Get those thinking caps on: the first clue to our location has dropped.
All the deets for Hide & Seek.
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Dua Lipa. This is number one hundred. Good morning, You're on the air with Jason Lauren Novous two.
Hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Hide and Seek is life.
The game has begun.
I'm going to catch you.
Find Jason Gollen and will the cash.
That's right and the money currently sitting at two hundred and forty one four hundred dollars. The faster you find us, the more money you win.
That's right. The clock is ticking Melbourne. Now you can jump on our socials. There's a little link in our bio if you click on that and watch the cash kick away.
Also, you can check out what we're up to in our mystery location on our Jason Laurence socials. It is very big brother in here, Clint living together. It is not bathing together, eating together, like you.
Know, we're not eating together because you you we run on very different times we do. We do so there's some concerns because I go to bed early, you go to bed late. You had Perry Perry Chicken for breakfast at six oh one. I've just had some berries and yoga. We run on very different body clocks.
Smuggler RoCE might be ready now all right, so here's the game.
If we could cook as if you knew where we were.
We are broadcasting from a mystery location somewhere in Melbourne. The first person to find us knock on the door and say, Jason, Lauren, come out, come out, rev you are we'll win the money.
Here's what you need to know. We are not in a hospital.
No we are not. We are not in a school, no we're not.
And we are not in a house where else is free game.
The hours are six am to six pm. We know we snuck in on a Thursday. We've been for nearly twenty four hours now, jas. We are fully aware that if this money does not go off today that we are staying for the weekend. Baby, And to.
Make it easier, clues may look for cools. We are going to give you minimum three clues a day.
You'll get one of us. We're generous people. Clint eight am, ten am and three pm. Just listen to Nova and watch the Nova Socials and you will get the clue.
Are we ready for clue number one?
We are all right. The first clue. Listen carefully. We're going to tell you now if you are listening, we're going to drop it on socials a little later, so you will hear it here first on the show. And the clue is sunshine is west, Sunshine is west.
There you go any ideas Melbourne sunshine is west?
I mean, Clint, you're not here with us. You are in our Nova studios in South Melbourne. I can't believe is the sunshine out today because we have good.
Yeah, good call. We don't have windows.
Well, these windows are darker than legal tint. Look, it's not overly sunny.
Today, right, not sunny out there.
But it depends how you interpret that clue.
That's the thing. It can be taken many many different.
Sunshine is west. So if I say it differently, doesn't sound different.
Night it's exactly the same. Thirteen twenty four to ten is our number. If you've got any ideas and think you know where we are, we would love to hear from you.
You're out seeking. We're getting lots of text messages, lots of socials. There are people running around all over Melbourne trying to find us, and why wouldn't you. There's two hundred and forty one thousand dollars up for grabs as we speak, a.
Lot of coin lot of coin.
Oh my gosh, can you imagine?
Guys are at a full anxiety tack this morning? Clint asked Lauren. It was about six o'clock and I looked at it and I went, we're going to be found today.
Oh said, we're going to be found this morning.
I had a full melt down, full menty b.
We might it's a game hide and seek. We are hiding, they are seeking for.
I know how it was, full menty bee.
Do you know how it works?
Getting just say, just for those uninitiated.
We are hiding, they are seeking.
So hang on, let me get a pin where we're seeking to one on who's seeking?
You're annoying me now if someone come and find me, or I'll tell you where we are.
What's our clue?
I'm not saying it again. I said it three times.
You've upset mum, and I'll have to deal with it.
Okay, we've just dropped our first clue and the phones have lit up where people are out and about trying to find us. Let's go to Katherine. Good morning, We got you there, Catherine.
Alli, Catherine, welcome to hide and seek. Good morning, Hang on there we go, Hi, Catherine, Hi, all right, where.
Do you think we are?
You could be in the Sunshine suburb.
Like in the west where you listened to the clue.
Yes, all you could be because the sunset it sets in the west, so it could have something to do with the sunset.
Well, you keep putting those clues together, because Catherine, I'd love to see you walk through the door this morning and take home hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Let's go to Joe, Ane, Joe, where do you reckon? We're hiding?
Hey, guys, love your show.
Are you at the Brighton Favors boxes? Well, Joe Anne, here's the thing. You've actually got to get there and knock on the door to see if we're cash, and they could be other people on the way there, so we don't want to confirm or deny in case someone gets there before you.
It's very boogie the old Brighton beach boxes, aren't they? If we were there, I mean it's great. I could run out and the mint for a little pale.
I'm sure we could afford one of those. Do you know how much they're worth? Those things?
Mate? Luck Williams one in Blagowy down.
Down on the Peninsular went for like seven hundred thousand dollars.
We got nothing in them. No toilets maybe us, no kitchen maybe us.
Imagine that if they bought the Brighton beach box and opened it and was like, I didn't want these guys paddle board all right?
Right, Julie and hoppers crossing, Good morning. Have you got an inkling of where you think we might be hiding?
Welcome, hi, guys, welcome back.
Yeah, we're a zoo. Well, I'm tipping that there's probably lots of doors that wear a zoo. There's a lot going on down.
Can I ask why the zoo? Julie, what do you think we're there? I don't know. You had something about Mason cock class work.
He said he would fit. We did say we're going to try and smuggle Coxie man.
Yeah, you reckon. We're in the giraffe closure.
Well, he might have escaped from somewhere, Jackson.
We could be anywhere, but we are not at a hospital, we're not at a school, and we're not at a house.
There's a good one to finish here, yep, Luke in alturna North Now, Luke, I'm playing along with you. Keep in mind, I want to know, I'm curious. Where do you think the guys are hiding?
Hey, guys, there are going I think I think you guys you're in the Sun Theater in Yarraval.
Oh, the Sun Theater in Yarraville.
All right, yeah, good on you. Well there's only one way to find out.
Yep, I'm gonna sucker.
Are you kicking yourself for saying that now though, because there'll be you gotta.
Get there right away.
Well, well if someone gets there and that's where we are, you are Lukachiki twenty seriously sorry, I've just been handed a bit of paper right across Melbourn.
Someone that's not it. Someone thinks they know where we are.
Well, lots of people think no, no, no.
Someone thinks they're outside our door. Right now, we're going to go to a break. I'm going to get this person on the phone.
What are we out there?
Let me check?
Two hundred and forty thousand dollars nine.
Hundred, two hundred and forty one.
Thousand dollars nine hundred. Wait did I put the dollars wrong there? Two hundred and forty thousand, I'd.
Say almost two hundred and forty one thousand, dollars.
Have we been found. We'll get them on the phone next.
Jason Lauren, Jason Lauren, wake up feeling good on over one hundred Jason Lauren Fly them on socials.