Full Show: Jase Has Never Tried A Strawberry

Published Mar 25, 2024, 11:52 PM

We're as confused as you are. Plus, Lauren's an Aunty, we go through the new I'm A Celeb "celebrities", a health scare in the Hawkins family and Clint froths a banana split.

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Good morning, Melbourne, Melbourn.

Jason Lauren start your morning the right away.

Be great.

This is Jason Laurenn.

No, you're one hundred.

Well, good morning everybody. Welcome you Tuesday.

Good morning, Melbourne.

Morning morning, Stello.

How good to Tuesday? When we're halfway through the week.

I forgot about that.

Yes, I know, someone said to me this morning. Halfway through the week already, Yes we are.

Can we do a little Thursday post show fiesta?

No, because it's a long weekend and I'm hitting the road at ten thirty.

Oh, I'll do fiesta.



Is the team free on Thursday for a little Easter fiesta?

Well, I mean I'll do a fiesta, but it won't be with you guys.

Do you want us to set a phone up at the end of the table next FaceTime iPad?

So I feel like I'm right there the landscape.

What are you doing these?

No? No, we're just I'm thinking about taking How do your away from the night on a lad's fishing trip?

Good Friday? You can only eat white meat?

Yes, yeah, that's the reason.

To catch something for your dinner, and that the.

Wind isn't too bad and rye so yeah, might head down there for a little lad's fishing trip.

I'm sure it'll be quiet down there over Easter.

Yeah, she's been sarcastic, isn't she. I think I could sense it a little bit of sarcast I haven't looked at a com yet.

You, Jason, what you're going to try and get accommodation on the peninsula over easter or just which is in two days?

You just set up a tent.

It can be no, like I'll just get like a I'm.

Sure I don't. I actually know.

I don't think there will be on all the camp sites people. Well, he can't plug his hair straightener in a tent.

Yeah, No, she's up too much power, got to set up the solar panel.

And also honey would come with all kinds of accessories charge.

Hey did I hear Elton John?

Yeah? Seventy seven today? Happy birthday, rocketman, my Elton. You're Elton.

Do you remember when we got Youlton?

That was it was a highlight.

Were my birthday? Not Elton?

We organized Elton John for Lauren's birthday. However, it was an Elton John impersonator.

No, it wasn't even an impersonator. It was a tribute band.

Oh, a tribute band is like.

Just a random singing Elton John songs.

It's like he's not even doing the voice.

She needs to do the voice Felton Ron.

Yeah, Hello, I'm Steve. Hello, Steve.

Well, he's the glasses. I think that was about it.

No, I don't even think he was.

I think you guys literally just booked a guy that plays in and Elton John tribute.

We found him in the canteen.

Put that in for eight ten. Hey, we have a huge show coming up today, five thousand dollars up for grabs at eight o'clock the morning, Big day in the world of AFL.

Clint Peter Wright from the Essendon Footy Club is heading to the tribunal tonight. He could cop four, five, six, maybe seven matches? Who knows off the ball hit?

What does your gut say on that?

Probably four?

And do you think that's the right.

To say about right?

Yeah, but some calls he should have been sent off with a red card.

Should we introduce a red card in footy?

That's what this debate is about.

Question question. As a new fan of the af yes, coming from a rugby league background where we have the sin bin, is there no sin.

Well, there is in the amateur in some amateur leagues.

Yeah, that's crazy. It's crazy that we don't have that.

Well, that's what the debate is about currently.

Well we're at it. Can I table the whole like drawing?

What else do you want to bring in?

I want to get rid of the draw.

No, I love to draw.

Draw. They fly all the way to Bloody Perth. They will do a game against West Coast. There could be a draw and they fly back.

That's because West Coast is absolutely shocking.

Yeah, you still get two points.

But what about Allans? I paid money to go there.

You know he's not inside.

Well, it's better than going and seeing your team lose.

I don't like that. Yeah, there's no songs played, Siren.

Would you like a mash up?

I want a mash version of the two.

DJ scutter out there to remix.

All right, should we get into it?

Let's do it? Okay, if you play Elton John all day, given that it's.

We're going to do the mash up where the Eagles it's a grand old flag, that's what.

What's your song of choice?

Well, let's do that.

We do a Leper or something, or Brittany or do we want a classic?

I think we're going to do it. We're going to get in trouble with the music. We should go holdoo, rocket man. What's one of these.

Quite a cattle?

Do Brittany or do a leaper?


Cold cold Heart is a banger.

Yeah, he'd like to request a song that.

You're talking amongst yourself.

It's eton the cattle.

Clint is a cold cold heart or just cold heart?

You are you just typing?



Okay, alright, oh thank you, all right.

Okay, someone's put it on the computer for you because you're NUFFI.

That is true. They have look at that.

Happy birthday, Elton.

I know you're listening, Elton. I love it.

Morning Melbourne.

You mother.

Thing wrong.

We've had a health scare in the Hawkins family.

Immediate family, one of the boys a family.

My mum's sisters are step removed.

Your mum's sisters.

Now everyone's okay, everyone's fine, so I can talk about it. A little situation over the last week that I got myself in hot water. One of my sisters. I've got three other sisters and we've got a good group chat. And she sent out a message just informing that one of our aunties had passed out and was rushed to hospital, Oh dear, and that they were doing tests and she was awaiting test results.

How old, Auntie Hawkins?

You know?


You know how like when you're younger, you look at old people and they just look really old. So like for me, I guess she'd be like one hundred and twenty.

Yeah, but she's probably forty two.

Younger than our kids. Look at us exactly.

We're dust I guess like seventies, seventies.

Sick with that? Sorry, I asked, No.

One Auntie I still talk to the other Auntie. We don't.

Oh, the whole family does not, just because.

Of family politics. Good the wheel. I don't think i'll see.

A scent which Auntie fainted, the one you talk to, the one you don't.

Well, this is the situation.

Oh, you've got your aunties muddled up.

I've read it as the auntie I speak to the one I love. So I sent her a text. Oops, I'm so sorry to hear about your health. And I really hope the test results come back okay and you bounce back. We are all thinking of you down here in Melbourne and sending love great, good, that's lovely jas thank you. When I got the response, what test results? Is there something about my health? Everyone is keeping from me? Who have you been talking to? Can you please call me straight away?

Oopsies? Did you call it?

WHOA? I called my sister and said, what's the going She doesn't realize that she's not well, And they said that's because you've messaged.

The wrong auntie. So then did you break the ass with the auntie?

You don't talk to her? If you continued not to talk to you, No, I've continued sender get well message.

I don't want to come out of the woodwork.

Like, hey, guess but someone talks to it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, someone's checking keen family member, isn't there. I was like, feel free to copy and paste my message A lot of thought when it just went to the wrong person. But the auntie I do talk to, the poor thing thought all her kids were just keeping it from her.

Oh shame.

And I'm like, no, you're fine.

You know now she thinks she's going mad. Poor love. Potentially hundreds do you.

Know what they do and like at shady plants?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, And this is a big thing that a lot of old people do have you heard about the Westfield walks.


Yeah, they get on a minibus and then they what no, no, no.

In Brisbane because it's so hot up there where my family live. They all the oldies all go down to Westfield and they go walking around the shopping center.

Their condition.

Yeah, from like six thirty in the morning. They come collapse at the food court.

But they do it before the things open. All the things open, so it's like an organized thing.

Organizing the shopping centers open, but not the shops. Yeah, not even no. They will pass, Suzanne. They're like, I'll have to come back when it opens.

It's a bit of windows shopping. Yeah, it sucks them in yep, gets their sweet sweet pension coin.

When they've got time to come back.

They put on their new balance and off they go down the Westfield.

How do we use so.

I can see you down? Their power walking with the oldies? Well with the airs, Hey guys.

A woman in Victoria's northwest has pleaded guilty to stealing more than one million dollars from her employee employer. Now imagine if you were to siphon a million dollars out of a business just over a couple of years.

What would you do with the cash.

You've got to clear it out. So yeah, as soon as you've got to put.

It somewhere else, like crypto or something, you'd go crypto, break it up with some put in your tab account.

Can you hold on from there?

You've got you've got to chuck it.

You go to the cash anywhere but your internet bank, get it in chips and then cash it in the different can.

Is basically clean.

Yeah, just give it a little wash and wash and bought a boat potentially this.

Before you do have a boat. Just spend a bit of time with the cast.

Back to the story, Laura, you.

Didn't happen to work at this mushroom place, did you know?

Mushrooms or mushrooms?

It's another mushroom saga, I know.

And if you were going to take the million dollars for business and you were going to end up in jail, you'd want it to be worth what you spent the money on.

Well, this woman has spent more.

Than one hundred and eighty thousand dollars on Candy Crush, the game the game Candy Crush.

She took the cash and spent it on Candy Crush.

The inn app purchases will get you.

I've got a question question I've never played before.

Candy Crush. It's good.

Do you win money?

Is it tetris v tetris meat spelling sort of?

It's like it's like a full board of candies and you move.

You can move one at a time, and when you get a roll four or five, they disappear, but new ones.

Are you winning money?

No, but you can buy new lives so you can be purchases, so it's not gambling. I don't think you can't win it back once it's gone. It's gone.

A lot of the kids games these days that they're downloading on phones and stuff, like they're free, but maybe the inner purchases they run up quite a one.

Hundred and eighty dollars to my extra lives.

I used to play Carndy Crush on planes, like Try Andrew Crush when sitting on planes, and it is quite ASMERIZI like you find yourself. You're like, oh my gosh, I've been doing this for hours and then you run out of lives. And someone taught me that you just change. You just change in your iPhone settings the date to move it forward to day and Candy Crush thinks if I did twenty fo hours, you get to your lives back.

Oh, I'll get that message to the mushroomsh She just needed to change the date. That's pretty clever.

I don't know if she wants to be referred to as the mushroom woman.

No, she's not a current case.

Very different.

Yeah yeah, yeah, Crush not Candy.

So was she like the kids get into.

Trouble, any secretary or something. No, she was just so was she getting her hands on the money with.

A situation at a unnamed bowls club.

Where people were reciphoning?

Yeah, taking a bit of coin for themselves really, Yeah, the till from the till and when they were cashing out the Pokey's at the end of the night. I'll do it.

Do you cash out pokeys at the end of the.

Night, I think so.


I've seen him clean out and cleaning out the tab machines as well. It's always the sign of when they flash the lights to clean out the tab machines. It's like, Okay, I get the hint.

I'm going that's like the new age putting the chairs on the tables and start vacuuming around.

It happens to me all the time exactly, lights are on, we're clearing out the tab machines. But yeah, I've been in a situation where I've checked the old bank statement and I've seen that the kids have run up quite a hefty bill.

Yeah, kids get into trouble with it, don't they.

But they need face I d my friend's kid was playing on my phone the other day and he came over to me and said, let's take a selfie. And I was like, okay, on my phone way and I didn't realize he was just doing face ID and he got me and off he ran to buy some purpose of somebody I didn't have hundreds of thousands question.

FaceTime work on the dead.

I said, so, yeah, are you sure?

Yeah, we have to hold back their eyes.

No, no, no, there's been some terrible of people using ye to open people.

You thinking of some sort of weekend at Bernie's style?

Why can crushes on me you ask that question?

I was just thinking, he's got his body.

I know, he said he's at his old wasn't well before.

She's just teetering on the edge to get in touch with her.

I'm a celebrity. To get me out of here is back on ten.

It's such a funny show because it's one of those shows where you feel like you know these celebs or no of them, and then they get in the jungle and it's a bit aughts and all, and you learn all these weird, kooky things about them that you never would have learnt.

When it comes to the trials, though. The kids laugh watching like the trial parts.

Of the show where everyone eats like bulls testicles.

Yeah, let's throw them off a cliff and eat a buddy coush long cow.

They literally do make them eat coush long Yeah.

So Who's who are you liking this year?

Peter Deakos diss.

P my pit um. The other one's not bad.

Michelle Bridges ch Yes is the comedian Stephen.


He's funny. I don't think you'll last very long night.

No last night. Frankie Munai is a little Malcolm in the Middle growing up. He was on the show last night and dropped this bombshell and left everyone for six.

I've never had a tomato?

God, why do you not have them in America? We don't like that. I've never tried. I like catch up?

How old you?

Sorry? You've never had tomato had a strawberry. I've never had a tomato.


There's many things to ump package, isn't there the genius who said don't you have tomatoes in America?

I don't know who it was screaming at the end, but they need to be sedated.

Who said out there no tomatoes?

They really meant it. Listen, I've never had it to meet it? Why do you not have them in America?

Who's that you don't have them America?

There's a lot of accents going on there, so who's that the British bloke? Does anyone know your favorite?

Callum Holt?

That's a google job?

Hang on, don't you currently gogling.

Because that's the dumbest thing. Sorry, it's Callum whole h O l E.

That helped and he is We're not sure.

Islander on season four of Love Islands.

Right, he's got abs for days.

Well, that makes sense.

Don't you have tomatoes in America?

You know what?

I there's a People also ask what does Calum hol do for a living? And he works as a pool boy at a top Brisbane hotel.

Why has he got an English accent originating from the UK?


That's odd though, never eating a tomato or story?

Do you know what?

I only just tried recently?


And you know me when I try something that's it like I'm all in?

You love it or you're hated like your Misa egg.

Plants egg plant food. We don't only go to restaurants that's saved Mesa egg plants.

On our first day here, he sent me a photo of a restaurant downstairs and he goes what I found? I'm like, what, Like it's a new job. How exciting? No? Not interested in the job at Nova Mesa egg plants served in the cafe downstairs?

Delicious little cats?

What have you just tried?

Cheese and crackers on a plate? What? Like I've never eaten cold cheese.

I've only eaten When do you have hot cheese? What are you doing?

Like melted cheese? Like like I need it?

So you're more a fonded guy fonded?

Oh my gosh in the Swiss? Have you had cheese?

Fonder likes? J thirty the ones like there was nothing else on the planks, and yes I was, and I'm like, all right, I'll try this. And it was like little squares of chin and I've never had like cold cheese. This is going to be big for me.

Even your wife, like put on a cheese board when you have never touched it.

I'm walking around with the block of cheese just.

Having Is it true you also have never had a strawberry?

Yeah, I don't eat strawberries. I've had a strawberry milkshake. Of course.

About strawberry conserve on your.

Yeah, I've had a strawberry like strawberry jam, strawberry.

Jam, but you never at a full strawberry. I'm just don't they have them in Bayside.

To have over? You have some strawberries on top, you know, I just eat the.

Brang Do you pick off the alays like a five year old?


Jason, what you're not?

You're odd?


You do strange.

I'm not alone. Thirteen twenty four ten adults that have never tried things?

Yeah, how long have you strawberries had happened?

How long have you bunked? The needles? Freaked me out?

Remember the needlegate with strawberries was a big deterrent in the strawberry industry for a while.

Yeah, my mouth couldn't cope. Thirteen twenty four to ten is our number? Are you an adult that has never tried an everyday food?

What is it?

Don't even you know what? Wee can broaden it doesn't even have to be food. Oh maybe forty four? Never driven a car?

Oh yeah, there's people out there like that.

We've got interest on the left side of the room. Thirteen twenty four ten to join us on the air. How old are you and what have you never tried?

Amelia in Layla, good morning. How old are you and what have you never tried?

I'm thirty seven and I've never driven in a dodging car?

No way.

Is there any they're so fun?

Is it because there we going the overalls hanging off the back or.


I just when I was younger, I was always too scared to drive it after my dad and my brother drove it, and then I just never did it.

But you've been in it. Yeah, I've been in one, but never driven driven it.

Now you've got to be in the drivers ye lived, unless you've rammed someone really hard.

In that ah, So you've got to know how to get out turning the wheel, otherwise you're stuck in the corner for days.

Start going backwards.

I was at Archie Brothers at chatty the other week. They've got Dodgems in there.

But don't they say, don't crash into people. You're not supposed to be meant to meant to dodge around people.

Not fun in the room exactly.

Oh no, they're banging into one another. Lara in Essendon, good morning. How old are you and what have you never tried?

I'm forty nine and Natalla?

Oh, Actually, to be honest, I'm not a huge bab.

I only tried panut butter two years ago.

You're a weirdo, not you, though, Lara? Why why not?



Well, I love everyone's just like a chocolate hazel nutty bread.

But I wouldn't put chocolate on toast.

You should know it is.

Do you like Ferrero ro shares?

I do.

I like all chocolate because they're hazel nutty, so they're similar.

God, you haven't lived. Your little mind's going.

To be blown when you try all in the teleor donuts. Apparently it's some excellent Yeah.

I was going to say. I was going to say a gateway into ntella would be mixing a little bit with ice cream.

What you're spooning it on?


I don't even just get it out of the jar and instead of have.

A Yeah, when you get dumped and you're going through a breakup, you Meghan from heat morning, Good morning, God tell you?

Yeah, how old are you? If you don't mind me asking? Fifty two fifty two?

And there's something you've never tried?

Yeah, banana.

Never tried a banana never in my life.

I wouldn't know the texture or anything.

You're scared of it? What what is it?


I kind of am a bit because they make the smell makes me want to vomit.

I know the texture of banana makes some people want to them. But yeah, I can eat a banana. But when I see babies and kids eating mash banana, Yeah, no, no.

Banana split?

Oh god, you are an old person.

Seriously, God, some of that cream.

I haven't seen a banana split on a menu for forty four years.

Do you got to find dining restaurant and ask if you can get a banana?

So he goes to shopping centers looking for Wendy banana. Oh, they're good to Yeah.

I haven't had a banana fritter since I was like nine.

Are they those crumb things at Red Rooster? Pineapple?

Pineapple rings pineapple rings at KFC.

Did you say red red rooster?

What is it?

Deep fried pineapple?


Yeah, wrapped in crumbs up slavery week.

They do it in the same one as the chicken, like the same container. You don't pineapple or chicken.

You know how we lived in New zeal for three years. This really frequent. You know, we lived in New Zealand for three years. All the fish and chip shops over there, or most of them, are also Chinese takeaways. Yeah what Yeah, I'll two pieces of flake and a lemon chick.


I have no idea only in New Zealand, I don't know.

I was lying in bed last night scrolling through my phone.

I don't hate when you drop it on your head.

No, I don't hold it up high enough. Who's holding it above their head? You lying so flat that you hold it?

Yeah? Sometimes Oh my arms would get to so the pop sop gave way one day.

They're quite trusted in your black Yeah.


I was lying in bed scrolling last night and I got that dreaded warning on my phone that's doom scrolling.

Yeah, it said you've been on your iPhone for one and a half hours in total. It's time to put the phone down, like I must have it said on a limit that's like.

And I was like, he dismiss.

And it's more distressing that or the overheating warning.

And in sauna the other day, I was watching maps in the Infred sauna and right she got too hot shut down, had to toss it out of the Infred's horna and try and watch through the window. Annoying.

Anyway, I got the warning and I was like, thank god, this morning just popped up because I need to put down the iPhone because what I'm watching.

Is utterly ridiculous.

And I found I've caught myself a couple of times watching these videos and I don't know why they're on my algorithm, but I can't stop watching rug cleaning.

Anyone else in drug cleaning.

Watch this that's up there with Jerny and gets me off.

So they start with these filthy, dirty rugs and they're like they pressure wash them, and then they soap them, and then.

And then they go again, and then I wa them and then above them, and.

It's the satisfying thing.

But I reckon, guys, I've got a rug currently rolled up on my driveway that I'm about to put out for.

Filthy, get it to one of these rocks everywhere.

Room with tiles, to.

Have these purpose built rooms purely for cleanthy runs. And then they hang them up at the end. You're like, well, I didn't know that parton was going to be there. Welcome to the club, you're a rock cleaner.

I've been there. No, I've just watched those videos again and again and again.

It's so disgusting how they get that filthy.

The other one that I've been sort of landing on recently is the hydraulic squashing machine, and it squashes various things and it spits out the remnants from the side.

It squashes the rocks as well.

But I'm on a new one now, Jason. I think you might have some audio of this potentially. This one is a little I don't know.

I had no idea how I got onto this right, but I guess you watch one video and then they start rolling and rolling.

It's quite distressing just to start a warning. Oh no.

A male lion, without realizing its own limitations, attacked a giraffe. It's important to note that a giraffe's hindkick can easily shatter a lion's skull. So whether the lion will ultimately succeed, let's continue watching.

What are you watching?

It kills live kills in the African savannah, like signs attacking, hippos attacking.

I've been watching great whites attack outboard motors over and over again. You guys are sick.

You know.

The other one I'm watching here, I am thinking, I'm a for watching rugsman clan lawn mowing.

Oh the guy that goes every one and this guy knocks on the door and he's like, I am bowie can lawns.

And those houses they have not mowed their lawns in appreciative. But god, it's good at the end when you're like, oh look how neat that looks now. The other one I got really stuck in to watching. I got really caught in a web of algorithm with lizards ship skin shedding when they shed and then you put they pulled them. Did I not say shedding? Did I not say shedding?

Here comes the lizard?

No, no, no, no no no, no shedding shedding And they little they get the little skin stuck in their nostrils, in their ears, and they pull.

Them and these.

Okay, this is algorithms. I have a feeling we're about to get some very cooked coin. I love this.

Thirteen twenty four ten, what's on your algorithm? It's so odd, though, because I'm not a lizard person, and I'm not a deep cleaning kind of gala.

Do you reckon all that, like the lawn mowing, the crapping lizards and the road planing is going to come up up in people's algorithms now because their phone picked it up on the radio? You know who? Can we try and track down Trevor Long as well? Texpert? It's because I would like to know if there's a way we can turn our phones off from listening to us.

I'd like to know if there's a way to get the rug cleaning out of my algorithm?

All right, thirteen twenty four want that out of your albowted?

Too much time?

Time? Hang on?

Sorry, we just got a call regarding the rug cleaning. I'm sorry, I here she is snark? What's the going ire Irit?

Hang on?

There we go, Gary?

What have you found out about rug cleaning?


Guys, absolutely love you all.

Thank you.

Actually I am at that you can get in your alcohol or Google plase or and it's an a rug cleaning out no as stimulate as stimulation.

App And you just watch rug getting clean and keep cleaning.

You can clean your own rugs.

You do it.

You're there is not enough time in the day for me.

Ever again, one morning's.

Done, you know, saying I was watching the free lawnmower guy. So this dude goes around the people's houses offers to make their lawn for free. Now I'm just getting fed like robot lawn mowers, or last night like ads ads, and last night I got fed remote controlled tractors. So you sit there and have a beer and operate your remote control tractor and it chops your lawn.

But doesn't it take the fun out of a tractor? Like a ride on Moller is fun?

Because you right when I was, when Taylor Swift was here.

I don't know.

I fell into a hole with Taylor Swift.


You know all the kids.

I fell in the algorithm of of the proposals during ye down on Monday. Yeah, I got in a real hole of watching.

Them all right, Kerry from Wyndham Vale, are you as cooked as us? What are you watching on your own alorhythm?

I am I'm watching pimple poppy, you know what.

And once you accidentally click on one, they just keep coming.

They always going, yeah, it's very are you enjoying it?


I love it? I love it?

And then people get all like asking because they've got their gloves on and it's just get it and just worked out everywhere.

You know, you can actually buy fake like little pads now that you squeeze and fake like puff comes out.

Well, that's not for me. That's not for me either, Nicola Botanic Ridge, What hole are you trapped down?

Well, all of the above so far, which is a bit frightening.

But who stopped up?

They shoe them like a barrier, shave it off off.

Yeah, before you know it, Like you said, an hour's gone.

What about I'm sorry you spent an hour watching a horse who gets especially they've got an abscess.

Oh oh yeah.

And then they paddle as well.

So you know, and does it burst?

Oh yeah, I've watched so many of them, I reckon. I could hoover horse myself. So you call it who for the horse?

A yeah, a farrier was a ferry. I'd go to the farm watch it live.

It's pretty cool. Yeah, God, they get filthy feet don't.

Looking back now. I didn't think I could sell tickets to it, But does it not hurt them?

When the hammer?

Who was the first person I thought to do that? Hammering a horseshoes in horses? Watching my way very carefully. Brianna in Clyde, North, good morning.

What are you?

Good morning guys?

What have you got stuck on your algorithm?

Chickens dancing to like pop songs and glasses on and like those really fluffy chickens that like looks insane?

Not seen these?

You're insane.

You've got it. You've got to look at it.

It's something else currently searching.

But once you look it up, Clint, you know those dancing chickens, cansume.

See this is the thing I want to know. We're bringing in our resident t expert, Trevor Long joining us on.

The chickens.

Chickens. Good morning, I've lost Clint to the chicken. Sorry, Trevor, you.

Haven't mentioned ear whacks.

Come on.

Camera for an earwhack to remove and I bought it. I never received it.

I'm filthy.

Oh you got ripped.

You got scammed by the TikTok algorithm.

Is there a way like when you've got something like that that you do not want to see, but it just deeds coming up.

Is there a way to get it out of your.

Algorithm quite fast?

So what it does? TikTok specifically, TikTok has the most powerful and I think the most amazing algorithm of all the networks books for how long you're watching, Like if you if you let something loop around on itself, it's definitely going to give you that more. If you read the comments, it's going to give you that more. If you leave a comment, you are deep in the ecosystem. As soon as you see the horses horkswipe away like.

Quick quick, Is there a way because like I'll never forget the photo that surface to Mark Zuckerberg's desk and he had a little post it note over the microphone and the camera, which to me is okay, well, there's your evidence that they're always listening to us. Is there a way we can turn something off on our phone so you know, like say we've been chatting about the horses, hoofs.

Now, we're all getting hoof content this afternoon.

Well, well if you go deeper to something else here, but they're not listening or watching it's just physically not possible, because your phone would tell you that they are yes.

Because sometimes I have conversations about things and then I get tomorrow morning, I can get it.

Calls from people said I've never seen a horse's horse restoration in my life, and now they are. So it's not true. It's it's cognitive bias. But the thing you need to do is ignore the content. You need to literally don't share it. Don't just do not interact with that concept. Get away from quickly. Think about the Taylor Swift, you know for a week, I don't get that anymore.

I was.

I was one hundred percent Tailor Swift for a while. But on the weekend, because I watched a couple of F one videos, I got NonStop F one. So it comes in ways. But the algorithm is so powerful. So the other week on the weekend, I saw someone at the Formula one and they showed a video of Charles w Clerk knocking back signing an autograph, and I thought, what does he not sign? I watched it a few times, I read the comments. I swiped up and the next video was the person who he said no to telling me what he said no to. That's how wild the algorithm.

He hasn't been talking about the final the eux for a while. He's distracted because he's watching the chicken video. Well, I'm rattled with you telling me that they're not listening to us.

A little orange light appears on the top right hand side of your phone. If your microphone is in use, the orange light comes on.

All right, okay, all right, Hey trevorlong textpert extraordinary. Always good to have you on. And trev sent us a really nice message when we got bone from the other station and send us a lot of support. We really appreciate it.

Thanks, trev.

Show me that little chicken.

Again, the chickens again. The people dancing with the chickens?

Now are they're doing the chicken tenants?

Next kid's going to be home from later on this week for two weeks. Bring it on. I was already just looking at movies. What's around, what's coming up? What can I get them out to do that sort of thing?

And what have you decided?

On Ghostbusters?

You can watch the movie.

What's it rating? It was about a thirty percent on Rotten Tomatoes, So that's always a sign of a good good movie.

Through a few Ghostbusters now haven't they.

Yeah, they have there, they're getting back on track. Hey, I just got a past eight on the other side of this five thousand dollars. That's right, it's the five thousand dollars question thirteen twenty four to ten. You get the choice. You can take an easy question for fifty bucks.

A medium question for five hundred, or you can go for the five thousand dollar question.

Jase thirteen twenty for ten. If you want to play, let's do it.

Jason Laurens five thousand dollar question question, alright, let's go all right, Zach from Frankston has made it through.

Zach morning, Jose Lauren.

Yeah, Well, if you go back on the radioh good on Champion. All right, here's the go As you know, you can take an easy question for fifty bucks, medium question for five hundred. You would definitely nail that. I'm telling you now, I better look at the questions today or go a super hard question. But you're planning for five grand.

Questions are very hard.

What do you want to do?

What do you want to do?

Going to go big this morning and go.

To five k five thousand dollar questions not.

Knocking around five thousand dollars.

All right, Zach from Frankston? What year this is? For five thousand dollars?

Now? Will remind you you have three seconds to answer. Okay, three seconds to answer, not enough time to google five thousand dollars? One question? You ready?

Yeah, let's go.

What year was the telephone invented? Three two one five nineteen eighty five?

I'm thinking of it a big brick.

Are you thinking of the mobile not the mobile?


She said, a telephone, not mobile? It was You're not wrong, Yeah, tell you what you were close? It was eighteen seventy.

He did miss it by aescension. What were you thinking of their, Zach? Was it the mobile phone?

You're thinking of?


Yeah, the dinosaur looking thing.

I remember being at soccer and one of the kids Dad's rocking up with like a handbag, and it was the big mobile phone in a briefcase.

The car phones my grandpa had, like a Ford that had in the middle phone that was rogue. Hey, guys, I talked about this a lot last year, and I am very excited because over our extended break, my brother and his beautiful fiance, Steph, had their little baby girl, brand new n She is the cutest little thing. They got out on Christmas Day morning, which was just the best.

Thing ever, beautiful little Christmas solid name. I know.

And you know what, being an auntie just hits differently. There's something about it.

You can give him back.

Well, that's it, that's exactly right.

We live really close together as well, so it's been so nice because I just popped down there all the time without getting in the way. But they love it because I'm like, you guys want me to take seeing her up for a little bit? Can I come hang walks?

Do you get out with the pramp? Well?

Sometimes they just walk over and drop at my house and we just chill on the couch. Put it a sleep feeder. I love it.

I saw. I was around Laurence the other night for barbecue.

Lawrence brother and sister in law came around and Lauren just said, I'll take the reins.

She went off and fed it.

She's very very good.

Fed baby.

Changed the baby.

How do you go with the when changing?

It's fine. They're so tiny, She's so peeny, tiny little thing.

Though I can leave something quite large.

Yeah, I'm sure there'll be a time when I'm like, okay.

Time giving progress from the when you get onto the os, You've got a lot of salids coming your way. Yeah.

No, No, they're still on milk at this point.

Wait for it.

They make a lot of like they do, make a lot of smells. Babies with smells. Anyway, she's a beautiful little girl.

And I'm learning so much about what happens when you have a baby and who helps you and what you need. And I've only just learned that when you have a baby, there's like a counsel worker or you'll know what it's called maternal health nurse that comes around and does things, checks.

On things them and stuff front.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

So we're at dinner.

You got your little book, the Green or Red book, injections, all that sort of stuff.

And my brother said, I said, what are you guys doing tomorrow? And boy said, oh, the nurse is coming around. And I was like, what's wrong and he said, oh no, the nurse is just coming around to weigh her. And Paul, my partner, was like, what do you mean. Bo goes, well, they're coming around to weigh her, you know, to make sure she's healthy weight and she's all on track. And Paul took real offense to it. Goes, what do you mean that there's a nurse coming around to weigh her?

I can't ask a girl.

Wait, well, this is the problem. Paul thought the nurse was coming around to waste step mother. He was like, how dare the counsel send someone.

Around looking up the rubbish?

The baby weighs four kilos, surely you're four kilos.

As soon as the words came out of his mouth and we all just looked at him, he wanted the ground to open.

God love that he was protected this house not on my watch. Was he more concerned that if they came.

Might well we're here. Actually next.

You're up.

Oh but she's very cute, she's very sweet, and I've just fallen in love, like a love I didn't know existed.

Very lucky to have a little uh not the last few nights, I believe. So I haven't popped over to visit. I've left it.

Lawren should sleep a week like it.

They did say I think they've got a wedding this week now, like any chance, And I was like a bit busy, I'm going away.

Sorry, I'm gonna bids in the mind your dogs as well?


Is that?

Well, since you're at home. You like dog twisters?

Jason Lawrence tongue twisted Tuesday.

All right, so there's no shame in this with you, not at.

You battles from time to time?

Is there a word? Don't? Is there a word you cannot say? Thirteen twenty four to ten.

Jace has many words he can't say.

I don't want you to zuker?

What is it?

What's it called?

There's a few others on the list.

So you have a dictionary full of words you can't say.

This should be a no, no, what I? WHATUTERI?


Is it shakuterie charkutry sharkuterie.

Yeah, he knows. He's a Melbourne Football Club fan, Clint.

So he knows they board.

He knows his way around a cheese mix, the.

Cold meats on the wooden ball.

One more so, do you have to have the engine running to the engine engine engine?

That's what I said, engine clean engine. I'm saying engine.


I just don't get that. I'm saying this.

That's with an E, not an I.


Engine is in the engine.

Engine engine engine. Let's park then, thirteen twenty four ten. Is there a word you cannot say? Tell you what? Join us on? The air this morning, and someone is going to walk away with how good is this? Two hundred dollars about your for Jim's Cleaning. Jim's Cleaning has got your cleaning needs covered for East. You can book online at Jim's Cleaning dot com, dot you or give me a call one through one, five four six.

Clean your house and stuff. Yeah, checking the clean windows.

They say what it says in the title Jim's Cleaning.

They clean everything, They do it all.

If you want, let's go to Nicole thirteen twenty four to ten. Use the word in a sentence. What word can you not say in the col.

So my sentence would be the year two thousand is the start of the millennium.

Yes, millennium, millennium.

Millennium, mieni millennium, malennium.

Yeah, you don't have to deal with that word for a long time thirty thirteen twenty four ten to join us on the air.

The word I struggle with isdancy, redundancy, redundant, redundancy. In a sentence, it would be I had to sign a form saying I accept my redundancy package.

Redundancy. That so you've just been made redundant just.

And then the just got the lemonon sars.

So you're.

Oh, lemon what did you call it?

Lemonon sars?

I've never heard that. Yeah, well that's what we got.

Yeah, yeah, we've had. We were quite a big serving of the lemonon sars three routes and it didn't taste good.

Oh, I am familiar with it.

After Jaylor on Thurday twenty four to ten, what word can you not say?

I can't say specific? Like he needed to be more specific.


That's hard.

Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. Specific specific gets a few people.

Specifically, it actually gets you sometimes, Jason, it really does.

Thirteen twenty four to ten to be a part of Tongue Twisted Tuesdays.

I can't say campeter, and my dad was a campeter for thirty years.

Starts saying something wrong, night.

From it? Absolutely all right. Let's got a Vicky Furday twenty four to ten. Vicky us you weren't a sentence.

This person?

I'm sorry, can you say that again?



Oh the person was ignorant?

Is that what you're trying to say?

It's ignorant?


I think he's only Vicky. How old are you?


I don't worry, don't worry, You'll coment.

Is a big word for a nine year old.

You're saying incognito, which is like you know that when you search engine you want to make.

It that segment in your search engine morning.

You look rattled.

Oh I couldn't hear my headphones for a moment.

I'm a meter away from you, I know, can you hear me?

Don't turn down apologies, the.

Old volume control will get you. Are you hiding anything from your partner?

Not that I'll be announcing on the radio. What do you mean? Actually he's gone, I've got a cash stash.

Oh he's cash a little go.

Back, take a little fifty every now.

And then, Clint, you're hiding anything from your part Are you hiding your partner.

From us?

Their bloody well hidden. That is a great wherever they are, mate, you got them one day.

That was cruel.

You're funny man, aren't you.

It's the ultimate game apart yourself. You guys watch that border security show.

I quite like it all.

This makes me a bit nervous going through airport security.

We came back from Fiji and they signed up for the airport. Just be aware we are filming around you.

No, I got put in the red line with your little your wood ornaments.

My carver.

I came home from America and I got put in the red line and I was like, what does that mean? I was so nervous, and the man in front of me, I was the finger up.

I said, what did you do? What do you pack?


What do you bringing in?

As someone in the customs?

He was in a suit, and I was like, what are you doing the red line? He goes, I don't know. What are you doing in the red line? I was like, I don't know? And then the dogs came and fully sniffed us.

Did they sit it's when they sit down, when they sit down next to you. And I try and wedge my foot under him and try and lift them up.

What are you packing? Like an apple? It'd be an apple? Can't bring fruit fruit fliers?

Like prison rules, you don't ask what you're in for. You can't ask other people in the.

Customs Like he was in front of me in the line. I thought, if they get distracted with him, they'll just let me walk straight through.

Twenty seven year old man and I'm gonna call just a terrible, terrible criminal has been caught attempting to smuggle in twenty kilos of myth into Australia.

He chose that's Jets day. He'd be caught at the gate.

Look, you can bring in the myth, but we're charging you thirty bucks for the bat.

You'd have to check that you have to wear some of that. Would you want strapping onto yourself.

Let me just put on this right yellow sticker to say your bag's been weihe stick shame. So he was caught attempting to smuggle in twenty kilos of myth concealed in Well, this is where I'm like, come on, you can do better than that, concealed in wine bottles and herbal tea. Like I'm sorry, but if someone's coming into the country with a carry on bag twenty packets of dilmar, like, something's up, do you know what I mean?

Although some of those airports have amazing tea shops.

Tea too, no, yeah, and then like these, but you're not bringing in a whole carry on tea too.

Maybe not?

I go it is for it's meth.

Here shop at the airport in Columbo Airport is meth or men.

They're high all off the wait to fly.

But then in beautiful tins, and then yeah tins, and what he had wine bottles?

Yeah, wine bottles, and and yeah, whole packs of tea. Some other little cracking spots that have come up on border security and hiding spots of people to naughty stuff at the airport.

Nokdecks hidden in a fan, heroin hidden in the car battery, loads of drugs hidden in a shipment of fresh garlic, and over six kilos of cocaine hidden in the pockets of jackets.

Well that's not very bright.

How good is it when you find a twenty in your pocket? You haven't you know what I mean?

From D the Race?

Yeah, oh god, thirteen twenty four to ten. I don't want to know what you're hiding, but I want to know where's you're hiding. Spot. Everyone's gone, you know. I on YouTube the other day this is great. It was a bloke who's got like in his shed. He's got all these jars of like nuts and bolts and different tools and drill bits and stuff like that. So what he got a giant glass jar and he glued a thin layer of nuts and bolts to the like inside of the jar. But it's actually hollow so if you look at the jar, it.

Looks full of nuts and bolts. Yes, and what's he got in it?

Tim tams and money, random combos. It's he's betting money. And then he goes out to the shed and just you know, has down these timptams.

It's a lot better than the garden rock.

Those rocks look so fake.

Mate, My maid's in a townhouse with AstroTurf and just one rock sitting in the middle of the under there.

They look so fake, don't they. They need to really up their game on those garden rocks.

I have done you.

No, I don't live on his own. He doesn't need to hide anything. Well, I've got a little cash stash. I don't mind swipping some cash can every now and then.


I'm not telling because you'll tell him. You guys are friends.

Like shoes. What's it? What's it in?

It's in a little pouch.

What like a handbag?

No, not a handbag, just in a drawer. He would never ever look in you know the great way go on? Why is this on me? You're the one you would hide everything from your wife?

She whoa whoa.

Hopefully she's listening.

If you need to, like you know, just get a little bit of playing money here, and then you always offer to run down the coals and get the groceries, because then you can get a little cash out.

Get the extra twenty out. And then where do you stash the cash? Where do you start?


No, no, no no, because I've broken the rule. We're asking what's your hiding spot? Not what are you hiding?


Just quickly, would you like to know where Jason stashes the cash siphons out of his wife's acount?

Oh yeah, yeah, No, Mary, you're the priority here. It's about you. What's your hiding where's your hiding spot?


Tocolate in my catsle dishes from my husband because I.

Know he's not going took.

Yeah that's the idea. Yeah, that's the idea. There's probably got bloody confectionery ruled hidden in the vacuum. I wouldn't know about it.

Maybe you should lift the game. Let's go to the.

Fans anchor in Geelong. Where is your hiding spot?

My mum's hiding spot actually, and she's got a bunch of little kids toll at a house I've moved out, and she uses her compost bands as their hiding spot. Because the kids never use it.

What's she hiding?


What she putting in?

Allowed to ask?

She hides all the good snacks, so she keeps the oldie ones out in the cupboard for all the kings, and then she hides the name brand stuff in there.

Yeah, Michael, when those kids go to bed and she kicks her heels up and goes and tucking into the ronts.

Yep, she is living.

That's what my wife does. She hides the snacks in her car. So when it's eight thirty at night, we'll watching married at the first sight and I'm like, where's that chocolate? She's in the car.

You got to make the effort to get it.

I'm not walking out there. Thirteen twenty four to ten Alice DJ loving this heckic go to Paul and Geelong. A lot of people hiding stuff in Geelong. Paul, where's your hiding spot?

Morning legends? Firstly, so happy that you've back on the radio.

Thank you mate, much appreciated.

So this was a while ago. We went on a family holiday and my parents hiding spot was the kitchen oven. So they decided to put their laptops.

No no, no, they didn't go didn't both.

School teachers and happily recited.


But we got back from a seven week holiday. I got some frozen pizzas. That was later at night.

You got to preheat the oven for the pizza.

I'm there, so I think my older brother preheat the oven and then give it fifteen twenty minutes. We're all sort of snipping around smelling something, and I think he ended up opening up the oven and a few choice words.

Oh yeah, that'll get you melt.

Plus that will get your smell of tech oven. It's not about hiding spot.

It's pretty good.

Robbers break into houses and check out the ovens, check out the facility, the ice cube trains.

What I've been doing the other way in the drawer, the drawer and the ice cube.

Train, the small draw the small tiny drawer where people stash money.

Oh, they freeze their car.

Yeah, okay, seen in a few movies.

Okay, it started with that's where people are telling you they're hiding their cash, and now you've seen it in the movies.

Thirteen twenty fourteen, what's your hiding spot? Speaking of hiding, have you seen it Almost looks like a like an upside down stubby holder, but it's like the skin of a coke can and you slide it over a beer can.

They do the same with soup cans, Campbell soup cans. Oh yeah, what soup can? You just chuck it in the pantry and you can put all sorts of stuff in.

No, but do you mean it's like a coke can that you're actually drinking beer?

But it looks like a drinking Oh, it's a costume can.

It's a costume.

No, darl I'm having a story of water. You're downing your Bundy and coke. Just got a can costume?

Don't mind me, I change.

I haven't seen that, but I'd be interested to find them. If you've got a can costume, let us know. Let's go to Melton Orralean.

Good morning. I believe your mother has a genius hiding spot.

Yes, good morning.

She hides extra money in her curtain linings. Oh, he unpicks the curtain lining.

And hides the extra cash in there.

So she always said, if I ever kicked the bucket, make sure to check the curtains.

Take the curtains. I think that.

I mean, that's a lot of effort it is to stitch it up again. You quick out and pick out because old people like don't often trust banks, you know, they're like keeping. But then when they get so old and they they they move on. Sometimes people like buy houses and they're find cash everywhere that Grandma's hidden.

I've got the can costume, have you? Yeah? Look there it is so so it just slide it's a canned skin. It's can't skin. You just slide it over the beer can.

It looks like it is a can.

It's rubber.

Yeah, that might give it away.

Do you know they sold a fortune of them during lockdown? Why?

Because no one wanted to admit they were drinking.

Everyone was at the park only a can of coke.

Oh it says cocake, Carla color.

Carlo, who's a caffy suit.


All righteen twenty fourteen. Where is your hiding spot? Melbourne?

Mandy and Moral Bark? Good morning, you've got a hunting spot?

I do.

It's under my It's in the box of my lead light face mask.

Oh and I had in there and put the mask back on.

What good is your stashing?

I have to confess my valiant and my chocolate.

Oh great, we don't want to be sharing that, okay, that to yourself. Good on your Mandy.

Someone's hit the face mask ready this morning.

If I put my, if I put my all day, it's my led face mask. Pool would never find skins.

Good m.

Relaxed, Tina milk bark.

I can't get it off.

Where are you stashing something beautiful?


So I've got a.

Husband and four boys. So I was trying to save up for a family holiday. And I actually say for two whole years the spending money for a queen planned holiday, putting my money into the veggie drawer in the fridge.

Good on your mom, well done. And they never once would have reached for the veggie drawer would they?

Absolutely the only place my husband would never go.

And good on you for hiding it. Because sons are thieves. They would steal that cash for boys they go walk about all the time.

How much cash you got on.

On me?

You just said it was hidden in the lingerie draw which we know.

Which we know.

You have to move it.

I'm kidding. I'm not a cash girl. Any cash.

We used to have a lock box in our fridge, like our fridge the top.

It was like that, just to keep you away.

Chocolate lock box. Who had the key Blue Blue kept it. I used to bring locksmith and me like I've.

Got the little job.


Dad's got the chainsaw on the fridge again. Give him a TwixT?

Would you.

Really good?

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