now I get a little listen.

No, he doesn't get to listen. No, he doesn't he.

Your children, I know, don't say it, Andrew Hayes. I need your answer. What do you mean? How do you want? Okay, what's your answer? What do you mean? The answer doesn't know it's Bruno Mar, Yes, and it is.

He doesn't know.

Hot town slum Dog.

I go again.

It's uptown funk.

Jody is correct that expedition of me. I only get one one.

But it's twenty eight fourteen, so I throw a dog of mine.

Yeah. So by the fold, the ruling is only wins this weekend. I know it's morally North Melbourne has won the last game of the season. We were having a private conversation and sometimes after the show we'll just sort of sit there and you'll rattle off the things that you're really good.

At long meetings, aren't they.

Yeah, they're very very long murders. They sometimes drag into the evening. You were telling us how you're very, very good at reverse parking, which I've seen in the flesh. Very impressive. And then yesterday during the show, we're talking about Sienna Miller and Jude Law and you were rattling off really eerie details of the affair that Jude Law.

Had with his nanny.

Yeah, and we thought that must be just a bit of a fluke, But it turns out that's one of your superpowers.

I have this really weird nap of remembering who's had affairs on who in Hollywood's so bizarre.

So you reckon. You can pretty much all the A listers. You've got a good idea where their marriage is potentially broken down.

And for some reason, like when these things break and they happened, maybe because I've worked in radio so long, I don't know. I just engrossed myself in what the hell's gone down?

Okay, should we put you to the test?

Oh? Why not?

All right? Should we play a little bit of a game show? Okay, Okay, let's launch into this. Let's have some fun too, please, Jody and Hazes. It's probably the best thing we've ever done. All right, Jody, are you ready to play it?

Wait? Can I just clarify. I have all these people had affairs?

They most certainly have. Well maybe they haven't. Well, you know you're the expert.

Oh no, I'm already regretting my self grandiose.

Okay, okay, first one, are you ready to play? Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale?

Did Gavin have an affair with the nanny?


My god?

But prior to that, it was well known that he'd had an affair with a English singer who I think was a transvestite.

Okay, thank you for the extra information I've just got in front of me here. That he had an affair with the name. That's a very very good start. Okay, sure, Gavin Rosstowe, you dirty bird? All right? Next one, yep, Maria Shreiver and Arnold Schwartz.

Arnie, most definitely, he definitely had an affair with the housekeeper and he may have knocked her up and had a love child.

Oh my gosh, I don't know that Arnold Schwartz Negga was such a dirty bird. It seems to be a theme here as well. If you're a celebrity, keep it in your pans. Don't get help.

No, I never get the help.

Yeah, all right, here we go.


And you know what if you can't get this because it's pretty broad. Yeah, Ellen Nordegren.

Oh, yes, the Woods. Yeah, he cheated on her with multiple, multiple, multiple women's, She's done it. Some of them were nightclubs. One was Rachel You could tell. There's no doubt about that because I remember when she came down for the Australian Masters and they the paparazzi took photos of her checking into the Crown Casino and so that's how it all blew up. And then if like correct me if I'm wrong. Another one was I reckon Jamie Grubbs because he left a voicemail on her phone saying, Hey, my wife's going to call you. Ellen's going to call you. She's been through my phone and I just need you to lie for me and delete the number. That would be huge. I think his words were huge.

K I've just got here. He cheated with more than one woman. Thank you for the extra information. I've got two more quick ones for you. Okay, all right, here we go. Yeah, Hugh Grant and Elizabeth Hurley. Who the hell was you?

Brown? She was she was a lady of the night and it was what's her name? What's her her name?


Stunts with anyway, So they got caught in the back of a cab and I reckon. Police pulled them over. I reckon and then he had a mug shot. Can you remember that mug?

I remember the mugshot. He wasn't happy. Yeah, it probably wouldn't be. Yeah, more suspicious if he was smiling.

So is that close enough?

You've got one Morey Reese, Witherspoon and Ryan Philippe.

From memory. He had an affair or allegedly had an affair with an Aussie actress, Abby Cornish.

Incredible three four six from six. That is actually quite incredible. Oh god, well done.

Some people have foot fetishes, I have celebrity affair fetisheslations.

This is your superpower.

Thank you so much.

Now tell me what's the difference between bought and brought?

I have a question for you. You're a sushi train regular. How often you're hitting it up with your son Henry?

Well, it depends on his fancies, but I'd say usually once a week. Once a week, usually on a Wednesday or Thursday, straight after school.

Yeah, right, okay, And how many plates we're doing?

Well, that is a very good question. He ranges from two to three plates. Ok. He likes the I don't know how to say it, armi beans, a mai beans. He likes the green beans. Let's just call it that. And then we're very very adventurous, my son and I. He sort of you know, jumps between the chicken tariaki or the tuna and avocado, because you know, we're Australian people who like sushi. Was so uneducated with our palettes.

Can I just clut this out for you? Ed the marmi, ed.

Mami, green beans, ed green beans?

What all?

Mens? My husband struggles with that word as well, Eda marmi.

Yeah, they roll their eyes when we order the green beans.

Oh my god, I think he's called them the enema beans before as well.

He says it so quickly though as well, that they just go okay. He must have said at a marmy beans.

Okay. So I've discovered a Wednesday night at a sushi train is the busiest place on earth? Do you find that?

Well, we go early, we go straight after school, so we get there about fourish. Okay, yeah, super early dinner because the rush at welland oh.

Man, it was a lot. So I took it not to the Well and one, but I took my thirteen year old to our local the other night, and oh wow, it was so bad that there was no booth. There was not even any barstools. They sort of crammed us in the corner on a makeshift table with a couple of stools chucked in there. So we were helping ourselves. But then Greg was at home with the five year old, and so we had to order some takeaway on top of the hectic scenes that are attacking the sushi train with a lot of people in it. Right then they came around and they said, what would you like for take away? And I was pointing on the menu, you know, the big plastic menu. God, it can be confusing, don't you think?

Yeah? Absolutely, because I'm like, all I can see is two options, Yeah, ariachy chicken tuner on avocada, something else is a blood and.

What sort of beans and the grain back. So I ordered to take away six pieces of cucumber rolls for the five year old and six pieces of the tuna. Okay, twenty five minutes later, we're still sitting there waiting for our takeaway, and she came up. She said I'm so sorry, it's taking so long. We don't have time to make it. Would you like a free can of drink? And I was like, think you, what do you mean you don't have time to make it. It's like six cucumber rolls and six pieces of tuna.

That guy's literally over there having a cigarette.

No, that guy wasn't over there and having a cigarette. He was in the middle making a massive platter. What she thought I had said is six times six of cucumber rolls and two times lots of tuna. So what should have been twelve pieces became forty eight pieces of tuna forty eight pieces. And the man, the poor man, looked like he'd lost the will to live. He's like, why, how there's no human on earth that can eat this amount of sushi.

Look at her over there, geez, where.

Does she put it? She ain't asumo resting in three thousands of sushi anyway. In an effort to get us out of there, she said, we won't charge you, just get out.

So he took the sushi.

I took a whole platter of sushi.

Oh gosh, that's how you score yourself free sushi. You overload the system.

I don't. I don't recommend it. And the worst part about this story is Peyden had loaded up on all the condiments, like the teriukey saws on.

What are you doing?

You can't do that. She goes, it's not my lunch tomorrow.

You're going to get your money's worth. We're talking about when did you overaught off the back of your almost situation where you completely made a sushi train run out of stock.

Well literally, hell, miss shut down the whole train station because this poor man made forty eight pieces of tuna and cucumber rolls and I just ordered twelve, just one of twelve, little guys.

What about the nerve of viewers well, not knowing that forty eight pieces are coming, thinking six pieces are coming in the background going what's taking taking?

I literally said that, and then and she goes to me, She goes, I'm sorry, can we just give you a free drink? And I'm like, no, No, I've got a five year at home. She needs her cucumber rolls. What is it? What on earth can be so hard?


As I look to the center of the sushi train, this man's like drowning in cucumber rolls.

Paul who's your toddler, Andre the Giant? It's forty.

Four to ten? When did you over order? Mark? What happened?

This is going back two years ago when I was hairdressing in Sydney. Yeah, and I had to order and stop for the salon. So I was ordering PERM solution and instead of order ordering like twelve units of four particular types of PERM solutions, because there's one for resistant, once for normal, once.

Yes, twelve units, I ordered twounces of each one. Everyone in Sydney could have had a permit oursel on. Everybody was not.

My box was not a happy camper.

But is that is that something that you could use?


Can can you store it?


Like at least but you.

Know when you're in a song with it that five people and you've got, you know.

Twelve boxes of O solution, twelve boxes of one solution, twelve boxes of one plus solution, twelve boxes of solution and twelve boxes of free it's like, oh my morning, Lordie, I want for very long.

And don't you reckon Marcus. We were ever to engage in chemical warfare with another country, you could use Perman solution because that stuff is so strong.

We would certainly win the war against China.

We contain everybody curly.

Oh gosh, thank.

You mac Choe.

What did you overorder?

May I say that this was Cole's fault and not mine.

I had to make I had to make.

Guacamoley for a big family function, and when I say I mean lots of guacamolly. So I ordered lots of avocados.

And instead of getting those, they substituted it with about thirty onions.

Oh my god, Chloe, we go through the same situation. My wife's like, how like are they taking the you know what when some of the substitutions are throwing like, oh no avocados or good, let's chuck in some macons.

What am I meant to do with thirty onions?

I'm not really sure unless you unless you're former Prime Minister Tony Abbott, I'm not sure.

You clacamunially something like that. Thank you so much, Chloe. Oh our boy, Gussie, how are you mate?

I'm good? How are you good?

What happened? Who ordered? Over ordered? In your house?

So my mum was at the super car racing, yes, the horse racing, sorry, and she was ordering pizza because the dominoes app ye see and she was so strong she ordered ten pizzas and two g I mean ten ten garlic breads for two peas. Sul have had sixteen beers.

Oh look your beautiful mum. Gussie Claire does a fantastic job. But look I think you got away from it that not, hey.

GUSSI, at least you got left over Pizza Dale for the rest of the week.

We had leftover launches for the week.