Best Of: Jase Is Baffled By What's In Lauren's Handbag

Published Jan 13, 2025, 10:00 PM

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Well, good morning Melbourne. It is eleven to nine coming up on Nova one hundred after.

I'm just gonna say Chapel Rhon. I love that song.

Thank you, Mollie Melgrim After nine this morning.

You didn't reference who it was, and I think it's because you walk scared you were going to pronounce it incorrectly. And she has ripped into people pronouncing her name incorrectly.

I haven't in the other song, Chappelle, it's trapl ron.

We don't. I'm thank Moving on from Rage after nine this morning, your chance to win Nova's cash Car and a Star, a brand new car twenty k and a trip to New York to see choice of varn that'd been nice.

That would be very nice.

If you fear the boys bring something up with me over the weekend regarding yourself.

Oh what have I done now?

Someone asked they saw a video of our show, and they asked if it was a stitch up or if it was true?

What's in my handbag? When you went through it?

Because you were speaking, said that's the video.

You are freaked out by what's in your wife wife's handbag? You refuse to get anything out of it, and I want to go through mine and see if there's anything interesting in there.

And it was not a stitch No, that was not a stitch up.

That's what I told him at the pub. I'm like, guys, that's exactly what she harries with her every day. If you missed it, take a listen. This is what I found in Lauren's handbags. The first thing I'm going to pull out of the hairbag is a miniature handbag, cold and flu panded old wrappers.

Yeah, blimb, sip the whole box.

What's in here?

I can't even open the lashes?

Seaweed, seaweed snap.

More your a flexible hairspray, receipts for the taxis man? What's what? Little?

Oh that's a bronzer?

Why do you need two bronzes? The car key?

I was looking for that tea bag bag, tea bag.

Or your rocker. She's carrying a tin of tuna. Head phone, hide your lights?

What you found? Fresh geatre? You never knowbod you're going to need that.

She got socks as well. A baby dummy.

That must be my Niece's all true.

You never know when you're going to need a snack.

Anytime I've been never know when.

You're going to need clean socks because your ankles are cold.

Anytime I've been out with you five seid, I need something, you go.

I got it every time. Women, we're good like that every time. Yeah. Look, I have two extremes.

I have a hamdbag like that, which has one of every single thing anyone could possibly require any kind of situation which or emergency, including a spare pair of under.

It's been very good meaning for me in the past is like can you hold my Carkie?

You got a spare g stringles? I find I haven't blacking that one on tonight.

Like you hold my carkis and stuff.

I've either got that size hamdbag or I've got ones that are so small my phone doesn't even finish.

What's the point. It's just for fashion because.

It's cute, my lip glossal fit and I might take that and something random I don't know, like a pen.

You never know when you need that.

Sure, Guy Sebastian post a photo of himself ever in ballet with the family Bali Bali.

We're trying to make it more up like a bougie way to say he was in Balin.

With a man bag. Now, how do you think i'd look with a man bag.

No, that's midlife, christis territory. My dad's been carrying a man bag like a sash sash that what would you say, satchal, satchel, satchel.

And I'm like, dad, what's in there?

You know? I don't think like a laptop satchu. I just think something sort of like you know.

It's like a mini sachel.

Yes, a mini satul.

No, you can't have one of those. You're a backpack guy, firmly in backpack territory. But it is like a women's haabags. It's handy because you can carry things around all the time. You would be surprised what you could find in different women's handbags.

Thirteen twenty four ten. Yes, do you think this will shock me?

They won't shock me, but it might shock you.

Thirteen twenty four ten.

What's the strangest thing?

Yeah, warn Hamburg, what are you carrying in your bag? Yeah? Lawrence?

Are you packing?

Lawrence? Got tuna, a dummy and a G string. That's a wild Friday night right there.

Yeah, what do you pack it?

Thirteen twenty four ten. Is our number might be yours?

Hate you might be your partners. We just can't believe that they carry that around with them.

In return, I got a two hundred and fifty ol like Q two vouch chaff you to experience Melbourn's restaurant, Pascal Bar and Grill. It's a cracking spot.

It is, you'll love it.

I've had many a cocktail up there.

Thirteen twenty four ten is our number. Oh that's what else we found. You're in Viculne, you're in Visulm. Is at the bottom of the back.

That one in the bin. That must have been an old one. I didn't realize I was carrying that around. But thank you for clearing out my handbag.

Thirteen on the radio.

I appreciated it.

Thirteen twenty four to ten from Tuna in a g to what else have you got? Melbourne? Now?

Jace was shook when he went through my handbag the other day. We were talking about how you won't even if your wife says, Dug, can you get my keys out of bag?

It is the one thing I refusee. I just do not fish for anything in a handbag.

But we're just not like I could stick my hands in my bag and I would know exactly what to find. Where to find it that like I could do with my ashes over there?

Is it the same bag that I went through?


Okay, having nothing's gone in or out of it, different.

Hand in the bag. Eyelashes you're pecking are sorry? They're the one the one thing, the one thing.

Because actually when you went through my hair bag the other day and you were like what cease? And I said, oh, it's false eyelashes, a makeup artist had only given them to me the day before.

And then I thought, actually I've remember to take them out.

Let's go to Meg intended morning, Meg morning. How you going good? What's in your bag?

I have a jar of organic beeft Bone Bros.

That you carry around with that exactly you can just pull it out whenever you need it.

It is.

It's just there on the go all the time.

I bet I know.

Is it that off the bone one that's so good?


Yeah, no, no, no, there's many different brands. That's the brand.

And yeah that's.

Because you can just take a scoop out and put it in a cup of hot water and you've got a meal.

She just from me. My wife carries around a salt grinder.

Yes, she does love salt.

We'll be in a restaurant and she'll opened the handbag.

But did anyone ever tell lou that every restaurant has salt?

But sometimes, you know, if you have like a little takeaway sandwich on the road or something like that, and you're like, there's no salt. Oh good, I.

Got Is it one of those electric ones with the.

Torch on it?

No, because if it went off in a handbag, someone thinking somebody.

Else, idea Lizzie in loy.

Is he good? How are you hi?

How are you guys?

What you carry around your handbag?

It's my partner because she carries around a bottle of sauce and a cat collar.

I get the sauce because question collar. It's very much like your wife wanting salt on everything. Some people like hot salts.

Let's park the sauce for a second and focus in on the cat collar.

What's that about.

She thinks that if she finds her love in a cat, that it would just come to her and then she can just you know, how about her throwing hang.

On, she's cooked?

Say that again. If she finds a stray cat you mean yeah, or if she just finds another cat walking down the street and she goes that one looks good. I'm going to take that collar off and put a new on it.

Well, like we were in saying killed her the other day and there was a cat roaming around the street and she thought that if she gets the cat, then she can keep the cart in the collar.

Yeah, fair enough. You put a collar on its.

People out there? There really is, isn't there. Yeah, you need to get out of that relationship as quick as you can. You talked about red flags in a relationship. That is a red flaggy. Run as quick as you can.

We just do strange things. We're prepared for any situation. She's prepared to get a pet.

Let's go to Geelong. Can I be a gap? Hello? Carrying any bag? Hi?

Well, I've got two pairs of weightlifting gloves and the reason for that is one is covered in nappy cream and I've just gotten to seat them out my bag.

So you've had it there forever weight lifting?

Did you say?

Yeah? Did you used to wait lift?


Well I do.

I'm pretty active, but I think amongst my bag, Lauren is my spirit animal. There's tuna.

There's a lot of things.

You never know when are you going to need a snack.

Or bench breass. You just got to be prepared or a fresh pair of undies?

Do you carry them around to?

Absolutely? How you yourself?

You just never know in what situation are you going to need?

Two years old, I've never had to change my underwear as an adult.

Oh mate, you need to.

Just get fresh.

Yeah, I agree, you ain't living. You ain't living.

If that's living, I don't want to live.

It's late this morning, good morning.

H What are you carrying around in your bag?


I have a really big bag with lots of compartments, so no one's probably ever going to get to this one. But I have a little tiny of some of the ashes of my dogs.

Oh wow, yeah, just so just not all of what was the dog's name, Ralph?

So you don't carry all of Ralph around.

You've just got a little heavy a little zip lock of just a part of Ralph.

It's just like a little tiny like yeah, a little tiny glass jar with a cork on it and very little and is Ralph?

What sort of dog was wrong here?

He was a jack Russell fox terrier.

Looked like a back of a.

Whippet broken down over different handbags or is it the one jar that moved from handbag to handbag.

I only have one handbag, so he comes wherever I go.

And how long ago did did Ralph not elf? Sorry Ralph rip? When did we lose?

About just under three years ago?

Three years ago?


I mean you're really.

Keeping us Ralph? Yeah?

And do you look at it?

Where's the sorry, where's the rest of Ralph? If there's on a little bit in the back.

Yes, the rest of him is like it sounds silly, but next to our fishcake in his inner container, to the fish but.

The pets are all together.


Yes, okay, well but just be careful because the stuff you're.

Feeds very flaky.

It looks like, yeah, al do you have a partnership children?

Do you have any?

And my husband.

And did they know that you carry Ralph around with you everywhere?

My husband does. Yeah, and my kids don't because I don't want them to get it out.

No, no, no, no, you don't also carry a salt and pepper grander around to do because you wouldn't want to mix them up. No, there you go.

L So I told you women were cookie.

Do you talk to Ralph come here back? That would be weird, That would be weird too, would be weird, right, that is it? That would be weird.

I love that she's always got Ralph with her.

That's it. We are getting out of here. Ah, the Lovely Meltressena is coming in next.

Good morning now, oh, good morning god.

What's in your hairbag? Now?

A good question. I'm too scared to put my hand in.

Yeah, or love one.

You'd be surprised. It's a bit of a lucky dip sometimes, isn't it.

Yeah? Yeah, but definitely the canter tuna always you never know when you need to snap.

Do you carry underwear as well? Or is at ault?

I think I'm going to do that now. A great idea. It's brilliant. You're welcome. I've got a spare pair if you ever made it. Thank you.

This is a it's twenty twenty four. I think we can do exchanging underwear with fellows

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